Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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The whole thing around Alexi I'm joking about so don't take it seriously. :)

I'll take it very seriously.
Posted, pardon if the spelling is a bit weird or the spacing. I did it from my tablet, which is a pain to type on.
Alexi watched the man give his briefing, barely reacting to any real degree. However, those swamplands did bring back some memories. It was the scene of an ambush, when she was given the task to attack a rival smuggler group who were transporting illegal drugs out of the Fortune Region into the other lands. It had resulted in the annihilation of the smugglers, some local fishermen, and one very pissed off swamp monster. The images of the violent beast thrashing about, gnawing on her mech, its massive mouth filling up the camera feed in her cockpit.

Alexi gave a small sigh. Ahh.... good times. She focused again back onto what the man had been saying, having not really payed attention for the most part. To her pleasant surprised, she and the others here had been chosen to be leaders of this operation. Shocking as it may be, Alexi didn't really have much experience in leading men. Often times, the closest she's come to that was being hired to train a militia or two. Honestly, even she recognized that she couldn't employ the same.... "methods" she used back then, so this was shaping up to be somewhat interesting.

The "I look like a bouncer for a five dollar strip club" Nathan criticized the lack of any real useful intelligence. If anything, this briefing showed why Alexi had no trouble in the past when she came up against these Outcasts. Once again, good times, but now was not the time or place for a nostalgia trip. Before Alexi could add to what Nathan was saying, or really, before he could even finish his sentence, horny dog Hawthorne leap to his feet and showed his flair for the dramatic. Whirling around, arms outstretched, boy was he just BEGGING to be kicked in the balls now. The urge was now more powerful than before, but Alexi kept in check. She'll put a knife in him later, especially if he fucks up. That's when Nathan began to tear into him, making Alexi snicker from behind him. He then mentioned her role in all of this.

"She said she has had run in with this guild in the region on many occasions so I will assume that you operate a lot around here hence why I would recommend you for Captain of this squad." he said. Alexi perked up at this. Well, he wasn't wrong, so fuck it, why not. She shrugged and let him continue. "Now, I have seventeen years of combat experience in some very dangerous places and completed over fifty plus missions successfully with only 2% of them being failures." Alexi made a jerk off gesture as Nathan said this, rolling her eyes. When he finished, Alexi shook her head.

"Blah, blah, fucking blah. Man, do you just masturbate yourself like that all the time? Are you that insecure and lacking in confidence that you need to remind us about how awesome of a soldier you are? Well I bet my kill count is way higher than yours, and no, I'm not counting noncombants.... well, okay, I'll count them as half a point, cause like, fuck, you can burn through some ammo if there's enough of them, but you get what I mean.

Who the fuck cares about 'leadership skills' anyway for this? I mean, as you so obviously made sure we noticed, you know that Alexander is part of this, right? The big fucking Frontier dude who was... what was it... oh yeah, a Lieutenant Colonel? This is a merc group, not a fucking regiment, so try not to bring the politics from your silly little military career into this." she said, in a very mocking tone. Sighing, Alexi continued, this time a bit more on topic.

"Ugh, anyway, yeah, I got no problem leading this op. I know the terrain and so long as none of you steal my kills, Goatee man stops measuring his dick in front of us, and the horny dog stops acting like his boner will pierce the heavens, then I think this can be pulled off without a hitch." she finished. Alexi stood up with a stretch and a yawn. "Now where was the coffee machine?"

<Snipped quote by BurningCold>

If GMing with talented RPers has taught me anything, is that this ambiguity makes flirting like playing hopscotch in a minefield.


Also, I just did a spit take after reading that Alexi will be a fucking leader... Like, holy shit this is gonna be good.
Pretty great that this has finally started up, we have an interesting cast of characters here. Especially (Miss?) Skepic's very own Alexi. It's rare to see people play full blown psychopath properly, but the app is well done so I have faith.

Oh god, the pressure is on.

No but really, I'm gonna have fun with this character. Not gonna take it seriously for a second, just her fucking around and killing shit, regardless of what it is.

You can count on Alexi during those hard, moral choices, to be there to make the choice so you don't have to! WARNING! Side effects may include lots and lots of PTSD of innocent village being shredded by shotgun pellets the size of bowling balls.
Alexi Krackov

What could the horrifying, murderous, blood crazed mercenary of the free lands be possibly doing during this meet up with legendary soldiers turned fortune? Was she eyeing everyone up? Evaluating who could be the weak link, the spy, or the bastard who kill steals? Or perhaps, she was thinking of ways of killing that sniper who just had to join the team, maybe in his sleep?

Erm...... well.... no. Alexi was jet lagged, somewhat, having to make this meeting through an overnight trip. Between the fact that she was still recovering from.... ya know, getting shot in the fucking head and the long, irritatingly boring journey she had to take here for this orientation, this vacation of hers was not starting off on the right foot. So, among the many comfy couches and pillows, Alexi had been literally just dozing off, half asleep on the couch. Her blood red beret covering her face somewhat.

Just as she was just about to start catching up on some sleep, a stereotype decided to disturb her.

“...gonna ask Hawthorne, Alexi & Nate to join me in the War room real quick. I'll leave the rest of yall with the Deputy.”

With a moan and a grumble, Alexi slowly got up, straighten her beret and hair, and followed the group into a more private room. She wondered, mainly out of bored curiosity, of why she and the other two had been chosen for this private conversation. Could it be because of her past? Goody two shoes who were short sighted always loved throwing the words "Monster" and "Child Murderer" around at her, but to little affect. No, if that were the case, she wouldn't even be on this vacation.

Though it was soon revealed.... well sort of, as to what the cowboy wanted. “Okay....before we go any further, I need to know.....why did you decide to join the outcast guild?” he said, no longer with that over exaggerated accent of his. This definitely raised an eyebrow for Alexi. Why the hell would they care about why she joined? As long as she did her job, wouldn't that be good enough.

Alexi gave an annoyed sigh, her headache returning to her. The guy next to her... she struggled to remember his name... Hawthorne! Well Hawthorne rather annoyingly summed up her feelings. Though the dude was begging for a good nut shot, he had a point. Why the fake accent? Why the entry level job resume question?

Finally, Alexi spoke up. During all this, she seemed rather un-amused and uninterested in the conversation, she now spoke, still not even looking at the man in the cowboy hat. "Your little group of "Outcasts" I've run into on... more than one occasion has proven to be the only closest thing to a military for the Fortune Region. You mostly keep the Fortune Region good for business, as we don't want any those dumb nations across the waters bothering us here while we make a killing and live free from their petty bullshit war. I'd rather keep it that way as would many of my employers." She paused for a moment, leaning back in her chair a bit, staring at the ceiling.

"That, and I need a vacation, honestly. I'm really just here to relax, slaughter a few dumb grunts from wherever, and make a little pocket money on the side. That's all." she said, shrugging.

Alexi is a girl, but wait! Don't change it! I totally want Heav-.... Er, I mean "Alexander Seymon Maxim" to be mistaken! This gunna be gud.

Will be posting shortly. Stay terrified.

You never asked for this.

But here you go, a smart, bloodthirsty, psychopathic mercenary who doesn't have the backstory to explain why she's a smart, bloodthirsty, psychopathic mercenary! Enjoy, cause I had a lot of fun making this character. Honestly, I might of just accidentally created an antagonist for this RP. xD

<Snipped quote by Skepic>

Sorry to hear that friend. Take it easy, and we'll see you later, space cowboy.

Don't give me a ticket for that feel train, please.

//just finished Cowboy Bebop
///liek if u cri evr tim
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