The mud splashed loudly beneath the hooves of the horse that stormed through the night. The Heroshidan quickly peered over his shoulder, his breath fast and heavy. He could still sense the lights in the distance, the sea of fire resting calmly by the end of the forest. With a gulp he turned his head back towards the way of the Dorochai Fort. The horse galloped onwards, until the fort was finally in sight. Quickly the gates were opened, and the scout trotted inside, catching his breath just as the comrades were approaching him eagerly. The faces all had hope on them, though fear of his words were hidden in between. Reluctantly, the scout shook his head, before talking to the officer.
“Hundreds. They’re prepared for siege and a full army. They’re not going to stop at the Fort.”
He said, sighing. In return, the Officer grimaced, before nodding. “The tunnels are prepared. Should all go wrong, we’ll retreat through them.” A voice interrupted him, before he could continue.
“If?! They have hundreds! What do we have? Forty? Fifty? We can’t hold more than an hour!” A young man shouted, sounding defeated already.
Mikasa observed the gathering in the square, furrowing her brows. The Fort was crucial, and the battle seemed impossible. But as she stood and watched, it was still the City her mind went to. Her mother, brothers and Naria were probably worried out of their minds. The news had to have reached the townsfolk by now. A group of soldiers scurried into the fort, breaking her line of thought as they did. They came with empty buckets, which they refilled with some liquid Mikasa could not make out what it was. But the last hour they had been going out there, pouring it on the ground.
“Approaching lights!” a shout came from the tower of the Fort, instantly making every man, and the only woman in the fort run about to their positions. Bows and crossbows were prepared, swords were drawn and silence once again overcame them. Mikasa peered over the wall, the sound of hundreds of horses and men marching towards them being dominant in the night. A heavy dullness rested on every shoulder within a few miles, with only the sound of strings being pulled within the Fort. Whispers came from a man, and spread to the end of the wall.
“Release as soon as they move.” They muttered besides Mikasa, who simply held the end of her blade, taking in a last breath before the storm.