Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
7 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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Heinrich gave the fellow a short bow and a wave. "Yes yes, good luck to you! Perhaps we shall cross paths upon a later date good sir!" He said as he disembarked the airship. A city of Fire, so he was told, was the location of the vision Heinrich had recieved. Oh how the Gentleman relished in the ordained task of bringing down the true Darkness of this world! "Ah yes yes, truly a man of my stature is only qualified for such a task! Now then...." Heinrich glanced around the part of town he was in. Surrounded by the bustling docks and such, attuning himself to the hum of activity, straining for any useful information.... "Oh my.... I.. I have no idea where I'm suppose to go!" The realization struck like a hit of gunpowder. "Well I could... no, no that wouldn't do.... Perhaps if her godliness was to be so kind, I could receive a more clear vision? Perhaps with more clarity this time?" Heinrich closed his eyes and waited.

. . . . . . . .

"Bah! You godly types always loved giving a good challenge I suppose! Very well! I, Doctor Heinrich Henderson the Great and Powerful Powder Mage, accept your challenge!" Heinrich yelled aloud, causing a few looks. Heinrich began storming around town, in search of this Oracle and the grand traveling band of Heroes his vision had promised him!

Aaaaand after a few hours of fruitless searching, Heinrich was breathing heavy, leaning against a wall of a building near the main gate. With a long sigh, he gave himself a break. "My... This is posing to be... quite the challenge! But... as a refined gentleman such as myself, I cannot strain myself on such a... petty.. task.. (My god this city is big...).
Will post when mah internetz is a back!
Sorry! Just went through a really big move! I'll be posting tomorrow for sure, so no worries. Sorry about the wait!
The gentleman stirred in his cabin, slowly rising from his cot and making his way to the door. Hearing the muffled shouts of the crew outside, he took that as a sign they were almost at their destination. This man, shrouded and covered, was known as Heinrich. He had only days before a vision, instructing him to intercept a band of heroes and join their quest to save the world from Darkness. As he walked up towards the deck, he gave a small chuckle. "My element is Darkness, yet I save the world from it! Irony seems to be ever present!" He said to himself with a grin. Walking out onto the deck, he spied his fellow passengers.

"Good day, gentlemen! I trust we will be arriving soon at Agni? I do hope we continue to have such a smooth ride aboard this airship! I'd rather not keep my perspective party waiting." He said, gesturing grandly as he normally does.

@Darkmoon Angel
I like what I'm seeing. I guess since he's mostly covered you don't have to mention any physical changes as he evolves so there's that. Plus this powder magic is a really unique ability, most unique use of gunpowder I've seen anyway XD. I like where this is going, PM me and we'll discuss when and where to add Heinrich into the rp.

Gotcha! You can go ahead and shoot me that PM, as I have no idea where anyone is or where I should put the poor bastard. xD
Here ya go! A bit rough, but I'll correct any grammar errors tomorrow.
@Darkmoon Angel
Is this RP, per chance, actually open? I am interested in joining.

At first I was like, "How am I going to get Hanna to be a proper rabbit? She's more of a..... wait, she's a total bitch! Taunting is practically second nature!"

So yeah, prepare for lots of opportunities guys, cause Hanna is just gonna piss off all of the Jersey Devils. xD

Oh and I tried to write the post in such a way that is allows the GM/Co-GM to input the damage and success of the attacks. It's been awhile since I've done combat for this type of RP, so feel free to let me know if I've fucked up or not.

@Dynamo Frokane@bluetommy2

Hanna saw the blonde one match her aircraft and shoot her some sort of look. An evil sort of grin came across Hanna's face as she responded, flight mask hanging off to the side due to the low altitude. "Well, Fraulin, I would say that this squadron could benefit from the training programs I ran with WEC, but on second thought you're right." Her face darkened. "You'd all be long dead before the enemy would ever see you. So yes, Miss Spit, I'll leave that particular thing behind."

Sadly, before Hanna could keep verbally abusing her squadmates, the fools that were the Jersey Devils decided to give them an expensive live fire exercise.

Well, as expected from the mongrels that seem to infest these skies, from both sides, nobody had a game plan except Hanna. For you see, she had anticipated such an event to a reasonable extent, as all the elite pilots flying in formation at such a time would create an optimal condition for the enemy to deploy its best without potentially wasting them. In fact, it was so obvious, that as Hanna calmly banked her plane to attempt to nimbly maneuver into JD5's turning circle as the jet was haphazardly distracted by the newcomer's attack. She decided to ignore the more flimsy prop plane that was climbing. She had seen ones like it in WEC, where it was used more a reconnaissance, but knowing these junk rats, they could have turned it into a missile carrier for all she knew. Either way, she was confident, perhaps a little too much so, that she could handle the paper weight later. Besides, that Hunter just provided an ample opportunity to pounce.

"What amateurs, this ruined city is filled with waste and weakness." came Hanna over open comms. The nose of her Focke-Wulf became alight with gunfire as she opened up on JD5 while pushing her turboprop to close the distance to hit the Rafael jet fighter at closer range. She smirked as the 20mm and 30mm rounds flew towards their target, in a beautiful yet deadly stream of high explosive shredder rounds. "Know this, scum. I never took prisoners back in my homeland. And I don't intend to take any now. Your deaths will be absolute. So pray and take that opiate of the masses, because I'm here prove to you once and for all that what awaits beyond that blackness of death is nothing but the void and your rotting corpses." she finished saying just as she finished her burst of fire.

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