Avatar of Skwint


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10 days ago
Current Valentine's Day. Also know as Singles Awareness Day. S.A.D. for short.
3 mos ago
@POOHEAD What hair?
4 mos ago
I like spam.
4 mos ago
Are we breaking knees?
4 mos ago
Wear your brown pants.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts

>Put out an ad to the Evil talent agency to look for cheap minions to guard the place because budget cuts are a bitch.

Skeletons are cheap and easy to get. We could get a newbie necromancer an internship to raise them for us.
<Snipped quote by Skwint>

You can't +1 your own post as your suggestion is your "vote" technically speaking.

Spike pits are just that important.
I would be friends with Saitama. He chill as fuck.
Spike pit. Every good dungeon needs one. (Or twenty)

It doesn't really matter where they place dice since defense and health do the same thing.
I also feel like having both a defense and health stat are redundant. If they both reduce/negate the damage you take there is no point in having both of those stats be very high. You would be fine with just one. And if a character has high defense and high health then they will be nearly impossible to kill. I would have the defense stat deal with damage negation and reduction and replace health with something else.
Would weapons or armor affect your attributes in any way? Like if you have low defense would wielding a shield help to compensate by buffing up your defense? Or would it still be terrible regardless?
I think of Terry Crews shouting EXPLOSIOOOOONNNN!!!!

Not outside of Phasmophobia.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Actually finished one
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