Katlin Sokolov
Age: 18
Appearance: Stands at around 5'7 and is covered in small burn marks/scars, the most notable being the large scar over the bridge of her nose (as pictured).
Bio/Summary:They say that scars tell a story. The cuts and the curves, the depths of the wounds, these things truly visualize one's life upon their flesh. Often times, it tells of hardship, of glory, and the many challenges that one might have faced in their long decent down the stairs into the grave. One can hide their feelings, their personalities, their memories, but the true scars barred never lie...
So yeah, when your young and a bit of a pyromaniac who loves setting off explosives and burning things with homemade flamethrowers, you'll have some stories to tell for those scars! Lots of stories! Katlin to put it nicely is a brilliant chemist for her age and strives to enhance the world of blowing the fuck out of stuff. That large scar she bares across her nose, while impressive, was the result of discovering what happens when highly unstable Akali metals meet their good pal H2O. A nice piece of shrapnel nearly took the budding artillery officer's head off.
On that note, Katlin being the smart, enthusiastic young woman she is, was able to quickly find her way into the Empire's military academy. There she has learned some self restraint on her desires to detonate all matter, and is instead trying to build a sensible, fun career as military does let you blow stuff up. For money even!
Vessel: "The Pyromancer's Gloves" -Dormant-
A pair of maroon gloves, fairly mundane in its looks. Oddly keeps one's hands at a comfortable warmth, whether its freezing your tits off cold or burning away your desire to live hot.
The gloves now look drastically different. The tips of the fingers become black and singed and embers seem to rise from the pair. A small "pilot flame" usually glows at the palm. The more the abilities used in the active state, the further the blackness spreads. Once the dark covers the cloves, a bright, hot white starts at the tips of the fingers, though this has never been really observed as it would take more use than the user could normally handle to reach such a state. Don't shake someone's hand while in Active mode.
Abilities:Pyromancy, plain and simple.
Pyromancy has been called barbaric and brutish by scholars and fussy foots alike throughout time. But Katlin like's to refer to it as the "get shit done" type of sorcery. Using her gloves, she can cast a variety of flaming, explosive projectiles and other manners of impactful attacks! Here are the main ones, however (And yes, she named them, and yes, they all sound like Metal band names):
-The Blasphemous Flame-
A melee type attack in which Katlin will grab an opponent with a burning hand, forcing her chaotic energy into the target through the medium that is her vessel. The energy quickly builds before exploding the poor sod in a spectacular burst of flame and charcoal. Of course, it can be interrupted and as she is literally channeling her power into somebody, can be quite taxing. But hey, its one hell of a finishing move!
-The Seed of Chaos-
She can charge up and throw fiery balls of energy with a disc of flame around it. Usually exploding once it comes in contact with something. The force of the explosion and the damage it will cause is usually dependent on the size of the beybl- I mean, fiery ball and is size directly correlates with its consumption of her energy.
-The Devil's Brander-
Ever wanted to punch somebody with a grenade? Basically what this move is. Concentrating her burning energy at points of her hand, she can turn her fists into boom sticks to varying degrees of intensity and affects.
-The Gout of Chaos-
A fancy name like the rest, but really, its just a shitty flamethrower. Shitty because unlike an actual flamethrower, the fire isn't a burning liquid that sticks to your screaming vessel, making it harder to get rid of and easier to spread. No, its just a cloud of flame she can shoot from her hands. It will mess you up, but it's more of a irritating ability then a killing blow. But if she goes full ham... well... for maybe a few minutes she can use her hand as a welder in a pinch.
As state throughout these move descriptions, all these attacks consume Katlin's stamina and their effectiveness/destructive capabilities are all dependent on that fact.
Equipment: Matches cause of course she does.
A grenade, pin and all, that's a dud, to freak people out if they get annoying.
A fancy silver lighter, which is for lighting cigarettes and ONLY cigarettes... okay maybe a cigar if you can find one for her.
Finally, a pack of cigarettes, cause its not like she hasn't messed up her body enough.
Trivia/Other: Katlin actually doesn't really smoke that often. In fact, it's more of an appearance thing than anything. She once saw this hero type figure dramatically smoke a cigarette then dramatically flick it away when his opponent appeared just before the clash. So yeah, peer pressure and cultural influences can ruin your lives, kids! Stay cool, and just stick to hardcore LSD and heroine.