NicknameArtie, like King Arthur
Age50, but appears to be around her low twenties/late teens
Sexualitylikely straight, but identifies as bisexual just in case
RaceHuman-Siren hybrid
PersonalityCompassionate ★ Clever ★ Loyal ★ Sensitive ★ Insecure ★ PerfectionistArtemis is, and no matter how much she doesn't want to admit it, probably one of the kindest, most good-aligned people you'll ever meet. She's very loyal to those she cares about and would take a secret to the grave if it meant protecting others. Always puts others' lives over her own. Artie is a clever woman and has the valuable skill of being charismatic and able to talk her way out of many different situations. Unfortunately, she's very emotional and highly sensitive, so any little thing can make her overly emotional for no reason whatsoever. As a result of worrying what others think of her for being so sensitive, she's a perfectionist, and always has to be perfect or everything will 'go wrong'.
BackgroundArtie Irwin was born to a siren mother and a human father(and still gets the "how is that possible" questions. she doesn't know), and her family still resides in the Light District of Kina City. Her father being a politician and her mother being, well, his wife, they moved into a large house in the District shortly before Artemis and her other brothers were born. Having three older brothers, all going into politics, and her father already a politician, Artemis was expected to stay at home with her mother and tend to the chores like a good daughter. But why would she do that? She was part siren, for god's sake. She needed to be out in the open with people. So once every couple of weeks, Artie would sneak into the neighbor's cart heading to the Mizu Port and then go out in public until night fell and she crept back into the cart. She's quite sure her mother knows but, and thank the lord, hasn't told her father yet. Artemis fell in love with the port immediately upon arriving, especially after
sneaking visiting it so many times. The second she was old enough to have completed her(not that advanced) schooling, Artie moved to Mizu Port and now owns a beautiful home overlooking the ocean.
Since you asked for further explanation on different races, i'll give you a short explanation of sirens. They're fantasy creatures, sometimes seen as part woman and part bird, sometimes as a full woman, but either way they would lure sailors to their death by singing their own enchanting song. All mythologies shared something in common, that the sirens would sing their song, causing the sailors to steer off course, attempting to reach their assailants. They would then be lead to a brutal death on the rocks of an island/ares where the sirens resided. Their heritage makes them supernaturally beautiful, most are often blonde, and their body figure varies. If a siren was to leave her sisters(like Artie's mother did), for her own impending issues and such, she often elects to go off on her own island or sometimes to a different area near the water. Otherwise, sirens aren't expected to leave their choir. Powers of the sirens include their siren song, of course, it works only on men and not on women. Artemis's doesn't sound that good but she's still working on it. Longevity is a nice one, they have an incredibly long lifespan and other than that will not age physically that mortals would describe as hypnotic.
AppearanceArtie is what her mother calls 'a wisp of a girl', her build lithe but strong, her height small at only 5'2. She doesn't seem intimidating when you first meet her at all. Her long, silvery blonde hair isn't usually tied back but still falls into her face all the time, and sometimes she'll dye the tips a color. Artemis's eyes are a beautiful mix of purple, blue and silver, making her eyes look like a galaxy in themselves. She's pretty pale for someone who goes outside so much, but it's hard for her to tan. She'll usually just turn a reddish-pink color and sunburn. Artie appears without many blemishes, she doesn't have any wrinkles, freckles, or acne(bless her siren dna), but she does have one dimple on her left cheek. Unlike what some believe, Artemis doesn't have any bird features and neither does her mother. As she sings her song, a pale blue-purple will glow around her and her hair will act like it's in a commercial. She isn't afraid to show some skin but follows the blue, purple, silver theme while dressing.
Her voice is very soft and soothing, you wouldn't really expect her to be the girl that sneaks out against her father's will or the girl who can talk her way out of anything. Artie always seems to be glowing, as if moondust was sparkled upon her, and everyone says they can smell an aura of wild daisies and earth floating around her. At all times.
AllegianceArtemis is
always on the side saving more lives.
Always. She thinks it's important for a leader to value their peoples' lives before their own and therefore tries her best as well. Artie's an actor, not an observer, so if she sees something wrong happening you can bet your ass she'll do something about it. Probably Lawful Good, or possibly Chaotic Good.
AbilitiesAgain, Artie is part siren, so she has her very own siren song. Currently working on it as she isn't the best with vocals, but it will turn out soon and she'll become pretty powerful with it. Her other ability is regeneration. Especially in water, Artemis possesses a greater regeneration ability than the average human, and therefore heals wounds faster. She can only heal her own though. Artie's also able to adapt to different water environments, which means she can handle the pressure of much farther than a human underwater, as well as extreme water temperatures, though that doesn't come in handy very often.
StrengthsArtemis is a sweet talker and embraces that. She can talk the skin off a cat and make it look easy, all the while being beautiful while doing it. Not only is she actually a good talker, but Artie has a sweet disposition that makes people trust her. That always makes it easier for her to talk. Artemis is actually strong physically, though her small size creates an issue when she tells people she's helped lift cargo at the port before. Other than that, Artie's a natural-born leader and is able to make people interested in her and then they'll see her as a fitting leader.
WeaknessesIn mythology, a siren's main drive is to be loved, so this makes Artie very insecure and to always care about whether people like her or not. This causes her to bend her abilities and try to sometimes even become a different person just to make sure some random person she met at the port thinks she's cool. Also, again, Artemis is very sensitive and emotional, so sad things make her sob and lots of things make her anxious. Lots. Physically, her weakness is bronze, as the only thing you can kill a siren with is a bronze blade dipped in the blood of one of their victims. Yeah, I know, gross. Artie has claustrophobia and autophobia, the fear of small enclosed spaces and the fear of isolation or being alone.
Theme SongI couldn't decide between
Elastic Heart or
Dancing Queen, sorry :)