
Unknown (So many cycles, so much NG+, so little time....)
Unkindled (Dark Souls 3, bitches. Ain't got time to go hollow.)
Dark Souls 3
Standing at a mere 5'8, wearing the Elite Knight set, with the exception of the helm. Instead, she wears the Firelink Helm, though only when going into battle.
Nihilist would be a good way to start off describing poor Ember's general outlook on things. Being an Unkindled, especially one who has had to put up with NG+II and Ringed City DLC Enemy bullshit has generally worn away at the patience and perseverance that she once had. Time and time again, some enemy that was in no way cleverly telegraphed or positioned was faced as she trudged through the bullshit that was the first and second Ring City bonfires. Thus, Ember may come off as a bit uncaring, self centered, and generally fucking fed up with it all. However, there still glows beneath the cold exterior a warm heart. Whether it be invading, or facing enemy Unkindled, Cinder always maintains a good sense of honor, and a desire to have a good time.
"Yes, indeed. It is called Lothric, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge.
In venturing north, the pilgrims discovered the truth of the old words:
"The fire fades and the lords go without thrones."
When the link of the fire is threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Cinders from their graves...
Aldrich, Saint of the Deep...
Farron's Undead Legion, the Abyss Watchers...
The reclusive lord of the Profaned Captial, Yhorm the Giant...
Only, in truth... the Lords will abandon their thrones...
And the Unkindled will rise.
Nameless, accursed Undead, unfit even to be cinder. And so it is, that ash seeketh embers."
Unkindled, beings that attempted to link the First Flame, yet completely failed to do so. They are roused from their deaths as a last resort, for the fire fades yet again, but the Lords of Cinder peaced out like bitches, unwilling to set themselves on fire again, and went about doing their own thing. Ember awoke in a time before DLC and buffing, when stuff was very broken. She began as a pyromancer, intrigued by the its distinct difference to Sorceries and such. In her eyes, Pyromancy was a more badass, full force combat magic as apposed to those sissy Soul Spear spammers. Thus, she began her journey as an Unkindled, given the vague task of finding the Lords of Cinder, kicking that shit out of them, and dragging them back to their crumbling thrones.
After many hours of wandering, getting ganked on, plenty of back stabs, and that one asshole who just HAD to use his fucking Dark Sword, Ember completed her journey, defeating the Soul of Cinder and giving the Age of Fire its last breath because she accidentally thought that the bonfire was a regular old bonfire.
So, after a few trips to the wiki, and watching VaatiVidya's lore videos, Ember decided to begin New Game +, this time planning on putting this whole "Age of Fire" bullshit to rest once and for all. Low and behold, that's when all this wonderful DLC came out.
So, to make a very, very long story a little less long, Ember is currently stuck at the Ringed City Streets Bonfire, slowly going Hollow as she is repeatedly killed by a tsunami of enemy bullshit.
Wielding a Ringed Knight Straight Sword in one hand, and her Pyromancy Flame in the other, Ember is the embodiment of a veteran Unkindled. Mastering the art of combat magic and having a variety of pyromancies at her disposal, she can either hurl massive fire balls from afar, or close distance and burn you with her Sacred Flame or cleave through you with her flame infused blade. This, along with her decent armor, makes Ember a formidable foe. Oh, and don't count on a totally fair fight. Backstabs and Estus healing is no skin off her nose in a fight.
Resistant to fire magic, poisons, and conventional death. However, death has serious consequences for her. As an Unknindles, she can consume an item called "Embers". Theses Embers or being "Embered" makes her much stronger, faster, and more powerful. However, upon death, she looses those benefits. On top of that, with each death, Ember loses some of her memory, a piece of herself. This cannot be reversed in any way, and slowly but surely, she will continue down the path towards Hollowing unless she herself becomes a Lord of Cinder. Now this wouldn't particularly matter, as the one with the true memory had originally remained outside of the influence, but now, being sucked in, this is an incredibly grievous matter.
Death, dark magic, hopelessness, bitterness, and peanuts.
Password: Giant Dad (plures mundos)

Unknown (So many cycles, so much NG+, so little time....)
Unkindled (Dark Souls 3, bitches. Ain't got time to go hollow.)
Dark Souls 3
Standing at a mere 5'8, wearing the Elite Knight set, with the exception of the helm. Instead, she wears the Firelink Helm, though only when going into battle.
Nihilist would be a good way to start off describing poor Ember's general outlook on things. Being an Unkindled, especially one who has had to put up with NG+II and Ringed City DLC Enemy bullshit has generally worn away at the patience and perseverance that she once had. Time and time again, some enemy that was in no way cleverly telegraphed or positioned was faced as she trudged through the bullshit that was the first and second Ring City bonfires. Thus, Ember may come off as a bit uncaring, self centered, and generally fucking fed up with it all. However, there still glows beneath the cold exterior a warm heart. Whether it be invading, or facing enemy Unkindled, Cinder always maintains a good sense of honor, and a desire to have a good time.
"Yes, indeed. It is called Lothric, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge.
In venturing north, the pilgrims discovered the truth of the old words:
"The fire fades and the lords go without thrones."
When the link of the fire is threatened, the bell tolls, unearthing the old Lords of Cinders from their graves...
Aldrich, Saint of the Deep...
Farron's Undead Legion, the Abyss Watchers...
The reclusive lord of the Profaned Captial, Yhorm the Giant...
Only, in truth... the Lords will abandon their thrones...
And the Unkindled will rise.
Nameless, accursed Undead, unfit even to be cinder. And so it is, that ash seeketh embers."
Unkindled, beings that attempted to link the First Flame, yet completely failed to do so. They are roused from their deaths as a last resort, for the fire fades yet again, but the Lords of Cinder peaced out like bitches, unwilling to set themselves on fire again, and went about doing their own thing. Ember awoke in a time before DLC and buffing, when stuff was very broken. She began as a pyromancer, intrigued by the its distinct difference to Sorceries and such. In her eyes, Pyromancy was a more badass, full force combat magic as apposed to those sissy Soul Spear spammers. Thus, she began her journey as an Unkindled, given the vague task of finding the Lords of Cinder, kicking that shit out of them, and dragging them back to their crumbling thrones.
After many hours of wandering, getting ganked on, plenty of back stabs, and that one asshole who just HAD to use his fucking Dark Sword, Ember completed her journey, defeating the Soul of Cinder and giving the Age of Fire its last breath because she accidentally thought that the bonfire was a regular old bonfire.
So, after a few trips to the wiki, and watching VaatiVidya's lore videos, Ember decided to begin New Game +, this time planning on putting this whole "Age of Fire" bullshit to rest once and for all. Low and behold, that's when all this wonderful DLC came out.
So, to make a very, very long story a little less long, Ember is currently stuck at the Ringed City Streets Bonfire, slowly going Hollow as she is repeatedly killed by a tsunami of enemy bullshit.
Pyromancies are a distinct form of "Magic" in the Dark Souls games! They are often used very aggressively, and can deal plenty of damage, usually in the form of Fire and Dark damage. Here are the Pyromancies that Ember uses:
-Chaos Bed Vestige
Casts a massive swirling vortex of flame that can halve an enemy health bar quickly. While it consumes a decent of amount of energy to cast, you definitively get a bang for your buck. Upon impact, the giant ball of chaos and flame explodes, dealing AOE damage as well.
-Great Chaos Fire Orb
A slightly more economical form of the Chaos Vestige, it too deals lots of fire damage and has an AOE. However, one of the bigger differences is that it casts slightly faster and will melt the very ground, allowing for additional damage.
-Sacred Flame
A grab attack that makes you the most badass motherfucker around if you can successfully land it. As you might imagine, you need to get very close to your enemy to perform this, but once you do, you make that fucker kneel, then explode his ass for an instant kill (Most of the time).
-Carthus Flame Arc
A fancy way of saying she can enchant her blade with the chaotic flame magic. Nothing better than setting your enemies on fire while you cleave through'em!
-Black Serpent
Creates a tacking trail of black fire that surges through the ground towards the enemy.
-Black Fire Orb
Creates a black ball of flame, dealing Dark damage. Particularly effective against human targets.
-Chaos Bed Vestige
Casts a massive swirling vortex of flame that can halve an enemy health bar quickly. While it consumes a decent of amount of energy to cast, you definitively get a bang for your buck. Upon impact, the giant ball of chaos and flame explodes, dealing AOE damage as well.
-Great Chaos Fire Orb
A slightly more economical form of the Chaos Vestige, it too deals lots of fire damage and has an AOE. However, one of the bigger differences is that it casts slightly faster and will melt the very ground, allowing for additional damage.
-Sacred Flame
A grab attack that makes you the most badass motherfucker around if you can successfully land it. As you might imagine, you need to get very close to your enemy to perform this, but once you do, you make that fucker kneel, then explode his ass for an instant kill (Most of the time).
-Carthus Flame Arc
A fancy way of saying she can enchant her blade with the chaotic flame magic. Nothing better than setting your enemies on fire while you cleave through'em!
-Black Serpent
Creates a tacking trail of black fire that surges through the ground towards the enemy.
-Black Fire Orb
Creates a black ball of flame, dealing Dark damage. Particularly effective against human targets.
Wielding a Ringed Knight Straight Sword in one hand, and her Pyromancy Flame in the other, Ember is the embodiment of a veteran Unkindled. Mastering the art of combat magic and having a variety of pyromancies at her disposal, she can either hurl massive fire balls from afar, or close distance and burn you with her Sacred Flame or cleave through you with her flame infused blade. This, along with her decent armor, makes Ember a formidable foe. Oh, and don't count on a totally fair fight. Backstabs and Estus healing is no skin off her nose in a fight.
Resistant to fire magic, poisons, and conventional death. However, death has serious consequences for her. As an Unknindles, she can consume an item called "Embers". Theses Embers or being "Embered" makes her much stronger, faster, and more powerful. However, upon death, she looses those benefits. On top of that, with each death, Ember loses some of her memory, a piece of herself. This cannot be reversed in any way, and slowly but surely, she will continue down the path towards Hollowing unless she herself becomes a Lord of Cinder. Now this wouldn't particularly matter, as the one with the true memory had originally remained outside of the influence, but now, being sucked in, this is an incredibly grievous matter.
Death, dark magic, hopelessness, bitterness, and peanuts.
Password: Giant Dad (plures mundos)