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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theodora_21
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Theodora_21 Theo the Koala

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Where: New York City
Time: Now
1) Humans do not know we exist. DO NOT TELL THEM! If it reaches the ears of a head family member that humans are asking questions, you will be tracked down by your head family members and there will be a trail. If you are found guilty you will be killed.
2) You are not allowed to kill the humans, but you are allowed to feed from them. You drink their blood, then you make them forget it ever happened. If you forget to erase the memory too many times and the humans start talking, you will be tracked down by your head family members and put on trail. If you are found guilty you will be killed
3) There will be no intercourse between humans and Vampires. If you are suspected of such, you will be banished from your family.
4) All vampires of each house are required to attend the yearly meeting to discuss important matters (such as when we should move on, the territories, etc.)
5) Vampires are not allowed to kill other Vampires unless they are convicted of a crime, at which point, only the head family member will kill another Vampire.
6) Vampires will not turn humans into other vampires unless they have permission first.

Welcome to the family, We turned you for a reason, please don't make us regret it.

In the modern world of vampires, they are weakened by sunlight, they live in families, and they feed on humans. Some like the humans, some do not, others are indifferent. One thing remains, they must feed on humans to live. They can feed on animal blood, but let's face it, rat blood doesn't taste very good. There are two main families that rule the vampires in New York City. Each family has a head, head members, and then humans that were turned into vampires. The head and the head members live together in one place, while the other vampires live in other locations, occasionally checking in with their head family members. In each head house, there is a plaque with the list of rules above.

RP Rules:
GM: Theodora
Co-GM: Kidd
1) No God Moding
2) If you have any questions ask me or the Co. If you have any doubts, don't post it before you know it is safe to do so.
3) I realize this is a Free RP, but please no speed posting. Please wait at least one to two posts before you post again.
4) Have Fun!!
6) This is not a rule, I just really hate odd numbers :)

Age: (The age they were turned and how old they actually are:
Appearance: (Picture is preferred (anime or realistic), but if you would rather use words, that is cool too)
Bio:(Include how/why you were turned)
What family do you belong to: (You can fill this out later when both Heads have been posted) ( Are you head member or just a member?)
Power: (One per Vampire)
Side:(With/Against humans or Indifferent)
Weapon: (If applicable)
Other: (Anything else you think we should know.

Head Families:
Family Members:
Simon Marco
Alexander Stonewall
Emilia Arunay
Family Members:
Otto Aletho
Lucian Loralenn

Not in a Family:
Romulus Nightshade
Franklin Van Gristrol

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Working on my CS
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just need things confirmed and i'll make mine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'd like to join.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

DiamondBlizzard said
Yeah, except I'm an Elder Vampire, if full sun immunity is allowed I'll go for that, if not can it just be really hard to break my spells? I have enchanted hat + magicks around my body constantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Family Head for the Kingston Family:

Name: Mirabelle Kingston, primarily known as Mira

Age: Appears to be in her mid 20s. Nearly 300 years old.

Appearance: Her long, dark hair is her best feature. She has a round face and a pear-shaped figure. She generally wears dark dresses and skirts that are of a slight Gothic influence. She almost always wears heels and--with experience and vampirism--walks ridiculously well in them. Her skin is pale but typically brushed with make up to accent her bright blue--sometimes indigo or purple--looking eyes.

Bio: Born to a lower class English family in the 1700s. Married in her teens and moved to the New World, where her husband became a very successful tobacco plantation owner and they raised three boys. She grew sick and records show she passed away because of the flu--however, during her sickness, she was turned into a vampire by Klaus, leaving an empty grave and her grieving family.

Personality: Mira comes off as very cold and distant. However, she's quite warm hearted and nurturing behind the first impression. She has a motherly demeanor that appears when she's ready to scold or comfort someone. She's not the most exciting personality overall, but she radiates inner strength with a tall gait and patience. Weakness-wise, she has never been alone in death or in mortal life. So, being close with others is crucial to her happiness.

What family do you belong to: Kingston
Vampires who belong to the Kingston family have a lot of free reign. However, drinking straight from humans is forbidden under Mira's rule. To assure there are no excuses for breaking the rule, she has multiple freezers in her home in New York filled with blood bags. Although it's often inevitable, she's quite vocal against manipulating humans' memories. While Mira is quite strict, there's some solace in sticking with the Kingston family with allies as old as Klaus and Praetor on your side.

Power: Telekinesis, limited by her physical strength however. She can also only use it on objects she can see.

Side: With humans.

Weapon: She rarely carries anything more than a knife with her.

Other: Plays the cello. Carries a smart phone with only data about her living descendants stored. Like, it isn't even set up to make calls/texts. She literally only uses it as a portable family tree / diary.

Adelisa - Savi
Lucian - makarov
Otto - LokiLeo789
Praetor - Apollosarcher
Theodora - Theodora_21
Name: Νικόλαος / Nikolaos, goes by Klaus.

Age: Appears to be in his late 20s. Over 2000.

Bio: Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the nation, Klaus was taken as a child slave. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued.

When the master married, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance--he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master's back.

One night, however, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away.

It wasn't long before he was cornered, though he didn't have a chance to defend himself--the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind. Because of this, in less than fifty years, Klaus made a choice to fend for himself. It wasn't until the age of exploration that he met and turned Mira in Colonial America.

Personality: Klaus comes as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well. That said, he as a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn't think any repercussions will come of it, he'll be rather antagonizing.

What family do you belong to: Neither, though he is allied wth the Kingston family.

Power: N/A

Side: Indifferent

Weapon: N/A

Other: Is an artist, wears argyle socks, plays the piano, bisexual. Doesn't feed as often as younger vampires--typically once or twice a week. Has had a few human lovers over the years, but tends to kill humans when he feeds. Basically a free roaming rule breaker, but often gets off the hook thanks to Mira.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

DiamondBlizzard said
Yeah, except I'm an Elder Vampire, if full sun immunity is allowed I'll go for that, if not can it just be really hard to break my spells? I have enchanted hat + magicks around my body constantly

I say post your sheet the way you want it. And if we have a problem with it, we'll ask you to change it. Though I wouldn't go for full immunity--spells that are hard to break is fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, my app is coming up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Slendy said
I'd like to join.

Make a sheet and go for it, then. C:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade
The Spanish Inquisitor
Romulus weighs 175 lb and is 6 feet tall.

He has this hair (slightly shorter)

He wears this suit, though his cane is longer and MUCH more elegant, yes he also has a fedora which he always is wearing unless he's in his mansion.

And this is his face

Age: Looks like he's in his thirties but is actually 15,000 years old.

Bio: Romulus Nightshade is an original vampire, being born before the Great pyramids or Greece, his birth is unknown and could be assumed he just spawned into the world as a hellish being. Romulus was "born" in what was to be Spain. Due to his old origin, he is capable of speaking MANY languages, but usually prefers speaking in Spanish or English. Having to survive off of primitive humans for decades, he grew bitter with the taste and began to use his prey as torture toys; he was an evil being from the start.

Surviving through-out the years, he took a liking to Italy and Spain, deciding to live in future Madrid for years to come, living in Spain for years caused for his natural accent to be Spanish. The women in Spain were abducted as to please Romulus, the beautiful ones of course whom he fed after he had an affair with them. Romulus has no remorse for any of his actions even though he knows what he does he continues on doing so. He is subtle but not so subtle and does not care to erase memories of his hellspawn reason of living in humans' minds, using fear as a weapon. As the modern ages came, Romulus moved to New York and established himself a mansion in which he has a maid for various purposes who is not a vampire but a human whom willingly acts as his maid. Though lately, Romulus has grown bored with the world and the hypocracy of men; men are asking for enslavement? They shall get it.

Personality: He is a dark and sadistic vampire. He is friendly to a select few and will do anything to get his way. Being a True and an Elder Vampire, he is powered by Vitae, a True Vampire's life-force and source of magic. Though he is a romantic to pretty women, he WILL kill anyone whom is fat or ugly as to cleanse the world of ugliness. His goals involve enslaving humans for his harem and for torture toys.

What family do you belong to: N/A - He is on his own.

Power: A Master Illusionist, he can manipulation one's senses into seeing or sensing something else. He also has the classic wizard tricks (Disappearing items, invisiblity of items, levitation, etc)

Of course, all of this is powered by Vitae, which is only available to the few "True" vampires which keeps them going and living; to kill a True Vampire you must decapicitate him, or starve him from blood. Unlike other "fake" vampires, he can NOT survive on animal blood, he MUST drink human blood. Vitae keeps him alive and also powers his Magicks.

Side: He has no side; he has an agenda to enslave humans in his mansion and use them for various deeds, anyone who gets in his way will be killed or most likely tortured gruesomely.


A Claw is his primary weapon, with a matching golden bracement with an embedded ruby which is under his left arm sleeve.

His black and elegant cane has a hidden blade at the end of it, at the tip of his cane, there are three buttons. The first is to for a killing poison, the other for a torturing, hallucination, and paralyzation poison (all in one) and the last button to remove the poison from the blade.

Other: Romulus is Spanish (obviously) and is highly experienced in hand-to-hand combat, approaching him in close combat or up front is suicidal and never should be done unless you have a squad of well equipped people.

Romulus uses his magic to "cover" his body to prevent the sun from weakening. This "Sun Shield" is extremely hard to break and can not be broken via normal or elemental means, it must be control of the Arcane directly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Romulus Nightshade's Themes

Romulus' Character Theme (SSFIV - Vega's Theme Remix)

Romulus' 2nd Character & Battle Theme (SSFIV - Vega's Theme)

Romulus' Elegant Battle Theme (Touhou SWR - Sakuya Izaoyi's Theme)

A Picture of Romulus' Maid (Yes she knows how to handle knives)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

There wasn't really "Spanish" as we know it now 8,000 years ago... I'd change it to Latin or something, lol. Being 8,000 would be mean he existed before a lot of the modern nations. Here's a quick reference for BCE Europe. But yeah, he could definitely know Spanish and English, along with many other languages.

There weren't Neanderthals 8,000 years ago...only modern humans, albeit shorter Homo sapiens. (Modern humans aren't descended from Neanderthals anyway.)

As for the powers/magic/etc:
I think you should drop the pyrokinesis as vampires are weak to fire. There isn't really a reason for them to control it.
He doesn't need both the magical fedora and the magic around his body for the sun. Pick one or the other.
I also recommend dropping a few weapons--he doesn't need all those with his power to begin with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can I join?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

paigesweetheart said
Can I join?

Yeah, man, work on a sheet! Though we're waiting on the other family head's sheet so I'd wait for that before making any final characterization decisions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Simon (Blackmoore) Macro
Age: 19
Actual Age: 90-110

Bio: Simon was born around the late 1800 in Germany. He lived peacefully until he herd rumors of a world war possibly spouting in his country. Later in the years him and his family moved to America. He encountered a vampire on his daily parkour run threw the rooftops of buildings. He tried to get as far away from the vampire as could but missed a large jumped between two buildings sending him falling 3 or 4 stories to the ground. Simon leaned against a near by wall and closed his eyes preparing for what's ever next to come. The vampire said something but it was just all muffles to Simon. The muffles were sooner followed by a sharp pain in his neck and him going unconscious from some much shock. ..... He reawakes in his bedroom at his house. This made him believe that the vampire attack was all a dream.
Personality: Laid back , jolly, a little lazy and doesn't show it but has high respect towards his elders.
What family do you belong to:
Member of Blackmoore
Power: Gravity Manipulation- He can only change the gravity that is applied to him.
Side: Indifferent
Weapon: N/A
Other: He's a real fan of parkour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm a little sleepy at the moment so if need to edit something's just tell me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

You don't have to decide on the family yet, Slendy. A second head is still coming and you might like that one better, haha.

But your sheet looks fine, but feel free to add more tomorrow. C:

Edit: And I'm going to try to get to sleep. G'night guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DiamondBlizzard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kidd said
There wasn't really "Spanish" as we know it now 8,000 years ago... I'd change it to Latin or something, lol. Being 8,000 would be mean he existed before a lot of the modern nations. a quick reference for BCE Europe. But yeah, he could definitely know Spanish and English, along with many other languages. There weren't Neanderthals 8,000 years ago...only modern humans, albeit shorter (Modern humans aren't descended from Neanderthals anyway.) As for the powers/magic/etc: I think you should drop the pyrokinesis as vampires are weak to fire. There isn't really a reason for them to control it.He doesn't need both the magical fedora and the magic around his body for the sun. Pick one or the other. I also recommend dropping a few weapons--he doesn't need all those with his power to begin with.

I know, I noticed my timeline mistake in the shower, changing his age to 15,000 and editing neandorthal to primative humans

Also, he's supposed to be Spanish, that's the character.

Fire is there because he can control it, vampires ARE weak to fire thus why he controls it.

Er, I need the weapons, this is my fantasy character adapted for this RP.

Do I HAVE to let go of my extra weapons? And pyrokinesis?

EDIT: Edited age and the tineline error in Bio, I chose magic around me as a magic hat makes me more vulnerable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

:P ok I'll just wait.
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