Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Direct me almighty vegetable birdy!!! D: *stands like a soldier ready for battle*
=_= I've fallen so far behind *repeatedly slams head against brick wall* kill me now.....
Marcus wore an amused expression on his face. Chases view don't matter to him he just wanted to have fun and spare with a god like being. Although the situation was looking salty and most of the groups previous attacks have been useless there didn't seem like the group had a chance against this woman. If she was giving them a second chance he'd go all out this time and make sure he gets a chance to punch this goddess of a woman. Marcus floated into the air and sat down with his legs cross ed keeping an eye on Chase.

"Guys....I hate resorting to magic but I must.....hopefully you guys don't mind buying a friend some time so I can cast this spell? He shouted opening his palm to Chase again. His next attack was surely gonna land on Chase , if this doesn't then Marcus doesn't know what can. Marcus looked directly in the eyes of Chase with his inverted eyes and a massive magic circled spawned beneath him barring the yin-yang symbol. He placed his palms together and began the spell.

"Taijitu mode: The Nefarious Puppet!.... I have offered up a target for the holding off these strings and these strings will bind together to allow the wielder to see as it sees. For I am yin and the Puppet is yang I shall be the opposite of its plain......" The activation of the spell was gonna take awhile so hopefully his friends will buy him enough time to conclude his spell.

Zarr clentched his fist tightly and looked in the dirtion the young girl pointed. "Humans." He said in a pissed off tone of voice. He hated how humans try to play the role of god and create life. He'd instantly kill the woman if she wasn't so human like. "I'll....deal with that later as of now do not ally yourself with humans who aim to create life for that'll be your end." After Zarr deals with his wife and the fugitive Calamity he'd turns towards the humans and erase all signs of science that leads to the creation of artificial lifeforms. He was also gonna eliminate the scientist that came up with this chaotic idea to play god. "Listen child travel with me and do not form bonds with these Earthlings they can be cruel creatures." He stated to Lucy looking at her with a very serious face.

When her attack missed and she was fired upon by an onslaught of attacks she kept her calm and gracefully moved through Guilt's attacks as if they were coming towards her in slow motion. She even dodge the collapsing ceiling by quick shattering the pieces that fell her way with her over sized demonic beast. "This princess is gonna end your worthless life." She said dashing towards Guilt. She was surprisingly fast and was almost in Guilt's face in a matter of seconds. She raise her palm in front of him and grinned a wicked grin. "Now Die!" She shouted as her hand shifted into a giant skeleton hand. The hand shot out at Guilt as if it was a bullet being shot from a sniper. Her being close to Guilt made it even more tougher for him to block and survive a hit from the angered woman.
(≧∇≦)/ Pass the popcorn! I was thinking of having Marcus concentrate on both Chase and (Lucifer)Deus. Just in case L. Deus doesn't come off friendly towards the Anti-Chase Group and Meruin. If he is friendly then Chase will be expecting a chaotic spell coming her way.
o3o I'll post if I can find a way to throw Aurous back into action. I'm sure I'll find a way.
Belle grew anger with Guilt. Its not his fault its just since she's arrived in this realm she hasn't been treated like the queen she is. "Trust me your Earthly weapons won't have much effect on me." She said looking directly at Guilt. She snapped her fingers and a small portal appeared beneath Guilt. Skeletons rioted out the portal attempting to grab a hold of Guilts legs and trap him. As the skeletal minions did so she levitated in the air and prepared to fire a projectile at Guilt if he does or doesn't escape her minions grasp. "I'm sick and tired of not being treated as the queen I am!!!!" She shouted firing the dark purple projectile at Guilt.

"I can not locate her....and even if I did find her straight up killing her isn't that easy." Zarr stood in the air and begin to slowly walk his mangled cap blowing in the breeze. "She is able to die in this world but would simply be reverted into a spiritual form where she can again posses a human vessel and continue her mission. In order for her to be completely obliterate d from this realm I must banish her as I do the souls of the deceased humans." He looked back at the young woman. She seemed off....well not off but not human...."Miss....as exchange for the knowledge I have bestowed upon you I'd like to know what species are you?"
Zeke quickly grabbed Marcy and held onto the wall of the room with his gauntlets to get out Mayumi's way. After the attack was successful Zeke directed Marcy to hold on to his back while he finished of the remaining demons by spinning 360° bashing in the heads of most of his targets. He didn't hit all the demons but he did Kill of a great amount of them. When he believed enough of them was taken cared of he headed over to Feon and Karasuma waiting for Feon to lead the way to their next destination.
Second before the chain of explosions that Chase sent his way Marcus opened his palm towards Sol and shouted. "Taijitu mode: Zero!" Marcus was now behind Sol his back against his new partner. He made it out of the blast but his cloak was mostly destroyed. All that remains was the part of the cloak that was above his torso. "We have to- Marcus was interrupted by a random howl. "....What the fuck was that....nevermind that we have to find a way to slow down her chanting abilities so I can get close enough to strike her. If that doesn't work then I'll have to keep my distance and honestly I'm positive that I'm the most shittist at long rang combat out of all of us here." Marcus started focusing his strength in his limbs to farther increase his strength and speed. This woman is very powerful and deserve all the skill Marcus posses.
"Thanks 3." Marcus said reverting his attention back to Chase. From what he witnessed so far was vital to remember when he follows up with his plan. Marcus raise his palm towards Chase and shouted. "Taijitu mode: Zero!" Again he vanished and reappeared above Chase. Thanks to Sol's help he might be able to continue with his attack. Marcus brung his elbow down powerfully even causing gusts of wind to travel behind the attack. The attack was aimed for Chase's head. If it didn't connect that was acceptable. He'd just vanish and reappear again on either side of Chase planning to hit her with a powerful punch. This was called zero for a reason he was silent when attacking and relocating to the target. If she dodge he'd instantly reappear in that vicinity aiming to attack her. Hopefully this technique would give his friends enough time to think of a quick plan. If he got in over his head he'd just relocate his target to one of his friends and vansih and reappear next to them.
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