Heinrich gave the fellow a short bow and a wave. "Yes yes, good luck to you! Perhaps we shall cross paths upon a later date good sir!" He said as he disembarked the airship. A city of Fire, so he was told, was the location of the vision Heinrich had recieved. Oh how the Gentleman relished in the ordained task of bringing down the true Darkness of this world! "Ah yes yes, truly a man of my stature is only qualified for such a task! Now then...." Heinrich glanced around the part of town he was in. Surrounded by the bustling docks and such, attuning himself to the hum of activity, straining for any useful information.... "Oh my.... I.. I have no idea where I'm suppose to go!" The realization struck like a hit of gunpowder. "Well I could... no, no that wouldn't do.... Perhaps if her godliness was to be so kind, I could receive a more clear vision? Perhaps with more clarity this time?" Heinrich closed his eyes and waited.
. . . . . . . .
"Bah! You godly types always loved giving a good challenge I suppose! Very well! I, Doctor Heinrich Henderson the Great and Powerful Powder Mage, accept your challenge!" Heinrich yelled aloud, causing a few looks. Heinrich began storming around town, in search of this Oracle and the grand traveling band of Heroes his vision had promised him!
Aaaaand after a few hours of fruitless searching, Heinrich was breathing heavy, leaning against a wall of a building near the main gate. With a long sigh, he gave himself a break. "My... This is posing to be... quite the challenge! But... as a refined gentleman such as myself, I cannot strain myself on such a... petty.. task.. (My god this city is big...).
. . . . . . . .
"Bah! You godly types always loved giving a good challenge I suppose! Very well! I, Doctor Heinrich Henderson the Great and Powerful Powder Mage, accept your challenge!" Heinrich yelled aloud, causing a few looks. Heinrich began storming around town, in search of this Oracle and the grand traveling band of Heroes his vision had promised him!
Aaaaand after a few hours of fruitless searching, Heinrich was breathing heavy, leaning against a wall of a building near the main gate. With a long sigh, he gave himself a break. "My... This is posing to be... quite the challenge! But... as a refined gentleman such as myself, I cannot strain myself on such a... petty.. task.. (My god this city is big...).