Avatar of Sky Blue


Recent Statuses

17 hrs ago
Current Once again, i am willing to be a therapist for anyone who is in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too! :D
21 hrs ago
ugh... just got back from a huge rp break and the notifications are flooding in aaaaa
7 days ago
Willing to be a therapist for anyone in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too!


Just your friendly author who likes to rp!

Most Recent Posts

squirt gun (i dont know enough pokemon for this to continue)(yes i can)
also dont worry about your english. Even though i've been raised in America, i still dont care to make my english good cause i'm lazy. so i dont care if you mess up.
Percy, as in Percy Jackson? If so I'm interested because i too am a hardcore fan.
Now that I'm thinking about it, my play style doesn't really work with horror campaigns, so i may just spectate sorry.
@Lexisheepsalright. just a warning in advance, I will be a chaotic person and probably accidently derail the plot, but i will eventually save the kid. or at least attempt to. just lemme know if i get off topic. adhd, y'know...
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