Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Gentlemanvaultboy said
"Right." Jim said as he forced himself back into the hole, his body squishing as he pulled his entire torso in. "There's some sorta door in the floor. Hold on." The spraying sound is heard again. "Right, I get it. You get gassed, then this chute down here opens up and drops ya' somewhere." He pulls himself all the way into the locker and braces his feet on the door, pushing. After a second the door burst open with a load bang as Jim falls backwards, plugging the chute and smiling. "Toss me that fire extinguisher, would ya'?" he asks.

Zed grabs the extinguisher tosses it at Jim." Here you go!" He started to crack his knuckles.

Gareth said
Roland nodded at the boy's response that perhaps the teachers were busy and that yeah, maybe a fight did break out which held them back from doing their jobs. So he set about trying to kill time....Roland was trying to occupy his mind until class started by thinking of all the things he has learned even before arriving at this school. There were very vivid memories which came back to him some sad, some happy, some that surprised himself that he frankly even remembered them. His daydreaming lasted minutes and then even an hour and eventually he came back to himself. After opening his eyes and noticing that the teachers were way, way, way late, he started to worry that perhaps they were in trouble. Thats when he heard a loud bang from somewhere nearby.. He decided he could afford to break the rules and decided to head out and find what that noise was all about. About ten minutes later he found where he thought the noise was from and he only saw a guy with wind spinning around him and looking like he's talking to a locker. Roland approached the guy, "Hey what do you think your doing?"

"Jim." Zed says pointing to the locker."Thinks someone is stuck down there and were trying to find out if someone really is."
"Its a type of gas?" Zed walked next to Jim."I can handle this." He exhaled and then inhaled the poisoned gas. He continued to inhale until all signs of the poison was gone. He coughed a few times. " Phew poison does not taste good at all. Try to get in there now Jim."
"Keep trying to bust the lock I'll buy us some time so a teacher wont discover us." Zed moves his hands in a circular motion spawning a tornado like force field around him , Jim and the locker. The gusts of wind surrounding them wasn't strong enough to suck people in towards it , but was only use to keep the teachers from getting to them quickly.
Zed shook Jim's hand." Zed Meyers." He examines the roof. " Hey on the way to class maybe we could check the locker again." Zed states walking down the stairs towards the locker him and Jim was attacked by those other trash bins from earlier.
Gentlemanvaultboy said
It was the sun that woke him up.Even in the morning the thing was bearing down on them like some sort of hateful eye, an eye that Jim felt was focusing all its attention on him. He didn't like the sun. It irritated his sensitive skin. Something about the chemicals had messed his genetics such that he could never get a tan, just a solid red burn and the possibility of cancer, but here it was actually a boon. The feelings of freezing and burning at the same time were so hard to reconcile that it was like a force start for his brain, waking him from cryosleep. He stared out of his icy prison, his view of the world distorted by the sheet of it covering his eyes. It was impossible to even blink, and he was chilled to the bone even as the light that filtered through the ice fried his body. He had to get out of here, fast, or else he could take irreparable. So Jim started moving. Not a lot, but with a body as malleable as his even the tightest of situations allowed for some movement. Say, into and out of small air pockets between the ice and his skin. It wasn't much, it could hardly even be seen were one to look at him from the outside, but any movement is enough for friction. Friction, in turn, creates heat. It's one of the things he'd learned in science class.Soon he felt icy wetness sliding over his body from the layer he had melted in the ice, what water didn't soak into his uniform pooling in around his shoes. It was enough room for him. Slowly he began to pull up his legs, up out of his shoes, sucking in his gut in order to fit them into the chest cavity of the ice outline. He pulled in his arms too, as well as his head, until he was compacted entirely into the chest area. It wasn't uncomfortable, even in this situation he had an amount of freedom.The last part was simple compared to steps one and two. He had been blasted mid turn, one arm thrown out to the side. He steadied himself, found the hole leading to that arm, and shoved his entire self into it. The ice outline, its center of gravity already strange from being propped up on Jims long spindly legs, tipped due to the extra weight and shattered into a million pieces on the roof. Jim rolled and flopped like a tumble weed, coming to rest in the refreshing shade of the roof access door.A trash can. He couldn't believe it. Almost done in by a trash can. He looked up and, for the first time, spotted the gas mask kid from before in the same situation. Pulling himself up on the wall he want inside to look for something. Rushing back out with the stairwell fire extinguisher Jim began carefully chipping the ice off of him. "I'm sorry." He said. "I'm so sorry for getting you into this. Oh good lord am I sorry."

Zed stared blankly into the sky. " Its not you should be apologizing. It should be the creator of those pain in the ass trash bin's." Zed waited for Jim to fully free him from the ice prison and stood to his feet dusting himself off. " We have to get to the bottom of these crazy kidnapping trash bins."
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
:P ok I'll just wait.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm a little sleepy at the moment so if need to edit something's just tell me.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Simon (Blackmoore) Macro
Age: 19
Actual Age: 90-110

Bio: Simon was born around the late 1800 in Germany. He lived peacefully until he herd rumors of a world war possibly spouting in his country. Later in the years him and his family moved to America. He encountered a vampire on his daily parkour run threw the rooftops of buildings. He tried to get as far away from the vampire as could but missed a large jumped between two buildings sending him falling 3 or 4 stories to the ground. Simon leaned against a near by wall and closed his eyes preparing for what's ever next to come. The vampire said something but it was just all muffles to Simon. The muffles were sooner followed by a sharp pain in his neck and him going unconscious from some much shock. ..... He reawakes in his bedroom at his house. This made him believe that the vampire attack was all a dream.
Personality: Laid back , jolly, a little lazy and doesn't show it but has high respect towards his elders.
What family do you belong to:
Member of Blackmoore
Power: Gravity Manipulation- He can only change the gravity that is applied to him.
Side: Indifferent
Weapon: N/A
Other: He's a real fan of parkour.
In Vampire RP 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'd like to join.
Jonathan went on his regular day stroll when he notice a couple of thugs kidnapping a women and taking her to an alley. " Hey kidnapping a lady isn't very nice." John said walking towards one of the thugs." Yo handle this kid while we finish are business with this chick!" One of the thugs shouted throwing the other one a wooden bat. The thug charged at John smashing and breaking the bat on Johns head. John didn't even budge the only thing that happened was a little bit of blood dripping from his forehead.
"That wasn't nice either." Black smoke impaled the man through the chest with in seconds killing him.
"What the hell....."
John walked slowly towards the last two thugs and glared at them as if he was starring into there souls.
A few minutes later screams and sounds of flesh being ripped apart was herd from the alley. John carried the young woman to the coos and went home to clean the unusual amount of blood on his clothes.
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