Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The world tree... center of Alfheim Online. It stands there, higher than any fairy can fly, as a symbol of strength and beauty. It is the backbone of this virtul world. This world where your imagination and a good amount of free time can take you anywhere. To reach its lush, green treetop is the goal of every fairy created into this world. It is a goal that is always just out of reach for all who dare try to fly to the top.

For those who are content with simply gazing at the tree from the base or from afar, this world's diverse community of players and NPCs makes it easy to set other goals. Ones that are easier to achieve and forces one to group up with others and make friends. One such onlooker is Momo Suzumori who is known in game as Shadowy: "the one who runs that cute little coffee shop near the Butterflies Valley." While in game, the less than intimidating Salamander fairy spends her evenings in her shop, occasionally traveling to the city at the base of the World Tree. Arun is the name of it. She goes there often to get supplies for her shop and ask around if anyone wants to work. She keeps her experience in the game peaceful, as her real life is hectic enough. Most days, she wishes she could stay as Shadowy forever.

Speaking of real life, here she was, instead of living it up in Alfheim Online, getting scolded by her boss for the third time that day.

"Suzumori, are you listening to me? You are not the 'moral police' do you understand? If a customer asks you for a double shot of Sake in her Arnold Palmer, you give her a fucking double shot. I don't care if she's pregnant or not. Got it?" The middle aged man said, clearly being passive aggressive.

"Yes, yes I understand. Gomen... I just thought-"

"Don't think. Just do your job before I send you home for the day."

Momo sighed as her boss waved for her to go away and she turned on her heels, holding up her tray and walking to the nearby table in her section and taking their empty glasses. "Hi, would you like a refill on your drinks?" she wrote down their order on her notepad, slipped it into her apron, and went back behind the counter to prepare the drinks. Glancing at the clock, Momo sighed again. Only four more hours to go... you can do this Momo.

Throughout her shift, it seemed like a neverending loop of smiling, taking orders, mixing drinks, sighing, mixing more drinks, smiling, then taking another order. It was when her shift finally ended at 6:45pm that she cracked a genuine smile. Changing from her uncomfortable slip resistant boots to her black flats. After waving goodnight to her coworkers, she left, braving the cool night air as she walked to her apartment. It was no more than a fifteen minute walk from her job to her home, but with aching and slightly blistering feet, it seemed like hours. When she did finally reach her apartment, she dropped everything by the door and crawled her way to her bedroom. Her nightly routine would start then. A light foot massage followed by a shower and dinner of leftover takeout was just the half of it.

As she sat on her bed, legs crossed and homework set in front of her, Momo would stare at the project, waiting to be inspired to draw something magnificent. She would sit with her chin resting on her fist, staring at the blank picture until she would give up and toss everything onto her floor. The neuro linker on her desk was compelling her to put it on and log into Alfheim, and after a moment she would give in, laying down and placing it on her head. After turning it on, she closed her eyes and relaxed. The pull on her brain that came after was almost as relieving as taking off a bra after a long day.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

And as Momo's shift seemed to end, Koto's had ended earlier.

It was a tiring 7 hour shift at the pharmacy. She got the desperate ones-

Koto had been doing her job at the cashier, and this was at the start of her shift. She swiped every item this man wanted, and put them in bags as she did every weekday. Then, out of the blue-

yeaah, let's not remember that one. There was some swearing, some throwing, some reporting, and other such things.

Aaaanyways, she also got the ones who are complete idiots-

Shortly after that desperate customer, there was another one who was incredibly dumb. The customer had broken the rules of the shop, as he tried to return an item after he opened the packaging it was in, and it was obvious that he did so. When Koto refused, the customer said, and I quote-

"I want to see the boss about this, this is an outrage!"

When the customer finished, Koto went out, grabbed a poster stating this fact, and gave it straight to the customer. Koto continued to ignore whatever the customer had to say until he left, and that was that.

and there were some others that would make this post way too long.

She had her final customer, but when the clock hit 5pm, she instantly made a mad dash for the door and got in her car.

"Alright, put the car in drive, hands on ten and two, and we're off."

It was a short drive, only about 10 minutes, so when she got to her apartment she knew exactly what she was going to do. It was the same thing she did every single day. She got into her bedroom, instantly noticed that famous neuro-linker, and put it onto her head to log into Alfheim.

Inside the game, she was a Cait Sith named Komin, a mix of the letters in her name, as she didn't have much else in her head. She recognized the gigantic world tree, rising high into the sky, and a green forest that she was still in. The first thing she did inside of the game was sprout her wings and fly up, straight above where she was previously standing, and decided to fly over to Arun to find something to do. Maybe she could find some friends on there as well, you never knew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Alright." Kosuke said, looking over towards the gigantic Easter Boss, "This'll do."

He stood on top of a nearby tree, the tallest tree he could find near his target. He pulled a book and a pen out of his inventory and started to fill it out.

"Time to go through the checklist." He said, flipping to the page he wanted. "Physical Defense: No armour, perhaps vulnerble to slashing. Piercing and blunt probably have normal damage multipliers but slashing would be more."

Then he looked over the giant girl again, looking for any telltale signs of elemental effects.

"Elemental defense:" He said as he scribbled, "If vulnerable to slashing, then possibly vulnerable to wind. Clothing isn't particularly flammable, and boss isn't particularly wet so fire and lightning might not be effective."

He scribbled down a few more notes, but that was pretty much all for the projected weaknesses. The boss didn't look particularly strong against anything, but her size would probably mean she had a lot of health. He wouldn't be able to see her health until he was actually fighting her, and he didn't want to do that just yet. The boss was rather fresh, and the event had just started. Down below, he could see there was already a raiding party being formed, rather large, perhaps needlessly so.

He knew some of his guildmates were down there, and he knew they'd be there for quite a while farming all of the boss' drops. As soon as they had all of a tier of the boss drops, they would leave Alfheim to log it on the website. They did pride themselves on being not just day one information experts, but hour one information experts.

Kosuke rubbed his eyes a little bit and yawned as he sat in his tree. He'd been out through the night keeping watch for the boss to spawn, he needed some Coffee. It was probably only just getting late in real life, but he'd been up during the Alfheim day.

I should probably go visit her again, she's got coffee. He thought. Why is her screen name like that anyway? It sounds so cheesy. He put his book away and sighed to himself as he got up. I'm kind of surprised no one else took that before she did. he thought. Still, she would probably help him beat the boss. He didn't want to party with anyone he didn't know, even though he looked like he wouldn't care. He knew his friends wouldn't criticize him so much.

Mainly it was all the looks he got when he showed up in his dirty-ass cloak and stuff, and also he wasn't really good for any role, and when he had to tell someone that it made him really uncomfortable. He didn't have enough skills with the weapons he used for probing to be a DPS, he didn't have any armour so he couldn't be a tank, and he didn't know any good attack or heal spells so he couldn't be the mage.

He brought out his wings and started flying towards the Butterfly Valley as the group below made their final preparations. He probably should've stayed and memorized the boss' moveset, but he wanted to be on the receiving end for that.

Whatever. He thought, It'll be fine, I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

| Aura |

It was quiet, the winds whistling by, her long-blue hair being picked up at the wind as she stares down at the ancient forest. She dives down to her usual spot, the pond. Her 'secret lair ' was covered by a grove of trees, a hill going down as if a crater was hit within the ancient forest. And within the crator-like area, a pond. Her wings faded as she curves her way around the grove of trees, feeling the soft air curve around the area. The area was peaceful, and quiet. She could tell it was a rare place to find, the trees were seemingly too deep for other players to find the spot.

The blades of grass weren't sharp, it was a soft feeling within the ancient forest. It seemed as if rarely any mobs spawned within the ancient forest, giving it its tranquil feeling, her feet softly make a crunching noise against the blades of grass, nearing the boulder. Her head turns to the side, faint rays of sunlight pass through the trees leaves, hitting the pond. It was like golden water as the light hit the pond, the light reflecting off the pond, thus the light going every where around the crater-like zone.

Serene...it was quiet, no noise came through the lair, but simply the soft noise of the chirping birds. She didn't grind as much as other players, she was a calm one, rarely joining anyones party or doing quests...unless she wanted an item and needed to level. There was a current event going on, the prizes for the easter-boss held three navigation pixies in which go out randomly to players. The boss was inside the ancient forest...so she was more cautious about her lair being discovered.

After a few hours of the light passing by, contiously within the crator-zone she stood up, her wings slowly materializing. She lifted into the air, curving around the trees to get out of the lair, she accelerated into the sky, transparent air is created as she dashes into the sky, gaining a birds eye view of the ancient forest.

She could hear faint noises rumble through the forest, footsteps it seemed. She flew around the lairs vicinity, going out 5 miles away from the lair until she got a a quest announcement. She could feel the footsteps from above, the crunching noise was louder, she could see the easter-boss. Her eyes stared in awe at the little girl that she was going to have to fight, " The developers have a grudge against little girls. " She mutters, unsheathing her two chokuto's from the back of her hips.

She dashed towards the ground, a long distance away from the little-girl, enough that the girl couldn't see her. She laid against a tree, waiting for someone to appear within the quest-zone. She swiped her finger through the air, the GUI appearing infront of her, equiping equipment that will suffice for the battle. She put her hair into pigtails, looking like a wannabe Miku-Hatsune as she put her hair into pigtails, her outfit was light, very light, and it decreased in her defense, though it increased speed while she flew in the air...and as well increased her look as Miku-Hatsune.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You have lost connection to the login server. Retrying in thirty seconds.

"I thought this only happened to your usual MMOs."

You have lost connection to the login server. Retrying in thirty seconds.

"Are you actually serious?"

You have lost connection to the login server. Retrying in thirty seconds.

"If I didn't have to login today to get that one-month playing award I would be doing homework right now."

You have lost connection to the login server. Retrying in thirty seconds.

"Who even gives rewards for participating on a daily basis for a month? The Yakuza?"

You have lost connection to the login server. Retrying in thir-

The AmuSphere slammed against an orange pillow with a thud, rolling away from it before stopping next to what appeared to be a gigantic plush Easter egg. Why the strange, blue and green object was in Makoto's possession was a mystery to even her, but it had sat ominously on the edge of her bed for the last decade, its eldritch mass adding to the feng shui of her bedroom. Of course, one would wonder why she kept it there despite there being three-hundred and sixty-one days of the year that were unsuitable for Easter celebrations, but the explanation was actually quite simple - like many teenage girls her age, she was too lazy to fix something that had little impact on her life.

"Right, back to doing English homework," she grumbled, pushing herself up from the bed. "Why does this language have so many tenses anyway?"

That of course, was a question that stumped many speakers of East Asian languages, for their logographic systems were mostly free of things such as "past participles" or "imperfect subjunctives" that plagued the grammar of the Indo-Europeans. Memorising them was, in the words of Sai Makoto, "absolutely retarded", but alas, it was her duty as a student at Yamagawa High to complete the homework tasked to her and submit it at the next class. Otherwise she would probably be lectured by her teachers on how slacking off would destroy her chances at graduating high school becoming successful member of society when she reached her age of majority.

She agreed somewhat with that, honestly, but English was horrifying language probably created by moustachioed nobles with dreams of world domination. Logging onto ALO was far preferable to doing all this work, but hey, the login server seemed to despise her existence.

Truly, being a teenager was suffering.

"Damn you Ymir," proclaimed Makoto to the heavens, shaking her Biro pen up at her ceiling. "Damn you to hell."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sindri took a deep breath of fresh air as he walked into the Valley of Butterflies.

He knew that the Easter event had started up and people were already sending out their call to arms in order to deal with the new boss, but at the moment he was taking care of something else that was on his to do list. He had heard rumors of a nice little cafe nestled somewhere in the Valley of Butterflies that was run by a rather cute girl and with everyone vacating different cities of the world to deal with what he believed to be a giant bunny girl of some kind now would be the best chance to do so.

Besides with so many people there, that boss fight would be laggy as all hell.

Looking at the different buildings that were lining the street, Sindri finally spotted one that looked about right. Walking over to it and opening the door, the masked figure stepped out of the sunlight and into the cafe's welcoming shade.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

In a certain bar, a certain Imp player was causing a ruckus, along with anyone that was there. The booze in this world did not have much of an effect in your senses, since it was also permitted for underaged players to drink it. The bar was lively as ever. A pooka player was playing his own violin while the others partied around at the sound of it, with Chitose, or Millia, as she was known in game, sit on the counter with a large bottle of sake in her hands. Laughing loudly so that it could be heard all over the bar, while spilling the sake all over her clothes, though she didn't care even one bit. "Yaaaay! Let's fire it up guys! The day is still young! Or was it night? Ah, whatever, let's just drink the hell up!" She said. Like that, she was more like a woman in her thirties, or perhaps even a man in the guise of a woman in-game, instead of a 18 year old girl. But did she care? Not one bit.

"As long as you got alcohol with you, what else can you ask for?!" She asked the lively crowd, who answered with a collective 'Oh!' and made Millia laugh a bit more, lively as last time. "Damn straight! My, I gotta do quests like that more often! It was a lot of money they gave just for taking care of some crooks!" Then again, her level was fairly high, since she spent a lot of time grinding just so she could have more of an opportunity when it came to things like this. She is a katana user, even though she also used a fairly large arsenal of magic, so, all in all, she is a well rounded character.

She took her katana and put it up. "And you can all thank us for this feast! You guys ain't wasting a single penny, so I hope you think of us whenever you are feeling generous!" She laughed some more. Well, the quest was easy, but maybe it was just because she had a whole team of 6 people that had gathered in an improvised party after finding each other at the start of the quest. She was part of the frontlines, and she also got the last hit bonus, so she was also celebrating because of that, while treating everyone inside the bar. Her purse was draining fast, though, a little too fast. But she still had enough of it for..."Order another round, boys! This will be the last one!"

Cheering for her, the whole bar got heated up and started ordering their next round of drinks. Everyone in the bar was fired up, and not to say anything about how happy they were that the drinks were completely free. It was all on Millia's account, after all, as the other people from her party were also enjoying of her treating them. She was worried yes, her money was disappearing as soon as she got it, but she couldn't go back on her word now. Unless....

An alarm ringed and her menu popped up, with a warning saying that she'd be disconnected in nothing but thirty seconds more. That's right, she forgot she told her roommate to disconnect the internet when she got out so that she could get out of Alfheim when she needed to go to work.... Oh, that was bad. "Eh, um, guys..... I!" And before she could drop the bomb on them, as her loud voice caught everyone's attention, she disappeared in a blue light, not to be seen until the next day.

Chitose woke up in her bed, and took off her AmuSphere. Well, now she felt damn small yet again. She wasn't about to reconnect the internet and log in again, she was late as it was. Luckily, she had the night shift, or maybe not so luckily, given that that also cut off her sleep hours. "Welp, off to work I guess. I will at least get some booze if I work hard. I hope...." She had no time to get fancy, so she just put on what seemed more natural and left her house in a hurry. Damn, but that game sure was addictive. She had started it just as a hobby and now her abilities were so damn high.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I don't understand who makes these workbooks," declared the teenager, dropping her ballpen onto the desk next to all her schoolbooks.

Did people in America or Britain actually tell others that "the bear was underneath the palm tree" instead of "the bear were underneath the palm tree" whenever they were talking to each other? Hopefully not; otherwise she was definitely not planning any holidays to Europe in the future. She was also pretty sure that Europe didn't have palm trees, unless Japanese Wikipedia was lying to her. Maybe it was, but Makoto was busy browsing the ALO forums to see if others had the same problems with the login server as her instead of browsing the Korean Wikipedia. From what she was reading, it seemed that all the players seeking to participate in the Easter event were placing quite a strain upon Ymir's servers.

Pushing her swivel chair away from her desk, Makoto spun a hundred and eighty degrees to face her bed, where the previously discarded AmuSphere was sitting solemnly upon the blue mattress. It stared at her with sad, nonexistent eyes, as if begging her to put it on so that she could enter the world of Alfheim once more as AntoniusPius, the Púca violinist/cellist that had yet to find a money-making guide on the ALO Wiki that properly worked. Her left eye twitched. If she was going to dive into the game today, then the login server better accept her. She was not willing to deal with more "retrying in thirty seconds" when she could do other things like read through her copy of Antony and Cleopatra for the sixteenth time this month.

"I am growing extremely impatient," she whispered to the device as she grabbed it. "So do not fail me."

Without any further hullabaloo, the teenager jammed it onto her head.




Welcome back to ALfheim Online.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The almost silent sound of a skate board's wheels smoothly rolling on the cement side walk could be slightly heard if you were to be completely quite. Riding the skate board was a 5'7" British man who hair blew in the wind as the speed on the skate board increased. Simon continued down the side walk that led the way towards his home. Nearing his destination he does a shove-it and lands the trick at the door steps of his home.

"Perfect!" Simon says smirking and unlocking the door to his home. He steeps on the rear of the skate board and catches it as it flops into the hair. As he enters his home he throws his skate board to the side and walks straight towards his room. Next to his bed was his computer and his AmuSphere head set that laid in the center of his pillow. Simon was happy that he had eaten out before he came home. Now he didn't have to worry about hungry getting in the way of his gameplay.

He equips the AmuSphere onto his head and laid down relaxing as the head set did its job. In a blink of am eye Simon opened his eyes and his surroundings changed completely. His fluffy bed was gone and replaced by grass. The now imp stood to his feet stretching as he starred at the still breath taking site of the world tree. He was in the Wetlands not to far off from the imp's zone.

"Man, a drink sounds good right about now." Simon says spreading his bat like wings taking to the sky. The wind passed through his wings and collided with his face giving him a more relaxed sort of mood. Soon he can see a bar that is common to imps in the area to visit for a drink or a good laugh. Simon received the notification about the easter event but he surely didn't want to do the mission by himself. It was an event so he wasn't gonna completely ignore it. He planned to visit the site after he had a few mugs of alcohol. "Hey, everyone!" Simon shouted as entered the bar. He was greeted by countless numbers of half drunken. "Heys!" In Simon's eyes the bar seemed very lively for some reason or it could just be a regular day. This is a bar after all. Drunk people isn't rare to find in this type of setting. Simon ordered his sake and sat at a bar seat downing it like he had a hards day at work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Axel Asa || lexA

"Ohh-hoo~ another one, and it's black! If only I could exchange all this event money for real money, then I could finally catch up my Durarara manga." lexA has been on most of the day hunting eggs. A snap for Cait Siths like him. Today was his day off from The Bee's Needs so he figured he might as well hang online while he waited for his friends to connect and join him.

So far, lexA had scoured the northern half of the world after receiving the I collect Eggs! quest in Aarun and leaving out towards the Ancient Ruin area. He now found himself near Butterflies Valley, close to his capital Freelia. He carried with him eggs totaling near 127400 points with 197 eggs. Truthfully, he was getting tired of hunting eggs, but time was still on the clock so he decided to just casually pick up the eggs he came across as he waited to join with his friends, who should hopefully be logging on soon.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

"Link Start," Taiki said after putting on his Amusphere.

A moment later, he was back in the neutral town he stayed in when he had logged out. He was back again, ready to enjoy Alfheim Online again as Mythrilite.

Mythrilite exited the motel he was in and made his wings appear. Taking off into the air, he began his fight over to the Ancient Forest. The new Easter event was happening over there, and he wasn't one to miss it. Chances were that there were going to rare items too, and he definitely couldn't miss that.

A short flight later, Mythrilite landed in a tree and made his wings disappear. He got a good look at the easter bunny boss for the first time, and his first thought was to wonder why the GM's chose this appearance for the boss. Not that he was complaining, but he wondered what went through their minds.

Putting that aside, Mythrilite watched as the parties below prepared for their assault against the kawaii boss. He would watch for a time, analyzing the boss' attack patterns and skill cooldowns, and would join the fight after he felt he had a decent understanding of the boss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Momo opened her eyes, she found herself no longer in her room, but exactly where she had left Shadowy the day before. Her crimson haired avatar was sitting on a bench on the outskirts of Arun. She had placed her there after doing her usual weekly shopping in the city. Standing and spinning, Momo checked over her body, making sure that everything moved the way she wanted. Feeling content with things, she hopped into the air and spread out her red wings, flying off in the direction of her shop that was nestled in the middle of Butterflies Valley.

As she flew, she waved to the occasional fairy who came into view, likely going to cash in their loot from the newly started Easter Event. Momo had thought about joining in on it, but was impartial either way. She had decided not to participate unless a friend or someone invited her to tag along.

When she finally reached her house, she realized she was coming in too fast for a landing and did a lap around to slow down a little. When her feet finally did touch her wooden porch with a light tap, she looked around. "It's hard to believe I actually clean this place every day." she said with a light sigh. It was times like this she had someone else to help her run the Cafe. Deciding not to dwell on it, Momo went inside to get a broom to sweep the leaves from her porch.

She hummed a light tune as she began to set up her house for customers who were likely going to be coming soon. She arranged the furniture, moving the chairs closer together so she could get nore, and replaced the small coffee table with a larger one. She set up more chairs on the kitchen for those who liked to watch her do her thing behind the counter. She didn't feel the need to decorate for the holiday, simply because she wanted to keep the feel of the Cafe as personal as she could. When people came in with their friends, she wanted them to feel like they were actually winding down with a hot cup of coffee and taking a break from the seemingly neverending grinding.

Momo took pride in the uniqueness of her little shop. Having it run in her home was only the cherry on top, as she could open and close shop whenever she wanted. The other good thing was that there was no where else in Alfheim where players could actually get a good cup of coffee. After a long time of trying to replicate the flavor of it, she finally made a perfect recipie that was all her own. Sure, the bars we're cool, but for the die hard coffee lovers, this place was the place to be.

Another thing she really liked about it was the fact that few people actually knew about this place. It was kind of a jewel that not very many knew about. It was enough to make good profit, but not so many that her house was overrun by a bunch of people. Typically the coffee drinkers were not as loud as those who loved their alcohol. The calm atmosphere of her cafe was perfect for her.

Finally after she had finished setting up shop, she went outside and flipped the wooden "Open/Closed" sign. Carved into it in a pretty design was:

Shadowy's Place
The Best Coffee in
all of Alfheim!

"Shadowy! Hiiiii!"

Looking up at the sky, she noticed a few fairies already flying over. Waving and smiling, she would go inside and start making some fresh for her customers.


It seemed as though a group of people were about to take on the Easter Event boss. The large girl was sitting in a clearing, created specifically for this event. Behind her was a giant pile of easter eggs, each the size of a basketball and painted a different color. The field could clearly be seen, and nothing seemed to be too out of the ordinary. When the first party entered the field, the girl would raise her head and look at them.

"Yay! Some more tiny people came by to play with Bon-Bon! The large little girl would stand and skip over towards the party who backed away slightly. They had swords and staves drawn, and when the boss noticed it, she blinked

"Um... you didn't come to play with Bon-Bon? Then why are you here? To give me more Easter Eggs right? " The sound of the party members speaking could not be heard, but whatever they said caused the girls eyes to darken.

"You came here to steal from Bon-Bon!? You guys are all meanies! Every single one of you! Bon-Bon will show you! She is tough! And now you made Bon-Bon really really REALLY MAD!!!

Suddenly from out of the ground, thick vines sporting thorns the size of people would began to enclose the team and the boss. The vines would curl and wrap around eachother, creating a large dome over the clearing, making visibility to anyone outside completely impossible.

A large BOOM! would be heard from within the dome, followed by screams of the players inside and an evil laughter from the boss. "Welcome to Bon-Bon's Domain!"

After a few moments of shouts and laughter, along with the sound of crashing boulders, nothing else would be heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaito Hamasaki was hurriedly putting away all the glasses at his work so that he could finally heading home after his long shift at the bar and all he wanted to do now was get home, so that he could get on Alfheim Online. Once all his work was done, he grabbed his jacket and said his good byes to his co-workers before heading out the back door of the restaurant. His apartment complex was only a block away which made it easy to commute back and forth with the only problem being when he had to go to his college.

Once home, he went straight to his living room slash bedroom and turned on his computer. It was already passed the meeting time and he hoped he wasn't to late to meet up with his contact who was supposed to tell him about some new event treasure dungeon that had just shown up. Hopefully everyone was to busy with the new mobs that had appeared with the new boss that they all would be to busy to overlook something so small as a treasure dungeon. Once the Amusphere was online and ready for use, he laid down on his bed and threw the device over his head as he jacked into the game.

The next thing Kaito saw was the inside of a wooden building as he remembered he had logged out at an inn in Aaurn. The spriggin hurried outside activating his wings and instantly taking to the air as he made his way to the Butterfly valley. The informant had agreed to meet him at a small coffee shop there since it was a place with little traffic where someone could have a meeting in private without prying eyes or ears. "Come on please don't tell me he left already." Kaito muttered as he sped through the sky as fast as he could go.

As the small cluster of building came into view, his eyes went to the building that was highlighted as the coffee shop which he made a bee line towards. He touched down with a rattle as the chains on his body as well as the sword on his back settled into a position after the flight as he headed into the small building. "Damn, I'm already to late. Guess I will just have to find someone else who knows about the treasure. Might as well get a cup of coffee while I am here."

Millennium took a seat at a table near the door and looked around to see no one was inside, he concluded that the owner must be in the back of the store and he waited patently for the owner to return as he enjoyed his time in ALO.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
Avatar of Crimmy

Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"This was not what I was expecting."

AntoniusPius, eternally poverty-stricken Púca and theatre actress, stared up in horror at the titanic creature that was the Easter boss, a two-storey tall prepubescent 'bunny rabbit' that had trapped all the would-be event-goers in a massive dome of vines. Her virtual hands were tightly gripped around a Roman spatha, the presence of the ancient weapon reassuring her that no, it was not a real giant monster, and no, even if she died fighting it, she was not going to die in her own reality. She was also, of course, mentally berating herself for choosing to participate in the event instead of going straight to her usual money-making locations, but it was too late for her to change her mind now. There was a gigantic 'little girl' in a bunny costume throwing a deadly tantrum above the party, and the only way for her to move forward was to either kill it or die trying.

The blonde fae pulled her left hand away from her sword, raising it upwards to perform a spell. It was one she had used frequently in the past whenever she was partying up with others, and she didn't doubt that its effects would be especially useful in this situation.

"Oss," began AntoniusPius, the Old Norse activation word signifying that her magic chant would produce a spell that affected the entire party, "auka hraða."

And the buff to agility was applied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

While a rather pleasant looking little cafe in an of itself, Sindri quickly guessed that it wasn't the one he was looking for. For starters, it seemed to have been designed for a certain kind of person in mind. That and the Easter decorations were rather tacky; Turns out some stereotypes didn't really hold up in practice.

Abandoning this cafe in order to continue his self appointed quest to discover the 'Best Kept Secret of Butterfly Valley', the cloaked and masked spriggin continued to wander along and kept out building after building.

Sindri had been about to walk past what appeared to be a home of some kind when he caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was an open closed sign with the simply message :

Shadowy's Place
The Best Coffee in
all of Alfheim!

His curiosity raised, Sindri opened the door and stepped inside. The place was refreshingly free of Easter decorations and it wasn't overcrowded... Taking a quick look around, he went to go and find himself a place to sit down and see what the service was like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 13 days ago

Alright, New Checklist: Kosuke thought as he flew, 1: Say hi, 2: Get coffee, 3: Ask if she's got anything to do for the day, 4: If she doesn't ask if she wants to go for the event boss. He pondered the finer details of his plan in his mind a little as he flew over one of Alfheim's many forests. Damn, it sounds like I'm asking her out or something.

Now that he thought about it, he was starting to think of some other things too... She did happen to have a lot of... 'fans' was probably the best word for it. A few times he'd been around whenever he'd talked to her for something other than coffee, he'd always see out of the corners of his eyes one or two people glaring at him. Not always the same people, and not always in a schedule or anything.

And my clothes... He thought, looking down at himself. He was wearing a really old looking travelling cloak which he'd found somewhere he didn't remember now, and besides that he was wearing some random shirt, pants and boots which were pretty much permanently stained with dirt and he should have replaced months ago. Still, it wasn't like he had any armor proficiencies and he'd thought for a while he wouldn't have to care about looks.

Even now, he wasn't exactly sure why he cared so much.

Maybe it's because I've been up for about 20 hours now... He thought. Wait a sec. He suddenly realized that the trees had now given way to a small town of sorts. Crap, I'm here already.

Without really thinking about it, he deactivated his wings. He then realized his mistake as he plummeted through the air. The ground below sped towards him, giving him only seconds to think.

"Ekku, Eria Barisutikku, Kyu!" He quickly chanted. (Yeah, I'm just using the Japanese version of the chant. I'm lazy.)

The words flowing around him faded until only the three he had cast remained, and he had time to read them.

"Self fire explosion?!" he said aloud.

A large bang! could be heard as the spell went off only a meter or two off the ground, changing his momentum and actually making him go up a bit, and then he fell back down onto the ground. He vaguely heard his health and his mana bar going down, and he could see it out of the corner of his eye but not very clearly. His vision was sort of getting hazy, mostly from how tired he probably was. He was also on fire which didn't help much.

Whyyyyyy? He thought tiredly. He craned his neck to properly see his health bar and breathed a sigh of relief. He'd only lost about a quarter of his health bar, although it felt a lot worse than a quarter. He was still on fire though, but the debuff was almost out already. Luckily for him, in Alfheim online the more trained your skills were, the higher your health and mana were. He'd reached about 400 with most of the weapon skills in the game, and some of the ones he liked were a lot higher, not to mention his magic skill was pretty good.

He had a whole lot of health and mana, but it wasn't like he could use much of it.

Whatever, where am I? He looked up to see he was in front of someone's house, with a very familiar looking sign. Oh good. I didn't fuck up too badly. He got up mildly dizzy and dusted himself off as well as he could, but it didn't do much for the scorch marks.

Some people were looking at him now, and it made him feel really self-conscious. To calm himself down, he started making another checklist. Checklist: 1: Keep your head down, 2: Don't blow yourself up next time, 3: Go for some damn coffee already. Trying to keep as neutral an expression as possible, he strode over into the house that she had now turned into a coffee shop.

He staggered a little as his tiredness and the blast caught up with him a little and he slowly stumbled through the store dodging some people and the coffee table. He stood at the counter and tried as hard as he could to stay upright. A pounding headache pounded at his temples now, but he didn't really know how it'd gotten there.

"Hey, Shadowy," He said weakly as he teetered where he stood, "Coffee... plez-..." Then he promptly flopped over the counter and went to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After returning from serving a couple who had just flown in and wanted a private corner to themselves, Momo returned to the kitchen to see that she had two more customers. One having just walked in, and the other.casually waiting by the door table. Both seemed to be of Spriggan race. They also sported white hair and black clothes , causing her to think they were brothers for a moment. After observing they were clearly sitting apart, she shrugged and dismissed the thought. Walking over to the one by the door, she gave a lighthearted smile. "Hiya, I'm Shadowy! Welcome to my home. I'll be with you in just a second." Afterwards she went to the other Spriggan and greeted him. "Hello, I'm Shadowy. Thanks for stopping by my home. I'll get you some coffee right away."

After introducing herself to the two strangers, she went to the kitchen to prepare their drinks. She already had her secret mix of ingredients brewing in a pot. Opening her menu, she tapped on the screen that appeared before her and selected the ingredient that made her coffee 'The Best in all of Alfheim." It was the nectar of a rare flower called the Iris Germanica. A blood red flower that's rather hard to collect. One drop of nectar gives the drink the perfect amount of sweetness, without weighing down the coffee with cream or sugar or honey. Momo prepared two cups and took them to each of the boys, setting it down in front of them.


A long moment passed and Momo went around dusting up to keep busy during this slow day. It was suddenly that a ruckus would be heard outside aS a few more customers came in."Hi, I'll be with you in a moment." she said smiling.

That was when she saw a familiar face come in through her door and stumble over to the counter. She blinked, quite surprised as her buddy Beasty (as she calls him) came in staggering."Uh... Beasty-kun... what are you...?"

A light laugh escaped her as he passed out, face down on the counter. Moving over to him, she took one of his arms around her shoulder and took him to the couch, since no one was using it anyway. She laid him down haphazardly and ruffled his hair before going to fix him a cup as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It had been one hell of a day for Alfred at his waiter job because today he had to deal with a very "Classy" client hence the reason why he had to work later then usual, who would berate him if he was even a second late then usual to deliver his meals. The guy was a asshole and Alfred didn't mind seeing him go. Returning his notepad to the shelf along with the pencils Alfred took his jacket and began walking home.

what to do when i get home and on Alfheim
' Alfred began thinking as his house started to come into view '
Do I go for the new easter boss that was to be released? Or should I go for a pvp orientated day like I did yesterday fighting random players in Aarun and till I have no time left to do anything else perhaps not
' he pondered throwing his jacket on the peg and responding to his mothers questions of how his day had been before scurrying upstairs at a hurried pace time was burning, so with a hurried pace Alfred quickly set up his Amosphere plugging it in, putting in Alfheim online before laying down on his bed his very comfy bed he felt relaxed maybe he would give Alfhiem a miss today.
Alfred said smirking
"Link Start"
he said with obvious glee as he dived back into the world of Alfheim online

Dondreigan blinked and stood up from the chair in the storage room
"right then now I am back in the game might as well take a look at my stock"
he said to no one in particular as he opened up his house's storage inventory which was stocked with supply's for the manufacture of weapons and armor's as well as a few pre made "its all here that's good" Dondreigan murmured as he closed the inventory and walked outside into the cold air, Alfred never regretted his choice of choosing the Leprechaun race even though they weren't combat orientated. Breathing in the stimulated cold air Dondreigan took flight he wasn't a fast flier sure but it was never the less a good experience. He was heading to the dark forest for some more supplies to stockpile and refine.

During his flight through the skies of Alfheim he noticed small groups of fairy's flying from and to Butterflies valley normally he wouldn't be concerned or bothered but since he had nothing to do today except form a party or stockpile supply's it might be worth checking out for that partying opportunity or a fight. Dondreigan liked fight's, turned out what he found was not what he expected.

Shadowy's Place
The Best Coffee in
all of Alfheim!

"well its a coffee shop that's something right?"
Dondreigan said after reading the sign before opening the door to go inside, before moving to the empty table and sitting down with a soft clink and waited to be served in the mean time he would be searching through his inventory for idea's on his next course of action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago


Sindri didn't have to wait long for a cup of coffee to be served to him. Good, quick service was a major boon to any establishment and the fact that the waitress was rather cute was a major bonus. Removing his hat and mask in order to both free up room so he could sip his coffee and to be polite, he offered the waitress a warm smile and politely said "Thank you Ms."

Watching as she went about dealing with some of the other customers for a few seconds, Sindri turned his attention to his cup of coffee. Not normally his drink of choice since he preferred tea himself but he wasn't about to turn it away. Taking a sip of it, he did find the sweetness to his liking; No honey either which he couldn't help but enjoy since he couldn't stand the taste of it. All in all it was a pretty good cup of coffee, but he wasn't about to convert from being a tea drinker just yet.

Hearing some kind of loud bang from the counter, Sindri turned to look over as he noticed that someone appeared to have... fallen asleep?

Watching as the waitress handled it, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow to the possibility that this had happened before. Properly storing his hat and mask in his inventory and taking his cup of coffee, he went over to the counter in order to be closer to the center of conversation. "Pardon me Ms-" He addressed towards the waitress before nodding his head towards the sleeping customer "But do you need any help with him?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

| Aura |

Stood as she heard the echoing voice. It pulsed at least four times until...the vines began growing. She watched the vines twist and curl around the area, she could see the effect happening around her...seemingly like a circle was being formed. " Maybe it was....the boss? " She asked herself, looking up as she could see the vines already reaching a large distance within the air. It toppled over her like a tower, faint rays of light coming through the holes within the vine-dome. She smiled, the beauty suddenly increased the sudden beauty of the ancient forest...and she oddly wished for the dome to stay within the forest.

Her wings materialized, particles gathering behind her as the formed the Undine-wings, she didn't need the remote for flying...she was already made to master flying or...thats what she thought. Her wings slowly began to flap, hovering a few feet above ground, going forward as she slipped her way through the trees until she could fully hear Bon-Bons voice. The footsteps became louder, her maniacal laugh echoed through out the dome, she hummed, rising from the trees, her wings phasing through the trees as she raised into the air.

She tightly gripped the hilts of her chokuto's, her blue hair being lightly picked up by the wind. The rays of sunlight reflecting off her blade, the sunlight pointing upwards. " The boss liked shiny things. " She could hear her voice play within her mind, she looked towards the blade, reflecting the ray of sunlight...she had hope for herself, this was a huge advantage for the players...but she wasn't sure if it was.

Her voice trailed off, humming a soft tune waiting for the boss to attack. Her finger swiped through the air, the GUI appearing in front of her, reviewing her current set of skills...and creating a web of attacks for Bon-Bon. The GUI disappeared once she finished, looking towards Bon-Bon as four green bars surrounded her.

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