Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

O.O I can chill on the whole murderous thing if its starting to annoy you. EDIT: Mutants \^-^/!!!!!!!
Wanda: I notice 533's arm moving, and begin to move to the other side of Aiden, her elbow barely misses me and I grin "You are gonna have to do better then that if you wanna kill me…just ask Lloyd…" I then turn to Lloyd and wave at him "Hey! You can have it, consider it a first kiss."
"Oh!....Well then at least let me kiss you back!" Lloyd shouts ripping the knife out of his leg and recklessly throwing the knife at Wanda. He soons run after he throws the knife and attempts to tackle Wanda if the knife miss.
"Damn it Wanda!!!!!" Lloyd shouted attempting to chase her ignoring the knife lodged into his leg. He walks angrily towards Wanda." After your done selling yourself ,I'd like it if you'd remove your knife from my leg or face the consequences of not doing so!"
"Well....we don't have to spar now ,but we should soon. Hold off on the refereeing Meruin." Marcus fixes his outfit." I'll be training in the woods behind the school if I'm needed ,please ignore the countless collapsing of trees for the next few hours." He walks out of the classroom heading towards the back of the school for the woods.
Tony grinned, Marcus was a pretty cool guy. "A bit cocky are you? Hope you live up to that expectation." When the guy talked about putting people in their place Hart grinned, "with pleasure" he responded. It must have looked kind of odd, a nerdy looking kid all fired up to fight. They wouldn't expect him to be able to move in the blink of an eye and have the strength of many men. And they certainly wouldn't expect to be a genius. He had created a quite impulsive and sporadic persona used to fool people into thinking he was some kind of dummy who could hit stuff. Tony grinned, fooling people was easier than he expected.
"I'm actually not being cocky....we are the student council and we were given these high positions for a reason." He sits down." Sometimes I wonder.....does rank actually symbolize are strength?" Marcus looks between his fellow student council members and devilishly smiles. "Hey guys let's have a friendly student council Sparring match. So we can give the students a brief show of are power."
"Well good luck with that...because in order to get to 5 you have to pass through 8 and no one will past me with ease." Marcus stands up and walks over to Tony.".....But as the schools consoler I'll allow you to put a student in their place if they're abusing their powers."
"Tony! That's the spirit! Kick students asses ,but teach them a lesson so it won't seem like you're doing it for fun. Heck I'll even watch the battles for you ,so you can pull of your childish behavior on students." He kicks his feet up on to his desk." Its pointless for them to even attempt to fight you or any of the student council members."
Marcus walked to the front of the class wearing a giant smile on his face." Hey! What's up guys , I'm Marcus ,but you can call me Mark. I have a ninety four percent on my written and a hundred percent on my practical. I'll be working part time as you guys consoler ,so come to me if you need help with something." He leaves the podium's ,but then walks back."Also think twice about challenging me to a duel.....it could be your last." With that he successfully walks to his seat.
Name*: Marcus Gracy

Height: 6'4

Age*: 19


•Nullify- cancels out the powers of magic users, making them unable to utilize their powers as long as they are in his proximity.
• Ki Manipulation- Marcus can create shape and manipulate ki to gain superhuman capabilities by learning to harness, which can be used in case of extreme combat. He is able to physically manifest all of his inner strength and unleash it to the fullest extent of its power through shear force of will. This allows him to achieve extraordinary strength, speed, durability, and reflexes. In some cases, it is used for super awareness, energy blast, and sometimes invulnerability.
Hidden Warlock Ability

How you could work in a team:
Paladin , heavy hitter or vanguard

Personality (You can keep it short if you wish)*: Comical , never serious, loves to fight, always looking for a chance to teach a lesson to those who abuse their abilities, respectful and follows every school rule down to the last point.

History: Marcus is secretly a half bred warlock. His mother and father love each other but couldn't see each other much do to the countless number of witch hunts launched in the town he lived in. Zarr tried his best to keep Becca a secret ,but was caught around Marcus's assumed 15 birthday. In order for Zarr to keep his trust with the fellow paladins of the town he had to kill Becca. He refused and was banished from the town. Marcus was also taken into custody for being the spawn of a witch and was also asked to execute his mother. Becca told the paladins he'd do it without Marcus' consent and asked to have one last word with him. When Marcus said his last good bye to his mom she kissed his right eye causing him to blink. As he reopened his eye it was a unnatural light blue color and markings started to sprout on Hus right arm and chest. Becca secretly casted a spell on Marcus which would reject all magic and hide his warlock side. She purpously did this knowing that this'll make her magic decrease to make it seem as if she was dying or is dead. Marcus slowly walked up to his mother were paladins had chained her up against a cement wall. Paladins can be herd shouting "kill her!!" and other strongly avensive profanity. Becca smiled and said "I love you Mark". He nods throwing a punch at his mothers stomach. The paladins were lost at first ,but soon after the punch the cement wall behind Becca shattered. Marcus faced was hidden with tears as he hugged the numbed body. Paladins cheered not sensing any magic life force coming from Becca's body. The next day the paladins allowed Marcus to burry his mother and decided that he should join them and become a great paladin. Marcus lied and said yes ,but ran away from his town once all the Paladins were resting. He roamed the world in search for his father until he came across Mana-Script Academy. When Marcus left the town Becca was out of his "proximity" she regained her magical ability and scammed through the town looking for Marcus. She couldn't find him and thought the paladins killed him because of his overwhelming strength. In a fit of rage she destroyed the town and cut off her connection to the earth realm.

Other: Marcus ia the 8th member of the student council.
alright I'll work on a CS. Who's on the student council? Are there any cool rules also? Oh and what kind of powers are allowed?
I'm a member and so is TheHangedman's character. The rules are in JEL's first post and any power is allowed. :D Go wild!!!
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