Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Character List:
Sakura Kyouko, Amaryllis - VitaVitaAR
Samuel Rodrigues - GreenGoat
Fujiwara no Mokou, Sogiita Gunha - PKMNB0Y
Emily - Psyga315
Houraisan Kaguya - Raineh Daze
Kaiser - Crimmy
Mikage Ueshima/Armoured Rider Kurokage - Tachi
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Sakura Kyouko
  • Age: 14
  • Appearance: "I'll kill you if you waste food."
  • World of Origin: Puella Magi Madoka Magica(Post-Series, there is no third movie)
  • Powers/Equipment: Kyouko's body is stronger and more durable as a result of being a Puella Magi. On top of this, she can transform into her magical girl form, sporting a red outfit and a spear that can unlink itself to become almost-whip like, the segments connected by chains. The spear is highly extendable as well, and incredibly sharp. Kyouko is far more difficult to kill then a normal human, but if her Soul Gem is destroyed she will instantly die. Kyouko also possesses illusions and an enchanting ability that in action is basically being able to sweet-talk others into doing things for her, but she is as of now unwilling or incapable of using it. She sports an aggressive fighting style fueled by her equally aggressive personality.
    Kyouko carries her Soul Gem, which she uses to transform in a magical girl. In this form she carries a spear that can detach itself and become something like a chain whip, which she can wrap enemies in. The tip is extremely sharp. At any given time, she has a mass amount of snack food on her person.
  • Brief Backstory: A girl who suffered tragedy after becoming a magical girl, which formed her current worldview. Due to a chain of events, one that massively effected the world, she now has more company and likely a brighter future, even in her eventual death.
  • Personality: Kyouko is a rough, abrasive girl with a rather selfish attitude. She has no qualms about stealing food or other items, and feels that it's simple fact that she has to do whatever she can to get by. She's something of a tomboy, and her taste in fashion makes her come off looking rather like a delinquent(which is not an entirely inaccurate assumption given how she acts). She is also somewhat obsessed with food, carrying snacks on her person at nearly all times and frequently seen eating. And eating. And eating. Kyouko eats a lot. In spite of her selfish, abrasive attitude, Kyouko has a softer side that sometimes comes out. A girl who sometimes remembers she wanted to help people, a girl who likes stories that, no matter how bad things get, have a happy ending. As a result, even if she initially tends to treat them like idiots, Kyouko has a soft spot for people who want to help others, deep inside her. Due to certain events in her home universe, her softer side is now more likely to come out. However, this doesn't change the fact that she's often abrasive and rough towards others, and still quite selfish.
  • Other: Kyouko has discovered a way to be able to produce snack food at any moment. No matter what.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Samuel Rodrigues, aka Jetstream Sam

Age: Around 26


World of Origin: Metal Gear

Powers/Equipment: His exosuit, his HF sword with a scabbard launcher mechanism, as well as several grenades. His powers are mainly his insane skill with the sword, and his own cunning, and observation skills in battle.

Brief Backstory:
He was once a vigilante swordsman, skilled in his own school of swordsmanship, who had set out to seek justice. Even before having the suit, he was quite a skilled fighter, able to take down ten men with just a sword and his skills. After touring around the world dishing out justice, he set his eyes on one organization. Unfortunately, the organization was much more than he expected, and he lay defeated before the head of that organization.
Believing that their goals must be right, he joined it, replacing the arm he lost in that last fight with a cyborg arm. After a chance encounter with another sword focused cyborg, he started to doubt his moves. The doubt grew and grew, until finally, he had a chance to face the cyborg in the desert.

Personality: Sam was once greatly driven by revenge, this was what fueled him to hone his skills and become an expert swordsman. He would go on to develop a free-wheeling personality, taking out street gangs and drug cartels based on his own sense of justice. After his defeat by that one organization however, he developed a more manipulative and taunting personality.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name: Fujiwara no Mokou
Age: At least 1300
Appearance: Living forever ain't as good as you think it is, y'know.
World of Origin: Gensokyo (Touhou Project); post-ULiL
Powers/Equipment: Mokou is, for lack of a better term, completely immortal in every sense of the term. After drinking the Hourai Elixir as a child, she has henceforth become completely impossible to PERMANENTLY kill. No matter how much damage her body take, lethal or otherwise, she will ALWAYS manage to recover. How long that takes, though, is another situation entirely; her regeneration factor, while abnormally high, becomes slower the more damage she takes. The amount of times she has to revive will also affect how long it takes for her to recover, ranging anywhere from a few seconds to a few days at worst. As another result of the Hourai Elixir, Mokou is unable to contract any diseases, cannot age, and does not require sustenance to exist. Food and drink are simply a luxury now. This does not MEAN, however, that Mokou cannot feel fatigue or pain. Even though the centuries of life have toughened her up considerably, in the end she's still a human, and her body still has human limits. Mostly.
Mokou is also skilled in the manipulation of flames, often choosing to use a phoenix motif in her abilities because of its parallels to immortality, though she is just as free in manipulating it into whatever form she so wishes. As a resident of Gensokyo, she also abides by the spellcard rules, which means that she can fire off hordes upon hordes of bullets if the situation calls for it in the form of... Well, whatever the cards dictate. She has a variety of spellcards, and each can be used once per battle, per day.
Oh, and she can fly, because Gensokyo. Her clothes are also absurdly fire-retardant; no matter what flames they're bathed in, they will always come out unscathed. Other people can also eat her liver to become immortal as well, but... Well, she'll never let anyone do something like that willingly.
Brief Backstory: Once a human, Mokou drank the Hourai Elixir whilst seeking revenge against Kaguya (yes, THAT Kaguya) for humiliating her father as a child. Immortality ensued. Ever since then, Mokou's been lingering on as an undying existence, eventually finding her way to Gensokyo. Looping through complete insanity before running back to sanity and repeating that cycle a few times over (along with beating the everloving crap out of Kaguya and vice versa a few times over). Following the events of Imperishable Night (aka the 'fake moon incident'), Mokou's gone back to her daily life of lounging about...
Well, assuming that incidents don't directly involve her or anything. There was that one time that she went out into modern-day Japan, which was... Something. Didn't learn much from the experience, though.
Personality: Mokou is by no means sociable; due to her immortality, she's seen many people die as time passes, and thus removes herself willingly from human society in order to avoid the everlasting pain of parting. Her age also makes her much wiser than she appears to be, though it may not always seem as such at first. She IS still human at heart, though, and is fairly altruistic in spite of what she has lived through thus far. To those who do get her to open up a bit more, Mokou is a rather blunt person, though nowhere near as hotheaded as her control of fire would USUALLY implicate. While content with her life in Gensokyo, if something piques her interest, she won't hesitate to pursue it. When she's committed, though, she goes ALL OUT. The only other thing that might cause such a reaction is killing Kaguya, because, well... Grudges. Even that's sorta gone stale, though.
Having lived for so long, Mokou has also looped around from sane to insane and back again. Nothing really fazes her back home in Gensokyo, but more advanced societies... Well, those are a different story. She also understands that life is still something important and the impact of taking a life, though that doesn't mean that she much cares for her own.
Dying still hurts, though. She tries to avoid it.
Other: Smokes. Doesn't smoke often, but smokes. The Hourai Elixir has removed all the bad side-effects, so she has no particular reason not to. Can also cook fairly well.

Name: Sogiita Gunha
Age: No specific age given; estimated to be 14-17.
Appearance: When in doubt, trust your guts!
World of Origin: To Aru Majutsu no Index
Powers/Equipment: As a Gemstone and one of the top espers in Academy City, Gunha's potential arsenal is... Rather large. The most relevant of this set is listed below.
  • Super Strength: Gunha can launch things a fair distance; for example, he launched a certain spiky-haired misfortunate high school student down a long path towards their target.
  • Pain Resistance and Increased Healing Factor: Gunha doesn't really FEEL much pain from most normal attacks and can shrug off things like, say, gunshots. Having resisted one of Misaka's larger lightning strikes and having caught one of her famous Railguns with his teeth, Gunha doesn't really care about that. He can also forcefully reconnect broken bones and staunch bleeding with, as he puts it, 'guts'. He can still feel pain, though; it's just the smaller stuff that really doesn't faze him.
  • Explosion Creation: In classic tokusatsu hero fashion, Gunha can create explosions of various types for different circumstances. These can be used to make a dramatic entrance or for more practical, combat-oriented purposes.
  • Attack Crash: Gunha takes a deep breath, takes a karate stance, dramatically opens his eyes and yells out the name of his signature move before launching a punch at his intended target. With enough force to damage a target over ten meters away, this attack is able to break through rubble. Gunha claims it to be psychokineis, but the truth is that even the scientists don't understand how it works.
  • Aurora Guard: In a similar fashion to his usual attack, Gunha shouts the words 'AMAZING PUNCH GUARD' and... Well, punches projectiles to the ground. Though it's not a perfect defense, it can deflect projectiles that have no real tangible form, such as electricity or lasers.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Aside from his super strength, Gunha can also move at superhuman speeds, can jump absurdly high, and... Can shout loud enough to create a shockwave that can break a fall.
    No, that's not a joke.

Brief Backstory: The No.7 Level 5 esper in Academy City, Gunha is... Well, there's not much to say about him, actually. A Gemstone whose powers even the top scientists of Academy City cannot decipher, Gunha lives his life as a sort-of normal student...
Well, save for the times he jumps into incidents because of his own ideals of justice. It usually end up working out one way or another. For example, the Daihaseisai incident.
But, well, that's super spoileriffic, so let's not go there.
Personality: Gunha is... A bit of an idiot. A kindhearted idiot who fights for the sake of justice, yes, but an idiot nevertheless. Incredibly hot-blooded and eager to solve issues without thinking them through first, Gunha also has a bit a tendency to get involved in messes that might not have BEEN messes in the first place. Often misunderstanding problems and context, he'll often jump into a problem with the idea that "if he has enough guts, then it'll be fine" or something like that. He's not an idiot, though; even though he may be the type to get caught up in rather strange situations, it's not as if he can't understand people or their issue. He just jumps to conclusions... Really quickly. If forced to, at least, he can stay put and TRY to work something out otherwise.
Other: Cites 'guts' as a solution to a lot of things. Don't think too much about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 15 days ago

Takamachi Nanoha

Name: Takamachi Nanoha.
Aliases: The Ace of Aces, White Devil (if you wanna live, don't mention this one within her hearing range).
Age: 25 (as of Force).
World of Origin: Lyrical Nanoha Franchise.
Powers/Equipment: Nanoha isn't known as the Ace of Aces for no reason. She's one of the strongest TSAB mages to ever exist, having achieved an overall rank of S+ Aerial Mage, meaning that she's about as powerful as whole battalion of common mages (in fact, she's much stronger than that, if she pulls all stops). For mere convenience, Nanoha is usually limited to around AAA+ power level, which is still leaps and bounds above what most people can ever achieve in their whole lifetimes (though, Nanoha did so when she was a but a nine years old greenhorn). Her whole list of powers and spells is huge, but, focused mostly in one thing, air superiority through massive firepower, crossing Nanoha is highly unadvisable.

Fully armed Nanoha, having the Strike Cannon, Fortress and Raising Heart (drone mode).

Aside from her usual Intelligent Device (a computerized magic staff), Raising Heart, Nanoha is also in possession of two additional arms systems, the Fortress and Strike Cannon, both primarily used to deal with threats that are highly resistant or even immune to magic, by converting her magical energy in pure kinetic energy for destructive force blasts, as well as shielding her against pretty much anything less than battleship levels of fire power.

Brief Backstory: Read Here.
Personality: Ditto.
Other: None that I can recall now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Emily

Age: 14

Appearance: vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/prettycur..

World of Origin: Glitter Force

Powers/Equipment: Emily has a trinket called a Glitter Pact. Plugging a Ribbon Glitter Charm into the Pact allows her to transform into Glitter Lucky. As the pink Glitter Force warrior, Emily is able to jump pretty high, almost to the point of flight, though she has problems with her landing. By channelling her spirit into the Pact, she is able to preform the Sparkle Storm, basically a gigantic pink purifying beam. However, it takes so much energy that this can only be used once per transformation. Also, Emily has a couple of other Glitter Charms, though they produce mundane objects, such as a strawberry, pudding, a brush, a bouquet of roses, etc.

Brief Backstory: Emily moved into a new town and on her first day of school, Emily bumped into a pixie named Candy, who was looking for to recruit people to become the Glitter Force and protect her world and their world from the Shadow Realm. Emily is chosen to be the first Glitter Force warrior, Glitter Lucky.

Personality: Emily is a very happy-go-lucky girl who gets really excited about certain things. Mostly fairy tale related stuff. That said, she also gets really flustered and is can get scatterbrained at times.

Other: Not sure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Houraisan Kaguya
  • Age: Older than Mokou
  • World of Origin: Touhou Project
  • Powers/Equipment: Kaguya's (notable) power is Manipulation of Eternity and the Instantaneous. In practical terms, it means that she can break spells affecting how time flows once she's aware of them. Less practically, it's a really good way to keep a mansion in perfect condition for centuries at the cost of nothing there ever changing at all, which is more than a bit boring. This ability is one of the key ingredients to creating the Hourai Elixir.
    Naturally, as one of the people instrumental in its creation, Kaguya has consumed the elixir and benefits from all its attendant effects, such as the inability to die, fall ill, or not needing to eat or drink. Of course, injuries accumulate and take time to heal, but she's at least well-fed and quite durable anyway, so it's not an enormous difficulty. Being a Lunarian helps somewhat, as she was already (practically) unageing before consuming the elixir.
    When it comes to fighting, Kaguya tends to rely on her vast, vast collection of random items. Whilst for the most part this is a collection of priceless artefacts being used to generate bullets or lasers, two stand out. One for being a robe with the ability to create fire and the other for being an entire temple ceiling. Though for danmaku purposes it can be used for creating bullet walls, practically it's simpler to just hit someone with the thing.
    Finally, as a resident of Gensokyo, she can fly. Whilst she logically would have other magical abilities as a native of the moon, she never seems to use them even when it could be considered a good idea, so they functionally don't exist. It's also worth noting that her beauty is renowned--more than enough to have strangers come to court her and then set off on impossible errands for the mere chance of winning her hand.
  • Brief Backstory: Kaguya was born as a princess of the moon. This can be widely considered to be a good deal, all things considered, and not worth screwing up in any way. She still chose to cause problems for herself by getting Yagokoro Eirin to make the Hourai Elixir with her help before consuming it and consequently getting exiled from the Moon for committing this crime, where a bamboo cutter found her and raised her as his daughter.
    Her beauty came to the notice of the nobility and, not wishing to marry any of them, she set them the challenge of collecting various items--requests that were deemed impossible. Though this was true from the perspective of difficulty, it mostly held because Kaguya had gone and collected all the items herself. One suitor tried to fake succeeding, setting in motion the chain of events that would lead to Fujiwara no Mokou attaining the Hourai Elixir and becoming immortal.
    Eventually, the Lunarians decided that perhaps it wasn't the best idea for their unkillable princess to reside on the filthy Earth and came to bring her back. Kaguya, however, rather liked it there as well as humanity. A way out was provided because Eirin was one of those sent and chose to join Kaguya in killing the other emissaries before going into hiding.
    A long time later, Mokou located Kaguya again and set up the repeating cycle of killing each other for poorly defined reasons, marking the only notable change to Eientei in centuries. Some time later, a moon rabbit came--bringing news of the Apollo landings and fleeing the invasion--and got kept around. The biggest change, however, was on paranoia that the Moon would try and take her back again, where Eirin took the initiative to put the world in a pot so that it was inaccessible from outside.
    As it turned out, this was entirely unnecessary and the strange fake moon attracted enough attention that more people from Gensokyo blindly stumbled upon Eientei. This has considerably livened the place up, along with the spell of eternity being lifted, and Kaguya has actually left the forest a few times. Why not answer an interesting call to help some other world?
  • Personality: Kaguya is both a princess--raised to be courteous and personable--and someone woefully bereft of common sense. This probably explains setting people literally impossible tasks to be her suitor rather than declining outright and how she decided consuming the elixir in the first place was a good idea or even remotely necessary. It also clearly outlines why, despite being regal when the situation calls for it, her general attitude to life is to pursue random whims such as having a hotspring in Eientei or to fall asleep somewhere that bamboo can trap her. Given how many rabbits live in the place, she obviously has a fondness for them and yet refers to every single one as Inaba, even the newest arrival from the moon, when that would work as an accurate name for exactly one of them.
    She does seem to be able to be inventively malicious towards Mokou, such as sending people to be assassins, but on the whole she doesn't take the whole thing anywhere near as seriously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser (female)

Somewhere in their mid-to-late teens.

Although most commonly seen wearing Kaiser's armour, the warrior of the Nova, beneath the intimidating shell of steel, appears no different from a tall, fit and muscular young Nova woman. With powerful scaly wings, a tail, and two small horns, she is visibly more or less 'just a girl', a trait that utterly fails to convey itself through her armour. Her eyes are a striking blue, a darker shade that her short, cropped hair. However, said hair has been dyed a bright orange to emphasise her cheery outlook on life, and an easy grin is always present on her pale skin. Her casual outfits vary, including a school uniform blouse that she acquired during a former extradimensional adventure, but she tends to prefer either her traditional training garb, or a tanktop, shorts and runners (a clothing style she's nabbed from humans).

World of Origin:
Pantheon, Grandis (MapleStory)

As not only a member of the draconic Nova race, but as a legendary warrior and Hero of the Nova, Kaiser is in possession of great physical and magical abilities, the unique physiology of her people blending with the ancient blessings of the Dragon Gods to provide her with immense constitution and stamina, remarkable durability, and terrifying strength that is capable of wielding even the heaviest of broadswords with a mere one arm. A passive, constantly-acting regeneration effect is innate to her, even able to take effect in the midst of battle, slowly healing her wounds until the point where she is in perfect health. Each and every blow she delivers is naturally infused with her inner fire, turning her sword swings into tornadoes of flame. Powers befitting the knight that acted as the vanguard of the Nova reclamation of their homeworld, but what truly makes her dangerous is her magic.

Like all tailed Nova, the Kaiser is capable of utilising magic at the cost of draining energy from an inner pool of mana, one that only recovers through either the use of potions, rest, or other esoteric abilities. As a legendary warrior, her reserves are far greater than the average member of her race, and a certain trait unique to her has slightly reduced the time required for her to recuperate if she is lacking in mana. However, even with the benefits of being a hero, her mana still takes time to recover, and continued use of her magical skills, especially in the heat of battle, will deplete it to zero, where she will be utterly unable to use any magic.

Many of her powers lie over the domain of fire, but she is also capable of expending her mana on certain spells to "buff" herself up, and in some cases even allies. As the Kaiser, she can summon blades from the aether to strike foes, and her wings are powerful enough to generate magical tornadoes when strongly beat. However, the most prominent of her abilities would likely be her "Final Figuration": as she fights for longer and longer, a strange energy builds up within her, one that is indicated by the increasing size of her wings, and will grow in power relative to the build-up; when the energy reaches its maximum, however, she can choose to enter her "Final Figuration", transforming into a black-and-gold, larger and more frightening version of her armour, a juggernaut that is also capable of short-distance teleportation. Despite this increase in power, she will return to her original form after three minutes, losing all of the energy that has been built up.

She also owns a grappling hook, and makes use of a powerful, two-handed broadsword, a gleaming crimson and gold, known as the Liberated Kaiserium (although out of respect for her predecessor, at times chooses the black and silver Kaiserion, a weaker blade, instead as her weapon of choice).

Brief Backstory:
Once, there was a legendary warrior known as Kaiser, who served as a hero and guardian of the draconic Nova race and their homeworld of Grandis. They lived in peace and harmony in their capital city, Heliseum, under his protection, until an exiled warrior of theirs, the warlord Magnus, aligned himself with forces of darkness from another world and invaded their cities. While the Kaiser fought as valiantly as he could, he was poisoned by the traitor, and he was left with no other choice but to sacrifice himself in order to stop the armies of the dark Nova in order to save his people. Yet in the end, Magnus survived, stealing Kaiser's legendary sword. Heliseum still fell to his forces, and the people of the Nova were forced to evacuate to their temple city, Pantheon, where they bid in waiting for the day they could reclaim their capital.

Fast forward centuries, and Magnus' armies stirred once more, laying siege to Pantheon in an attempt to finally bring the people of Nova under his rule. Yet they had failed to expect Kaiser's successor, a young, foolish girl who fended off their assault with her inherited powers. Although inexperienced at first, the girl soon partook in many quests and missions, growing from strength to strength in her new role and blazing new paths for her people. It was her who helped establish diplomatic relations with human otherworlders, and it was her who single-handedly served as the vanguard for the liberation of Heliseum, doing what her predecessor could not and killing Magnus, reclaiming her rightful blade.

She may be young, but her experiences can rarely be dwarfed in their number.

The previous Kaiser was a paragon of heroism, a noble warrior who showed nothing but love and compassion for his people and his home, dutifully serving as a guardian of their peace and prosperity. He was a true knight, professional in every way and loyal to his cause. Even when betrayed by someone he once viewed as a brother and left a shade of his true power by poison, he chose to sacrifice his own life to protect the Nova, fighting to the bitter end against his enemies and stalling their advance long enough for his people to escape a horrible conquest. He was brave and just, a man who all of his men respected.

His successor, on the other hand, turned out to be a clueless, impulsive tomboy with an ego larger than the size of her "awesome Kaiser powers" and "dragon muscles". A girl with a strong tendency for self-aggrandisement, the new Kaiser had an arrogance to her, the powerful self-confidence and exuberance she initially possessed prior to inheriting the role magnified by her greater prestige. She was overly idealistic, viewing herself as entirely capable to bring about peace to Grandis and reclaim Heliseum, and frequently butted heads with others due to her stubborn streak. Coupled with her blunt nature, innocent insensitivity, and general inability to get through a conversation without praising herself, she was the very image of a child given great power, and just as obnoxious.

However, as time passed, the young Nova girl had changed for the better, growing closer and closer to being a worthy successor to the former Kaiser. Although her unbreakable self-confidence was still present, she had managed to temper her ego (which still didn't prevent her from at times praising herself), becoming far more aware of her limitations and flaws. As a commander on the frontlines, her self-assured confidence and outgoing nature developed into a strange charisma, one that seemed to draw others to her. She was still not particularly tactful, and was especially dense to anything outside of fighting (particularly girlish pursuits, which earned her the ire of her closest friend), but she was a cheery, 'spunky' fellow, always able to prattle on about anything with others. She was loyal, almost idiotically so, but it did much to earn her the friendship of her men.

That is not to say, however, that the Kaiser is unintelligent (although she can admittedly be quite ignorant and 'book-dumb'). Far from it; underneath the layers of 'clueless tomboy', she is actually surprisingly skilled in commanding, capable of strategizing on the fly and ensuring success on the field of battle (although admittedly, she left much of the general strategy plans to her superiors, preferring to act as more or less a wrecking ball to overwhelm enemies with her sheer power), and is also in possession of remarkable eloquence and oratory skills (only when talking to armies). While an incredibly casual speaker in any other context, any time she was required to make a speech, she would reveal depths that one wouldn't expect of someone like her.

In fact, she tends to portray the image of a battle-hungry warrior, someone who lives enthusiastically for battle, throwing herself into hordes of enemies for the thrill of the fight. She enjoys 'smashing' people, and will impulsively attack anyone who reveals themselves to be a foe. Energetic is one of the best descriptors for her personality, and people frequently cite her hamminess as an example of it.

She's still rather immature, though.

After everything she's gone through on both Grandis, the Maple World and every other connected dimension, she's pretty used to being teleported away from home to do some strange quest (although her perspective of a quest usually involves killing thousands of wild animals for their meat).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Amaryllis
  • Age: Physically-speaking, Amaryllis resembles a fourteen-year-old in appearance. However, she has only existed for about one and a half years.
  • Appearance: Amaryllis is extremely pale, with light brown hair, pink eyes, and a red-and-white outfit with white leggings. While most of her body is soft and fleshy, lifelike on the outside, she has exposed joints in her limbs, waist, hips, and hands. Slaughter Edge, her pair of shears, is silver with gold trim. She is somewhat short, at around 5'1.
  • World of Origin: Original Fantasy Setting
  • Powers/Equipment: Amaryllis is a living doll, an animated inanimate object powered by an infusion of mana into her frame. She is exceptionally durable and extremely fast, able to react very quickly to attacks. If she is damaged, she can be repaired, though she cannot repair herself and requires assistance from someone who knows you to fix dolls.
    • Slaughter Edge: Amaryllis's huge pair of shears are no simple gardening tool. Slaughter Edge is a conceptual weapon created in order to attack life specifically(thus the name). It is capable of ignoring inanimate objects, passing through them as if they did not exist, and cutting only living things. The shears cannot interact with nonliving objects, and therefore they cannot be used to block. Sufficiently magical or otherwise supernatural objects can interact with it, though enough blows will eventually allow Slaughter Edge to pass through them.
  • Brief Backstory: Amaryllis is the fourth doll built by the mage Mirafey Ayame. Born from a Japanese-French mage family based in Kyoto, Ayame was filled with the knowledge of dollcrafting, a signature skill of her family. However, she was, and still is, sickly and frail, largely unable to care for herself or her own home. And so she devoted her abilities to making Dolls who could do these things for her. The first doll she made was a maid, whom she called Lavandula. Lavandula, while advanced in construction, was simple in that she lacked an ability to learn outside of her specifications and was highly unexpressive. The second Doll aimed to remedy the lack of expressiveness and was more versatile. Goldibanne, an administrative doll, was built to run Ayame's mansion and perform a wider variety of actions, though her learning capacity was still limited. She is much more expressive as well, but possesses a wide sadistic streak in spite of her sweet-seeming attitude. The next doll was Silvabelle, who was designed purely for combat. Silvabelle is excellent in combat but fails to address anything else and even needs assistance dressing. Finally, deciding she required a guard for outside as well as a gardener, Ayame created Amaryllis. She gave Amaryllis a relic of the Mirafey family, a pair of shears designed to only cut life, and set her to work.
  • Personality: Amaryllis is normally somewhat quiet and reserved, focused on her duties and job. She is deeply loyal to Ayame(she was designed that way, after all), and considers paying attention to her duties and remaining focused to be paramount. She is, as a result, somewhat socially awkward and easily flustered, embarrassing situations swiftly getting to her. She is also somewhat of a straight man, so to speak, often questioning outlandish situations and becoming mildly exasperated at them. In combat, Amaryllis is relentless and fast, clearing her mind to focus on doing her duty for Ayame(or whatever else is required of her). She tries to keep a control of her temper, but threats to friends and allies, especially Ayame, quickly enrage her. Amaryllis is fairly confident in her abilities, but at times lacks confidence in her appearance. Sometimes she is mistaken for a somewhat girly boy, which she does not like at all. However, girlish clothing also embarrasses her.
  • Other: Amaryllis is an excellent gardener, the fastest of the four dolls, and the second best fighter. But don't ask her to cook. Ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 9 days ago

  • Name: Mikage Ueshima
  • Age: 26
  • Appearance: In her normal attire. She's about 5'3". Strawberry Arms. Appearances for her other Rider Arms are in the links in the powers/equipment section.
  • Powers: Mikage has a Sengoku Driver and a set of Lockseeds, allowing her to transform into an Armoured Rider, giving her enhanced physical abilities and access to a variety of different forms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on which Lockseed she uses, her armour and weapon changes. She has the Pinecone, Strawberry, Walnut and Suika Lockseeds, as well as the Dandeliner Lockvehicle.
  • Brief Backstory: Mikage is a resident of Zawame City, having moved there after the Yggdrasill Corporation's redevelopment. She worked as one of the Yggdrasill Corporation's Kurokage troopers, foot soldiers tasked with protecting and assisting researchers in the forest of Helheim and controlling its incursions into their world. During an expedition to gather samples of Helheim's flora, she encountered a golden portal.
  • Personality: Contrary to what one might expect from the faceless mooks of a morally ambiguous organisation, Mikage is a generally pleasant and cheerful individual with a penchant for terrible puns. She tries to do the right thing, regardless of any risk to herself and has a strong sense of justice. She's generally good at controlling her temper, but threatening or attacking those who can't defend themselves around her is a good way to get her mad. While she's not completely inflexible, she can be somewhat stubborn once she's set her mind on something.
  • Other: While her personality might make her role with a group whose goals include wiping out most of the Earth's population seem odd, she's more or less in the dark about any finer details than "we're going to protect humanity from the Invess".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Name: Abbigail J. Lilian
Age: 19

World of Origin: One Piece

Brief Backstory: Abigail was born to a wealthy family of merchants who made a lot of money trading devil fruits. Well the men did anyways. The women were expected to serve traditional roles. Abbigail didn't like that. So one day, upon overhearing her father's plans on marrying her off to someone twice her age in a few weeks. That didn't set well with her so that night she snuck into her father's office, stole the fruit along with the family sword and stole away on one of her dad's caravans to find a life on the high sees.

Personality: Abigail is extremely stubborn, and hates when people tell her what she can or cannot do. Unless she's close to someone she comes off as cold or aloof, but when she truly cares she'll put herself in harm's way to protect others at a moment's notice. Due to a sheltered upbringing she has trouble relating to others, and opening up has always been a problem. Also thanks to her younger days she's relatively ignorant of the world and wants to see everything that was denied to her when was younger. She's crazy over women with long raven wing hair, and has no idea how to talk with them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walter Kroncite
"The Middle Man"

"I still get a kick out of people asking how I see with this thing on. Come on guys, remember what year we live in?"
Sounds like he's in his late 20s, early 30s... probably is.

Stands at around 6 feet, has a medium build to him. It can be understandable to suspect he's an android of some sort, given that you rarely ever see any actual skin, let alone his face. He sleeps in his gear, and get's his food through a straw from the commonly sold "nutrition packs" that taste like green paste....

World of Origin:
Sort of an OC idea from a art series made by this guy: Duster132's BABIRU Project

"Exo Suit"
As seen in the image, Walter wears a unique looking helmet and wears a light exo-suit. This helmet functions as a gasmask as well as giving basic info on his current state of health as well as some basic communication tech. It can provide thermal and night vision. It also protects his head... but that's a given... His helmet and head are usually wrapped up in his prized shemagh as seen in the images, something he holds in great value for unknown reasons. The aforementioned "exo-suit" is a older model from the late 21st century, meaning that it lacks some much needed upgrades. For example, new models run on small Fission batteries, meaning that you'll probably be dead before that thing runs out of juice. In Walter's case, the older designs run on a less advance battery system, thus it tends to be unreliable when placed under high strain. Because of this, the battery life varies on it. Think of it as a smart phone. Give it a good charge, and it could run the whole day, but try watching videos on 4G, or play some mobile game, and you might be out of juice within an hour or more. So he has to choose when to push it to the limit and when to tone it back a notch. Regardless, it increases his physical abilities and endurance, from lifting heavier objects to jumping greater heights and distances.

Brief Backstory:
Some say that he's a kill drone from the government.... others say that he once met the queen of England, but wasn't introduced to the king.... All we know is.. he's called the Middle Man!

Joking aside, this faceless hero has had a checkered past to say the least. It is one that is confusing at its highest level of clarity. You see, if you asked Walter about his past, he will always give you a different answer. Sometimes he might give some long, drawn out story of crazy adventures in the mega city of Babiru in South America, explaining he got this helmet and exosuit after he broke into a crime ring lab and stole their high tech gear. Other times he will simply say that he's been scrounging around for years and the suit he wears is a symbol of how lucky one can be while out there scavenging from the husks of buildings from bye-gone days of the 21st Century. Hell, he even claims to have been in space! Needless to say, his past is shrouded in mystery, but its the kind of mystery people get tired of trying to pry out of him.

"So yeah, people always assume the faceless, masked man or woman or whatever the fuck your calling em these days... err... anyway, people always assume that he's gonna be all 'quiet and reclusive' cause he's not just hiding his face, he's hiding his soul or whatever bullshit. As you can already tell, I'm a pretty talkative guy, I like to chat people up, hear about the ups and downs of the true down under. Maybe I just like wearing this kick ass helmet! Who knows? It ain't your business and it shouldn't be!"

Walter is a pragmatic, friendly man who despite his, perhaps, intimidating appearance, is actually quite approachable and sociable. He enjoys hanging out with people and seems to be generally a helpful dude. Isn't to nosy about your personal life, nor will he pry for any deep stuff out of you when you don't want to. All around, he's a skeptical, smart dude who's just getting through life in his own way.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

  • Name: Jolokia Anaheim
  • Age: 32. However, in Masalan terms she is still a child, and compared to a human she is physically 16. A somewhat underdeveloped 16 at that.
  • Appearance: The dreaded Ghost Naga. Mugshot by a better artist!
  • World of Origin: Theia, an original fantasy setting.
  • Powers/Equipment: Jolokia is a highly skilled swordswoman, practicing a style that emphasizes swift strikes and almost blinding speed. She wields a non-magical yet mastercrafted sword forged of Turillium Steel, making it many times more durable than regular steel and insanely sharp. In her idiocy, she has named this weapon "Mr. Bungle". Whilst there is considerable power behind her strikes (she is somewhat stronger than her slight frame would suggest), speed is far more important to her style; she forgoes armour as it would just encumber and slow her down, although her natural durability helps make up for this a little bit. Her race, the Masalans, are also inherently magical. Jolokia, however, is an idiot and thus can only use simple spells like tiny sparks of fire; the one more advanced spell she knows simply allows her to swing her sword so fast it creates sonic booms... Although whether she actually realizes this is a spell is unknown. Other than her swordsmanship, her only other notable skill is her cooking. She is a surprisingly accomplished cook despite how dense she is, really.
  • Brief Backstory: Jolokia is a Masalan, a race who are rumoured to be descended from demons and other magical beings, resulting in their pointed ears and mildly pronounced canine teeth. Growing up in the rural south of Asteri (one of the more notable countries in Theia), she never really wanted to be a rancher like her parents were, and so as soon as she could she bid them farewell and left to achieve her dream of becoming the world's greatest swordswoman! ...Really, the only things of note about her past are that she was taken in by a great swordmaster who taught her the ways of the blade, and is currently off on a journey to apply her training and improve her skills. She's... A very simple person with simple goals and a simple background, really.
  • Personality: To put it simply, Jolokia is kind of dumb. She is as gullible and naive as an innocent child, and her almost perpetual gormless smile does nothing to dispel this image. In social situations she is rather hyperactive and babbles on a lot about random topics, especially swords. She likes swords. She really likes swords. And she is very, very good with swords. Whilst an airheaded goofball most of the time, once she enters battle Jolokia is a cool and composed figure, analysing her opponents as she waits to make swift, decisive strikes. The change can be quite jarring, really. Swordplay is her life, and she is constantly trying to improve herself; there is nothing Jolokia loves more than meeting a strong opponent to test her skills on, aside from maybe a shiny new sword. Despite her love of combat, Jolokia is no bloodthirsty monster; she is staunchly good at heart, and the one way to get her angry is to abuse and mistreat good people, especially her friends.
  • Other:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

  • Name: Mega Man/Rock
  • Age: Physically and mentally 10
  • World of Origin: Mega Man (Archie Comics)
  • Powers/Equipment:

    • Super Strength and Toughness: Mega’s made out of tough stuff! Robots can give him quite a licking, but ordinary humans are more than likely to just bruise their knuckles punching him. On the flipside, Mega Man is more than capable of smashing straight through a wall if he tried hard enough.
    • Mega Buster: A simple arm cannon that can equip to both arms. It utilizes the power of the sun to fire blasts of energy. Mega can equip two at once... But it comes with a dangerous risk of critically overloading his systems, potentially wiping himself out.
    • Variable Weapons System: A copy chip installed in Mega Man allows him to mimic other robots’ primary ability if he can get his hands on them. It’s not always a straight copy though, and unlike his Mega Buster he can only use them for a limited amount of uses. It’ll... maybe work on robots not from his universe. Possibly. Probably not on flesh and blood beings.
    • Slide: A sliding mechanic installed in Mega Man’s legs. It lets him easily zip a short distance on the ground for quick mobility.
    • Rush: Mega Man’s trusty robot dog. He may literally be a robot dog, but he’s also programmed to be Mega Man’s field support. Possesses a nifty spring form (Rush Coil), jet form (Rush Jet), submarine form (Rush Marine), and small spacecraft form (Rush Space). He’s not as tough as Mega Man, but he’s helpful all the same.
  • Brief Backstory: For years, Rock was just a simple son and lab assistant robot to the renowned robotics expert Dr. Thomas Light. This all changed when Light's vain and jealous colleague, Dr. Albert Wily, stole and reprogrammed advanced industrial robots, Robot Masters, into tools of warfare. As they were far too advanced to face against the military, all hope was lost... Until Rock volunteered to become a fighting machine just like them. In doing so, he became Mega Man and thwarted Wily's plans time and again, earning allies, enemies, and a battle-weary heart. Just as the world finally seemed to find peace, Mega Man was ready to hang up his buster... only to be met with cries for help from another dimension. Being no stranger to other worlds or people in need, he suited up one more time to help.
  • Personality: Rock was programmed to be a child-like son who would inherit Dr. Light's values of right and wrong. In doing so, he became a humble, kind, and courageous, if a little reckless, robot with a strong sense of justice. Despite volunteering to become a combat robot, however, he’s pacifistic at heart. He abhors violence and always tries communicating with his enemies, only engaging them in battle when it stops being an option. He’s rarely one to get on the aggressive, but the moment his family and friends are put in danger is when he really cuts loose.
  • Other: Despite how remarkably human he appears, Rock does not have free will. Although he can think and make decisions for himself, he is still Three-Law compliant. He can’t even risk hurting a human unless he or other people are actively being put at risk. Good thing aliens aren't human!
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