Name: 'Golden Rogue' Elise
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Element: Thunder

Elise has a cold stare and a warm personality. She usually acts cheerful in and around towns, because she's usually a nice person. While her rogue-like appearance suggests a rather shady character, she is relatively sociable and usually helps people--for free! However, she has also demanded fees for helping, often enough. Despiter having a jovial attitude, she has a short temper and can occasionally be downright cruel.
Elise has grown up in a small town, much to her liking, she bas always been good at using knives and when she reached the age of 15 she took some knives and skipped town. She loved the quiet atmosphere, but her curiosity got the better of her and she went to discover the outside world. She has since then done many odd jobs, but always refused dirtier works. With the money she made, Elise first got a weapon upgrade, replacing her knives with shortswords. Later she also purchased a set of armor. Because she isn't exactly rich, this armor had to be affordable, so she purchased leather armor. Even though she now uses swords in combat, she still carries her old knives. She is intent on one day returning them home.
-Burst Acceleration
Elise gains golden dragon feet. With these new muscles she can launch herself at a speed of 20 m/s*.
Any distance higher than 10 meter becomes slightly inaccurate, though.
-Wrath Claws
Elise hands turn into golden, dragonic claws, capable of strong, accurate strikes.
-Dragon's Pride
Elise grows fully operational wings, horns and a dragonic tail.
-Dragonic Endurance
Elise develops a scaly armor covering most of her body, and her face also turns more dragonic. At this point, she might as well be a dragon.
-Piercing Gaze
Elise's presence grows overwhelming, direct eye contact with her causes others to freeze in place. It is not absolute, but hinders movement a lot.
*This is 72 km/h or +/-44 mph.
Elise is by all means a rogue-like fighter, but she insists on being called a 'Master of Blades'.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Element: Thunder

Elise has a cold stare and a warm personality. She usually acts cheerful in and around towns, because she's usually a nice person. While her rogue-like appearance suggests a rather shady character, she is relatively sociable and usually helps people--for free! However, she has also demanded fees for helping, often enough. Despiter having a jovial attitude, she has a short temper and can occasionally be downright cruel.
Elise has grown up in a small town, much to her liking, she bas always been good at using knives and when she reached the age of 15 she took some knives and skipped town. She loved the quiet atmosphere, but her curiosity got the better of her and she went to discover the outside world. She has since then done many odd jobs, but always refused dirtier works. With the money she made, Elise first got a weapon upgrade, replacing her knives with shortswords. Later she also purchased a set of armor. Because she isn't exactly rich, this armor had to be affordable, so she purchased leather armor. Even though she now uses swords in combat, she still carries her old knives. She is intent on one day returning them home.
-Burst Acceleration
Elise gains golden dragon feet. With these new muscles she can launch herself at a speed of 20 m/s*.
Any distance higher than 10 meter becomes slightly inaccurate, though.
-Wrath Claws
Elise hands turn into golden, dragonic claws, capable of strong, accurate strikes.
-Dragon's Pride
Elise grows fully operational wings, horns and a dragonic tail.
-Dragonic Endurance
Elise develops a scaly armor covering most of her body, and her face also turns more dragonic. At this point, she might as well be a dragon.
-Piercing Gaze
Elise's presence grows overwhelming, direct eye contact with her causes others to freeze in place. It is not absolute, but hinders movement a lot.
*This is 72 km/h or +/-44 mph.
Elise is by all means a rogue-like fighter, but she insists on being called a 'Master of Blades'.