Avatar of Skwint


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15 days ago
Current Valentine's Day. Also know as Singles Awareness Day. S.A.D. for short.
4 mos ago
@POOHEAD What hair?
4 mos ago
I like spam.
4 mos ago
Are we breaking knees?
4 mos ago
Wear your brown pants.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts

Would losing their crystal keep them from using their abilities? Or would it just dampen them?
I might be interested.

What kind of magical abilities and physical enhancements are we talking about?
Bastian Felstead

Bastain simply stood in silence as he took everything in. This was not at all what he had anticipated when he agreed to come examine this man's legs. First a knight shows up and then the supposed son of Lord Bryce which Bastian didn't even know existed. They came to ask for aid from a man who couldn't even walk. To make matters worse, that same man agreed to help them and asked if Bastian would accompany them. This wasn't something he could just decide on the spot. Besides, there was still this man's health to consider.

"Are you sure this is a good idea," Bastian asked Lorenzo. "You don't even know these men, and you can't even walk. I understand you must be tired of being stuck in the house, but you have your health to consider. At least take some time to think about this first."

Not to mention that Bastian had a family. He couldn't just go running off on some epic adventure without telling them. Even with Lorenzo's offer to pay him, Bastian wasn't even sure how much that actually was. For all he knew Lorenzo could have next to nothing and the trip would not have been worth his time.
I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Just a minor road block.
You're only getting tortured once for powers that you'll have the rest of your life. Seems like it's worth it to me.
I'm interested in this. I loved the Deadpool movie.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.

Da orks iz best!
I'd be interested in such a thing.
There's not much for me to contribute. Bastian is unaware of the whole Favian situation being that he's not originally from that city. Unless you want a one-liner post of him petting the dog. :P
Well, here it is.

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