Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Name in-game: Marx
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Level: 65
Bio : He always played and drink with his friends until one of them was killed on floor 64. He un-friend all the friends he had at that time and tried his best not to have any close relationship with other people. He soon changed his job and became an assassin.

Guild or Solo: Solo
Guild Name: N/A
Class: Assassin
Theme Song: This is War by 30 seconds to Mars

Intellect: 89

(Still trying to get link)
Weapon Appearance:
Weapon Type : Axe

Armor Appearance: ( Coming Soon)
Armor Type : ( Coming Soon)

Skills: He is quick on his feet but can't take many hits. His high damage abilities can come in handy if something needs to be destroy i
Theo stopped and sat at a bench near the entrance of the academy.
"Arm why does this fell like déjà Vo." Theo asked his robotic arm.
" I cant determine the abilities of déjà Vo but Imp may know why."
-Theo's Mind-
"Imp why do I fell these strange , but familiar spells being released around me."
"Maybe because of your ancestor Marx."
" Lets just say out of all your ancestors he was really smart and powerful."
'He was friends with one of the most powerful of families known as Heleg."
"Yeah I cant remember his name but the both of them became good friends and journeyed the world."
"So this Heleg person is he or she close , is that why I fell these strange waves of déjà Vo."
Theo jumped off the benched ,walked into the academy and headed towards the principals office.
"I'm still 47 your rank doesn't change when you defeat a weaker opponent." Theo stood up and walked away.
"I'll come get you when I find out more about the student council cya around."
"Hey what is your rank when we use are combined power Theodore?" Imp asked telepathically.
" That's what I'm gonna go find out."
Theo took back over his body from imp and began discussing his deal.
" My arm told me that there are some powerful magicians in the student council and I need powerful magic to perform this spell. Its a certain type of magic so I'm sure they won't help me , I need your help persuading one of them. The council is tough so you should up your rank when you get the chance , are you in or out?
"Another challenger ,well my name is Theodore Grimheart , I believe my rank is 47." Theo said rolling up his sleeves.
"LET THE BATTLE............"
-Theo's Mind-
"What is it this time Theodore."
"Arm scanned him and sensed multiple types of magic."
"One of his magical abilities could be healing and that could be really useful in the resurrection spell."
"Do I get anything out of this?"
"I'll give you full control of my body don't attack him persuade him to help us."
-Behind Academy-
Theo's right eye became red like his left eye and grew horns and a tail.
He sat on the ground and crossed his legs and arms.
"Look Tyler was it I'll give you two choices fight me and I summon a spell that destroys 1/3 of the academy killing you and a countless number of students or we don't fight and I ask you a few questions choose wisely." Theo said as a spell circle spawned under him.
=_= man I typed alot my fingers hurt.
Theo was running out of ideas to get students to challenge him and he was starting to get frustrated.
Theo walked into the lunch room and sat by himself.
"That's It!" Theo said climbing on the lunch table.
"ANYONE WHO WANTS TO BATTLE ME FOR MY RANK MEET ME BEHIND THE ACADEMY , NUMBER OF CHALLENGERS DOESN'T MATTER......that'll be all." With that Theo left the lunch room and headed towards the back of the academy.
A near by teacher herd Theo's announcement and went to the roof to spectate the battle.
-Behind Academy-
Theo leaned against the wall waiting for his opponent(s) to arrive.
Three students stood in front of Theo and one of them said "we're here for your offer."
" State your name and practical ,you can call me Theo and 68." Theo said getting in his fighting stance.
The three answered with "Philip, 83 / Mike , 80 / Zack , 85."
-Academy Roof-
The teacher wondered why a class B student would challenge three C students with a practical of 68.
-Behind Academy-
Mike and Philip flanked Theo while Zack swung his sword at him.
Theo blocked Zack's sword but was knocked to the left by a bolder hitting him from his right side.
Mike holds Theo still why Zack walks over to them.
Zack swung his sword ripping Theo's shirt and cutting his stomach. Theo screamed in pain as Mike throw him against the wall.
" Damn it I'm not as strong as I used to be."
Theo said punching the ground.
"Sir you can you just have to use Imp to unlock your full abilities." Theo's robotic arm reminded him.
"I hate relying on demons but I have no choice."
-Theo's Mind-
"Yes Theodore."
"You know what I want."
"What if I say no."
"I'll kill my self sending your demonic ass back to hell."
"Ok.....Ok I'll give you my power."
-Academy Roof-
"What the hell!" The teacher shouted out of shock. " His practical raised to 97 , that's impossible!"
-Behind Academy-
Theo's left eye shifted from blue to red.
"Is he dead?" Mike said taking a step back.
Theo grinned and opened his right hand.
Water in the shape of a whip spawned in his hand.
Theo swung the water whip at Mike. Mike tried to dodge it but it caught his feet. Theo pulled Mike closer to him. The closer Mike got the more he could see electricity forming around Theo's robotic arm.
When Mike was under him Theo grabbed him and tossed him in the air.
As he came down Theo punched him with his robotic fist sending him flying into near by trees.
Zack and Philip was shocked and was a little frightened.
Theo shifted the water whip around his fist like it was a glove.
He dashed towards Philip showing how much his speed has increased and punched him his stomach. Philip fell to his knees grabbing his stomach in pain.
Theo didn't hold back and kicked him in his face sending him tumbling a few feet.
Theo turned his attention towards Zack.
Zack held his sword and stood his ground.
"Bring it fresh meat." Theo said in a demonic voice. Zack charged at Theo and swung his sword. Theo caught the sword and breaks it with his robotic arm.

( ^-^ its to long I'm gonna stop here)
Is it ok if I make side characters 1 of them is gonna die anyways. They'll be 3 class C students that Theo challenges
One more thing when students challenge each other does a teacher watch the battle
Theo entered his new room and sat at the end of his bed.
"Arm update me on anything new." Theo asked starring at his robotic arm.
" After leaving the principals office your identity was searched."
"Did they get any of my personal information?"
" No , the searcher also seemed to have a machine beyond are mechanical knowledge."
"Remember that and remind me when we are close to this being again.
" Affirmative, by the way the school allows you to challenge other students in a battle for rank."
" Know that sounds fun! One more thing arm are there any rules against killing students because I don't have full control of my sanity and I don't want to be labeled as a murderer.
" Not to my knowledge, but when I do find out I will tell you when next update is called."
Theo unpacked his belongings and left his room in search of a student to challenged.
Theo walked into the academy scanning the halls for the principals office.
"Found it!" Theo shouted entering the room.
"May I help you?"
"Yeah , I'm already registered in the academy I just need to know what class I'm going to."
"Your name?"
"Theodore Grimheart ."
"89 written and 68 practical looks like your in class B."
"If you need help with........."
"That wont be necessary i can find it myself."
Theo left the office and headed towards the dorms of the school.
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