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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Name: Diego Lumumba Vasquesa Lorenzo Montana Respendal Leniendo the Third (or Diego Lumumba Leniendo the Third, but only his friends may call him that.)
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapons: A long rapier and a short, rusty knife.
Abilities: Diego is very good in a duel, but if he is swarmed by multiple enemies, he is easily overwhelmed. Diego spends long hours making up complicated rules for fun, dangerous and interesting ways to duel
Personality: Arrogant, cocky, foolish, and brave to a fault are all words that describe DLVLMRL. He is a con-man that pretends he is lesser royalty and comes into parties just for the food. He rarely steals, but will usually trick people into giving him things.
Allegiance: Neutral (He'll join whatever side gets him the ladies and the money)
History: Born to a seamstress and a petty criminal, DLVLMRL quickly learned how to fend for himself. He hung out in rough parts of town and pick pocketed at first, but then felt a little bad about it. Eventually he started begging for money, and was fairly successful.
Appearance: Diego has jet black hair and bright green eyes. He typically wears expensive but old clothing. He is fairly tall and moderately attractive, but he never treats women well enough to get them to stay around. He also has a long, thin scar on his chin. When asked about it, he claims that it was an old battle would, when in actuality, Diego received the scar when fighting an alley cat for food. He is sickeningly thin.
(Picture Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride movie)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted! Suprisingly not alot of human characters
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chzyhndx
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Mariette Armature.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Tall, and in between lanky, and stocky. Her hair is short, black, and if not kept in a ponytail, would rapidly turn into a frizzy mess. Her eyes are these huge orbs that somehow manage to fit in her skull, big and and brown. Her skin is tanned, because that's what happens to people who live outdoors for a sizable portion of their lives. Her clothes are a set of greyish white cloth and brown, hard leather pieces, forming something that might be considered armor, slightly. Very modest, actually covering her body. On top of all of that, she wears a cloak with a huge, face covering hood, because it turns out thats a fashionable thing to wear.
Weapons: A flintlock, muzzle-loading musket, nearly as long as Mariette is tall, and a single lens where the sights should be. The barrel has an inscription reading "Rex Regio Regum". Also, a machete.
Magic: Wind, inasmuch as it pertains to making some minor gusts blow around. This actually really important for little things like hiding your scent, making decoys move halfway believably, and making sure really far shots actually hit on target.
A former ranger of the forest, Mariette is a follower of the 3 S's. Sneaky, speedy and shooty, with the normal amount of strength that someone who shoots a large rifle would have. I.E: enough to avoid dislocating her shoulder.
So, she has a whole bunch of tricks up her sleeve, like decoys.
An absolute stranger to not-living-in-the-forest, Mariette is not precisely a peoples person. She is absolutely blunt and shameless, and it may actually be impossible for her to lie. She's not actually a loner either, and really all about talking way too much about things to random people. She is actually way more curious than she has any reason to do so.
Allegiance: Neutral
Mariettes parents were rangers. They lived in a cabin, in a twilit bayou, surrounded by absolutely absurd amounts of tree and wildlife, and very little contact with the outside world. Outside of a few visits to some local villages, this made for several boring years, until she became a teenager, at which point, she left for civilization. The idea being that staying in a cabin for the rest of her life would constitute a miserable experience. This was significantly harder than she thought, what with the middle of nowhere being where it was. So, this takes much longer than what she expected. About 4 years in fact.

When she finally reaches civilization, she's acquired a very unique set of skills, and figures the best thing to do would be to use them, for saving people or whatever it is she'd be halfway decent at. She hasn't really decided yet.

...That took longer than I thought it would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kori no ko

Kori no ko

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kumar
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Half angel

Weapons: staff

Magic: summoning, specifically his compainons.

Abilities: Dimensional Travel (long recharge spell,used for job), Morphing, Taming.

Personality: Introvert, spends time reading, does home work, bit of a geek, You know, stereotypical nerd.

Alleigance: neutral

History: (it is short)
Taken to a companion mage school in highschool. He trained until he was 20. At 20, he graduated, and travels dimensions using a machine to capture demons and use them as companions, which he turns in for reception from Angel, his savior and teacher.

Appearance: Wears green jacket always unzipped and no arm sleeves, gray under shit, button up plaid shirt (white,blue,red are colors), with all clothes are ragged From countless misadventures in taming.

How is that for you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll give you my personal input - it's a start and has a creative root, but a little expansion wouldn't hurt :)

Also, if you want, I can make you some lore on the roots of angels - demons are, for the sake of this roleplay, created as an experiment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It seems a bit too powerful with the dimension travel and the appearance isn't very details so I'm sorry but no for now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kori no ko

Kori no ko

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I have expanded a tad and gave clarity on the dimensional travel @Cuccoruler and @ArenaSnow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Could you explain the mechanics of the dimensional travel? How does it work?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lets move this conversation to the ooc pleace this is getting crowded here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

True. I suggest ya have characters be posted to the OOC first in the future before having them here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kori no ko

Kori no ko

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow I in fact can. The travel is used on command by Angel to have him go to tge place where mosters he needs to capture are. It is solely for his job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Delta, Theta

Age: 11, 3

Gender: Both male

Race: Guidance Spirit, spirits that are tethered to an owner that they find. Their duty is to assist them however they can.

Weapons: N/A

Magic: N/A

Abilities: Analyzation, teleportation to whoever their current owner wants, within 10 feet of their owner.

Personality: Delta is the logical/statistical one, and is kind of a bummer. He is often horrible for morale, due to often saying the incredibly low chance of success. Theta is very inexperienced and unsure of himself, but also sort of a child. He also can't sleep because he has nightmares, and can be really annoying to people who like sleeping. He often needs reassurance.

Allegiance: Whatever their owner is.

Appearance: Delta is a green version of the owner, and Theta is a purplish one.

History: Too extensive to list entirely, but Delta has many experiences with owners that have gotten themselves dead. Theta has never had an owner. Theta is, as such, afraid of everything because Delta doesn't know when to stop talking! *Rocks back and forth in corner* They are currently looking for an owner, because that is sort of what they do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Unless the Gm has any problems, the above looks alright to me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Im fine with this but a bit more description of appearance would be nice just be sure to include that in your first post
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Mayumi Goto

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Soulcaster (Human/'Demon' hybrid)

Devil Heart Stone
The main weapon of a Soulcaster, the Devil Heart Stone allows the bearer to leech spiritual energy from their surroundings and use it to form an astral bow, casting arrows which can cut through almost any material. The stone is implanted inside the bearer's wrist and over time grows within them until finally they must choose whether to give themselves over to the demon or have their arm removed, forever losing their powers.
Spirit Arrows
The arrows can be fired in rapid succession, with several hundred launched a minute, but in this form do no more damage than a pinprick. Alternatively the bow can be charged up, allowing the spiritual energy to grow inside it until finally being released as a single dense bolt capable of killing even the strongest of targets with a single shot, but expending all the energy which has been stored in the bearer, leaving them weak and exhausted.

Spirit Render Blade
A secondary weapon, the Spirit Render Blade is a silver sword hilt which can project a Devil Heart Stone bearer's energy in the form of an astral blade. While this blade causes no physical damage when it strikes it has the ability to steal spiritual energy from its target, drawing it out so that the Soulcaster may capture it for use in their arrow attacks.

Soul Trap Crystals
A support artefact, the Soul Trap Crystal is used in conjunction with the Spirit Render Sword to capture a being's life energies and contain them within the crystal to be used as a source of spirit energy for the Soulcaster. A soul captured in this way gradually weakens over time until it is either released by the Soulcaster by shattering the crystal with their Spirit Render Sword or when the soul becomes too weak and fades from existence.

Soul Fire Burst
A Soulcaster may create an explosive trap for an opponent by combining at least three Soul Trap Crystals of equal strength equidistant from each other before firing Spirit Arrows to strike them simultaneously. If successful the power from the Soul Trap Crystals in concentrated into the area between them focusing their full power against anyone caught within the perimeter. The smaller the area covered the more devastating the strike, but the more difficult the shot, and if the area is too large then the shot may also prove too difficult and the power too weak to affect the intended targets. If unsuccessful, due to mistiming of the arrows or an imbalance in the power levels or misplacement of the crystals, then the energy instead is released without focus, spreading in all directions without focus.

Spirit Leech
A Soulcaster's Devil Heart Stone constantly drains spiritual energy from their surroundings, storing it within the Soulcaster's body until it is released. This effect is usually so passive that the energy drained is negligible and unnoticed to those around the Soulcaster and takes several days to fully charge the Soulcaster with power, but the rate can be increased through the use of the Soulcaster's Spirit Render Blade or through deep meditation in an area rich with spiritual energy, such as woodlands and parks rich with life.

When a Soulcaster is fully charged their body may begin to suffer damage from the stored energies, forcing them to find ways to bleed off the energy safely. This is normally achieved through a ritual where the Soulcaster fully charges their Devil Heart Bow and fires arrows into the air until their store is empty, allowing the safe release of the power as well as increasing the Soulcaster's proficiency with their weapon.

When leeching energy the Devil Heart Stone grows inside the Soulcaster's arm, and accelerating the flow can cause the stone to also grow faster, hastening the day when the Soulcaster must choose to either sacrifice their arm or their soul to the demon inside.

Arrow Flight
By charging their Devil Heart Bow and catching the arrow in the instant it leaves their grip a Soulcaster can launch themselves through the air, flying for as long as the power of their arrow lasts. This ability allows the Soulcaster to travel very rapidly, although at the cost of their stored energy and only as far as their bow range reaches. Due to the draining cost of this ability most Soulcasters prefer to walk whenever possible, saving their Arrow Flight only for those occasions where speed is desperately required.

While Mayumi appears to be a fun-loving and vivacious young woman, always ready for fun and enjoying wild parties in reality she's a deeply sombre person, resigned to the fact that her powers are a death sentence guaranteeing her an early end. She keeps her fears well bottled up, choosing instead to embrace life, enjoying every precious second she has.

Allegiance: Chaotic Good

Born and raised as part of the hidden tribe of Soulcasters Mayumi always knew that one day she would be chosen to become one of the sacred bearers of what is both the blessing and the curse of the tribe, the Demon Heart Stones. The stones weren't truly demonic in nature, merely called such due to the effect they had on their bearers.

Said to have been gifts from the Gods in the ancient times the stones had fallen on the tribe's village in a time of great need, granting their bearers the power they needed to fight back against their enemies, but taking a heavy price ion return. For all who wielded their power eventually succumbed to the madness and woe the stones brought, and turned against their fellow tribesmen with a demonic rage and unrelenting fury. The only choice for the tribe was to strike the creatures who had been their guardians down, ending their lives before they destroyed everything they'd once held dear.

Mere days after her 21st birthday Mayumi was called out on a dark hunt, tasked along with the other candidates from the tribe to track down the latest guardian to be struck with the demon sickness, and to end them before they became a threat. Although the hunt went badly, with only Mayumi returning to the village, she succeeded in her quest, having defeated the monster who had once been guardian and taking the cursed stone into herself, keeping it away from all others as she bore the burden for another generation. her only choice to use the power she holds within her to do as much good as she can before the madness strikes her down, forcing her to pass her burden onto another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If father says it's okay then its not bad..."

Marceline(Marcy) Hanzsel

0 but had has the physical and mental state of a 16 year old


Artificial Demonic Frankenstein monster


Is a respectively big battle Axe that Marcy carries on her back. Zeke gives her this weapon after her creation. The Axe is pretty massive and looks very tough to carry but is oddly easy for Marcy to wield.

She has inherited her mother's ability to control electricity.

Demonic abilities: super human endurance, speed, strength and the ability to heal quickly.

Due the traits she has been given Marcy is completely insane and can not be trusted no matter what. She loves the thought of dissecting any living thing just to see the splashing of blood. Marcy only takes orders from Zeke and possible Feon if she ever finds out who Marcy really is.

Chaotic Neutral

Marcy is the resort of the dna fusion of Feon and Zeke. You could say she is their artificial daughter since Zeke created her. She was created because Zeke might of had a small crush on Feon and didn't know how to approach her about it. Of course the mad scientist inside him took over and seen this as a chance to attempt to create his own artificial life form like Stein did with Vernika. After her creation Marcy follows her father(Zeke) around like a lost puppy and act as his lab rat and protector.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Restarting with a diff char.

Name: Felix

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Race: Adaptoid (A race that takes on the form of the people on the planet, but with slightly stronger abilities and capabilites.) Most adaptoids are distinguished to people they know because they have certain characteristics that they keep. (Normally hair or eye color...or both)

Appearance (Human form): Felix is about 5 feet tall, and has short white hair that goes down his face in locks, parted out of his eyes. He has pale skin and one yellow eye and the other blue. He wears a padded dark brown robe. The robe has armor protecting his chest and legs (The leg pieces not connecting, so they don't restrict his movement). It also has a hood that he can pull up.

Permanent features: Hair color (White, if any), eyes (yellow and blue)

Weapons: A 1-foot sword that he keeps in good condition, and a shortbow with arrows.

Magic: He can heal wounds in a process that is similar to regeneration, but for someone else. This goes faster if applied to one part of the body at a time. (Arm, leg, shoulder, etc. Specific things.)

Abilities: Can change into any intelligent species. Also, he is very agile and fast. Rather precise with a bow, but not an expert.

Personality: Felix is normally cheerful or happy, and prefers to tag along and help more than anything else. He is easily convinced and very bad at holding minor grudges. He is normally energetic, but when he focuses he never talks. He has a major flaw in that he is very easy manipulated....see allegiance for details on that.

Allegiance: He is very easily switched to either side, due to being persuaded easily. He is on whatever side people have led him to believe is "good"...so he sometimes ends up as an enemy.

History: Felix has been a human for his whole life, due to never being among other cultures. He was shunned because of his eyes and hair, some people apparently thinking he was some sort of devilbeast......or something. He never really found out and tends to stay out of sight unless he knows someone. He enjoys traveling, going from city to town to city to town, exploring new places.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Throwing Darts: 2-inch throwing darts that are stored in various pouches on his shirt and robe. Designed to pierce through armor.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Redid mah char.
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