
The sound of warplanes buzzing above was hair raising. They didn't quite sound like planes, advanced technology and ancient models combined with poor maintenance made the engines sound like gargling monsters, a low growl with a disturbing buzz, the metal hornets of the sky. They were almost all flown by bandits, low level gang members or drifters, every hour or so the sputter of gunfire and a crashing explosion would signal the end of a dispute or the start of a turf war. This was a normal day in New York City, and Governor Ovince Rhodes watched it all from his fortified office window. Ken Yi and Alex Robins sat in the lounge area, luckily for them, there was no short supply of coffee in New York.
Ovince Rhodes sipped his own coffee, still looking out of the window as a pack of bandits raced by his building.
You know, I used to be a bit of soldier, drove a tank as a teenager for the ground division back in Buffalo, NY. I remember how helpless I felt when those hunter class Biplanes pounded us in to nothing, I only survived because my tank malfunctioned that day and I had to hold back to repair.......anyway. Doesn't matter now, the real conflict takes place in the sky, and you two have been really kicking ass in Stanten and Brooklyn, they say the bandit plane sightings have decreased by 27% in those districts since you two started. I can show those stats to the rest of the council when they next try to complain about your funding.
Ovince took another sip of his coffee and strolled over to the city map next to his desk.
As you guys know, weve been aiming to put an expert pilot in every borough to individualy keep the enemy number down, but we also were thinking of having all of you fly as a team for a mission we had in mind. We are looking to put an end to the tyranny in NYC permanently, and give the citizens here another chance at a somewhat normal life. A week ago we hired Hannah to patrol Queens, shes also been doing a stellar job and before we hired you Ken we had pilot from the west coast call Eldon Newman take up work in the Bronx. 4 very skilled pilots spead across the boroughs, we orginially though Manhattan was safe enough, but the threat level has been steadily increasing, so we hired someone today, and we want all 5 of you working together from now......Send him up.
Rhodes pressed a button on his intercom and suddenly the office elevator switched on and after a few seconds of engine whirring, the doors opened, and out stepped a British Expat pilot named Larcen Fields.
Walking into the office he seem to freeze mid-step and turned to the Brooklyn pilot in disbelief.
Ken.....my god is that you?
Times Square, Manhattan

The sound of warplanes buzzing above was hair raising. They didn't quite sound like planes, advanced technology and ancient models combined with poor maintenance made the engines sound like gargling monsters, a low growl with a disturbing buzz, the metal hornets of the sky. They were almost all flown by bandits, low level gang members or drifters, every hour or so the sputter of gunfire and a crashing explosion would signal the end of a dispute or the start of a turf war. This was a normal day in New York City, and Governor Ovince Rhodes watched it all from his fortified office window. Ken Yi and Alex Robins sat in the lounge area, luckily for them, there was no short supply of coffee in New York.
Ovince Rhodes sipped his own coffee, still looking out of the window as a pack of bandits raced by his building.
You know, I used to be a bit of soldier, drove a tank as a teenager for the ground division back in Buffalo, NY. I remember how helpless I felt when those hunter class Biplanes pounded us in to nothing, I only survived because my tank malfunctioned that day and I had to hold back to repair.......anyway. Doesn't matter now, the real conflict takes place in the sky, and you two have been really kicking ass in Stanten and Brooklyn, they say the bandit plane sightings have decreased by 27% in those districts since you two started. I can show those stats to the rest of the council when they next try to complain about your funding.
Ovince took another sip of his coffee and strolled over to the city map next to his desk.
As you guys know, weve been aiming to put an expert pilot in every borough to individualy keep the enemy number down, but we also were thinking of having all of you fly as a team for a mission we had in mind. We are looking to put an end to the tyranny in NYC permanently, and give the citizens here another chance at a somewhat normal life. A week ago we hired Hannah to patrol Queens, shes also been doing a stellar job and before we hired you Ken we had pilot from the west coast call Eldon Newman take up work in the Bronx. 4 very skilled pilots spead across the boroughs, we orginially though Manhattan was safe enough, but the threat level has been steadily increasing, so we hired someone today, and we want all 5 of you working together from now......Send him up.
Rhodes pressed a button on his intercom and suddenly the office elevator switched on and after a few seconds of engine whirring, the doors opened, and out stepped a British Expat pilot named Larcen Fields.
Walking into the office he seem to freeze mid-step and turned to the Brooklyn pilot in disbelief.
Ken.....my god is that you?