The world tree... center of Alfheim Online. It stands there, higher than any fairy can fly, as a symbol of strength and beauty. It is the backbone of this virtul world. This world where your imagination and a good amount of free time can take you anywhere. To reach its lush, green treetop is the goal of every fairy created into this world. It is a goal that is always just out of reach for all who dare try to fly to the top.
For those who are content with simply gazing at the tree from the base or from afar, this world's diverse community of players and NPCs makes it easy to set other goals. Ones that are easier to achieve and forces one to group up with others and make friends. One such onlooker is Momo Suzumori who is known in game as Shadowy: "the one who runs that cute little coffee shop near the Butterflies Valley." While in game, the less than intimidating Salamander fairy spends her evenings in her shop, occasionally traveling to the city at the base of the World Tree. Arun is the name of it. She goes there often to get supplies for her shop and ask around if anyone wants to work. She keeps her experience in the game peaceful, as her real life is hectic enough. Most days, she wishes she could stay as Shadowy forever.
Speaking of real life, here she was, instead of living it up in Alfheim Online, getting scolded by her boss for the third time that day.
"Suzumori, are you listening to me? You are not the 'moral police' do you understand? If a customer asks you for a double shot of Sake in her Arnold Palmer, you give her a fucking double shot. I don't care if she's pregnant or not. Got it?" The middle aged man said, clearly being passive aggressive.
"Yes, yes I understand. Gomen... I just thought-"
"Don't think. Just do your job before I send you home for the day."
Momo sighed as her boss waved for her to go away and she turned on her heels, holding up her tray and walking to the nearby table in her section and taking their empty glasses. "Hi, would you like a refill on your drinks?" she wrote down their order on her notepad, slipped it into her apron, and went back behind the counter to prepare the drinks. Glancing at the clock, Momo sighed again. Only four more hours to go... you can do this Momo.
Throughout her shift, it seemed like a neverending loop of smiling, taking orders, mixing drinks, sighing, mixing more drinks, smiling, then taking another order. It was when her shift finally ended at 6:45pm that she cracked a genuine smile. Changing from her uncomfortable slip resistant boots to her black flats. After waving goodnight to her coworkers, she left, braving the cool night air as she walked to her apartment. It was no more than a fifteen minute walk from her job to her home, but with aching and slightly blistering feet, it seemed like hours. When she did finally reach her apartment, she dropped everything by the door and crawled her way to her bedroom. Her nightly routine would start then. A light foot massage followed by a shower and dinner of leftover takeout was just the half of it.
As she sat on her bed, legs crossed and homework set in front of her, Momo would stare at the project, waiting to be inspired to draw something magnificent. She would sit with her chin resting on her fist, staring at the blank picture until she would give up and toss everything onto her floor. The neuro linker on her desk was compelling her to put it on and log into Alfheim, and after a moment she would give in, laying down and placing it on her head. After turning it on, she closed her eyes and relaxed. The pull on her brain that came after was almost as relieving as taking off a bra after a long day.