Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
7 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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(Working on it.)
@Dynamo Frokane

Was meaning to post today, but then War Thunder just dropped its next big update! Sorry!



(pls dunt, i liek ma bitchy german)
Gotcha! Been a bit busy, but I'll be posting soon.
I forgot to tag @Skepic in my post.

Also, are you familiar with Youjo Senki AKA The Saga of Tanya the Evil? Your character being a German woman with thoughts of 'sending someone to a pillbox to be shelled by enemy artillery' was something that actually happened in like the first or second episode of the anime.

Well, first off, thank you for introducing me to this anime, as I started watching it tonight and I am enjoying it.

Secondly, AHHHHHHH THIS IS FREAKIN ME OUT MAN! While Hanna is not nearly as.... lazy/trying to just get an easy life, I definitely see the similiarities between her and Tanya. But yeah, that pillbox line freaked me out a bit. Then again, I heard that line somewhere from a World War I documentary, so we might be just referencing the same thing. xD
With the eye rolling incident of Larcen's oh so calm and controlled response, Hanna lifted her Focke-Wulf into the air with incredibly low expectations for her so called wingmen. The pilots of great incompetence were her company on today's mission, and while this was nothing entirely new for her, as sadly weakness ran through any institution, this particular group did not sit well with her. First and foremost was the aforementioned trigger happy Larcen who seemed about as competent as the horrific paint job he had done to an otherwise perfectly fine A6M3 "Zero". What probably angered her the most in regards to Larcen was his simple minded stupidity above all else. The phrase "Think before speaking." must not have even entered the same star system as him.

Secondly was the blond girl, Alex, a failure on several levels in just from her little history lesson before. Hanna had a hard time understanding how this blonde had even been able to properly maintain her otherwise lovely classic Spitfire with such incompetence. To Hanna, this is someone who she'd send to man a pillbox just behind the lines, just so that Hanna could quietly rid somebody when the enemy inevitably shelled such an easy target.

Lastly, at least so far, was Ken Yi, the asian pilot who apparently knew Larcen from a flight school. Now he was actually an interesting one, because while his character came off as somewhat sloppy and loose, his combat record proved otherwise. Yes, the others had decent records as well, but what was interesting was Ken's thoroughness in his job. Shooting parachutes and circling/strafing crashed enemy aircraft, while seemingly cruel, was necessary in these environments to completely eliminate the problem. Perhaps, in a different scenario, he would have made a decent candidate for the 105th Raider Squadron, maybe even a flight lead. At the very least, Ken was not as much as a lost cause as the other two for Hanna, but regardless, he was certainly not up to Hanna's standards.

However, Hanna's musings on her new found squadmates was abruptly cut short by Larcen's voice coming over comms.

"Hey so has anyone here flew against these Jersey Devils in New York before? Anything I should know about their skills in the air?" he asked to the group. A blunt question coming from a blunt mind, so Hanna simply sighed, and turned on her comms.

"Well, Tommy, if you had allowed yourself to be properly be briefed, perhaps you would not ask such basic questions. The so called 'Devils' are no more than street toughs with wings and will fight like such. Easily baited into stalling, crashing, or whatever trap you want to lead them into. The only thing these simple minded people have going for them is there brawn and primitive ferocity, not unlike what you bring to the table I presume." she finished with a smug smile.

Let's see how easily provoked this Tommy really is.
Harder than I am when a P-51 buzzes my car.

But really, I won't be able to post until Friday sadly, so feel free a move on, don't let me hold you back!
@Skepic okay after your next post we take off for brooklyn, get ready for some high octane city dogfighting!

Gotcha! I'll be posting tomorrow.

is everyone okay? do you want me to post again, or do you need some direction with plot? Anything just let me know.

I'm just waiting on either you or fox, cause I got nothin.
Hanna von Falkenheim

".....Von Falkenheim was it? That sounds kind of German, you wouldn't happen to be part of the WEC would you...?"

The pilot who had introduced himself as Larcen obviously had some troubles with the Western European Coalition. Perhaps she was meeting someone who had fought on the other side of the Karlsland conquest? Interesting as it may be, his jumpy behavior and drifting hands near his sidearm only made warranted a huff from Hanna. Such cowardliness this man showed, and he was to be joining this flight? Well, he might meet an unfortunate end if he stepped out of line.

Standing calmly, without even the slightest hint of being intimidated, she stared Larcen dead in the eyes, her orange glare borrowing deep into his head. "During the Karlsland Conquest, I earned my Silver Wings for the Western European Coalition for my actions while participating in the 203rd Hunter Squadron, bombing Karlslandic industrial complexes behind lines and scoring twenty four kills. I then went on to train and lead the 105th Raider Squardron before finally being honorably discharged. However make no mistake, Tommy, I no longer serve under their banner. So I suggest you calm down if wish to participate on this job." she said in a firm voice, staring Larcen down.

Like many in this room, this man would be no more than just another stepping stone. Maybe the other pilots could prove useful tools to be used, but this one, well, had already shown Hanna all that she needed. This one was not going to last long, no doubt, and is nothing more than a nuisance, not even worth the effort. At least here, the ladder was more flexible than during her time in WEC forces.
@Stern Algorithm take the wheel.

I mean this seriously; who doesn't want to be the guy manning one of the turrets to fill the sky with lead? We don't need no Ace or Rabbit to cover for us.

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