Avatar of Sky Blue


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6 hrs ago
Current Once again, i am willing to be a therapist for anyone who is in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too! :D
10 hrs ago
ugh... just got back from a huge rp break and the notifications are flooding in aaaaa
6 days ago
Willing to be a therapist for anyone in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too!


Just your friendly author who likes to rp!

Most Recent Posts

Tieflings are a-ok 🙂

Fine. how bout tiefling? this is what tieflings looked like in my dnd setting, idk about yours. I'm fine if he faces persecution, in fact, thats part of his personality. he's adapted to it. ( that's why i'm trying to make him these weird races. )
1. I feel like an opening post from the POV of the Evil Organization could be interesting, kinda like how the Deus Ex games like to start with ominous Bob Page Cinematics. Foreshadowing and all that. But I'm struggling to understand what sense they saw in nuking the entire planet? Could you go into their reasons for doing this a little bit?

2. Actually, sorry, I should have started from the beginning......how did the Evil Organization "take the worlds nuclear weapons[sic]" in the first place? I didn't realize world governments liked to leave those things laying around for anyone to take in this setting. (Such interesting world-building so far; kudos!!)

3. The radiation seems to be a very important plot device in this story. But I cannot quite wrap my head around why everybody wanted to shelter underground and hide from it. After all, instead of melting people's DNA sequences at the submolecular level and causing them to suffer horrific burns, lesions, desquamation, and other unspeakably agonizing afflictions, it gives them kickass superpowers! If radiation gave people wings and laser vision I know I wouldn't want to hide in some underground vault somewhere; I'd slather on the sunscreen and say, "Load me up, baby!!"

4. Also, did the Evil Organization know radiation is cool as fuck and liable to give kick-ass superpowers to spunky teenagers, or was that an unintended consequence? (A potential setup for some moral ambiguity in our story's villains?? Me likely!)

5. But back to our intrepid heroes, and as for perhaps the most important question driving the entire story: if the world is already destroyed and the Evil Organization has already succeeded in nuking it, then what's the point in journeying out to "stop" them in the first place? How does one "stop" an apocalypse which has already happened?

1. the year is 2098, and technology is actually almost the same, except the world is way too overpopulated, so the organization thought, "hey, if we wipe out one half of the world, the other half will have everything they'll ever need!" THANOS! so they attack the americas.

2. it was kind of a shadow organization that had holds in almost every major government, so it just sent someone to get the bomb job then launch.

3. if you were on the surface, the radiation would overdose and kill you. so you have to hide. plus, it's not instantaneous. it takes at least a month.


5. the organization plans to finish them off because they know the truth about how the organization fired on them. ( they discover it on their journey. ) You see, the organization used used America's own bombs against itself, so it looked like suicide. If the truth got out, there would be riots, and the organization would collapse.
<Snipped quote by Sky Blue>

If you're going for a Fallout-esque type RP, just look to the opening of Fallout 4.

bassically that but with memory loss, and no grief.
i think he is. i dunno.
insomniac (me)
is a dragonborn ok? same functionality as a human, just for looks.
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