Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Is there room for another rper to join!?! :P
Zeke stopped and opened the door to a closet like room. Inside the small room sat a long box. Since Zeke stopped moving this signaled Marcy to get off of her fathers back and stand along side him. "This is the present I wanted to give you Marceline." Zeke said opening the long box revealing a large battle Axe. Marcy starred at the Axe with awe grasping it within seconds of its presentation. "I LOVE IT!!!" Marcy happily shouted swinging the Axe as if she was fighting a monster.

Zeke honestly smiled at the scene that played out before him. Who'd of thought having a child that has similar hobbies as you would be so entertaining. "Marceline we're gonna go for a walk so you can use your Axe." Zeke began to walk towards the exit of the cottage. Marcy as usual hopped onto his back and let him lead the way. When outside of the facility Zeke took to the trees heading towards the kingdom. Marcy still attached to the back of him as he moved between trees. On his way there he caught site of an unusual beast and decided to head in the direction it ran from. Soon he came across a small group of people fighting off creatures. Zeke wasn't the hero type so he watched from the trees letting Marcy go. She sat next to him on a branch and watched what played out before them below the trees.
Marcus listened as Sol explained how he uses his swords and applies magical abilities to spots that needed said magic. "Your pretty strong" He said after Sol had finished talking. Marcus' class was sort of an advisory class so it ended not to long after him and Sol's conversation. "So, why doesn't a powerful person like yourself have a rank in the council?" Marcus asked probably mowing the answer. The council has be shady the pass months and Ryan has been more of a disciplinary type of member. The council should disbanned or have a serious meeting about this but that'll be tough. For now Marcus is just gonna stay in the council and see how things play out for the group.
:P Sorry if its long this is the usual standard for me when I introduce a character.

O.o Wow I made a lot of mistakes. I fixed the ones I noticed so...yeah.
No one seemed to be approaching the cottage so Zeke decided it was time to kidnap his next victim. Before he took off into the trees a thought zipped through his mind causing an unnatural girn to appear on his face. Since it seems that he has free time on his hands he could put the finishing touches on his possibly most infamous experiment yet. Vernika's gnomes will have to wait for another break in science was soon taking place under this very cottage.

Zeke walked through the facility until he came across a room that looked a little to worn out. He opened the doors and entered turning on the power. The room was full of test tubes and blood stains. In the back hidden by the shodaws stood a pod that was accompanied by a countless number of cords. Zeke reaches the pod and presses one of the two large buttons that was located on the machine. A small latch that rested on the near pinnacle of the machine opened. Zeke poured two test tubes containing red liquid into the latch. Both test tubes were filled with blood from two different beings.

Next Zeke dropped a strand of blonde hair into the latch and plucked a strand of his hair doing the same as he did with the blonde hair. He closed the latch and pressed a few more buttons causing the machine to glow and show a holographic image of the number 16. Zeke pressed one more button and stood back as the machine began to start. Electricity seeped out of the machine destroying near by objects. Zeke stood clear of the electricity and made sure to remind himself to fix that later.

10 minutes later the machine stopped but had a spectacular finish by sending a powerful shock of electricity to roar through the room. Most of the test tubes shattered because of this and Zeke was rapidly cut from the combustion of the countless number of test tubes. The pod stopped glowing and opened releasing a great amount of smoke to cloud the room. Out stepped a young women ,her hair a dark brownish color with a small hint of red, ruby eyes and the physical characteristics of a sixteen year old. "Morning Father!!" She says walking towards Zeke.

"Morning....Marceline." He responded almost stunned at how his experiment was a success. As Marceline dressed herself Zeke examined her seeing what traits or characteristics she inherited from him or Feon. She obviously took on his hair and eyes but not gender. All that was left was her personality. Zeke walked up behind her. "Marcy what do you find fascinating?"

She finished dressing by putting on a shirt that stops under her chest and looked at Zeke. "The squirming of my toys as I dissect them and what every daddy loves to do!" Marcy said jumping into Zeke's arms and hugging him. That's not his personality well not all of it atleast. "Marcy follow me I have a present for you." Zeke said motioning her to follow him. Marcy jumped on Zeke's back and held tight as he walked. This was new for him but he's a parent now so he had to expect the unusual.

I hope u accept it. :P

"If father says it's okay then its not bad..."

Marceline(Marcy) Hanzsel

0 but had has the physical and mental state of a 16 year old


Artificial Demonic Frankenstein monster


Is a respectively big battle Axe that Marcy carries on her back. Zeke gives her this weapon after her creation. The Axe is pretty massive and looks very tough to carry but is oddly easy for Marcy to wield.

She has inherited her mother's ability to control electricity.

Demonic abilities: super human endurance, speed, strength and the ability to heal quickly.

Due the traits she has been given Marcy is completely insane and can not be trusted no matter what. She loves the thought of dissecting any living thing just to see the splashing of blood. Marcy only takes orders from Zeke and possible Feon if she ever finds out who Marcy really is.

Chaotic Neutral

Marcy is the resort of the dna fusion of Feon and Zeke. You could say she is their artificial daughter since Zeke created her. She was created because Zeke might of had a small crush on Feon and didn't know how to approach her about it. Of course the mad scientist inside him took over and seen this as a chance to attempt to create his own artificial life form like Stein did with Vernika. After her creation Marcy follows her father(Zeke) around like a lost puppy and act as his lab rat and protector.
She's the perfect enemy or possible ally! \^-^/ also banana duck for Zeke future project I'll need Feon's DNA and the lab Stein used to create Vernika if that's okay with u.
O(≧∇≦)O WAR!!!!! I'm in! *puts on shades and a superman cape that says America*
Marcus was starting to get a little angered that he was blamed for most of the destruction. But luckily Sol was present to defend him and relieve all the blame off of himself. Also Deus was right the council was a shell of its prime. "Okay! That was a fun demonstration!" Marcus said looking back at the students. Most of them were lost and confused while others had their mouths opened in awe. The battle between himself, Deus and Sol left the students silent. Marcus didn't notice that until there was an awkward silence that clouded the room for a few minutes. "Okay....uhh free time!" Marcus said walking away from the group of students that began to riot onto the gymnasium's floor. "Hey! Pirate guy! I'd like to learn more about your fighting style!" He said approaching Sol.
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