Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Marcy swung again faster then the last. The recoil seemed to not effect her as she continue her onslaught of attacks. She was determined to kill this man, doing so would make father proud of her and father being happy makes her happy. "You will lose and become one of fathers experiments!!!" She shouted roughly slamming the Axe on the hilt of Diego's sword.
Wait I'll have to add a response to Feon's attack.
Marcy was caught of gaurd by Diego's speed to protect his neck. Being a demon she easily seen the next attack coming dodging the sword. Marcy regained her ground she was nearly hit by a icicle projectile. She didn't want to resort to her fathers help this early so she pressed forward and attempted to attack Deigo again by swing the axe at his right shoulder blade. Zeke kept his distance he still couldn't fully see the people who made up the group but he knew he'd have to intervene soon. Maybe four people is a little much, maybe not it all depends on how Marcy handles herself. Before sh could attempt to attack Deigo a stream of lighting stopped her in her tracks. The source came from the woman that had a familiar scent. Marcy was gonna attack her until a sudden urge told her not to engage. She followed the urge and continued her agtack upon Deigo. Again aiming to strike him in his left shoulder blade.
DEMACIA!!!!!!!! *runs screaming like a lunatic*
Yeah sorry :P
Fixed It!
o3o I am also back of that's okay.
As the small group seem to attend to the need of a new comer Zeke removed his hand from in front of Marcy to allow her permission to attack the group. Zeke doesn't know who was present among them he just wanted to test his daughters skills. " Marceline, attack them cause as much harm as you possibly can. Murder them if you feel its necessary. If you can't handle them I'll step in and protect you." Marcy nodded and her eyes became yellowish similar to Zeke's demonic eye. She obviously inherited that from him.

Marcy used the tree as a boost and pushed hersef forward quickly arriving near the groups position. She retrieved her battle Axe and examined her opponents. As of now she had to worry about the one fit man ( Artholath). The woman who gave of a strange but familiar scent was to be attacked last.(Feon) The other woman who was also fit was to be watch just in case she goes on the offensive.(lxi) Last but not least the crippled one a target weak enough that she could get rid off and still have enough energy to fight one of the others. Marcy after quickly taking notes on her foes jumped from a bush and attacked aming to chop of Diego's head.
Zebedee (Z) Meyers



Decendent of human, Citizen of Wingdom

Birth and Death date:
February 6, 3989 / December 15, 4203

Psychological Profile:
Zebedee is carefree and energetic like most of the citizens of Wingdom. He's reckless and often gets into bad situations were it seems impossible for him to escape. Zebedee likes to play the hero and doesn't like to see anyone at a disadvantage. He tries his best to serve his nation and have fun doing so. Although this often lead people to misjudge him and doubt his abilities. Countless of times he'd prove those people wrong and strives to make a name for himself in both the Solar System and Sirius System.

So for you to understand most of what I'm saying I have to give a brief summary of what happened the pass millenniums. Earth's technology has greatly progressed and humans have made contact with life outside the Solar System. Many years later Earth along with Mars , which is populated by humans, and Sirius Systems planet's Osiris, Alhabor, and Rudra forms an Alliance naming the new friendship The Galaxy Federation. Travel between the two Systems was hectic so to make travel easier a space station the size of Venus was created. It was named Wingdom and was located an equal distance from the Solar system and Sirius system. After its creation its priorities changed and it became a new nation the held both Systems citizens.

Zebedee was born on the man made space station. His mother being from Mars and his father being from Osiris. Zebedee grew up with a somewhat normal life. He had a younger sister who was very quite but nice all together. She never spoke unless she was spoken too and left Wingdom to go explore the Solar System. Wingdom homed many tough fighters and birth one of the Galaxies strongest armies. A previous terrorist group that was thought to be destroyed arose declaring war on the Galaxy Federation. Zebedee was in his mid 30s which was still young for him in many Osiris species. With his natural skill he lead one of the armies of the Galaxy Federation into countless victories. Until 4203 when he lead a small group to attack the leader of the terrorist group. He was instantly killed when the small group was ambushed and fired upon by hundreds of their enemies.

During one of his missions he was pulled into a dark whole that brung him to the beginning of a incredible journey. He was 63 at the time which was similar to a 21 year old in human years.

Susan Meyers( Mother)
Xebecs (Father)
Vertigo Meyers (Younger Sister)

Scounter-used to identify materials and organisms
Plasma Pistols- hidden in his metallic Arms. They appear when Zebedee wants them to.
Backpack- He traveled a lot so best to be prepared.
=_= I was going into great detail and had 2,000+ type but one *swear word* click of a button and its all gone....I'm not in the best mood now so I'll work on my cs sooner or later.

EDIT!: I know it's poopy it would of been longer but..... =_= I just couldn't I almost lost all fate when if was all deleted.
Permission to have my cs be around the year 4000. *raises hand* Its gonna end near 4200 if that's acceptable.
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