Avatar of Skepic
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  • Posts: 1094 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
1 like
8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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That's pretty damn cool. Got any links to any samples?
What shall the name of this operation be? I'm thinking "Frozen Piss".
Ava smiled and nodded to Roland, approving of his plan. "As much as I would have liked to have our scanner do some more recon, it seems we're not exactly strapped for time or fuel. I can keep any potential flies off of us should they dare try to take to the sky. It's time we..." Ava looked over at Arnaud and smiled, "...liberated that fuel from the train." she finished with a chuckle.

Now, she wouldn't admit it, but Ava was actually feeling some excitement for this operation. She failed to really join in on the fight at the airfield in time, so she really never got to see the capabilities of her comrade's aircraft. Not to mention an operation such as this would give Ava just enough of challenge to properly enjoy it, in her eyes.
@Mercenary Lord

Great! Glad I was able to convice you. :D

Well, the CS for Krauss is pretty much done. I might flush out the history a bit more for Kruass himself, but I accidenltly ended spending a little too much time on the custom nation I made (I like NRP type stuff, so I'm always a sucker for making new nations). What you're seeing is actually a cut down version! xD Just check the top of the page since its the same post with the original CS. I'm also still looking for a suitable picture.

The Greater Republic of Avalia is actually from a few nation roleplays I've done in the past. They were always very focused on aviation so I thought would fit right in to the world you've made!
I wouldn't say that. The wings could fold back along the fuselage for storage, kind of like Hellcats/Wildcats of the US Navy back in the day.

Ascetically speaking, I feel like it fits perfectly! The artist purposely made it for a Dieselpunk esq world, which is what we seem to be set in. Not to mention that this world actually somewhat ahead in aviation in comparison to our world in a similar time, so I don't see why it can't fit in. It's a special heli for an exploration! Not to mention tilt rotor designs like this have been around in our real world ever since the late 40s! No joke! See aircraft like the Focke-Achgelis Fa 269, or the Transcendental Model 1-G. Of course these never really made it past prototypes, but we're in a world wholly dependent on aviation!

Don't let dreams be dreams! Let this bird fly!
Alrighty, the finished product should be up later today. But hey, I found this picture and thought it would be really cool if this was the helicopter we used:

A tilt rotor transport! Allowing the range and the speed of a plane, but with the landing capabilities and precision of a helicopter! Figured it would be suitable for an exploration expedition.
Sure, I don't mind. The image was sort of the inspiration, so I just through it in there.

Krauss Helfer


[ S Y N O P S I S ]

Krauss is an experienced pilot tasked with flying one the new "helicopters" brought aboard this expedition. He's a fairly nice, laid back guy who likes to socialize and get to know people.

[ A P P E A R A N C E ]

He has short cut grayish blond hair and a rough beard. His face is covered in small scars and he has burn scars running along his forearms and back. While not particularly muscular, he still maintains a decent figure. This is mainly due to the fact that, as a pilot, he focuses more on endurance type workouts as opposed to strength building ones.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

Straight forward, no BS sort of guy with a healthy sense of humor. He has a strange "meh" approach to the idea of death. Once couldn't really call it bravery nor a death wish. He just seems very calm about facing it and dealing with it. Over all he's a fairly nice individual who values reason and rational thinking.

[ H I S T O R Y ]

Krauss was born and raised in the Greater Republic of Avalia. It's one of the nations of Maru, controlling a sizable chunk of the island and seen as one the leaders in the United Isles Naval Coalition. It's a strong, democratic nation, whose biggest strength is airship design. They are economic rivals with Ventui, always competing with each other both in the civilian fields of aviation, and military. Being one the largest producer of both helium and hydrogen, Avalia focuses primarily on airships when it comes to aviation, and is famous for both its luxurious, high class transports, and its terrifying flying navy with some of the biggest guns around.

However, they don't point these guns at most, not even Ventui. However, time and time again, they seem to always be trained on Leigr. Avalia's people are strongly opposed to any sort of faith. They consider it a tool of manipulation and an attack on human rights to free thinking. Thus, the religious theocracy of Leigr is considered a serious threat on a good day. In the past, there were even large skirmishes and minor battles between the two nations, often over Leigr unlawfully seizing Avalian trade ships or Avalia detaining Leigr diplomats. Even now, in this time of relative peace, Avalia seems to be quietly gearing up for a full blown campaign with Leigr, thanks to the renewed importance of both the Obelisk and the resources the nation possess.

Caught between this massive mess is Krauss and his family. His father was a pilot in the Avalian Airborne Navy and his mother was originally from Leigr. The two met during a raid that, as far as Avalia is concerned, never happened. She was a civilian who was trying to escape religious persecution. While she was a believer, she doubted the religious authorities and despised how they would vale their own selfish needs with excuses of faith. She had stowed away onto an Avalian airship she found, which, as it turned out, was on a secret mission to rescue some important engineers who had been captured. Krauss's father had discovered her, but instead of killing her or taking her prisoner, he heard her out and took pity on the young woman. So, he smuggled her essentially back to Avalia where they started a life together.

Krauss picked up his father's friendly, laid back personality as well as his love for flying. His mother taught him both tolerance and determination, telling him to always seize the day and keep moving forward, no matter how hard things get. His dream was to be a great pilot, and so he did what he had to do. From an early age, he flew with his father, learning the skills needed to expertly fly light aircraft. Through this, he also met many friends and contacts with the Avalian Airborne Navy, which would help later on. He joined the National Academy of Aviation at 17, and graduated at the top of his class. Now, that's not to say he was perfect. The many scars and burns Krauss bares are from the many crashes and hard landings he's had to endure over his career. He's seen all manner of problems and learned that a dangerous situation can always occur when you least expect it.

From there, he joined the AAN, following the footsteps of his father. However, during his time in the AAN, he slowly grew to dislike the military. So many restrictions, so many barriers kept him from flying freely through the sky.

Thus, he eventually left the military, to join the new booming industry and lifestyle, the United Isles Naval Coalition. With his impressive record and with the pulling of a few strings from his network of friends, Krauss landed an incredible job. To be the pilot of a new type of aircraft, set to take its maiden flight on the UIS Garrloch, set to go out on an exploration expedition. How could Krauss ever resist such a job?

[ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ]
Krauss likes to draw quite a bit in his spare time. Mostly just sketches of landscapes that he sees.

Krauss Helfer


[ S Y N O P S I S ]

Krauss is an experienced pilot tasked with flying one the new "helicopters" brought aboard this expedition. He's a fairly nice, laid back guy who likes to socialize and get to know people.

[ A P P E A R A N C E ]

He has short cut grayish blond hair and a rough beard. His face is covered in small scars and he has burn scars running along his forearms and back. While not particularly muscular, he still maintains a decent figure. This is mainly due to the fact that, as a pilot, he focuses more on endurance type workouts as opposed to strength building ones.

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

Straight forward, no BS sort of guy with a healthy sense of humor. He has a strange "meh" approach to the idea of death. Once couldn't really call it bravery nor a death wish. He just seems very calm about facing it and dealing with it. Over all he's a fairly nice individual who values reason and rational thinking.

[ H I S T O R Y ]

Krauss was born and raised in the Greater Republic of Avalia. It's one of the nations of Maru, controlling a sizable chunk of the island and seen as one the leaders in the United Isles Naval Coalition. It's a strong, democratic nation, whose biggest strength is airship design. They are economic rivals with Ventui, always competing with each other both in the civilian fields of aviation, and military. Being one the largest producer of both helium and hydrogen, Avalia focuses primarily on airships when it comes to aviation, and is famous for both its luxurious, high class transports, and its terrifying flying navy with some of the biggest guns around.

However, they don't point these guns at most, not even Ventui. However, time and time again, they seem to always be trained on Leigr. Avalia's people are strongly opposed to any sort of faith. They consider it a tool of manipulation and an attack on human rights to free thinking. Thus, the religious theocracy of Leigr is considered a serious threat on a good day. In the past, there were even large skirmishes and minor battles between the two nations, often over Leigr unlawfully seizing Avalian trade ships or Avalia detaining Leigr diplomats. Even now, in this time of relative peace, Avalia seems to be quietly gearing up for a full blown campaign with Leigr, thanks to the renewed importance of both the Obelisk and the resources the nation possess.

Caught between this massive mess is Krauss and his family. His father was a pilot in the Avalian Airborne Navy and his mother was originally from Leigr. The two met during a raid that, as far as Avalia is concerned, never happened. She was a civilian who was trying to escape religious persecution. While she was a believer, she doubted the religious authorities and despised how they would vale their own selfish needs with excuses of faith. She had stowed away onto an Avalian airship she found, which, as it turned out, was on a secret mission to rescue some important engineers who had been captured. Krauss's father had discovered her, but instead of killing her or taking her prisoner, he heard her out and took pity on the young woman. So, he smuggled her essentially back to Avalia where they started a life together.

Krauss picked up his father's friendly, laid back personality as well as his love for flying. His mother taught him both tolerance and determination, telling him to always seize the day and keep moving forward, no matter how hard things get. His dream was to be a great pilot, and so he did what he had to do. From an early age, he flew with his father, learning the skills needed to expertly fly light aircraft. Through this, he also met many friends and contacts with the Avalian Airborne Navy, which would help later on. He joined the National Academy of Aviation at 17, and graduated at the top of his class. Now, that's not to say he was perfect. The many scars and burns Krauss bares are from the many crashes and hard landings he's had to endure over his career. He's seen all manner of problems and learned that a dangerous situation can always occur when you least expect it.

From there, he joined the AAN, following the footsteps of his father. However, during his time in the AAN, he slowly grew to dislike the military. So many restrictions, so many barriers kept him from flying freely through the sky.

Thus, he eventually left the military, to join the new booming industry and lifestyle, the United Isles Naval Coalition. With his impressive record and with the pulling of a few strings from his network of friends, Krauss landed an incredible job. To be the pilot of a new type of aircraft, set to take its maiden flight on the UIS Garrloch, set to go out on an exploration expedition. How could Krauss ever resist such a job?

[ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ]
Krauss likes to draw quite a bit in his spare time. Mostly just sketches of landscapes that he sees.

Walter Kroncite
"The Middle Man"

"I still get a kick out of people asking how I see with this thing on. Come on guys, remember what year we live in?"
Sounds like he's in his late 20s, early 30s... probably is.

Stands at around 6 feet, has a medium build to him. It can be understandable to suspect he's an android of some sort, given that you rarely ever see any actual skin, let alone his face. He sleeps in his gear, and get's his food through a straw from the commonly sold "nutrition packs" that taste like green paste....

World of Origin:
Sort of an OC idea from a art series made by this guy: Duster132's BABIRU Project

"Exo Suit"
As seen in the image, Walter wears a unique looking helmet and wears a light exo-suit. This helmet functions as a gasmask as well as giving basic info on his current state of health as well as some basic communication tech. It can provide thermal and night vision. It also protects his head... but that's a given... His helmet and head are usually wrapped up in his prized shemagh as seen in the images, something he holds in great value for unknown reasons. The aforementioned "exo-suit" is a older model from the late 21st century, meaning that it lacks some much needed upgrades. For example, new models run on small Fission batteries, meaning that you'll probably be dead before that thing runs out of juice. In Walter's case, the older designs run on a less advance battery system, thus it tends to be unreliable when placed under high strain. Because of this, the battery life varies on it. Think of it as a smart phone. Give it a good charge, and it could run the whole day, but try watching videos on 4G, or play some mobile game, and you might be out of juice within an hour or more. So he has to choose when to push it to the limit and when to tone it back a notch. Regardless, it increases his physical abilities and endurance, from lifting heavier objects to jumping greater heights and distances.

Brief Backstory:
Some say that he's a kill drone from the government.... others say that he once met the queen of England, but wasn't introduced to the king.... All we know is.. he's called the Middle Man!

Joking aside, this faceless hero has had a checkered past to say the least. It is one that is confusing at its highest level of clarity. You see, if you asked Walter about his past, he will always give you a different answer. Sometimes he might give some long, drawn out story of crazy adventures in the mega city of Babiru in South America, explaining he got this helmet and exosuit after he broke into a crime ring lab and stole their high tech gear. Other times he will simply say that he's been scrounging around for years and the suit he wears is a symbol of how lucky one can be while out there scavenging from the husks of buildings from bye-gone days of the 21st Century. Hell, he even claims to have been in space! Needless to say, his past is shrouded in mystery, but its the kind of mystery people get tired of trying to pry out of him.

"So yeah, people always assume the faceless, masked man or woman or whatever the fuck your calling em these days... err... anyway, people always assume that he's gonna be all 'quiet and reclusive' cause he's not just hiding his face, he's hiding his soul or whatever bullshit. As you can already tell, I'm a pretty talkative guy, I like to chat people up, hear about the ups and downs of the true down under. Maybe I just like wearing this kick ass helmet! Who knows? It ain't your business and it shouldn't be!"

Walter is a pragmatic, friendly man who despite his, perhaps, intimidating appearance, is actually quite approachable and sociable. He enjoys hanging out with people and seems to be generally a helpful dude. Isn't to nosy about your personal life, nor will he pry for any deep stuff out of you when you don't want to. All around, he's a skeptical, smart dude who's just getting through life in his own way.


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