Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

As he consumed his alcoholic beverage the bartender walked back over to him cleaning the empty mugs of his last customers. "I heard there's a lot of prizes in this seasons events." The bartender stated as to imply why Simon is here and not out trying to defeat the event boss in the Ancient Forest or at least doing the egg hunt quest. He was gonna go but he had to finish this last one and then he'll be off.

Simon downed the rest of his sake and slammed the mug on the counter as he exhaled heavily. "I'm gonna defeat the boss. Its just I'm not a solo player and none of my friends are online." He said getting up from the bar stool. The sake left him a little woozy so he took baby steps towards the exit of the bar. "You know you don't always have to play with old friends!" The bartender shouted implying that Simon should at least try to make new friends.

Simon closed the bar door quickly behind him. His head wasn't in the best of moods to hear shouting just yet. Since Simon was an imp and lived in the imp zone the travel to the Ancient Forest was gonna take awhile. Hopefully he'll be sober by the time he reaches the site where the event will be held. His bat like wings sprouted out of his back and he took to the sky flying in a not so straight line.

Ten to twenty minutes later and Simon could be seen approaching the outskirts of the Ancient Forest. His iron rapier was already unsheathe and he was prepared for a fight. Simon's true goal for fighting the easter boss was to achieve a weapon. This goal Gabe him a reason to fight all he needed was a team and he'd be set. When he arrived he quickly noticed a unnatural dome. Well it wasn't greatly unnatural for it still had a earthy look to it. The thorns that decorated the dome was the unnatural part about it. "That's obviously the boss." Simon whispered to himself as he landed on a tree branch and spectated the dome closely to watch for any changes to its appearance.
Lol! :P I'm in chibi form so it'll be alright.

You sir are a genius. Marcus telepathically says back to Deus. As Deus destracted his lover he appears behind Cornelia and heavily strikes her in the back with his index finger. I know what your thinking. Why just his index finger? Why not his whole fist? Well at this level of strength him punching her could probably instantly snap her in half. After Marcus strikes her, he grabs her arms and holds her in a full nelson. Quick Finish Her! He states telepathically holding onto Cornelia tighter. Love is gonna have to wait. Right now ending this battle is equally important than his future relationship with her.
O(≧∇≦)O Kawaii Desu!!!! Also :( my fingers hurt.
The almost silent sound of a skate board's wheels smoothly rolling on the cement side walk could be slightly heard if you were to be completely quite. Riding the skate board was a 5'7" British man who hair blew in the wind as the speed on the skate board increased. Simon continued down the side walk that led the way towards his home. Nearing his destination he does a shove-it and lands the trick at the door steps of his home.

"Perfect!" Simon says smirking and unlocking the door to his home. He steeps on the rear of the skate board and catches it as it flops into the hair. As he enters his home he throws his skate board to the side and walks straight towards his room. Next to his bed was his computer and his AmuSphere head set that laid in the center of his pillow. Simon was happy that he had eaten out before he came home. Now he didn't have to worry about hungry getting in the way of his gameplay.

He equips the AmuSphere onto his head and laid down relaxing as the head set did its job. In a blink of am eye Simon opened his eyes and his surroundings changed completely. His fluffy bed was gone and replaced by grass. The now imp stood to his feet stretching as he starred at the still breath taking site of the world tree. He was in the Wetlands not to far off from the imp's zone.

"Man, a drink sounds good right about now." Simon says spreading his bat like wings taking to the sky. The wind passed through his wings and collided with his face giving him a more relaxed sort of mood. Soon he can see a bar that is common to imps in the area to visit for a drink or a good laugh. Simon received the notification about the easter event but he surely didn't want to do the mission by himself. It was an event so he wasn't gonna completely ignore it. He planned to visit the site after he had a few mugs of alcohol. "Hey, everyone!" Simon shouted as entered the bar. He was greeted by countless numbers of half drunken. "Heys!" In Simon's eyes the bar seemed very lively for some reason or it could just be a regular day. This is a bar after all. Drunk people isn't rare to find in this type of setting. Simon ordered his sake and sat at a bar seat downing it like he had a hards day at work.
Hells No! You just made this more interesting!
Hey! What's up! Slendy here!

This is my first time applying under 1x1 so I might be a little frightened.....joking but still this is really a big leap for me so I'm gonna do the best I can. I don't mind roleplaying anything as long as its a male character. MxM & MxF is the only ones I'm most likely to do. I like cheesy things and slice of life rps , action, sci-fi , romance , comedy and lots of other genres of literature. Its gonna be rough to get me to rp about mecha's but if you catch my attention enough I'll see what I can do. Also 18+ roleplaying is fine with me.

Now! As for posting. My schedule is ludicrous but I can still be online everyday of the week. My post are usually around the stature of causal. I'm usually caught up in like 3 to 4 other rp's so its best to mention me when you post. It'll be a pleasure roleplaying with you in the future. That'll be all for now. Just pm me about your rp and we can discuss further on it and its plot.
o(╥﹏╥)o Someone post something!!!!!!
Never mind ignore this.
Character Sheet

Simon Walker

SeriouslySimon or SS





Simon is a pretty laid back guy. He'd usually be the first person to jump to his feet to help anyone who's in need of assistance. Simon is pretty easy to scare and rarely ever gets mad. He's a people person so it's almost impossible to find him doing a quest by himself. Has a great imagination and a very carefree spirit. Simon believes that everything should be done in a majestic and in an enthusiastic way. If that's even possible. He also has a British accent.

College student. Has classes on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday. During school days he logs on at 5pm at the earliest and logs out at 10pm. On none school days he'd randomly log on at any given time of the day but always logs out at 10pm.

Simon has an older sister and is a British college student who moved to Japan to be closer to his college. His family supports him fully on becoming a graphic designer. He doesn't visit his family much but calls them a lot and often sends money to them so they can visit. Simon doesn't fully like his parents though. Ever since he turned twenty they'd hassel him about marriage or at least having a girl friend. Besides that Simon lives a regular every day life.

Loves coffee, tea and is starting to love the flavor of Gin and Saki. He favors a wide verity of sweets. Sometimes he likes to skate board around his neighborhood to the nearest coffee shop or grocery store.
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