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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As he consumed his alcoholic beverage the bartender walked back over to him cleaning the empty mugs of his last customers. "I heard there's a lot of prizes in this seasons events." The bartender stated as to imply why Simon is here and not out trying to defeat the event boss in the Ancient Forest or at least doing the egg hunt quest. He was gonna go but he had to finish this last one and then he'll be off.

Simon downed the rest of his sake and slammed the mug on the counter as he exhaled heavily. "I'm gonna defeat the boss. Its just I'm not a solo player and none of my friends are online." He said getting up from the bar stool. The sake left him a little woozy so he took baby steps towards the exit of the bar. "You know you don't always have to play with old friends!" The bartender shouted implying that Simon should at least try to make new friends.

Simon closed the bar door quickly behind him. His head wasn't in the best of moods to hear shouting just yet. Since Simon was an imp and lived in the imp zone the travel to the Ancient Forest was gonna take awhile. Hopefully he'll be sober by the time he reaches the site where the event will be held. His bat like wings sprouted out of his back and he took to the sky flying in a not so straight line.

Ten to twenty minutes later and Simon could be seen approaching the outskirts of the Ancient Forest. His iron rapier was already unsheathe and he was prepared for a fight. Simon's true goal for fighting the easter boss was to achieve a weapon. This goal Gabe him a reason to fight all he needed was a team and he'd be set. When he arrived he quickly noticed a unnatural dome. Well it wasn't greatly unnatural for it still had a earthy look to it. The thorns that decorated the dome was the unnatural part about it. "That's obviously the boss." Simon whispered to himself as he landed on a tree branch and spectated the dome closely to watch for any changes to its appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Millennium had been sifting through the forums looking for any clues as to where the treasure dungeon was located but to no luck. Just as he finished looking at the forums the cute owner of the place brought the coffee to his table and he thanked her for it. "Well lets find out if this really is the best in Alfheim." With that comment he took a sip and instantly recognized the sweetness of the nectar that had been added as the Iris Germanica. A few merchants had commissioned him a few times to track down the elusive flower which he just couldn't turn town because of the amount of cash that they had offered him.

He pulled up his inventory window up and looked through until he found what he was looking for. He had taken it upon himself to keep a few flowers on him at all times just for those rare requests when someone was looking for the nectar. Once he had finished his cup of coffee he pulled one of the flowers out of his inventory and got up from his seat. "Do you need any help with your friend?" The spriggin asked the girl with a smile as he placed the flower on the counter. "I'm sure this could help with a few cups of coffee."

After he placed the flower on the counter he headed out of the coffee shop and activated his treasure hunting magic which pulled up a radar of the area with several blinking lights indicating some low level treasures were in the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The question of 'what comes after death' has been debated for millennia by all sorts of people, whether they be religious clerics, esteemed minds of the scientific community (though it did share a large overlap with the former), lunchtime philosophers and even anonymous posters on Internet forums, whose wisdom could be considered incredibly radical in comparison with the previous three groups (an argument, of course, could be made for the lunchtime philosophers, for evidence exists to certain pecularities arising in one's beliefs during a hot meal of takoyaki). But to AntoniusPous, none of what these groups debated was relevant to her, as dying had lead to her respawning with a loss of experience for her fishing and cooking skills (an arbitrary choice for the game, but she was thankful that none of her other, more useful, skills had been hit) as well as a loss of ... all her money. That was a far larger blow, because she had taken a week to acquire those funds, and without them, she was broke again.

She refused to curse the two-storey eight year old or her party for sharing responsibility in depriving her of well-earned cash. It would be undignified, and honestly also quite unfair to the groggy group of players around her (having been the first to die, the Púca had spent a bit more time adjusting to her death and rebirth - lag was quite killer). She was still going to kill the Easter boss, mark her words, but this time she would find a better party to assist her. First of all, however, she eas going to turn in a quest for some funds, sell some of the junk she had been hoarding in the bank, and buy a crapton of healing potions (as well as mana ones in case she spammed too many spells for her regen to handle).

AntoniusPius took to the air, allowing the magic to flow through her wings as she flew in the direction of the nearest city. This time, she was going to avoid a total-party kill no matter the cost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"So that's why, especially at your age, it's really important that people get all their sleep."

"Preachin' to the choir there." the Nordic-Japanese beanpole muttered lowly under his breath. In English, of course, such being his way in the peculiarly typical situation of it being 4:19 when class had a minute left to go and his eyelids were barely holding on for dear life.

He needed to stop staying up for America-time so regularly. Shit was murder on his well-being, and he knew it. Hell, his friends had warned him to not make that mistake in their footsteps, but here he was all the same.

Guess College is a constant everywhere.

4:20 came moments later, with the teacher urging everyone to have a pleasant weekend and him whispering a soft "blaze it" to fill out a promise he had made to one of said friends the night before. Getting by on a technicality wasn't usually the blunt, straightforward to a fault young man's way of doing things, but he wasn't about to yell it out at the end of Psychology just for the sake of amusing someone an ocean away. Besides, it was Dor's idea anyway. If he wanted that to happen so bad, he was the one pretty enough to get away with it.

Henry Schultz?

No, not so much.

Today'd be better served by figuring out that AmuSphere thing he'd gotten a while ago. VRMMOs, right? Those sounded potentially pretty fun.

Really funny how as soon as you start walking out of your last class, fatigue seems to vanish.

That was life, he guessed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arun. The capital of the fae. It was a beautiful city, one built right into the titanic roots of the World Tree itself. For all who played Alfheim Online, this was the hub of interaction, whether it be trade, meetups or declarations of war between two chuuni buggers with an axe to grind against each other. It was this city that AntoniusPius was flying towards, her wings fluttering rapidly as she travelled underneath the grand shadow of Yggdrasil. While it would be simpler to find a NPC vendor for potions, they were far more expensive than those sold by other players on the marketplace, and she was definitely lacking in funds thanks to that two-storey tall eight year old that had killed her and the party she had been in. With only common drops taken from the weak mobs around the Ancient Forest left in her inventory, it was highly unlikely she could sell enough for the necessary number of potions anyway, and she was definitely unwilling to give up on her Mozartesque Violoncello with +15 AGI just to fight an event boss.

"Wonder who'll be selling," she muttered quietly to herself, landing in front of Arun's gates with a light patter of feet. "Hopefully not that xXxNightShadowxXx guy. He's a bloody annoying. And probably ten years old."

It was difficult finding someone willing to sell potions on the cheap at times, but the Púca hoped that she'd manage. Otherwise she would live knowing that an eight year old dressed like a bunny rabbit had defeated her, and that was definitely not something she was willing to bear. Was Sai Makoto, greatest theatrist in her year level, inferior to lines of code? Of course not!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Ugh, this was boring. Komin didn't want to fight the boss, and she was hella tired of picking up fucking eggs all over the place. What else would she do? Maybe she'd go visit her shop. Was she really that bored?

Yes, yes she was.

So, she sprouted her wings to fly off to that cute little coffee shop. Didn't fool her though, obviously Shadowy was putting tiny amounts of poison in the coffee in order to take out every single customer so that she would be the queen of beverages in ALO, that made perfect sense.

Yeah, no.

While Komin was flying over to the shop, she thought about how many eggs she had. She could cash it in for about 130k points with 209 eggs. So, she was filthy rich if she could get real money for it. Goddamn these ALO events, she was wasting so much time on them with their fucking Sakura Week and Easter shit. What was Easter anyways, Egg Day in America?

Is the glass half-full or half-empty, if Komin crashed right into a tree in front of the coffee shop because she wasn't looking, what sound would it make?


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The light sound of a little girl's laughter could be faintly heard as the large vines surrounding the Event Boss Field slowly began to unwind. The sound of it drowned out most everything else as the dome would begin to recede back into the ground. As more of the field would come into view, one would see that the clearing was completely void of any kind of disarray. One would think a fight didn't just go down... granted the party that was there lasted no more than five minutes inside. The clearing was void of anything other than the boss who was down on her belly, trying to catch the little balls of fire that was once the party of fairies.

"Awe, where did you go? Why did you leave Bon-Bon? Please come back... Bon-Bon is sorry she was mean to you. ..... Hello? Come back and play soon!"

After a few moments the little wisps of fire would fade away as they were respawned back to the town they previously visited. The little girl stood up and skipped back to her large pile of easter eggs and began to sort them by color to ease her boredom. She hoped that soon someone else would come by to play with her, and not try to take her precious eggs away.

Shadowy heaved a sigh after helping her passed out friend to the couch. After ruffling his hair, she had gone back to make him a cup of coffee before noticing one of her customers come up to the counter and take a seat at one of the stools. It made her smile at him as normally people wanted to stay in there own little quiet corners.

"Pardon me, miss..." he started before nodding his head towards Beasty-kun. "But, do you need any help with him?" he asked. He didn't really sound concerned, and she wondered if he thought her friend was being a nuisance to her.

"Ah, nope he's probably just tired. I know him... I don't think he gets much sleep. But after he comes to, a good cup of coffee should be just the thing he needs. " she said before excusing herself to bring her friend his own cup. She placed it on the table next to the sofa where he lay before returning to the counter. Leaning her elbow on the surface and resting her chin in her open palm, Shadowy looked to the Spriggan again. "I try to remember all my customers, but I don't recognize you. Can I ask your name? Is this your first time here? ...If so, how do you like my drink?" she asked him, trying to start a conversation.

Before he could answer, the other rather cool looking Spriggan came up to the counter, holding the familiar flower she used for her drinks in his hand. "Do you need any help with your friend?" he asked, to which she shook her head and assured the would be okay. It was better he passed out here and not somewhere people could kill him or something. The thought passed her mind of how it would be to be killed in game while sleeping. It was so odd... Shadowy wondered if it had happened to anyone before. Her thoughts were interrupted by the guy placing the Iris Germanica he had in his hand in front of her on the counter.

"I'm sure this could help with a few cups of coffee." he said before turning to leave. She blinked at the flower and picked it up, looking at the mans retreating back. This was not an item that was so easily obtainable. After excusing herself from the Spriggan at the counter again, she pranced out after the other one.

"Hey, wait. " she said, catching the mans arm as he stood on her porch looking around. She held up the flower and smiled at him. "Thank you for this. Stop by any time you like and your coffee is free. No refusals. I insist. ...Can I ask your name?"

She would wait until he told her before waving and heading back inside along with one who sat down and began to check through his inventory. After serving him, Shadowy would go back over to the other Spriggan who had been waiting patiently so he could answer the questions she had asked before. (@Bright_Ops)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connecting.... Welcome back to Alfheim Online ShaddixtheDragon

You have no new messages

Malik merely smiled as he entered the world of Alfheim once more. It was Easter Weekend, and in line with the traditions of MMORPGs throughout the years, Alfheim was hosting a special event. Personally, Malik often felt that these events were crammed on and bloated affairs, but nevertheless they often proved to be a good source of money for the solo player. As someone who never partyed with those he didn't know, having a quick way to make a lot of money was extremely important. Especially since the economy was not nearly broken as that one game he had been dragged into a few years back.

Taking a glance around the capital, the high level player smiled as he saw the bustling faces enjoying their time in the game. It was a truly remarkable thing to see, but it was not his reason for being here. Malik enjoyed these games not for their interactivity and bustling community, but rather for the inventive game play it provided. After all, what child didn't once dream of running around slaying dragons and giants. VR MMOs provided a great outlet for one's fantasies to be lived out.

Currently, Malik found himself in the city of Aarun for one reason. He had to stock quite a few healing potions before attempting the Easter event. That was one of the main tricks to surviving as a solo player. One had to make sure they always had a large number of healing potions on them. Sure Malik's speed helped quite a bit in terms of evading attacks, but without potions he could never heal back from the few attacks that did hit him. Walking up to the NPC Vendor, Malik quickly went through the options menu and bought the maximum number of potions he could. That was another great thing about potions, one didn't have to worry about having too many, because even leftovers were useful in the next fight.

Satisfied with his newly increased supply of potions, Malik began to ready himself for the difficult fight that evaded him. The way he saw it, he probably had around a fifty percent chance of winning if he played his cards right. Time to play the long grind game of poking at the boss' health.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Millennium was just about to activate his wings when the store owner came out after him and caught his arm. He turned back to the Salamander girl who had a smile on her face as she thanked him for the flower and offered free coffee the next time he came to her shop. "My name is Millennium. Don't worry I'm sure I will come back for the coffee again and some company. If you need anymore flowers just message me and I will see what I can do, but the next one won't be free." He told her with a smile as his wings appeared and he started to drift into the air.

With those final words he took off into the sky following his radar to a blinking dot just outside Butterfly valley indicating a low-level treasure in the area. It was probably just some enchanted gems being guarded by a few guardians, but hey it was the small things that payed the bills over the nice big dungeons. Once he reached the source of the treasure he was right in his assumptions as two stone guardians stood guard over a treasure chest between them.

"Easy enough." Millennium muttered to himself as he drew his grey double edged sword from his back and muttered a few words of power to summon a smoke screen to surround the area. The fairy dropped into the smoke once it had completely filled the area and his sword started to glow purple as he summoned energy to cut down the guardians. All that could be seen were a few flashes of purple light from within the smoke before it cleared and only the treasure hunter was left standing with the sword already resting in its sheath. All that was left was to collect his prize and then return to Aarun to put the gems up in the auction house.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In some unfrequented region of Aarun, an Undine leaped and flew away from a dispersing crowd.

After a regular Great Fairy Alliance weekly session had ended, Cirno- no, Ciryes as her user handle is, decided it would be a good idea to frolic in the fields and continuing her egg hunt. For 120 whites she could cash in a measly 12k. Add up coloreds in the same number and a reasonable 72k is made. 15 black eggs adds the total sum of her capitalism into 87k, which is good enough to buy a few prized commodities. She could purchase quite many stuff from the Leprechauns. She could make a few purchases on some items that could help bring down Bon-Bon, and prove to the world that she's the strongest you'll ever meet.

Wait, how did the idiot even manage to do the math?

The Koishi Amanohara underneath the Ciryes avatar pondered, but eventually cast it off as soon as she heard a loud bang in the vicinity. Coincidentally, she somehow found herself in a familiar hangout: Shadowy's Cafe. Every now and then, she'll hear word of mouth about this place as well as cross here in her flights. Why so popular? Maybe digital coffee is actually delectable as damn.

Well alright to that, but what about the bang?

Turns out a Cait Sith didn't watch ahead. Avatar handle? Komin. Which, frankly, Ciryes finds as something that would likely be used in a knock knock joke:

-Knock Knock.
-Who's there?
-Komin who?
- ...I said come in.

Enough with the damn puns, Jesus tap-dancing Christ!
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


How in the fuck- what in the world made Komin even do that? How the hell!? Was she just thinking about Strawberry Panic ships or Kantai Collection and their actual ships or what?

Still, she was close to the coffee shop so she might as well go in. But what would she even do? She knew for a fact that she was not going to fight Bon-Bon at all, so that was off the list. She knew that she wouldn't drink some poisoned coffee, So that was off the list.

She also knew that there was probably nothing to talk about, unless there was some new illuminati conspiracy a random memer came up with, so what else? Maybe Komin would just tell random stories in the highest voice she had. So, tell dumb stories in a high voice was the plan. Alright, That was good. Now to actually walk into the danger zone.

She thought there was a WARNING sign right above the shop, But she kept walking...


and walking...


and walking...


Also, what the fuck was a Ciryes?

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Bwuuuuuuhhh...." A zombie moaned. Kosuke looked at the approaching horde, mind already running through his checklist. Zombies, physical weakness: slashing.

Without hesitating another second, he reached into his inventory to take out his halberd, only for his hand to come back with a banana. Wat. he thought. He quickly through the banana away and reached through to find another weapon, but all he got was a fistful of banana. "Alright, fine then. How about fire?" He raised his arms in front of him and started to focus a spell, but to his horror, the magical script flowed around him and formed a giant 2D glowing script banana.

"What?!" He shouted, then he woke up. He snapped awake in, some kind of couch? He looked around to see some people drinking coffee, looking at him and whispering. Wait, He thought, Coffee. Suddenly, he noticed the smell of some freshly brewed coffee quite close to him. He whipped his head around to see a cup of coffee sitting on the table.

He lunged for it, spilling a little as he swiped it from the table and emptied the hot, black ambrosia into his system.

Coffeeeeeeee! he thought, caught in a sudden euphoria. He felt the as if the clouds had now parted before his eyes, and a fog was lifted from his mind. He was awake now. Coffeeeeeeeeeee! he thought again. He wanted more, god damnit, he needed more! Coffeeeeeeeeeee! he thought a third time. He sat bolt upright, then quickly jumped to his feet, only for both of his knees to hit the coffee table with a solid bang!

The sudden stop of momentum in his lower body and the continuing momentum in his upper body flipped him straight over the table. His face hit the tabletop hard with another bang! and his feet whipped out from behind him and continued carrying him over the table. As his back hit the ground, he bent his back and rolled to a crouching position before jumping up to his feet in a no, I totally meant to do that. kind of way.

He walked briskly over to the counter, and slowly put his cup down which was miraculously unscratched.

"I need another cup, please." he said.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"A hundred Yrd for a stack of twenty?" said AntoniusPius incredulously, chocolate-brown eyes boring holes into the sheepish-looking Spriggan before her. "That's triple than the cost of all its crafting materials combined!"

It was her standard practice to shake down any traders hanging around the city plaza to see how much they would sell their goods for, as a not-so-insignificant of players seemed to prefer dealing with customers in person rather than utilise the far more convenient auction house, which was a mere hundred metres away from her present location. It was a peculiarity unique to ALO that could be quite flummoxing to newcomers to the game, but they would soon realise that its origins were likely in roleplaying; there was definitely something far more personal about selling one's goods like an NPC vendor and becoming another example of the VRMMO's emergent gameplay instead of dropping the items into a box and waiting patiently until somebody and a different box elsewhere in the world found that their order had been fulfilled. Still, the Púca girl was honestly quite thankful for the presence of these traders, as in order to stay competitive with the convenient auction houses, they would sell their items for far cheaper, a major benefit to her poverty-ridden self.

Through in her entire time playing Alfheim Online, she had never encountered somebody selling stacks of <<Health Potion>> (not the <<Prestige Health Potion>> or the <<Green Potion>>, just the generic old potion that everyone was familiar with) for the price of the <<Super Health Potion>>, which healed triple the amount of the standard one. It was one of the biggest ripoffs she had ever seen, yet the Spriggan was still standing right in front of her, shifting awkwardly from side to side under her unrelenting gaze and holding out overpriced potions. This type of daylight robbery was so unexpected to AntoniusPius that she had been a bit speechless a minute prior, trying to understand what type of person her seller was. NPC vendors would sell <<Health Potion>> stacks of thirty for sixty Yrd, and that was still cheaper than her offer.

"I can push them down to ninety, but I ain't going lower than that," replied the Spriggan.

That was exasperating. With a disappointed shake of her head, the teenaged girl left the seller and began roaming the streets once again, her boyish face locked into a determined expression as her eyes peered from under her golden hair at the surroundings, surveying the area for anyone else willing to sell her potions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a long time of gazing at Komin the Pun Candidate, Ciryes decided it would be worth trying to enter the shop. Because it's totally for checking out why does this place attract so many customers and why is it so popular among the people, right? Right? And it's totally not to follow Komin to sate her curiosities and even stalk, RIGHT? Yeah, that's right. Or is it?


Nah, Ciryes ain't minding the klutz. Or maybe a bit, but she mainly wanted to find out what does Shadowy's Cafe has in store. The Undine descended down to lay her feet on the bare ground, leaping and charging forward to the door. Consequentially, as she ran, Ciryes shoved quite a few people who were making exits and entries to the shop, probably leaving a few "Hey!"s and "Watch it!"s in her wake. When she finally got in the premises, first thing she saw was quite a bunch of people placing their orders on lattes and 'pucinos. Second thing she saw was the digital coffee itself on the tables of drowsy and leisure-seeking customers. There were quite many wrong things the fairy noticed herself.

Too dark. No sugar, no cream whatsoever. Why did people enjoy such a bitter drink without the sweetener?

The Undine reached for an obvious conclusion, which was straight from cartoon restaurants and popular fast food chains.

Secret ingredients? It must be.


Ciryes hurried to the counter. "Ciryes can see shit, but can she see why do kids love Cinnamon To- ahem, many people love your coffee? Uhh... price?"
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Simon watched as the dome eroded away and the easter event boss revealed. "What the fuck am I looking at?!!" He shouted clearly looking at a house that happened to be a little girl cosplaying as a bunny rabbit. She looked harmless and cutier then a basket full of puppies. The question was why was this little, big girl doing in the woods by herself. Simon was gonna walk into her vicinity until he stopped mid-step and wore a confusing facial expression.

"Holy shit is that the event boss!" No shit Sherlock.... I mean he said in a very surprised manner. The little girl wiped out countless numbers of players within minutes and she doesn't have a scratch. Simon would need a serious change of plans if he wanted to defeat this boss and hopefully be rewarded with a weapon. But where could he go? The players at imp zone are probably drunk or doing a dungeon right about now.

Then a light blob shined above his head. "Hmmmmm....nope don't know where else to go!" He said smiling before the light blob fell and cracked against his head. "What the Fu...Oh what about that café place!" Simon exclaimed slapping his fist into the palm of his other hand. He took of to the sky making sure not to spotted by the kawaii boss of kawaiiness. Traveling back in forth is a pain but in order to beat the boss he had to find enough brave soldiers that'll help over throw the little girl. Which sounded really weird when you say out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


As the waitress assured him that the sleeping man was fine and she didn't need any help moving him anywhere or something, Sindri seemed to relax a little. After all if she wasn't freaking out about it then it was probably okay. There was an onslaught of questions to come after, but before Sindri had the chance to respond the woman had run off because someone gave her a strange looking flower.

Andrew blinked as the very familiar shiver ran down his spine and the icy grip of emptiness grasped a hold of his stomach. The feeling that he was a complete and utter waste of skin and bones who's only purpose in the world seemed to be to continue to breath if only because vacating the mortal coil would cause some people pain. That horribly familiar feeling of numbness...

As the waitress returned, Sindri shook his head in order to focus back on the world around him. He offered the Salamander a warm smile as he answered the questions that had been put on hold. "My name is Sindri and it is a pleasure to meet you. I've heard about this place from a couple of people I know and I decided to pass the time while waiting for the people trying to take on the Easter boss to thin out a bit to look around and see if I could find it. As for the coffee itself..." Sindri paused for a moment to take a another sip of his cup before answering "It seems like a good cup of coffee. Not really a bit coffee drinker myself; More of a tea person really. Can still recognize talent when I see it through. Sorry, but I don't believe I caught your name Ms."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Twenty minutes and one particularly inspired Character Creation later, Henry Schultz stood at the center of Gnomeville, Gnome Country, tall and strong.

"...So, no Tutorial?" the newly-minted Shieldsman asked incredulously, feeling as though he were sticking out like a sore thumb in spite of being one of the small horde of Gnomes gathered around the town square, which fittingly happened to be the noob spawning point.

The lack of that formerly ever-present feature, for once, irked him. While in certain games, the tutorial was boring, repetitive, and annoying, there were situations where they'd you know, be helpful.

Such as this being your first time in a VRMMO, for Pete's sake!

Gritting his teeth, the tall gnome who had just been christened WalliamWillace began to stalk forward, looking to at least get his bearings on his race's starter town. This game may not have a Tutorial Island, but it'd be damned if it didn't have a Lumbridge.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 13 days ago

VR was wonderful. It was the ability to create a world, and experience it as though it were reality. To recreate aspects of the real world in perfect detail, and craft experiences that simply would not be possible on Earth's surface. Exploration deep beneath the sea without scuba gear. Exploring the depths of space, wandering brand new worlds. Flight. Creatures that had never existed suddenly could walk off the page and right into a world that you experienced as though you truly were there.

The SAO Incident, as it had come to be known, had scared a lot of people away. By all rights, Abraham Martin should have been one of them. He had been a single choice away from joining the ten thousand people trapped within. Ironically, it had done the opposite. He wanted to learn about the wonders of virtual reality more, and strive to understand how it worked. What people enjoyed. And how to craft worlds of his own.

It was this desire that brought him to a computer lab in Japan, watching the clock in the bottom right of his screen tick towards the end of the period while he pretended to read from his textbook. Not that he was goofing off, mind. He'd finished reading the chapter fifteen minutes ago. Now he was waiting for the period to end while thinking about what he'd need to retrieve once he logged on to ALO.

There was a boss to be killed, after all.

It took him exactly sixteen minutes to get from the lab to his home once the period ended. He counted. He hurled his bag on the couch, practically sprinted to the desk, and hurriedly jammed the Amusphere on his head.

"Link start."

Simple worlds, but what they heralded was anything but. Where others saw a meaningless startup sequence, he saw preparation. The sequences he knew were running unseen to make this new world his reality. Fortunately, he had expected that he would be in a hurry and left his avatar tucked away in a corner of the city nearest the boss in order to save on travel time. He had most of his gear already, he just needed a few potions, and then maybe to see if anyone knew anything about the boss yet.

This was going to be fun.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Whatever that noise was, he was going to punch it. Punch it with this shield. He'd bought it at the General store for what seemed to be pretty cheap, but he knew it was a starter-level greatshield, and could only serve him well for a short while. Thusly, he resolved to put it to good use during it's short time together with him.

Gotta love Bronze stuff.

Maybe it's the menu?

How do I open that up aga--there.

Turned out he was right. A blinking notification right above the latest hotfix.

EASTER EVENT: The Stingy Bunny and Egg Hunt!


So basically the idea was to either collect eggs for money, or fight a cutesy Easter-themed boss for Weapon drops. He didn't see any shields on the table, but if this MMO had anything resembling an Economy...

"Could make bank."

Now, the question of getting to Aarun. He knew there were sometimes NPCs who could teleport you to event areas in other games, but he was also pretty sure he hadn't read anything regarding that in the update info. Only two options, then. Either he could search the city for a sufficiently easter-eventish NPC...

Or he could go out into those cold white fields he had turned and gazed into, and stain both them and the gleaming bronze of his greatshield red with the blood of his enemies.

Decisions, decisions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

The Easter Bunny boss was making its cutesy introduction, but its tone quickly changed to menacing. Then the vine dome appeared, blocking Mythrilite's observation of the event. Annoyed, he opened his menu and scrolled through his inventory. Equipping his standard short sword, he made his wings appear and flew over to the dome, examining the properties of this obstacle.

Inside he could hear the sound of players screaming in fear and the boss announcing, "Welcome to Bon-Bon's Domain!" That alone already made it sound horrific, and Mythrilite was almost glad he wasn't inside. Almost. After all, he wasn't able to see what was going on inside the dome.

Mythrilite had already noticed a few other players that had flown over to the dome. He let them be as the vines began to unravel, revealing the boss and a large amount of fireball-like instances representing dead players. So the boss had already defeated them. That was fast. A huge raid party completely destroyed in a manner of minutes. That would be no easy task to overcome.

However, an idea was already formulating in his head, using what little information he had gathered from the boss' behavior. Granted, it sounded like the dumbest idea ever to have existed in the history of mankind, but a lot of ideas sounded like that and tended to become the greatest idea instead. Besides, what was the harm in trying it out? Losing a sliver of xp?

Unequipping his sword, he descended so he was eye level with the bunny boss and said, "Hello there. Would you like to be friends?" It was sounding dumber already, but it might just work.
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