Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago


Shana is love. The problem is that she would overlap with Mokou, in terms of power set, by a great deal. This makes me hesitate a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

  • Name: Amaryllis
  • Age: Physically-speaking, Amaryllis resembles a fourteen-year-old in appearance. However, she has only existed for about one and a half years.
  • Appearance: Amaryllis is extremely pale, with light brown hair, pink eyes, and a red-and-white outfit with white leggings. While most of her body is soft and fleshy, lifelike on the outside, she has exposed joints in her limbs, waist, hips, and hands. Slaughter Edge, her pair of shears, is silver with gold trim. She is somewhat short, at around 5'1.
  • World of Origin: Original Fantasy Setting
  • Powers/Equipment: Amaryllis is a living doll, an animated inanimate object powered by an infusion of mana into her frame. She is exceptionally durable and extremely fast, able to react very quickly to attacks. If she is damaged, she can be repaired, though she cannot repair herself and requires assistance from someone who knows you to fix dolls.
    • Slaughter Edge: Amaryllis's huge pair of shears are no simple gardening tool. Slaughter Edge is a conceptual weapon created in order to attack life specifically(thus the name). It is capable of ignoring inanimate objects, passing through them as if they did not exist, and cutting only living things. The shears cannot interact with nonliving objects, and therefore they cannot be used to block. Sufficiently magical or otherwise supernatural objects can interact with it, though enough blows will eventually allow Slaughter Edge to pass through them.
  • Brief Backstory: Amaryllis is the fourth doll built by the mage Mirafey Ayame. Born from a Japanese-French mage family based in Kyoto, Ayame was filled with the knowledge of dollcrafting, a signature skill of her family. However, she was, and still is, sickly and frail, largely unable to care for herself or her own home. And so she devoted her abilities to making Dolls who could do these things for her. The first doll she made was a maid, whom she called Lavandula. Lavandula, while advanced in construction, was simple in that she lacked an ability to learn outside of her specifications and was highly unexpressive. The second Doll aimed to remedy the lack of expressiveness and was more versatile. Goldibanne, an administrative doll, was built to run Ayame's mansion and perform a wider variety of actions, though her learning capacity was still limited. She is much more expressive as well, but possesses a wide sadistic streak in spite of her sweet-seeming attitude. The next doll was Silvabelle, who was designed purely for combat. Silvabelle is excellent in combat but fails to address anything else and even needs assistance dressing. Finally, deciding she required a guard for outside as well as a gardener, Ayame created Amaryllis. She gave Amaryllis a relic of the Mirafey family, a pair of shears designed to only cut life, and set her to work.
  • Personality: Amaryllis is normally somewhat quiet and reserved, focused on her duties and job. She is deeply loyal to Ayame(she was designed that way, after all), and considers paying attention to her duties and remaining focused to be paramount. She is, as a result, somewhat socially awkward and easily flustered, embarrassing situations swiftly getting to her. She is also somewhat of a straight man, so to speak, often questioning outlandish situations and becoming mildly exasperated at them. In combat, Amaryllis is relentless and fast, clearing her mind to focus on doing her duty for Ayame(or whatever else is required of her). She tries to keep a control of her temper, but threats to friends and allies, especially Ayame, quickly enrage her. Amaryllis is fairly confident in her abilities, but at times lacks confidence in her appearance. Sometimes she is mistaken for a somewhat girly boy, which she does not like at all. However, girlish clothing also embarrasses her.
  • Other: Amaryllis is an excellent gardener, the fastest of the four dolls, and the second best fighter. But don't ask her to cook. Ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I had a couple of other ideas, though not sure if I'm gonna play a second so soon or if I'll play these...

Haku from Naruto, an OC with the ability to summon past heroes as ghostly jackets, an OC who basically becomes a Power Ranger with a combination of Pokemon and Yugioh, and possibly Puss in Boots.

I do have a list for RPG characters I have thought of though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Haku from Naruto, an OC with the ability to summon past heroes as ghostly jackets

...Hey wait a sec...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote>
...Hey wait a sec...

Yep. Pretty much. I was basically explaining for those who haven't seen Kamen Rider.

Mainly planning for him to use Igor's Megauloader Prototype and use the Ganma Parkas as his power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Alien

Name: Zergheist Yahfron O Nut – The first underlined word is his first name and also the name of the scientist who created him. The second underlined word is the name of the project he was born from. The third underlined letter are the type of cells that were infused with his Ixo cells. The last underlined word is the name of his mother whose egg was donated for the project. Nut is pronounced like the word “Newt.”

Nickname: Zebra*, Zyon, Zy, The Alien, Space Elf, or Zee.

Alias: Zyon (sounds like Zion)

Age: Appears to be in his mid-twenties.

World of Origin: OC; Ixos - Red Spiral Galaxy

Race: Ixan


Ixans are an alien race from what astronomers call the Red Spiral Galaxy or RSG. Their home planet is named Ixos, one of three other planets that are invaders to their galaxy. The invaders are living planets that Ixans call, “Ujas” or “The Swarm.” Ixans are all bioengineered beings created to defend their planet from all invaders that would cause it harm. Ixans are very similar to Humans in appearance except that their hair colors can vary to colors impossible for most humans such as blue, pink, purples, etc. Their skin varies from tan to dark in complexion to the giant sun at the center of the RSG named “No.” With No being so large, the Ixans have a higher heat toleration than normal Humans (that’s about as hot as temperatures recorded in Death Valley, CA) as well as cold for every night when the sun sets, the planet plummets to temperatures starting at 32 to minus 16 in Fahrenheit. No also makes the gravity of Ixos greater five times than that of Earth, making the Ixans muscle and skeletal properties denser than a normal human’s.

Ixans are constantly developing new technology to improve their people and better adapt them to fight The Swarm threat. DNA is recoded and artificial cells created that reprogram the development of Ixan embryo making them stronger, faster, sturdier, and more intelligent than those created from past projects. Zyon was one of these beings created in a lab from Dr. Zhergeist Myex Z Fa and his mother Nut Xila M Eun.

Physical and Mental Abilities

On Ixos, the Ixans created directly from the lab are slightly superhuman in comparison to those who have reproduced naturally over the years. Ixans live average lives, mostly farming and tending to the flora and fauna of their planet to better prolong its existence in order to promote theirs. The technology uses natural energy that promotes life on the planet, and the destructive forms of energy are used in the defense of the planet. While all Ixans are soldiers capable of taking up arms at any moment to defend their planet from invaders, the Ixans born directly from projects already have their lives mapped out for them. They are the soldiers.

Ixan Strength/Speed/Reflexes/Endurance/Toughness/Senses

The true strength of an Ixan depends on gravity. If an Ixan were to go to earth for example, with Earth’s gravity being 9.8 m/s2. Ixos is five times that amount making it 49 m/s2. An Ixan would be able to perform stunts that Earthlings would deem superhuman. For RP purposes and to shy away from math and science, I’m just going to keep it simple and say that at most if Zyon were to be on Earth, then he could lift 25 tons. As long as he isn’t restricted by a gravity greater than 49 m/s2, then he will demonstrate abnormal strength.

Speed, on Earth, would be 45 mph, and his reflexes would allow him to dodge and block objects travelling at the speed of most small arm weapons.

Due to his bioengineering, his body produces less toxins and therefore, Ixans can wage a war for days on end with little rest. Three days at most for each Ixan before they must rest.

Ixans are a tough species. Unlike Humans, they cannot be killed by a sharp stick. A sharp stick would snap in collision with their sturdy muscles and skin before it would ever pierce it. They can tolerate abuse from lost limbs, multiple stabbings, and severe burns before they would ever call it quits. They are resistant to most toxins, due to their body’s ability to rapidly filter harmful substances. They are designed to take punishment for The Swarm does only that. It does not feel; it does not regret; and it does not care for anything other than itself.

Ixan’s carry above-average hearing, able to hear a whisper if the whisper were made in the same room. As for if there were obstacles in the way such as a wall, then Ixans can hear at most a conversation made at a normal spoken volume, any louder than most definitely. They can see clearly up to 300 m, and so scoped weapons aren’t always necessary, and like animals, can smell certain emotions exuded by other lifeforms such as fear, anxiety, and also when a possible mate is in heat. Through touch, Ixans can perceive the direction and the distance a being is walked by feeling the vibrations of their steps through the floor. They can also perceive how many beings are in the next room based on hearing and feeling how many different footstep patterns are made. No assumption is ever perfect, but there is a slight accuracy. Taste; Ixans love good food especially organic food. They taste deeper than most and so are true gourmet when it comes to their meals. They can identify toxins from the slightest taste.

The Ixan Brain

An Ixan’s brain functions quickly, which allows for Ixans to make quick subconscious decisions without being entirely consciously aware. This is what gives them their immediate reaction time to approaching assaults and other projectiles. It also allows them to devise swift strategies to exploit an opponent’s weakness. Zyon was raised for combat and so the front line is where he is most effective. When he reads books, he appears to be skimming, but his brain is actually processing the language. He is capable of learning a multitude of languages through association alone. Lastly, the Ixan brain has the unique ability to project energy that is invisible to the average eye. It is a psyenergy that allows Ixans to use telekinesis to move objects, halt objects, and vibrate objects to pieces. This psyenergy also allows them to bond with their Aegis System.

Zyon Appearance

Zyon is a brown-skinned, white-haired, 6’3” and 340 lbs male. He doesn’t appear as heavy as his weight implies due to the natural increased density of his muscles, bones, and skin. Unfortunately, if anyone wanted to carry him out of a firefight, they would find him to be one heavy mofo. His exotic features are seen in his eyes and ears. His eyes are a bright pink with golden flecks in them, those flecks being the O cells or what are otherwise called, ‘Circle Cells,’ which are trademark to those Ixans born from the Yahfron Project.

His brown skin is also covered in black stripes, which can only be explained as a possible side-effect of the O cells conflicting with the pigmentation of the Ixan Cells. He is mostly seen wearing his fighter pilot jumpsuit that acts as a uniform while within the Aegis unit, as well as a battle uniform for infantry-style combat. Details about this uniform are explained in another section.

Besides his interesting eyes, another exotic trait are the shell of his ears that are slightly pointed like how Humans would describe the ears of an elf. They round out like a leaf and point at the tips, and are no longer than two and a half inches. His teeth slightly sharp made for tearing and grinding down all forms of food no matter how hard or tough. Back to his hair, it is pretty long, but doesn’t touch his shoulders. Feathery layers of his hair sometimes obscures his eyes and hide the unusual tips of his ears. It is smooth and silky to the touch and he can style it by pushing it back with a hairband or even braid the longer ends.


Social Bubble Breaker | Curious | Gourmet | Cocky | Undying Will

Zebra, as he tends to be called due to his striped skin, can be intimidating at first. He is an alien after all from a universe that is outside most who share the same galaxy. He is a big dude, and at first he didn’t understand the team, but it only took him a few hours to learn the overall language. He still doesn’t know all words, but he can learn as he goes because he speaks Ixan, which actually sounds pretty interesting. It sounds very similar to Cantonese but with rolled R sounds and longer tones at time. Therefore when Zebra speaks some of his sounds are longer than others. Example:

“What arrre yoouu talking about?”

His accent is very distinct due to those reasons.

There is much the alien may not understand about other beings from other universes and thus will get curious. Females be warned, he may laugh at those with small busts, finding it to be highly unusual for Ixan women are designed to produce multiple eggs and raise many young. You can only imagine their cup size.

Zebra was raised for battle and he primarily fights using his Aegis unit. If tasked to go on the ground as a foot soldier, then those lucky enough to witness will see that his fighting techniques are quite the mesmerizing sight to behold. He is engineered to seek out a weakness and exploit it, and that is what his brain does. He can guard his defenses exceptionally well and for a long period, which is usually long enough for him to open a hole in his opponent’s defense.

The mecha pilot is very open about his opinions and is unafraid to call another teammate’s strategy stupid or even openly talk about a person for well…his culture is different. Ixans have tough skin—not just physically but mentally—and so some things said can be deemed without filter. He may just have to learn the hard way. There are no social bubbles in Ixos so if an Ixan is talking to another, they can stand creepily close to another person almost to the point where they can feel one’s breath on one’s face.

Zebra carries an undying spirit or will, which basically means he will fight until he can’t no more. Until he’s either unconscious or dead. He will protect those he cares about and sacrifice himself to protect others. It may not just be what he’s designed to do, but his actual personality.

When out of combat, Zebra will work out, train, and enjoy his favorite time of the day: meal time. No one will ever see Zebra late to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and they’d be wise to get there before he or Kirby get there for there may not be any leftovers. He takes meal time seriously for it not only allows him to feed his cells, but because it sends so many positives to his brain. Therefore, if Zebra is hungry or if he ever misses a meal, he can be extremely cranky and negative toward the team.

When he sleeps, he doesn’t sleep in a bed. He sleeps hooked up to his Aegis system for the system harmonizes with his own biological one and allows him to keep synchronization with his unit. He doesn’t like to be disturbed from his naps or when he’s sleeping, but if a friend needs to talk to him about anything that might be bothering him or her, he will listen. Just don’t mind his cranky mutterings.

The Pilot

Aegis Jumpsuit

Pilot Variant: The jumpsuit is semipermeable skin that allows for the skin of the pilot to breathe. It is black in appearance and smooth in texture, coating the body like a thick second skin. The skin moves almost symbiotically. It is released from the armbands and boots of the pilot, spreading over the pilot’s body to merge together. Built into the pilot’s sides are ports that allow for the pilot’s mind and body to be plugged into the conscious of the Aegis Unit. The helmet opens and closes about the head of the pilot, willed to do so by the pilot’s mind.

Combat Variant: On the ground, the suit is similar to the pilot variant except that it carries a sturdy and flexible exoskeleton that protects the back, torso, groin, knees, shoulders, and elbows of the wearer in a gray matter. The helmet is still worn and grants Zebra a 360 degree view of the area around him, increased listening, and communication with his team. However, when tracking enemies through touch or smell, he must remove his helmet and his gauntlets in order to do so.


  • Storage Belt: A belt with various small compartments for storing things.
  • Ammo Pack: A pack at his hip that carries power cells to recharge his Disaster weapons.
  • EVAC Kit: A kit that comes with basic medical equipment. He still has slimes from his universe that he can use to cover burns and other gaping wounds. They’re unflattering but hey, he’s saving your life! The EVAC Kit can be filled with normal remedies and medical equipment. It also contains reflectors, markers, ropes and cords and signal equipment for evacuation.
  • Hacking Kit: On his other hip is a pack that carries a few wires that Zebra can plug into his helmet. As he is able to do so with his Aegis Unit, Zebra can infiltrate an enemy network and hack its programs to open inaccessible areas or disable security systems. He can also reprogram most enemy machines if they are controlled by that network.
  • Rations: He carries several vacuum-packed snacks to keep his spirits up and his appetite at bay. He doesn’t mind sharing with the team.


  • Disaster Rifle x1
  • Disaster Pistols x2
  • Disaster Grenades x4
  • Disaster C4 x4
  • Disaster Knife (Red) x 1

The Aegis Unit

Type: Hecatonchire

Form: Colossus

Processor: Remote and Sync – The mecha is controlled by syncing with the pilot’s conscious. The pilot is plugged into its system and the pilot basically becomes the mecha. This allows the mecha to perform stunts similar to what the pilot can do naturally. The mecha can also be controlled by remote means, but it won’t be able to perform tasks such as launching missiles and other attacks or hacking into systems without the pilot. In remote mode, the mecha is only capable of melee combat, which it will mimic the moves that the pilot makes outside the cockpit.

Description: The Hecatonchire is a cyclops unit with six arms and two legs. The mecha stands 40 m tall, and isn’t something you’d want to go head to head with. Unless, of course, you have a mecha of your own or a kaiju.

Security System: Unfortunately, the Hecatonchire can only be piloted by the pilot with the appropriate suit. It will not acknowledge intruders. Hecatonchire has shields to keep it from being peppered by small arms fire from enemy fighters. The shield can be taken down by high-powered enemy attacks.

Weapon System: In the Colossus form, the mecha can perform close-quarters combat through hand-to-hand techniques or employ up to six plasma sabers for each of its hands. The mecha has numerous thrusters that allows it to swiftly maneuver the battlefield or immediately brake. It can deploy up to twelve missiles at a target and contains a hyper cannon at its core for obliterating installations in a mighty concussive beam. Similar to Zebra, the mecha carries one rifle, two pistols, and grenades that can level a block.

Emergency System: The Aegis Unit can sense the pilot’s distress. While the pilot is engineered to fight longer than an average pilot could, if the system deems that the pilot may not survive, then it will safely eject the pilot from the cockpit in a casket-like capsule that literally embeds itself into the ground for protection. Within the capsule, the pilot will undergo a stabilizing program that prolong the pilot’s life, but it can’t do so forever. Even Ixans need to eat, drink, and breathe.

Unique Traits: Multi-tasker; rotating limbs and torso.

Form: Fighter (Aerial)

Description: The mecha can transform into a ship for swifter travel. The fighter ship has six wings just as it would have six arms in its bipedal form. The ship resembles an F-18 Hornet in shape.

Security System: Similar to the Colossus security system, however, the Hornet can carry a second passenger as long as Zebra informs the system that there will be a “guest.” Otherwise, unwelcome guests can face ejection.

Weapon System: Similar to the Colossus system except that it cannot use the hyper cannon function. It can speed by and drop bombs (what would be the grenades) onto bases and ships. It can also pepper other ships with rapid-fire plasma rounds.

Emergency System: Similar to the Colossus system.

Unique Traits: Perch; in fighter form, the ship can plant itself like a bug onto other ships and go into a cloak mode. This cloak mode can be used to secretly board an enemy ship or hack into its network. Most ships have shields, but once those shields go down, then the opportunity is there for the taking. The fighter ship will lower its legs that allow it to walk and stick to most surfaces like a bird. It allows the ship to also spring into the air for a quicker launch.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name: Yukine Chris
  • Age: 17
  • World of Origin: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
  • Powers/Equipment: Chris is the owner of the relic fragment turned Symphogear called Ichaival, which is otherwise known for being Odin's bow. Through the power of phonic gain, also known as singing, this small relic can be converted into an outfit that quite clearly amplifies physical abilities and also provides its own weaponry: a set of wrist-guards that can turn into three-bolt firing automatic crossbows. A notable trait of the Symphogear in its original setting is not being immediately turned to ash by the Noise by everything else.
    That's before she actually uses a particular attack. Chris is noted for having the highest offensive capability amongst all of the Symphogear, with her most commonly used special attack being to turn those automatic crossbows into twin gatling guns. The others are tripling the crossbows' actual firing abilities and adding homing; missiles; missiles, which split into more missiles; missiles that turn into a rain of projectiles; a longbow that fires an arrow that turns out to be a rocket propelled missile; a rifle that probably fires a homing missile; and missiles that fire more missiles whilst retaining their own payload. The downside is that most of them need time to charge, the explosions have as much collateral as expected, and Chris's only defensive ability is a reflector for beam-based attacks. One strong hit is enough to take her out; she's rather unfit.
    The Ignite Module functions as an upgrade to both the time taken to use her special attacks and their power. However, this works by stabbing the user with a weapon close to 100% hatred: if it works, it's a powerful boost (even more with the safeties released) but without the appropriate mental focus you just get a berserk monster with the unfortunate ability to shrug off and regenerate damage.
  • Brief Backstory: Chris's parents were both famous singers who chose to do charity work in Africa. Consequently, they got killed and she got abducted, possibly for her Symphogear compatibility, and most of her childhood was pretty miserable as a result. Even when she ended up with Finé, things weren't particularly positive; it took until losing to other Symphogear users and (oddly fortuitously) meeting her legal guardian before she ended up on the right side of the law and in an optimistic position,
    After stopping a giant laser from destroying the moon.
    She's since settled into school and continued to be a government-supervised magical girl, somehow having a big fancy apartment to herself. It apparently contains a hefty Buddhist shrine somewhere.
  • Personality: At her absolute best, Chris is rough around the edges; most of her lifetime spent in poor conditions hasn't exactly engrained her with manners of any sort and nobody seems to find it too important to teach them to her. She's also rather rough in other ways as Chris seems to never be able to treat anyone with anything other than hostility right off the bat and any show of fondness seems to embarrass her, even if she's stopped being prickly. Unsurprisingly, given her background, Chris is fairly blunt about how she thinks.
    Of some concern is her tendency to abandon common sense in the pursuit of assuaging guilt for her mistakes, perceived or real, regardless of whether she's compensated for them or not.
    On the plus side, despite her lack of rigorous schooling and being a magical girl on the side, Chris gets top marks in class. She's a pretty good student.
  • Other: Don't give her spaghetti. It's a mess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Name: Sogiita Gunha
Age: No specific age given; estimated to be 14-17.
Appearance: When in doubt, trust your guts!
World of Origin: To Aru Majutsu no Index
Powers/Equipment: As a Gemstone and one of the top espers in Academy City, Gunha's potential arsenal is... Rather large. The most relevant of this set is listed below.
  • Super Strength: Gunha can launch things a fair distance; for example, he launched a certain spiky-haired misfortunate high school student down a long path towards their target.
  • Pain Resistance and Increased Healing Factor: Gunha doesn't really FEEL much pain from most normal attacks and can shrug off things like, say, gunshots. Having resisted one of Misaka's larger lightning strikes and having caught one of her famous Railguns with his teeth, Gunha doesn't really care about that. He can also forcefully reconnect broken bones and staunch bleeding with, as he puts it, 'guts'. He can still feel pain, though; it's just the smaller stuff that really doesn't faze him.
  • Explosion Creation: In classic tokusatsu hero fashion, Gunha can create explosions of various types for different circumstances. These can be used to make a dramatic entrance or for more practical, combat-oriented purposes.
  • Attack Crash: Gunha takes a deep breath, takes a karate stance, dramatically opens his eyes and yells out the name of his signature move before launching a punch at his intended target. With enough force to damage a target over ten meters away, this attack is able to break through rubble. Gunha claims it to be psychokineis, but the truth is that even the scientists don't understand how it works.
  • Aurora Guard: In a similar fashion to his usual attack, Gunha shouts the words 'AMAZING PUNCH GUARD' and... Well, punches projectiles to the ground. Though it's not a perfect defense, it can deflect projectiles that have no real tangible form, such as electricity or lasers.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Aside from his super strength, Gunha can also move at superhuman speeds, can jump absurdly high, and... Can shout loud enough to create a shockwave that can break a fall.
    No, that's not a joke.

Brief Backstory: The No.7 Level 5 esper in Academy City, Gunha is... Well, there's not much to say about him, actually. A Gemstone whose powers even the top scientists of Academy City cannot decipher, Gunha lives his life as a sort-of normal student...
Well, save for the times he jumps into incidents because of his own ideals of justice. It usually end up working out one way or another. For example, the Daihaseisai incident.
But, well, that's super spoileriffic, so let's not go there.
Personality: Gunha is... A bit of an idiot. A kindhearted idiot who fights for the sake of justice, yes, but an idiot nevertheless. Incredibly hot-blooded and eager to solve issues without thinking them through first, Gunha also has a bit a tendency to get involved in messes that might not have BEEN messes in the first place. Often misunderstanding problems and context, he'll often jump into a problem with the idea that "if he has enough guts, then it'll be fine" or something like that. He's not an idiot, though; even though he may be the type to get caught up in rather strange situations, it's not as if he can't understand people or their issue. He just jumps to conclusions... Really quickly. If forced to, at least, he can stay put and TRY to work something out otherwise.
Other: Cites 'guts' as a solution to a lot of things. Don't think too much about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser (female)

Somewhere in their mid-to-late teens.

Although most commonly seen wearing Kaiser's armour, the warrior of the Nova, beneath the intimidating shell of steel, appears no different from a tall, fit and muscular young Nova woman. With powerful scaly wings, a tail, and two small horns, she is visibly more or less 'just a girl', a trait that utterly fails to convey itself through her armour. Her eyes are a striking blue, a darker shade that her short, cropped hair. However, said hair has been dyed a bright orange to emphasise her cheery outlook on life, and an easy grin is always present on her pale skin. Her casual outfits vary, including a school uniform blouse that she acquired during a former extradimensional adventure, but she tends to prefer either her traditional training garb, or a tanktop, shorts and runners (a clothing style she's nabbed from humans).

World of Origin:
Pantheon, Grandis (MapleStory)

As not only a member of the draconic Nova race, but as a legendary warrior and Hero of the Nova, Kaiser is in possession of great physical and magical abilities, the unique physiology of her people blending with the ancient blessings of the Dragon Gods to provide her with immense constitution and stamina, remarkable durability, and terrifying strength that is capable of wielding even the heaviest of broadswords with a mere one arm. A passive, constantly-acting regeneration effect is innate to her, even able to take effect in the midst of battle, slowly healing her wounds until the point where she is in perfect health. Each and every blow she delivers is naturally infused with her inner fire, turning her sword swings into tornadoes of flame. Powers befitting the knight that acted as the vanguard of the Nova reclamation of their homeworld, but what truly makes her dangerous is her magic.

Like all tailed Nova, the Kaiser is capable of utilising magic at the cost of draining energy from an inner pool of mana, one that only recovers through either the use of potions, rest, or other esoteric abilities. As a legendary warrior, her reserves are far greater than the average member of her race, and a certain trait unique to her has slightly reduced the time required for her to recuperate if she is lacking in mana. However, even with the benefits of being a hero, her mana still takes time to recover, and continued use of her magical skills, especially in the heat of battle, will deplete it to zero, where she will be utterly unable to use any magic.

Many of her powers lie over the domain of fire, but she is also capable of expending her mana on certain spells to "buff" herself up, and in some cases even allies. As the Kaiser, she can summon blades from the aether to strike foes, and her wings are powerful enough to generate magical tornadoes when strongly beat. However, the most prominent of her abilities would likely be her "Final Figuration": as she fights for longer and longer, a strange energy builds up within her, one that is indicated by the increasing size of her wings, and will grow in power relative to the build-up; when the energy reaches its maximum, however, she can choose to enter her "Final Figuration", transforming into a black-and-gold, larger and more frightening version of her armour, a juggernaut that is also capable of short-distance teleportation. Despite this increase in power, she will return to her original form after three minutes, losing all of the energy that has been built up.

She also owns a grappling hook, and makes use of a powerful, two-handed broadsword, a gleaming crimson and gold, known as the Liberated Kaiserium (although out of respect for her predecessor, at times chooses the black and silver Kaiserion, a weaker blade, instead as her weapon of choice).

Brief Backstory:
Once, there was a legendary warrior known as Kaiser, who served as a hero and guardian of the draconic Nova race and their homeworld of Grandis. They lived in peace and harmony in their capital city, Heliseum, under his protection, until an exiled warrior of theirs, the warlord Magnus, aligned himself with forces of darkness from another world and invaded their cities. While the Kaiser fought as valiantly as he could, he was poisoned by the traitor, and he was left with no other choice but to sacrifice himself in order to stop the armies of the dark Nova in order to save his people. Yet in the end, Magnus survived, stealing Kaiser's legendary sword. Heliseum still fell to his forces, and the people of the Nova were forced to evacuate to their temple city, Pantheon, where they bid in waiting for the day they could reclaim their capital.

Fast forward centuries, and Magnus' armies stirred once more, laying siege to Pantheon in an attempt to finally bring the people of Nova under his rule. Yet they had failed to expect Kaiser's successor, a young, foolish girl who fended off their assault with her inherited powers. Although inexperienced at first, the girl soon partook in many quests and missions, growing from strength to strength in her new role and blazing new paths for her people. It was her who helped establish diplomatic relations with human otherworlders, and it was her who single-handedly served as the vanguard for the liberation of Heliseum, doing what her predecessor could not and killing Magnus, reclaiming her rightful blade.

She may be young, but her experiences can rarely be dwarfed in their number.

The previous Kaiser was a paragon of heroism, a noble warrior who showed nothing but love and compassion for his people and his home, dutifully serving as a guardian of their peace and prosperity. He was a true knight, professional in every way and loyal to his cause. Even when betrayed by someone he once viewed as a brother and left a shade of his true power by poison, he chose to sacrifice his own life to protect the Nova, fighting to the bitter end against his enemies and stalling their advance long enough for his people to escape a horrible conquest. He was brave and just, a man who all of his men respected.

His successor, on the other hand, turned out to be a clueless, impulsive tomboy with an ego larger than the size of her "awesome Kaiser powers" and "dragon muscles". A girl with a strong tendency for self-aggrandisement, the new Kaiser had an arrogance to her, the powerful self-confidence and exuberance she initially possessed prior to inheriting the role magnified by her greater prestige. She was overly idealistic, viewing herself as entirely capable to bring about peace to Grandis and reclaim Heliseum, and frequently butted heads with others due to her stubborn streak. Coupled with her blunt nature, innocent insensitivity, and general inability to get through a conversation without praising herself, she was the very image of a child given great power, and just as obnoxious.

However, as time passed, the young Nova girl had changed for the better, growing closer and closer to being a worthy successor to the former Kaiser. Although her unbreakable self-confidence was still present, she had managed to temper her ego (which still didn't prevent her from at times praising herself), becoming far more aware of her limitations and flaws. As a commander on the frontlines, her self-assured confidence and outgoing nature developed into a strange charisma, one that seemed to draw others to her. She was still not particularly tactful, and was especially dense to anything outside of fighting (particularly girlish pursuits, which earned her the ire of her closest friend), but she was a cheery, 'spunky' fellow, always able to prattle on about anything with others. She was loyal, almost idiotically so, but it did much to earn her the friendship of her men.

That is not to say, however, that the Kaiser is unintelligent (although she can admittedly be quite ignorant and 'book-dumb'). Far from it; underneath the layers of 'clueless tomboy', she is actually surprisingly skilled in commanding, capable of strategizing on the fly and ensuring success on the field of battle (although admittedly, she left much of the general strategy plans to her superiors, preferring to act as more or less a wrecking ball to overwhelm enemies with her sheer power), and is also in possession of remarkable eloquence and oratory skills (only when talking to armies). While an incredibly casual speaker in any other context, any time she was required to make a speech, she would reveal depths that one wouldn't expect of someone like her.

In fact, she tends to portray the image of a battle-hungry warrior, someone who lives enthusiastically for battle, throwing herself into hordes of enemies for the thrill of the fight. She enjoys 'smashing' people, and will impulsively attack anyone who reveals themselves to be a foe. Energetic is one of the best descriptors for her personality, and people frequently cite her hamminess as an example of it.

She's still rather immature, though.

After everything she's gone through on both Grandis, the Maple World and every other connected dimension, she's pretty used to being teleported away from home to do some strange quest (although her perspective of a quest usually involves killing thousands of wild animals for their meat).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My two glorious submissions. I find this RP interesting and thought I'd hop aboard.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@TachiI hope the GM isn't overwhelmed and can keep up with all of these character sheets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So this is as far as my idea generation got.

And they're all kind of hard to work around stuff that's already in the game, mostly due to continuity lockout and a few other factors.

Also, I guess I'm kind of seeing a theme with these ideas. =/
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Would it be easier I mentioned you in my cs application(s)?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

{pokes head in thread}

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Well, I think that I'll pass on this one. No sense in sticking around when the GM comes on and off but never says anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I think I'll pass as well - stuff has come up. I wish the rest of you all the best though!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Sorry I haven't actually posted for the past few days, to be honest...it's more or less what Holy Soldier said. Well, more the number of characters than the sheets, but it still comes down to me feeling overwhelmed. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up with that many characters and was considering cancelling the RP at one point. I'm not, though. I'm talking to some people to try to sort things out and should respond to the profiles people have posted a bit later today. Sorry again for this.
3x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@TachiAlso, it will make your life tremendously easier to get some co-GMs to help with the load. There is no reason as to why you should be the only one to carry the burden of such a big game (and stressing). Rp is supposed to be fun.

Definitely next time though be sure to reduce the maximum allowed characters when you start a game. If you force everyone to have one, then you can see who will join initially, and get all the first characters approved. If you think the game could use more, then just open up second characters and approve those. That way the approval process is controlled. :D

It also controls people's muses at times. Some people just try to max out having 3 characters, get overwhelmed when their characters don't play how they were hoping in game or two of the three aren't working, their muse dies (or they decide to drop those characters and those characters were already connected to another writers' character), and they leave the game (or that writer who was affected by the character drop leaves the game). It sounds crazy, but it happens. A lot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heya! Don't let em feel overwhelming! Holy pretty much said what needed to be said, and I would be more than happy to to just use one of my CSs. I really don't mind.

Besides, especially with these kind of RPs, its always best to take the "shotgun blast" approach to players. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Alright, so I've got a couple of co-GMs helping me out now, so hopefully I shouldn't have as much to freak out over.

I can definitely guarantee that if I do another RP like this in future, I'll be working with a smaller cast. ^^; I didn't really think it through too much at first because most of my past ideas have been less plot-driven. For now though, I'm willing to let people stick with up to 3 each.

Holy Soldier: I'm not seeing the same Kirby you're seeing apparently.

As for the mecha pilot profile, I'm going to have to reject it. A mecha of that size and level of firepower isn't really suited to this RP. And the pilot's general all around over-the-top capabilities and psychic powers seem like they might be too much.

Also, as a sidenote, I'd prefer if people stuck to the supplied character sheet in future.

Sogeking: Accepted.

malmshodes: Hmm...I'm a bit hesitant because of the "manipulate all electrical fields, and electromagnetism from the surrounding area" part, it sounds like something that could be problematic, but I'm not sure if it's intended in a way which would be.

VitaVitaAR: Accepted.

Raineh Daze: Accepted.

PKMNB0Y: Accepted.

Crimmy: Accepted.

Skepic: I'd like some clarification on one of Blusey's abilities. Specifically, the "use pressure/shockwaves to burst a victim's organs (much like an explosion)" part. Is that just "the target's organs explode" or is there a way a target could reasonably avoid/otherwise protect themselves from the attack?

As for Walter, my only concern is that he sounds like he might be a bit underpowered? If I'm underestimating his physical abilities or you're okay with that though, he's accepted.
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