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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Artholath lagged back a bit, seeing that attention was dedicated on the man who had flown off the horse. From what he could tell, there was nothing special about the man, so he watched to see what the others would do. He leaned against the tree and watched. He had no healing capability and so would not be able to do much here. If the man died, however... it wouldn't be the best option, but he would be a start...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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No one seemed to be approaching the cottage so Zeke decided it was time to kidnap his next victim. Before he took off into the trees a thought zipped through his mind causing an unnatural girn to appear on his face. Since it seems that he has free time on his hands he could put the finishing touches on his possibly most infamous experiment yet. Vernika's gnomes will have to wait for another break in science was soon taking place under this very cottage.

Zeke walked through the facility until he came across a room that looked a little to worn out. He opened the doors and entered turning on the power. The room was full of test tubes and blood stains. In the back hidden by the shodaws stood a pod that was accompanied by a countless number of cords. Zeke reaches the pod and presses one of the two large buttons that was located on the machine. A small latch that rested on the near pinnacle of the machine opened. Zeke poured two test tubes containing red liquid into the latch. Both test tubes were filled with blood from two different beings.

Next Zeke dropped a strand of blonde hair into the latch and plucked a strand of his hair doing the same as he did with the blonde hair. He closed the latch and pressed a few more buttons causing the machine to glow and show a holographic image of the number 16. Zeke pressed one more button and stood back as the machine began to start. Electricity seeped out of the machine destroying near by objects. Zeke stood clear of the electricity and made sure to remind himself to fix that later.

10 minutes later the machine stopped but had a spectacular finish by sending a powerful shock of electricity to roar through the room. Most of the test tubes shattered because of this and Zeke was rapidly cut from the combustion of the countless number of test tubes. The pod stopped glowing and opened releasing a great amount of smoke to cloud the room. Out stepped a young women ,her hair a dark brownish color with a small hint of red, ruby eyes and the physical characteristics of a sixteen year old. "Morning Father!!" She says walking towards Zeke.

"Morning....Marceline." He responded almost stunned at how his experiment was a success. As Marceline dressed herself Zeke examined her seeing what traits or characteristics she inherited from him or Feon. She obviously took on his hair and eyes but not gender. All that was left was her personality. Zeke walked up behind her. "Marcy what do you find fascinating?"

She finished dressing by putting on a shirt that stops under her chest and looked at Zeke. "The squirming of my toys as I dissect them and what every daddy loves to do!" Marcy said jumping into Zeke's arms and hugging him. That's not his personality well not all of it atleast. "Marcy follow me I have a present for you." Zeke said motioning her to follow him. Marcy jumped on Zeke's back and held tight as he walked. This was new for him but he's a parent now so he had to expect the unusual.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Finally Diego pulled himself off of the floor, and then collapsed in a heap. A few curses slipped out of his mouth. Clearly he was hallucinating. Perhaps he hadn't sobered up from the drinking competition earlier. There were weird purple and green spots in his vision, a ghost flying around, some bees, and a big demon thing.

Maybe he was dead. "Dang it!" shouted Diego. "Am I dead? But I was so young!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Carefully unfastening her armour Mayumi lowered herself down into the cool spring water, letting her body float on the surface as she relaxed her muscles and let her mind wander. The Stone was quieter now she'd discharged most of its stored power, but the background hum of it slowly leeching energy from the woodland around her still buzzed in the back of her mind, a constant presence and reminder of the fate yet to come.

For a moment Mayumi wondered if it was just the buzzing which drove the Stone bearers mad, the constant, unending noise which echoed in her head day and night. For now it was calm though, just an irritant in her otherwise serene state. Opening her eyes she looked up into the heavens and began to count the stars.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Io unlocked his cage and opened the door, sneaking out. He snuck our, trying not to make any sound. Tip toeing up the stairs heading towards his hopeful escape.

Ixi nodded. It wouldn't be bad to help a person in need.
"Sure. What harm can he do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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Diego recognized Ixi and backed away. "I knew it! I ended up in hell! You're trying to make me feel bad by showing me people I'm in debt to! Just give me a chance! Come on! One more chance!" he gripped onto his leg in pain and cursed some more. Again, he tried to get up, only to fall over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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Hearing the screaming through the trees Mayumi quickly leapt out of the cool water and grabbed her armour, slipping into it as quickly as she could before setting off in the direction of the raised voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Karasuma frowned at the man, not because she was upset at him, but mostly because she felt like it was all her fault that he was startled like this. "I-I'm...so sorry..." she stuttered nervously. "I-i-i-i...was j-just trying to help." She ran towards Ixi and hid behind her. "I-I don't think he likes us...." she whispered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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"A ghost? Then that mean I'm a ghost!" Diego then began staring at his arms and poking himself in an attempt to confirm his suspicions. He looked at Ixi. Well, since you're here, I must be in hell. Wish I had paid all that debt when I was alive. Oh well."

As Diego's ranting distracted the others, a several of the bees grasped Bakka's remains. Right before Mayumi got to the well, the majority of the bees and all of Bakka's remains were completely gone. They were headed towards Lance and Zeke, knowing that one of them could easily reassemble Bakka. He had died in a similar way once or twice before. That was one of the reasons why Bakka had become one of Lance's favorites. Although, to Bakka's dismay, he knew that he would never become the favorite. However Bakka had accepted this fact long ago, and it no longer phased Bakka.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Zeke stopped and opened the door to a closet like room. Inside the small room sat a long box. Since Zeke stopped moving this signaled Marcy to get off of her fathers back and stand along side him. "This is the present I wanted to give you Marceline." Zeke said opening the long box revealing a large battle Axe. Marcy starred at the Axe with awe grasping it within seconds of its presentation. "I LOVE IT!!!" Marcy happily shouted swinging the Axe as if she was fighting a monster.

Zeke honestly smiled at the scene that played out before him. Who'd of thought having a child that has similar hobbies as you would be so entertaining. "Marceline we're gonna go for a walk so you can use your Axe." Zeke began to walk towards the exit of the cottage. Marcy as usual hopped onto his back and let him lead the way. When outside of the facility Zeke took to the trees heading towards the kingdom. Marcy still attached to the back of him as he moved between trees. On his way there he caught site of an unusual beast and decided to head in the direction it ran from. Soon he came across a small group of people fighting off creatures. Zeke wasn't the hero type so he watched from the trees letting Marcy go. She sat next to him on a branch and watched what played out before them below the trees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon looked at the man who was yelling like he was in hell. After awhile she started laughing out loud at this. "Oh that's hilarious! If you were dead there would be alot more blood, and fire around here." Feon said as she laughed at him before approaching the man, She still had the extra arms attached to herself as she hadn't released them yet.

As Lo climbed the steps the tiger girl licked her lips before opening her mouth to reveal sharpened teeth. She then lept at Lo in an attempt to try and bite into him and eat him. "I'm sorry but I need to eat!" She yelled at him. This gained the attention of Delios who turned towards the stairway from upstairs to get ready to attack the boy. The doors were just behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Ixi laughed as well. They really looked like hell. Feon with multiple arms. Ixi covered in monster blood. The strange group a Franken-monster, a ghost, and a mob boss.

The shock of seeing the sharp white teeth caused an immediate switch. Ia was immediately present. Her eyes flared. Shinning blood red. Is thrusts his sword in front of her, in order to block the maws of the wonderful and delightful tiger-woman. After blocking, Ia leaned in and opened her own mouth, biting back at the wonderful little suspects neck and throat. No one was going to harm her. No matter how much she just wanted to take the wonderful little monster home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpookySquid
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After realizing how foolish he had been, he tried to laugh, only to gasp in pain. His ribs were killing him. "I'm sorry," said Diego,"I was disoriented. Could you ladies... ah... help me? My ribs they... hurt..." just his luck. Badly injured and trapped in a well with a strange group and a dead horse. Not to mention that the mafia boss was going to need him to repay all of his debts. He was going to have to find some way to avoid doing that, because he wasn't going to let go on his bag of gold that easily, not when he was this close to escaping. "I've had worse... I think I just need a few minutes with some healing magic and I'll be... ouch... great..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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Feon looked down at the man for a moment. "If one of you could some how get him out of the well I may be able to fix him up through a bit of surgery." Feon stated as she looked down the well at him. She turned to her bag and got some rope of it. "Use this to try and get him out." Feon added as she started to get out some surgery equipment and a tarp. "Far as I can tell it would seem that he has a broken rib or two." Feon added looking down at the man again.

The tiger girl let go as she was bitten into herself. She retaliated by trying to use her claws only to find that should couldn't quite reach with them. After a bit of struggle her throat was ripped out. At this point however Delios showed up behind him with rage in his eyes after seeing one of his sisters killed. "You harm sister!" He yelled as he aimed a massive punch at La.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ixi tied down the rope and grabbed the other end of the rope. Ixi leaped down into the well, rope in one hand and summoning extra rope in case she needed it.
Ixi landed softly, hardly making a sound.

Delios's punch landed straight on Ia's face, sending the light girl back into a wall. Ia hit the wall and shakily stood herself back up. Her rabbit ears twitched and Ia began to sprint, throwing herself nails and teeth first towards her attacker.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delta and Theta looked around at the others, Theta looking wildly around, and backing up, transforming into purple versions of all of them before returning to an image of Diego. "Does anyone know how to heal? Four of his ribs are broken. Both of his arms are in critical condition, and his foot is broken. I'm afraid I can't say any more than that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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As she reached the hillside above the well Mayumi saw a collection of strange creatures in the valley below. Flexing her wrist she drew out her Demon Heart Bow, feeling it forming in her hand as she took hold of it.

Watching carefully she tried to work out exactly what was happening before taking her shot, and so far all she knew for sure was that the man seemed to be injured and in need of assistance, but was he the one she'd heard calling out, or was it one of the others?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Once the man was out of the well Feon started the surgery, she started with a potion that would knock him out before going on to work on his broken limbs and so on. About an hour or two later she finished her surgery and bandaging. She gave him a healing potion to close the wounds as it wasn't powerful enough to actually reset broken bones. Feon then sat back and started to take off her extra arms. "There, he should be up in a few." Feon stated as she started to rip off her arms and cut the stitching that was holding them on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Artholath stood back, watching (Feon) work on the man who had fallen into the well. He was a little disappointed the man didn't die, but oh well.

He got the distinct feeling others were watching from behind and in front, so he kept on guard... just in case.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

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From the distance Mayumi watch as one of the creatures dragged a man up out of the well and forced him to drink some sort of concoction. Moments later the beast was cutting into him and Mayumi quickly pulled her hand back, the Demon Heart Bow quickly forming a spirit energy arrow ready to be fired.

After a pause Mayumi realised all was not as it seemed. The little creature wasn't hurting the man, who'd fallen into what appeared to be a deep sleep, but instead carefully tending his wounds. Point her bow skywards Mayumi let the arrow fly up into the night harmlessly and settled back to watch the medic at work.
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