Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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9 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Human name:
Nathan Pater

God/Goddess name:

Hades & Persephone



Human Appearance:

God/Goddess Appearance:



Worshipers of Hades, the dead, crows, ravens and anyone who performs sacrifices.


Nathan is the youngest son of Hades. He lived in hell for a great portion of his life so he's not use to earthly customs. As for his personality. He is nothing like Hades, even in his godly form. Nathan is not a social person and often keeps to himself. Listening to music or just staring blankly into space. Due to his fathers actions he's always stereotyped as a evil guy. He can look mincing but is far from it.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Human name:
Nathan Pater

God/Goddess name:

Hades & Persephone



Human Appearance:

God/Goddess Appearance:



Worshipers of Hades, the dead, crows, ravens and anyone who performs sacrifices.


Nathan is the youngest son of Hades. He lived in hell for a great portion of his life so he's not use to earthly customs. As for his personality. He is nothing like Hades, even in his godly form. Nathan is not a social person and often keeps to himself. Listening to music or just staring blankly into space. Due to his fathers actions he's always stereotyped as a evil guy. He can look mincing but is far from it.
In God School 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'd like to join.
Emmett stood on the roof of a near by building preparing to witness the birth of a terrorist attack. Right on time a suspicious looking trailer pulled up to the site and a faint voice ranged through the area. Emmett couldn't quite hear the voice since he's was a respectful distance away from Leon's position. He couldn't hear but he could see what was going on and it looked like the man with the mega phone exchanged a few words with Leon.

After the conversation between them ceased four more people exited the back of the trailer and joined the mega phone man. He was speaking again and thanks to Leon's request still couldn't hear him. "Damn it....this better be worth listening to him!" Emmett shouted punching the rough material of the roof he was on. As he finished his sentence a guy with two giant light sabers stepped forward and the battle soon commenced.

At first Leon was getting his ass kicked. Well from Emmett's point of view that's what it looked like. The fight progressed and Leon was defeated within seconds or so Emmett thought. But he was still standing and he looked like that blow the light saber guy didn't even faze him. Emmett applauds and laughs. This was truly a good show. Until the guy with the mega phone shouted something and the rest of the E.T. terrorist pursued Leon. Emmett was about to teleport to the site and help Leon ignoring his demands of staying back.

Before Emmett could activate his ability a mysterious figure appeared on the battle field and slowed the terriosts movements. The figure was wearing a cloak. But it was quickly removed presenting the female who wore the cloath. She was carrying a coffin and that was new, Emmett seen a lot of crazy shit but this possibly takes the cake. The battle resumed with a 2v4 and was leaning towards Leon and the mysterious women.

Wait...let me rephrase what I just said. The coffin is now the second craziest shit Emmett have witnessed in the city. A big ass wolf doggie takes the cake! It came out of no where and was starring Shadow Gear, Leon and his mysterious visitor down. "Oh Fuck No!" Emmett shouted teleporting in front of the wendigo. "Bad giant doggie!" He continued to shout putting his hand I front of Dimitri to hault his movement. Emmett was tall but this wendigo was taller than him by feet. He didn't care about height difference the only thing he cares about is interfering with Leon's battle. If he couldn't fight Shadow Gear, no one could!
\^-^/ Yeah Meruin is gonna disintegrate us, even though Marcus already got KO'd. But who cares!!!!!!
XD Now that I look at the battles closely I either lost by losing my sanity or just plainly fucked up all together. Also did you just call us The three Retards. *Dies from laughter*
O(≧∇≦)O 2,000 post!!!!!! Also damn my win to lose ratio is total ass.
Emmett stood outside of Eris door for a few minutes tapping onto his leg waiting for a response. Then her door cracked open but no body came out. Emmett thought that was really odd and was about to say something until Eris began to speak. "Um....bombs?." Emmett paused and decided that he wouldn't worry about that. "Sure....also Leon told me to tell you to put up surveillance cameras." He was wondering why she didn't come out or allow him end but its not right to bug women about every little thing so when he finished his assigned mission he says "Cya around Techy!" And walks away. Emmett didn't want to come out of training and be planted in a seat. He wanted action. So instead of staying at the office he teleports back to the plaza site. Emmett reappeared on the roof. He wasn't gonna interfere, he was just gonna watch. He had to see who this person other then Shadow Gear was and why didn't Leon need backup because of this person.
After Kita rolled up next to Emmett and Leon and stated what she had to say after hearing Leon. Emmett leaned on Leon's car and looked in a random direction. "He's probably waiting for his secret admirer to appear and help him." Before Emmett or Kita could reach to his statement he vanished. Little purple particles dazzled were he was sitting. Hopefully Leon wouldn't get him back for that.

Emmett appeared in his old office of the agency. The countless stacks of papers blew around the room as the teleporting caused a gust of wind to pick up and tapper with the papers. He coughed from the dust that clouded the air. Emmett rushed out of his room, coughing heavily like his office was on fire. He dusted himself off and walked towards Eris office. As he walked he got a lot odd stares. Emmett knocked on Eris's office door. "Hey Techy! Its Emmett, this is important let me in!"
@The ghost in black
:P Screw it I can fit another rp in. \^-^/ Can I join?
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