Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arrowhead Park nature center

"Little pig, little pig, let me iiinnnnn...." Dimitri rasped as he slowly drug his claws across the wooden door that stood between him and his prey. From within the nature center, the sounds of sobbing could be heard as the woman hiding beneath a desk inside of the center curled into a tight ball. The set up had been perfect for Dimitri, it was still cold enough to keep all but the most stubborn runners indoors, all he'd had to do was sit back and wait until he found a sufficient target. He didn't have to wait long as a woman that appeared to be in her late twenties had began to jog past the spot that he'd chosen to lie in ambush. From there it was a cake walk; Dimitri had smeared himself with dirt and leaves, partially transformed his leg so that the bones jutted out strangely, then proceeded to beg for help, pausing every now and then to moan or sob as if in severe pain. The woman had fallen for the trick hook, line, and sinker, and wandered off the trail and into the forest to find the location of the pleas for assistance. Once he was spotted, Dimitri spun a tale of how he'd been beaten and mugged by a group of men who dragged him off the path to cover their tracks. The woman had looked horrified -the exact reaction Dimitri had hoped for- and fumbled for her phone to call the police.

The very moment that she took her eyes off of Dimitri, the wendigo launched into action and tackled her to the ground, knocking away the phone in the process. Dimitri had sunken his teeth into her shoulder first, just to get a proper taste, however his victim had been quicker to react that he'd anticipated, and caught him with a surprisingly mean left hook. Knocked back, by by no means knocked out, Dimitri had decided to just transform right then and there and renew his assault while his victim got up to run. One swipe of his claws was all it took to sever her left leg's achilles tendon and lacerate her calf. Dimitri hadn't bothered to finish the woman then, rather, he chose to let her have a ten minute headstart, which allowed her to locate the nature center and lock herself in. Tracking her was simple enough as she had so kindly left a trail of blood droplets in her escape attempt.

Dimitri dragged his claws against the door again, savoring the sensation of his nails biting into the wood as well as the fresh sobs from behind the door. He would have continued to toy with his food a bit longer, however a sudden thought made his blood run cold: he'd taken care to make her drop her phone outside, but there was very likely a land line inside the center. With a snarl Dimitri smashed open the door and looked about frantically. The woman was easy enough to locate thanks to the fresh bout of hiccuping sobs, however that was not what caught Dimitri's attention. What caught his attention, was the telephone that lay by it's receiver on the desk above his quarry. The wendigo felt rage bubble in his gut then as he realized that she'd probably managed to send a call out to the local PD.

Robbed of both time for further fun and time for a peaceful meal, Dimitri roared menacingly and cleared the distance between him and the desk in half a second, "YOU SKEEVY LITTLE WENCH!" he bellowed as he threw aside the piece of furniture which shattered after impacting a wall. Dimitri dove onto the woman without a word, she hadn't even gotten a chance to scream as she was violently dismembered and eaten. Under normal circumstances, Dimitri would have left barely a trace of his deeds, however now all he wanted to do was rip and tear without concern for his actions. And rip and tear he did; by the time Dimitri was finished, there was blood and flesh staining the floor, the walls, and even a few spots on the ceiling. His victim wasn't even recognizably as human anymore, merely a pulped mess of blood and bone.

Once Dimitri regained his senses, the wendigo took off, leaving behind a gory crime scene that would shake the hardest of men. One thing was certain, whomever the police department sent to examine the crime scene was in for one hell of a show, and an even more hellish case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Chroma was idly mulling about, listening to police chatter, when a phone call was made to the police he listened in on it, he thought little of it until the distressed woman started screaming about a monster, saying that a man she thought was injured transformed into some kind of creature shortly before the call cut off, he kept listening to the police system for more about this as he reported it to Leon, his figure appearing by Leon from a projecter "Leon, the police got a call about a strange monster at the nature center, the caller said that it started as a person before transforming into a creature and tried to kill her" he said as he brought up a recording of the call.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chapter 2
The Crimson Festival

The sun seeped through the blinds of a dark room. Countless puddles of blood painted the floor of the room. Bodies complimented the puddles and a faint voice could be heard in the next room. The building belonged to Emmett, an Enderman who worked for the Ashe City Detective Agency. That sceneray changes and you can now see into the next room. A man covered in blood sat in a bloody wooden chair tied down. The man looked like he'd been through serious hell.

"Who sent you!" The voice demanded from the shodows that a corner of the room casted. The questioned man who sat half alive in the chair smirked and didn't say a word. Emmett stepped from the shadows his suit covered in blood and his purple eyes filled with raged. He shaped his finger into a gun and cocked it back making a pulse of purple energy shot out of his hand and ripped through the mans knee. He shouted in pain but was cut off by Emmett smaking him across his face.

The chair fell to the floor the man still attached to the chair. Before Emmett could make his next move his phone buzzed in his suit pocket. He retrieved it and answered the phone. The person on the opposite line was calling form the Agency and told Emmett that something important came up and his assistance would be needed on the force again. "I'll be there." He says as he hangs up his phone and looks at the pitiful excuse for a human laid helpless on his floor. Emmett eyes glared purple like before and he shot another pulse of energy at the man's head instantly killing.

Before the call he was almost assassinated. Little did he know this was just the beginning of a even more terrible situation. Emmett cleaned himself up and walked towards the exit of his home. He looked back at the rooms. His office covered in blood and his walls coated in it. This was the start of a new mission one deadlier then the first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris was zipping around the agency network unrestricted with her glasses and white lab coat on in the process of one of her more infamous random data check, where she makes sure all the data in the network is secure as well as cleans out any unnecessary information by making sure it was at least slightly recent. As she did this she heard multiple calls throughout the building sense she was also linked into the surveillance system of the building. She popped up on one monitor after another and at a few points could even be seen running across the big screens in the main entrance as she ran through the cyber highway she had created so that she could get from point A to point B faster.

While she was running she got a notification that made her stop dead in her tracks at the sheer surprise that it gave her, "SHADOW GEAR huh?" she said to herself then opened the message and say that it was a live broadcast. Making sure that there was a massive fire wall blocking all but the sound and video from getting through she announced that she had a surprise for everyone and put the broadcast on all monitors except the larger ones and opened up a direct visual link with her cyber space that she made in the shape of a secret garden (that was so secure even chroma couldn't get in) so she could talk one on one with the man on the screen. "well if it isn't the big man himself, old man Vlad." she said with a smile before reclining into a nicely woven bundle chair and crossing her legs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Greetings Scarlet Ass Wipes!" Vlad said as rude as he could "You've got a very nice city here...Yeah fucking right!" he added as he gave of a crazed laugh "This shitty city is horrid! I cant even look at it with out throwing up!" As Vlad said this Leon's grip quickly became a fist as he listened to him. "Now I'll cut right to the fucking chase here. We want 1 Million Dollars plus your cities most prized treasure, The Azure Tear." Vlad said "Now if you don't bring it to us by the end of your dumb ass festival then the whole city goes fucking boom!" He added as he let out the biggest maniacal laugh he could. "Bye you fuck bags!" He said as the transmission ended. "Eris! I'll need you to do a full scale city scan for any explosives hidden!" He said in anger "Once we get the locations I need everyone to go and disarm a bomb! Am I understood?!" he added. Clearly Leon was filled with rage as he grabbed his sword and walked out of the agency before he made it out he stopped and turned his head to look back at Zander "What do you plan to do Leon?!" Zander asked as he had come running from the morgue after hearing the commotion. "I'm heading back to my place I've got some calls I need to make." Leon replied as he walked out of the agency and to his car. He drove off as Zander looked concerned.

At Leon's Home

As Leon entered his home he found that it was empty, he walked into the kitchen to find a note on the counter. "I'm sure you'll be heading here concerned about the broadcast but you don't have to worry, Chief Johnson had called and said he prepared bomb shelter for the people of the city so now I'm at the bomb shelter." The note read as he turned it over "Also a little girl in a top hat came by and dropped off a package for you. I invited her in and offered her some cake, she was so adorable I want to have a little girl like her. XOXO Suzume Luis PS The package is on our bed" Leon felt a bit of pressure leave his shoulders as he read the note "I'll have the thank Johnson for this." He said as he walked into their bedroom and opened up the package to find a new jacket as he put the jacket on a little note card fell out from the pocket "I'm back" it read as he gave off a small smile. As it was getting late he got ready for bed and went to lay down falling asleep.

January 31st, 2020: Leon's Home.

As Leon finished getting ready he walked out to his car and drove to the plaza near the agency where the festival would take place. As he arrived he got out of his car and took out a megaphone "Everyone at the agency! This is an order do not interfere with this fight!" He said hoping the others would hear him. As he removed the megaphone from the front of hisface he leaned against his car and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri wandered aimlessly about the soon-to-be festival grounds with an annoyed look on his face. He'd made a clean getaway from his hunt before a police cruiser pulled into the park grounds to respond to the call, and his transformations made it extremely difficult to trace him back to the crime scenes, however that wasn't what bothered him. What bothered Dimitri the most was the fact that he'd lost out on what could have been a fulfilling hunt, which was something he hadn't been able to have as of late. It wasn't that Dimitri just wanted to play with his food before the kill, it was that he had an instinctual need to do it, to stalk, to harm, and to give a false hope for escape before bringing the game to an end. The lack of satisfaction before the kill was beginning to drive the Wendigo up the wall like an itch that simply couldn't be scratched, and like a big cat trapped in a cage all day he was getting closer and closer to the breaking point as time went on. Even now Dimitri could feel the tension tingling at the base of his skull, telling him to grab the nearest person and haul them kicking and screaming to his hunting grounds.

Dimitri's eyes flashed red and he shuddered a bit, however thanks to his short stature he remained unnoticed. He needed to be patient, the festival would mean that there would be plenty of people for him to choose from. Perhaps he'd even be a bit bold and grab a supernatural for his hunt this time around, human flesh might have been tastier, but a supernatural would more likely scratch that itch of his. "Just gotta wait a bit longer. Once this festival's in full swing, then I get to have some real fun.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett decided to parole the streets at night. Shit was getting crazy with this puddle of blood appearing willy nilly around the park. He walked instead of drove is car around the once beautiful and luscious City of Ashe. Emmett was more prepared now and ready for a fight. He hasn't been to the agency yet so he doesn't know what's about to happen the following day. Emmett was planning on spending a month at his birth place but he had to go to this Festival.

January 31st

The sun awoken the hobo like Emmett from his sleep. He slept on a binch, which was pretty reckless when he was almost killed yesterday. Emmett stood and yawned. He teleported back to his home and got cleaned up. I'm sure nobody wants to go into public looking like a bum. His house still decerated with corpses and blood of his previous visitors.

Emmett walked into his room which was still intact. He puts on a black tuxedo with a purple tie and starred out the window looking at the light the sun casted over the city. Emmett teleported infront of the Festival's location just in time to here Leon's statement/demand. He looked in the direction were the Leon was and teleported next to Leon. Emmett was sitting on the roof of Leon's car. "Dude I didn't come back here just to watch you fight." He jumps off the car and looks down at Leon. "What about back up? I'm sure you'll need back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon looked at Emmett who ported to the top of his car "I wont need backup from the agency I have a feeling someone else aside from Shadow Gear will be here" He says as he remembers the note that fell out of the jacket pocket and smiles "Head back to the agency and tell Eris to get the surveillance cameras in the areas up and running." He said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The morning sky is the first thing Kita sees as she woke up. Naturally waking up as her eyes simply open to her typical expression, a tired/bored face with half-open eyes like always. She had slept on the roof of her apartment building the night before. Reason being...none really. Well she contemplated about things and all, but Kita wouldn't consider that a real reason. She would just do this sometimes if she felt like she needed to. Thing is, she rarely does it. Kita laid there with her arms spread out just staring upward, not having looked at anything else yet. It took her a couple minutes until she finally blinked and looked to her right hand which was holding not a shot glass, but an unused cigarette. It would have been used the night before, but it seems Kita never got to it. Kita took a big breath before sitting up silently. Kita sighs looking at her cigarette before getting out her lighter and lighting it. She sucks some smoke in before blowing it back out in a puff looking to the distance. Just one cigarette before work today. Just one.

Just a little bit later Kita rides on her motorcycle towards the plaza near the agency. She wore shades as the cold wind blew against her face and short hair. She arrives at the plaza and spots Emmett and Leon before pulling up slowly and stopping her motorcycle near Leon's car, turning the engine off as she remained sitting on the motorcycle. She came in just in time when Leon said someone other than Shadow Gear could be coming, "Someone worth the time I'm assuming?" Kita leans forward resting her arms on the motorcycle itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After Kita rolled up next to Emmett and Leon and stated what she had to say after hearing Leon. Emmett leaned on Leon's car and looked in a random direction. "He's probably waiting for his secret admirer to appear and help him." Before Emmett or Kita could reach to his statement he vanished. Little purple particles dazzled were he was sitting. Hopefully Leon wouldn't get him back for that.

Emmett appeared in his old office of the agency. The countless stacks of papers blew around the room as the teleporting caused a gust of wind to pick up and tapper with the papers. He coughed from the dust that clouded the air. Emmett rushed out of his room, coughing heavily like his office was on fire. He dusted himself off and walked towards Eris office. As he walked he got a lot odd stares. Emmett knocked on Eris's office door. "Hey Techy! Its Emmett, this is important let me in!"
@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Eris! I'll need you to do a full scale city scan for any explosives hidden!" He said in anger "Once we get the locations I need everyone to go and disarm a bomb! Am I understood?!" he added.

"Got it sir I'll get right on it" Eris said before she ran through her highway and came out of the computer in her workshop and started putting up her holographic screens to help with the scans of the city. She worked late into the night but still came up fruitless and ended up passing out from the workload she was trying to handle the color in her hair dulling and the screens shutting down one by one.

January 31st, 2020: Eris' work shop
When Eris heard someone at the door her eyes snapped open and she jumped up out of her seat stumbling a little with her power being drained a bit. "Coming just give me a sec" she said as she made her way towards the door and opened it a Crack to peek out, "oh, hi mr. Emmett is this about the bombs?" Eris said through the crack, not wanting to show her fading look to anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the day began to pick up a bit, Dimitri decided that it was high time that he found some good vantage points and escape routes for when he began his hunt. The wendigo slipped into an alley between two buildings before jumping atop the smaller of the two, clearing the twenty foot high walls as easily as a human would jump a small puddle. It was a satisfying sensation for Dimitri to be able to actually use his muscles to their full extent. For the longest time he'd been forced to hide his true athletic prowess and act as if he was helpless even by human standards. It was demeaning for Dimitri, but it didn't matter now, all that mattered was getting ready for what was to come. He took a few steps back, then sprinted and jumped onto the roof adjacent to the one he had been on. Once there, Dimitri peered over the edge of the roof and down at the streets below and began to memorize the street names and alleyways within the area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Michiyo Nakashima had woken up somewhere with a lot of trees...? Oh, wait, this was basically her home. She had been sleeping under a tree, a sword stabbed into the grass next to her which resembled 'Sword in the Stone,' some book she read years ago, and had woken up in the morning.

The Tsukogami appeared to be outside of the city, as she saw the city not too far off, and stood up, yawning and then stretching. She had a mask that resembled the face of a sleeping child, even with a little hat, and when she felt awake it came off, showing Michiyo's face in full. She remembered the agency, and grabbed her sword to go into the city with.

When a girl Michiyo recognized from the agency flew by on a motorcycle, she looked in the direction that girl was going, and followed it. She soon turned up near the agency, sighing. Why did she even go all the way outside the city, she could have just slept inside of the agency. Well, it didn't matter. It took her 2 or so hours due to small distractions, such as little cute creatures she saw or a mask falling off her face or other such things.

She stepped inside, apparently not noticing the motorcycle girl at the plaza, and breathed that fresh CIS SCUM agency air. Though, she was exhausted, and collapsed right at the entrance. Maybe something important was going on, maybe it had something to do with bombs in a festival...?


So, she fell asleep right there, due to exhaustion. She was going to wake up in 10 minutes, though. How do I know?
Because I said so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett stood outside of Eris door for a few minutes tapping onto his leg waiting for a response. Then her door cracked open but no body came out. Emmett thought that was really odd and was about to say something until Eris began to speak. "Um....bombs?." Emmett paused and decided that he wouldn't worry about that. "Sure....also Leon told me to tell you to put up surveillance cameras." He was wondering why she didn't come out or allow him end but its not right to bug women about every little thing so when he finished his assigned mission he says "Cya around Techy!" And walks away. Emmett didn't want to come out of training and be planted in a seat. He wanted action. So instead of staying at the office he teleports back to the plaza site. Emmett reappeared on the roof. He wasn't gonna interfere, he was just gonna watch. He had to see who this person other then Shadow Gear was and why didn't Leon need backup because of this person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Chroma was using his android to tinker among the technology Eris collects, she usually allows him to mess with it as he works with her and was even a part of the pile of tech at one point, he paused at the thought the he was basically one of the pieces of tech she is so protective of, he let the thought pass and went to see how she was doing with the surveillance, he shut down the android and went up to Eris's area, as a holographic projection of him appeared in the room he noticed Eris speaking through the door to someone, when they were done talking he noticed how faded she looked "you look drained" he said, stepping across the room toward her "why don't you take a break, i can take over the surveillance"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Got it sir" Eris said, As she closed the door she looked down at herself watching as her body shifted and flickered "well I guess I've got to change" she said under her breath and changed her form getting a bit taller and growing her hair much longer. As her form changed her eyes shifted To red and her hair continued to fade in color turning white.

"Oh, yeah sure chroma" Eris said before walking back to her beanbag and flopping down into it, "must have over did it for that form, need to take it easy for a bit" she said and made a screen appear in front of her and a music video started playing through it but the sound was only being played through the speaker in the bag that she was sitting on. "Thanks for taking over chroma!" Eris called out and was a bit shocked at her new slightly more mature voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon looked around as he noticed the cameras in the area starting up as he grabbed the ear piece that Eris gave him and streamed the footage from the camera's to his ear piece. Now he was able to see things from all angles. He looked at his watch and realized it was noon as a big trailer rolled up to the plaza and a giant megaphone popped out from the top "Greetings Scarlet Dingle Berries! That means ball sacks by the way! We the terrorists known as Shadow Gear..." Vlad started saying as the side of the trailer began to open up. "...Have arrived!" Vlad said as the 4 other members were revealed. "Now let me introduce our members! Berafort our weapons master! The Golem, Amgarrak aka Inferno! Lumia Sakuya and Yaminoru our magic users! Then there's me Vlad! The greatest magic user to ever live!" He called out as Leon stood up and drew his sword "Better buy some time till they arrive" He thought to himself "Alright listen up! I'll fight each of you one at a time! None of you are to interfere with your comrades fight! I shall allow you to choose your first fighter!" Leon said in a serious tone "Very well! Then for the first fighter I pick...hmmmm...Barafort!" He said as Berafort walked out of the trailer and onto the ground of the plaza and summoning his giant twin blades known as Yomotsuheguri. Leon gets into his stance as he charges at Bera and swings his sword from the bottom left to the top right Bera blocks with one of his blades with ease as he knocks Leon back a few inches "Hanzo!" Bera called out as his giant twin blades swapped out for an energy katana. Bera charges at Leon and knocks him up into the air as he jumps up and knocks him back down hard into the ground and lands "To easy Master Vlad he was really weak." Bera said as he looked back at Vlad. As vlad began to laugh like crazy the smoke began to clear as Leon is shown still standing. "That the best you got "weapons master"? honestly its more like "Weapons Disaster" then weapons master." Leon said as he wiped a bit of dirt off his shoulder and took his sword into a stance "Dark Flame, Leo Regalia!" He called out as a dark flame egulfs his sword. As he chanrges at Bera and slashes at him causing a giant slash mark to be burned into the ground behind him and finishes him off. Vlad punches the side of the trailer as he gets furious "Thats it! Everyone attack!" He said as the rest of the terrorist charge "Stop it right there Shadow Gear!" before they can make it half way a female voice from atop a building stopped them in there tracks, it was a woman in a brown cloak with the little girl in the top hat and the main coon cat girl. The cloaked woman jumped from the building and landed in front of Leon "Sorry I took so long!" the cloaked woman said as Leon gave a big smile "Took you long enough big sis." He said as the woman took the cloak of to reveal Natasha Luis, Leon's Big Sister. Natasha took the giant coffin off her back and set it next to her. "So this the sword you were looking for?" Leon asked "Yeah it is! Wanna help me a bit? I only mastered 6 of its 100 forms." Natasha said "Sure! It's been a while since we've fought together I'm stronger then before." Leon said as he raised his sword into the air and drew a circle above him as the Garo Armor was summoned onto him. "Garo's armor huh? So you've already inherited that from father, cool. Lets go shall we?" Natasha said as she opened the coffin and pulled out a blue long sword and got in to a stance. "Let run wild." Leon said as he summoned Garo's golden broad sword and charged at Yaminoru. The golem approached Natasha and got ready to strike at her "Melforce!" Natasha shouted as the sword changed into a silver broadsword with wings on the hilt. Natasha slashes with the Melforce sword as a slash of wind was shot at the golem severing his arm. "So that's the Hyaku-Ryu." Leon said as he continued to fight Yaminoru.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Having dozed off while waiting for the festival to commence, Dimitri was suddenly roused into consciousness once more ears as he heard an almighty racket below him. The wendigo sat up and peered over the rooftop to see several people fighting. At first, Dimitri believed it to be just a part of the show, however as people began to flee the scene, it started to become immediately apparent that not only was this battle not scheduled, but it had cost him a good hunt. "Oh hell no." Dimitri growled as he stood and peeled away his clothing. It had been much to long for Dimitri's tastes since he'd had an opportunity to hunt, and if he was to be denied his pound of flesh one way, he'd get it in another. Caution to the wind and ration be damned, come hell or high water he would have his hard earned kill. Dimitri transformed atop his vantage point; Skin tore and sloughed off and bones snapped and reformed as his body twisted and grew into it's true form.

Once he finished turning, Dimitri gripped the edge of the roof, chipping the concrete with his claws as he leaned forward and roared loudly at everyone below. The sound that he made was primal and unmistakably malevolent, and was best described as sounding like a distorted combination between the roaring of a gorilla and the bugling of an elk. The wendigo launched himself from the roof and landed with a solid thud on the ground before rising up and glaring balefully down at everyone before him. Saliva poured from his jaws in thick ropes as he thought about which person he would go for first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Emmett stood on the roof of a near by building preparing to witness the birth of a terrorist attack. Right on time a suspicious looking trailer pulled up to the site and a faint voice ranged through the area. Emmett couldn't quite hear the voice since he's was a respectful distance away from Leon's position. He couldn't hear but he could see what was going on and it looked like the man with the mega phone exchanged a few words with Leon.

After the conversation between them ceased four more people exited the back of the trailer and joined the mega phone man. He was speaking again and thanks to Leon's request still couldn't hear him. "Damn it....this better be worth listening to him!" Emmett shouted punching the rough material of the roof he was on. As he finished his sentence a guy with two giant light sabers stepped forward and the battle soon commenced.

At first Leon was getting his ass kicked. Well from Emmett's point of view that's what it looked like. The fight progressed and Leon was defeated within seconds or so Emmett thought. But he was still standing and he looked like that blow the light saber guy didn't even faze him. Emmett applauds and laughs. This was truly a good show. Until the guy with the mega phone shouted something and the rest of the E.T. terrorist pursued Leon. Emmett was about to teleport to the site and help Leon ignoring his demands of staying back.

Before Emmett could activate his ability a mysterious figure appeared on the battle field and slowed the terriosts movements. The figure was wearing a cloak. But it was quickly removed presenting the female who wore the cloath. She was carrying a coffin and that was new, Emmett seen a lot of crazy shit but this possibly takes the cake. The battle resumed with a 2v4 and was leaning towards Leon and the mysterious women.

Wait...let me rephrase what I just said. The coffin is now the second craziest shit Emmett have witnessed in the city. A big ass wolf doggie takes the cake! It came out of no where and was starring Shadow Gear, Leon and his mysterious visitor down. "Oh Fuck No!" Emmett shouted teleporting in front of the wendigo. "Bad giant doggie!" He continued to shout putting his hand I front of Dimitri to hault his movement. Emmett was tall but this wendigo was taller than him by feet. He didn't care about height difference the only thing he cares about is interfering with Leon's battle. If he couldn't fight Shadow Gear, no one could!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri instinctively took a step back as someone appeared in front of him seemingly out of nowhere. He cocked his head to the side, seemingly mulling over what he'd been told before a series choking sounds emanated from his throat. Laughter. Dimitri was laughing at Emmett's actions, unsure of whether they could be taken as a sign of bravery or one of sheer lunacy. Whomever this person was, they were tall, so much so that Dimitri knew that they'd tower over him in his human form. This however was not his human form, something Dimitri demonstrated by standing at his full height with his chest puffed out as an animalistic show of dominance, "You wanna fight me little man? Ok, let's go. I'll use the laces of your shoes as dental floss to remove whatever remains of you from my teeth." he growled lunging forward with his mouth wide open. Dimitri ducked down as he moved, aiming for Emmett's midsection rather than just going for the fatal headshot. He intended to enjoy this fight before he consumed the agent.
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