Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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On a number of worlds throughout the multiverse, a series of strange devices suddenly appeared. Initially, they looked like gold-framed mirrors, floating a few inches off the ground. After a few seconds, the "glass" changed to display a city in flames. A trio of voices called out from the devices, begging for people to step through and help against an alien menace which had arrived on their world and was making quick work of their armed forces.

The calls to save them from death or slavery, the promises of rewards for any who helped and the fact that without help, there would be an army with conquest in mind and multiversal portal technology in their hands served as good motivation for a number of allies to arrive. Unfortunately, the voices had left out an important detail: Opening the portal network on this scale was a large strain on the system and a number of important components were fried in the process. In order to it running at peak performance again, they will need to repair the portal generator with parts from other worlds. With their new assistants' help, of course.

So, basically this is a multiversal crossover where the characters will need to travel to assorted worlds in order to gather parts to repair the portal device that will get them home. Well, after saving the world they agreed to help in the first place, at least. While this is intended to be a crossover, OCs are allowed.

While I'm not expecting everyone to be identical in terms of ability, I will reject characters that are too powerful...or too weak. After all, it wouldn't really make sense to call in someone with the power of "gun" to deal with technologically advanced alien invaders, and if someone can single-handedly wipe out any threat they face, it can leave the rest of the cast feeling redundant.

There's a limit of 3 characters per person.

If anyone has any questions about the RP, I'd be happy to answer them. And with all that out of the way, here's the character sheet:

World of Origin:
Brief Backstory:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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World of Origin: Potterverse
Name: Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody
Age: 56

Brief Backstory: Alastor Moody comes from Wizarding Britain, as described in the Harry Potter novels. He comes from a pure-blood wizarding family, long known for its involvement in magical law and its enforcement. After graduating Hogwarts from Ravenclaw House, Alastor joined the Ministry of Magic and trained to become an auror himself.

Over his long career as a catcher of dark wizards and witches, Alastor gained a reputation for being both terrifyingly effective, and a consumate survivor. During the First Wizarding War he fought as both an auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and lost a leg, an eye and part of his nose while fighting death eaters, adding to his already large number of scars.

After the war ended, he replaced the most appendages and gained the nickname “Mad-Eye”, after the electric blue prosthesis that span constantly in its socket. During this time, he mentored Nymphadora Tonks, an auror in training and later a fellow Order member.

In 1993 (before the Second Wizarding War), a magical mirror appeared in the ministry atrium, requesting aid from another dimension, and it was decided the Alastor would be sent to investigate. He packed up his gear and stepped through the glass into the unknown.

Powers: Alastor is a skilled wizard with many years of experience investigating supernatural crimes and bringing in the perpetrators. As such, he is skilled in a wide variety of spells, charms and potions, and performs much of his magic non-verbally.

• Wand (ebony, dragon heartstring, 10 inches). This allows him to channel his magical abilities.
• Magical eye, which can see through many forms of concealment
• Magical trunk, which has seven locks and seven keys. Depending on which is opened, seven different interiors may be revealed, each one large on the inside than the apparent size of the trunk. This is filled with a number of useful magical artifacts, potion ingredients, spellbooks, an invisibility cloak and other posessioning that he deems it necessary to carry with him at all times.
• A charmed walking stick
• A flying broomstick, modified to let him sit in a upright position while riding it.

Personality: Alastor Moody is tough and brave. He has a gruff, surly disposition and frequently bellows his mantra of “constant vigilance” at people in order to keep them on their guard. Having encountered many dangerous experiences throughout his career, he is hyper-paranoid and thought of by many as being delusional. He prepares all of his own meals and drinks only from his personal flask in case someone tried to poison him. He is also very distrusting of most people, being very careful of who he relays facts about his personal life to, keeping what he considers to be important information back even from his colleagues and superiors in the Ministry of Magic. He has a well-known habit of being set off by sudden noises or movements in his presence and even attacked a witch who shouted “boo” at him on April Fool’s Day. He even destroyed a birthday present carriage clock, believing it was a cleverly disguised basilisk egg, and was described in a Daily Prophet article as having left the Ministry when deemed "Unable to tell the difference between a handshake and attempted murder."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 32 min ago

  • Name: Sakura Kyouko
  • Age: 14
  • Appearance: "I'll kill you if you waste food."
  • World of Origin: Puella Magi Madoka Magica(Post-Series, there is no third movie)
  • Powers/Equipment: Kyouko's body is stronger and more durable as a result of being a Puella Magi. On top of this, she can transform into her magical girl form, sporting a red outfit and a spear that can unlink itself to become almost-whip like, the segments connected by chains. The spear is highly extendable as well, and incredibly sharp. Kyouko is far more difficult to kill then a normal human, but if her Soul Gem is destroyed she will instantly die. Kyouko also possesses illusions and an enchanting ability that in action is basically being able to sweet-talk others into doing things for her, but she is as of now unwilling or incapable of using it. She sports an aggressive fighting style fueled by her equally aggressive personality.
    Kyouko carries her Soul Gem, which she uses to transform in a magical girl. In this form she carries a spear that can detach itself and become something like a chain whip, which she can wrap enemies in. The tip is extremely sharp. At any given time, she has a mass amount of snack food on her person.
  • Brief Backstory: A girl who suffered tragedy after becoming a magical girl, which formed her current worldview. Due to a chain of events, one that massively effected the world, she now has more company and likely a brighter future, even in her eventual death.
  • Personality: Kyouko is a rough, abrasive girl with a rather selfish attitude. She has no qualms about stealing food or other items, and feels that it's simple fact that she has to do whatever she can to get by. She's something of a tomboy, and her taste in fashion makes her come off looking rather like a delinquent(which is not an entirely inaccurate assumption given how she acts). She is also somewhat obsessed with food, carrying snacks on her person at nearly all times and frequently seen eating. And eating. And eating. Kyouko eats a lot. In spite of her selfish, abrasive attitude, Kyouko has a softer side that sometimes comes out. A girl who sometimes remembers she wanted to help people, a girl who likes stories that, no matter how bad things get, have a happy ending. As a result, even if she initially tends to treat them like idiots, Kyouko has a soft spot for people who want to help others, deep inside her. Due to certain events in her home universe, her softer side is now more likely to come out. However, this doesn't change the fact that she's often abrasive and rough towards others, and still quite selfish.
  • Other: Kyouko has discovered a way to be able to produce snack food at any moment. No matter what.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Name: Fujiwara no Mokou
Age: At least 1300
Appearance: Living forever ain't as good as you think it is, y'know.
World of Origin: Gensokyo (Touhou Project); post-ULiL
Powers/Equipment: Mokou is, for lack of a better term, completely immortal in every sense of the term. After drinking the Hourai Elixir as a child, she has henceforth become completely impossible to PERMANENTLY kill. No matter how much damage her body take, lethal or otherwise, she will ALWAYS manage to recover. How long that takes, though, is another situation entirely; her regeneration factor, while abnormally high, becomes slower the more damage she takes. The amount of times she has to revive will also affect how long it takes for her to recover, ranging anywhere from a few seconds to a few days at worst. As another result of the Hourai Elixir, Mokou is unable to contract any diseases, cannot age, and does not require sustenance to exist. Food and drink are simply a luxury now. This does not MEAN, however, that Mokou cannot feel fatigue or pain. Even though the centuries of life have toughened her up considerably, in the end she's still a human, and her body still has human limits. Mostly.
Mokou is also skilled in the manipulation of flames, often choosing to use a phoenix motif in her abilities because of its parallels to immortality, though she is just as free in manipulating it into whatever form she so wishes. As a resident of Gensokyo, she also abides by the spellcard rules, which means that she can fire off hordes upon hordes of bullets if the situation calls for it in the form of... Well, whatever the cards dictate. She has a variety of spellcards, and each can be used once per battle, per day.
Oh, and she can fly, because Gensokyo. Her clothes are also absurdly fire-retardant; no matter what flames they're bathed in, they will always come out unscathed. Other people can also eat her liver to become immortal as well, but... Well, she'll never let anyone do something like that willingly.
Brief Backstory: Once a human, Mokou drank the Hourai Elixir whilst seeking revenge against Kaguya (yes, THAT Kaguya) for humiliating her father as a child. Immortality ensued. Ever since then, Mokou's been lingering on as an undying existence, eventually finding her way to Gensokyo. Looping through complete insanity before running back to sanity and repeating that cycle a few times over (along with beating the everloving crap out of Kaguya and vice versa a few times over). Following the events of Imperishable Night (aka the 'fake moon incident'), Mokou's gone back to her daily life of lounging about...
Well, assuming that incidents don't directly involve her or anything. There was that one time that she went out into modern-day Japan, which was... Something. Didn't learn much from the experience, though.
Personality: Mokou is by no means sociable; due to her immortality, she's seen many people die as time passes, and thus removes herself willingly from human society in order to avoid the everlasting pain of parting. Her age also makes her much wiser than she appears to be, though it may not always seem as such at first. She IS still human at heart, though, and is fairly altruistic in spite of what she has lived through thus far. To those who do get her to open up a bit more, Mokou is a rather blunt person, though nowhere near as hotheaded as her control of fire would USUALLY implicate. While content with her life in Gensokyo, if something piques her interest, she won't hesitate to pursue it. When she's committed, though, she goes ALL OUT. The only other thing that might cause such a reaction is killing Kaguya, because, well... Grudges. Even that's sorta gone stale, though.
Having lived for so long, Mokou has also looped around from sane to insane and back again. Nothing really fazes her back home in Gensokyo, but more advanced societies... Well, those are a different story. She also understands that life is still something important and the impact of taking a life, though that doesn't mean that she much cares for her own.
Dying still hurts, though. She tries to avoid it.
Other: Smokes. Doesn't smoke often, but smokes. The Hourai Elixir has removed all the bad side-effects, so she has no particular reason not to. Can also cook fairly well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Too late to say I want in?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Emily

Age: 14

Appearance: vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/prettycur..

World of Origin: Glitter Force

Powers/Equipment: Emily has a trinket called a Glitter Pact. Plugging a Ribbon Glitter Charm into the Pact allows her to transform into Glitter Lucky. As the pink Glitter Force warrior, Emily is able to jump pretty high, almost to the point of flight, though she has problems with her landing. By channelling her spirit into the Pact, she is able to preform the Sparkle Storm, basically a gigantic pink purifying beam. However, it takes so much energy that this can only be used once per transformation. Also, Emily has a couple of other Glitter Charms, though they produce mundane objects, such as a strawberry, pudding, a brush, a bouquet of roses, etc.

Brief Backstory: Emily moved into a new town and on her first day of school, Emily bumped into a pixie named Candy, who was looking for to recruit people to become the Glitter Force and protect her world and their world from the Shadow Realm. Emily is chosen to be the first Glitter Force warrior, Glitter Lucky.

Personality: Emily is a very happy-go-lucky girl who gets really excited about certain things. Mostly fairy tale related stuff. That said, she also gets really flustered and is can get scatterbrained at times.

Other: Not sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh sweet! So, I'll try and get a CS up sometime later today or maybe tomorrow. I'm working full shifts but I'm fairly certain I can manage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Here, have this from me:

Takamachi Nanoha

Name: Takamachi Nanoha.
Aliases: The Ace of Aces, White Devil (if you wanna live, don't mention this one within her hearing range).
Age: 25 (as of Force).
World of Origin: Lyrical Nanoha Franchise.
Powers/Equipment: Nanoha isn't known as the Ace of Aces for no reason. She's one of the strongest TSAB mages to ever exist, having achieved an overall rank of S+ Aerial Mage, meaning that she's about as powerful as whole battalion of common mages (in fact, she's much stronger than that, if she pulls all stops). For mere convenience, Nanoha is usually limited to around AAA+ power level, which is still leaps and bounds above what most people can ever achieve in their whole lifetimes (though, Nanoha did so when she was a but a nine years old greenhorn). Her whole list of powers and spells is huge, but, focused mostly in one thing, air superiority through massive firepower, crossing Nanoha is highly unadvisable.

Fully armed Nanoha, having the Strike Cannon, Fortress and Raising Heart (drone mode).

Aside from her usual Intelligent Device (a computerized magic staff), Raising Heart, Nanoha is also in possession of two additional arms systems, the Fortress and Strike Cannon, both primarily used to deal with threats that are highly resistant or even immune to magic, by converting her magical energy in pure kinetic energy for destructive force blasts, as well as shielding her against pretty much anything less than battleship levels of fire power.

Brief Backstory: Read Here.
Personality: Ditto.
Other: None that I can recall now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aaaah, so many magical girls already... Don't tempt me. D:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I guess I'll just try my luck and post a CS then.

Name: Samuel Rodrigues, aka Jetstream Sam

Age: Around 26


World of Origin: Metal Gear

Powers/Equipment: His exosuit, his HF sword with a scabbard launcher mechanism, as well as several grenades. His powers are mainly his insane skill with the sword, and his own cunning, and observation skills in battle.

Brief Backstory:
He was once a vigilante swordsman, skilled in his own school of swordsmanship, who had set out to seek justice. Even before having the suit, he was quite a skilled fighter, able to take down ten men with just a sword and his skills. After touring around the world dishing out justice, he set his eyes on one organization. Unfortunately, the organization was much more than he expected, and he lay defeated before the head of that organization.
Believing that their goals must be right, he joined it, replacing the arm he lost in that last fight with a cyborg arm. After a chance encounter with another sword focused cyborg, he started to doubt his moves. The doubt grew and grew, until finally, he had a chance to face the cyborg in the desert.

Personality: Sam was once greatly driven by revenge, this was what fueled him to hone his skills and become an expert swordsman. He would go on to develop a free-wheeling personality, taking out street gangs and drug cartels based on his own sense of justice. After his defeat by that one organization however, he developed a more manipulative and taunting personality.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hrm... I guess I've run out of ideas that haven't been rendered... problematic by other people's choices, so I guess for the moment I'm withdrawing interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Name: UUOA-UC675;i4-KING-567234
Age: 45

World of Origin: Earth, after the rebellion's failure.
Powers/Equipment: See Technical Sheet. Genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced, Overwatch units can break bones with a single punch and exhibit extreme cognitive ability, strength, and speed.
Brief Backstory: 567234 is an Overwatch unit, and part of the elite unit that generally guards Universal Union strongholds. After the rebellion's failure on Earth due to the ruthless efficiency of the Union, combined with the fact Earth was considered a small outpost in the multiversal regime of the Union, the planet was stripped of resources and turned into a Union colony. After the transmission of the reports of invading aliens, who were decidedly not the Union, they sent a single citadel in response to deal with the incursion and claim a world in the process. Something went wrong during the teleportation in, however, and the citadel did not make it out alive. Out of chance, a lone soldier did survive, however. The Union otherwise considered the threat small enough to not warrant any further response.
Personality: The unit is essentially emotionless, cognitively modified to be focused towards ruthlessly accomplishing his tasks.

Name: Jhin
Age: Unknown (riot please)

World of Origin: Runeterra

Jhin's hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage. It fires at a fixed rate and carries only four shots. Jhin imbues the final bullet with dark magics to critically strike and deal bonus execute damage. Whenever Whisper crits, it inspires Jhin with a burst of movement speed.

Dancing Grenade

Jhin launches a magical cartridge at an enemy. It can hit up to four targets and gains damage each time it kills.

Deadly Flourish

Jhin brandishes his cane, firing a single shot with incredible range. It pierces through minions and monsters, but stops on the first champion hit. If the target was recently struck by Jhin's allies, lotus traps, or basic attacks, they are rooted.

Captive Audience

Jhin places an invisible lotus trap that blooms when walked over. It slows nearby enemies before dealing damage with an explosion of serrated petals.

Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy, a lotus trap will bloom near their corpse.

Curtain Call

Jhin channels, transforming Whisper into a shoulder-mounted mega-cannon. It is able to fire 4 super shots at extreme range that pierce through minions and monsters, but stop on the first champion impacted. Whisper cripples enemies hit, which slows them and deals execute damage. The 4th shot is perfectly crafted, epically powerful, and guaranteed to critically strike.

Brief Backstory: Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.
Personality: Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art.

Name: Kled
Age: Unknown (rrriiiooootttt)

World of Origin: Runeterra
Powers/Equipment: Kled is armed with his trusty mount, Skaarl (who is also a coward), and a long axe with a shotgun built in.

Kled has a beartrap on a rope, which he will use to literally throw at an enemy to reel them in when mounted. He generally doesn't use his shotgun mounted, however, but when Skaarl flees to the hills, he is more than happy to use it.

The more he attacks a person, he builds up some extremely violent tendencies and does more damage on his fourth attack.

He can also joust while on Skaarl, dashing towards an enemy target and piercing through them.

He can also, every once and a while, convince Skaarl to charge. Skaarl will home in on an enemy as the two begin to become more resilient to damage, and when they hit their target they do a considerable amount of damage.

Brief Backstory: There's no real backstory on Kled yet, except for the fact he comes from Runeterra. Riot gg.
Personality: He's a paranoid, insane, and foolhardy Yordle. He refuses under any circumstances to back down from a fight and loses a part of himself when Skaarl runs. Without Skaarl, he becomes even more insane and foolhardy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Name: Houraisan Kaguya
  • Age: Older than Mokou
  • World of Origin: Touhou Project
  • Powers/Equipment: Kaguya's (notable) power is Manipulation of Eternity and the Instantaneous. In practical terms, it means that she can break spells affecting how time flows once she's aware of them. Less practically, it's a really good way to keep a mansion in perfect condition for centuries at the cost of nothing there ever changing at all, which is more than a bit boring. This ability is one of the key ingredients to creating the Hourai Elixir.
    Naturally, as one of the people instrumental in its creation, Kaguya has consumed the elixir and benefits from all its attendant effects, such as the inability to die, fall ill, or not needing to eat or drink. Of course, injuries accumulate and take time to heal, but she's at least well-fed and quite durable anyway, so it's not an enormous difficulty. Being a Lunarian helps somewhat, as she was already (practically) unageing before consuming the elixir.
    When it comes to fighting, Kaguya tends to rely on her vast, vast collection of random items. Whilst for the most part this is a collection of priceless artefacts being used to generate bullets or lasers, two stand out. One for being a robe with the ability to create fire and the other for being an entire temple ceiling. Though for danmaku purposes it can be used for creating bullet walls, practically it's simpler to just hit someone with the thing.
    Finally, as a resident of Gensokyo, she can fly. Whilst she logically would have other magical abilities as a native of the moon, she never seems to use them even when it could be considered a good idea, so they functionally don't exist. It's also worth noting that her beauty is renowned--more than enough to have strangers come to court her and then set off on impossible errands for the mere chance of winning her hand.
  • Brief Backstory:[/*] Kaguya was born as a princess of the moon. This can be widely considered to be a good deal, all things considered, and not worth screwing up in any way. She still chose to cause problems for herself by getting Yagokoro Eirin to make the Hourai Elixir with her help before consuming it and consequently getting exiled from the Moon for committing this crime, where a bamboo cutter found her and raised her as his daughter.
    Her beauty came to the notice of the nobility and, not wishing to marry any of them, she set them the challenge of collecting various items--requests that were deemed impossible. Though this was true from the perspective of difficulty, it mostly held because Kaguya had gone and collected all the items herself. One suitor tried to fake succeeding, setting in motion the chain of events that would lead to Fujiwara no Mokou attaining the Hourai Elixir and becoming immortal.
    Eventually, the Lunarians decided that perhaps it wasn't the best idea for their unkillable princess to reside on the filthy Earth and came to bring her back. Kaguya, however, rather liked it there as well as humanity. A way out was provided because Eirin was one of those sent and chose to join Kaguya in killing the other emissaries before going into hiding.
    A long time later, Mokou located Kaguya again and set up the repeating cycle of killing each other for poorly defined reasons, marking the only notable change to Eientei in centuries. Some time later, a moon rabbit came--bringing news of the Apollo landings and fleeing the invasion--and got kept around. The biggest change, however, was on paranoia that the Moon would try and take her back again, where Eirin took the initiative to put the world in a pot so that it was inaccessible from outside.
    As it turned out, this was entirely unnecessary and the strange fake moon attracted enough attention that more people from Gensokyo blindly stumbled upon Eientei. This has considerably livened the place up, along with the spell of eternity being lifted, and Kaguya has actually left the forest a few times. Why not answer an interesting call to help some other world?
  • Personality: Kaguya is both a princess--raised to be courteous and personable--and someone woefully bereft of common sense. This probably explains setting people literally impossible tasks to be her suitor rather than declining outright and how she decided consuming the elixir in the first place was a good idea or even remotely necessary. It also clearly outlines why, despite being regal when the situation calls for it, her general attitude to life is to pursue random whims such as having a hotspring in Eientei or to fall asleep somewhere that bamboo can trap her. Given how many rabbits live in the place, she obviously has a fondness for them and yet refers to every single one as Inaba, even the newest arrival from the moon, when that would work as an accurate name for exactly one of them.
    She does seem to be able to be inventively malicious towards Mokou, such as sending people to be assassins, but on the whole she doesn't take the whole thing anywhere near as seriously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Age: Irrelevant

Appearance: Kirby is a two-feet tall and five inch round creature who is normally pink, but has been shown to appear in other variety of colors. He has bluish-black elliptical eyes, rosy cheeks, fingerless hands and large, red pointy shoes. His mouth appears small but is capable of expanding to epic proportions. He is extremely light to carry, flexible, and as malleable as puddy.

World of Origin: Dream Land


  • Fly - Kirby can inhale a great amount of air, which causes him to inflate into a balloon, and fly. He can fly endlessly without getting tired, but if ever forced to lose his air, he'll fall unless he is able to inhale air again.
  • Projectile - Kirby can suck in nearly anyone and anything no matter the beings size, unless the enemy is of a colossal height. Once inhaled, Kirby can spit the enemy back out at violent speeds, sending the enemy careening into other foes or into solid obstacles to cause extreme damage if not death.
  • Copy - Kirby's most trademark power besides his vaccuum breath is his ability to copy the powers of another foes. Once he takes on their powers or abilities, then the little guy is transformed into a master of that power and ability, adopting the techniques and strengths of those enemies. Not all individuals carry special abilities, and therefore, those enemies can be spit back out or devoured.
  • Devour - Kirby can devour his enemies whole. Once eaten, there is no coming back.
  • Melee - The squishy pink guy is a decent fighter even without having copied the abilities of a martial artist. However, those copied abilities are always a bonus!


  • Warp Star - A very handy star for speedy long distance travel. Allies can ride the warp star as long as Kirby is on board with them.

Brief Backstory

Kirby hails from Dream Land where his adventures revolve around foiling the plots of the evil oppressive King Dedede. His adventures have gone from magical realms and worlds to even space. He has participated in cross-dimensional tournaments and other games such as cooking, karaoke, and art.


Kirby is considered to be young due to his child-like demeanor and pitched voice. He has an endless appetite, and so spends a lot of time eating. He likes all types of food and no matter how much he eats, he never increases in size, even when devouring foes much larger than he is. He especially likes to eat Maxim Tomatoes--his favorite fruit!

He is considered a silent protagonist for he rarely speaks, often just exclaiming words that not many understand but find adorable nonetheless. Just like a child, his mannerisms are simple to read. Although he doesn't speak a perfect comprehensible language, he does show a level of understanding, making him smarter than what some may think.

Other: "Ey!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 32 min ago

@DFTBA: Okay, I'm not the GM here, but I've noticed there's some things that need to be said and these ARE the concerns of another player that should be addressed.

Not everyone is aware of Moody's capabilities. It's been a long enough time that I don't remember too well what he could actually do myself. List his spells in more detail, please. I'm sure the GM will thank you for it.

@WrongEndoftheRainbow: One of your characters has no personality to speak of, the other two are generically insane. These are bad ideas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Thanks for that, Vita. That's basically what I have to say regarding those characters too. ^^;

Now then, Kyouko, Mokou, Emily, Nanoha, Sam and Kaguya are accepted.

As for Kirby, I'm going to say ignore the official profile and go with what the games (Smash Bros and the times there have been humans in his games) suggest and...say he's a few feet tall. Also, "cross-dimensional travel" seems like it kind of defeats the plot of the RP. Finally, the lack of any comprehensible language seems like it would be a massive problem as far as interacting with other characters goes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 6 days ago

@VitaVitaAR His lack of personality IS his personality. He's not evil, he's not good, he's not grey, he's focused. Hard-set and dedicated to a single goal, regardless of anyone else. He's a sociopath at its finest. The other two are champions that are fairly unique and interesting (I like them, at least) from league of legends. Jhin isn't generically insane, to him murder is an art, and the victims the actors. Every shot is a performance, every kill a work of art.

Kled's much more generically insane, sure, but he's also very interesting in the way he interacts with Skaarl. He's HAM and he only gets more HAM when he loses Skaarl. To him, it's like losing a part of himself. That, and he's crazy violent and I could perfectly see him dropping by just to claim land and overall have something to fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 32 min ago

He has no personality, is in direct opposition to the main goal of the cast as a whole(who are noted to need to be able to work together), and does not have the means to fight the other characters. He'd die in the first few posts. I have to be honest here.

A maniacal serial killer is also a poor choice given the cast needs to be able to work together.

Finally, the premise of the RP is everyone working together(even if they don't like each other in a few cases), so having someone just dropping by for violence doesn't really work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 16 days ago

The RP's not going to be all fighting and I'd prefer if, even if they're not "good guys" per se, characters had personalities that would allow them to interact with the rest of the cast without a fight ensuing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
Avatar of GreenGoat

GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I mean, a good fight between main chars would be ok, but not when they fight for no real reason beyond having a fight.
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