Avatar of Skwint


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21 days ago
Current Valentine's Day. Also know as Singles Awareness Day. S.A.D. for short.
4 mos ago
@POOHEAD What hair?
4 mos ago
I like spam.
4 mos ago
Are we breaking knees?
5 mos ago
Wear your brown pants.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

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I am now even more interested.

By the way, that beast tamer. Is that some sort of pet class?
I think Calvin would be the best choice for giving her rides. She can speed him up and he can make her light as a feather so his mobility won't be affected.
I'm interested.

The arcade HQ was only a few blocks from Calvin's house, so getting there never proved to be an issue. The fact that he could get there without even touching the ground made it easier, though he only did that if it was an emergency and he had to be careful not to get spotted. Today he would simply walk.

Unlike some of the other Titans, Calvin had no issue introducing himself to his new teammates with his actual name. What was a team without trust after all? Perhaps it was a naive notion, but he still stood by it. Surely the rest of them would have to open up eventually.

As Calvin entered the HQ he took his earbuds out just in time to overhear Red Arrow expressing an urgent need to get to Gotham Harbor.

"Why? What's at Gotham Harbor," Calvin asked Arrow. "Did I miss something?"
Nah. As much as I love the 40k universe I don't believe I possess the writing skills for this particular rp. Go on ahead without me.
I'd give this a shot.
Are there any spots left? I loves me some 40k.
Name: Calvin Lennard
Alias: G-Man
Experience: 50 days
Hometown: Gotham
Age: 18

Powers: Gravity manipulation of self and anything he touches.

Weaknesses: Anything that would hurt a normal person.

Reason for joining Robin: To be part of something bigger and make a difference.

Appearance: Calvin clocks in at 5'9" tall with a build on the lighter side of average. He has medium-length dark brown hair and blue eyes. He is tan enough to have a bit of color to him, but is still pretty light-skinned. Calvin tends to dress plainly in simple jeans and a t-shirt with sneakers.

His 'superhero outfit' is a simple black t-shirt with a white double-sided arrow pointing up and down. This is accompanied by a pair of jeans and sneakers as well as a pair of aviator goggles. Just because aviator goggles are cool. Also identity concealment.

Brief Bio: Calvin was a high school track and field star who performed incredibly well. Perhaps a bit too well in fact. He dominated pole vaulting, shotput, and jumping events with uncanny ease. After winning the regional championship, Matt confronted Calvin and told him that he knew he was using his metahuman abilities to cheat. Calvin fell for the bluff and begged him not to tell. Matt told Calvin that he would keep his secret if he agreed to join him and use his abilities for something a little more worthwhile than simple sporting events. Calvin agreed and joined the Titans.
Fixed it. Character is in proper place now.
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