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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz rolled her eyes "Your plan was good but like Meruin said plans are useless against this women. Overwhelming power is what you need to use against her and a defense that can be able to withstand it." She explained as she looked through her bag for something before pulling out what looked like an old log with a magical mark etched into it.
Throwing the log into the air Liz clapped her hands as the seal on the left side of her lower back glowed red "Fire is my soul which burns brightest in battle, I will ignite all those in my way and leave this world in ashes." She spoke the incantation and her skin started to erupt in flames until all that was standing was a fire in Liz's old shape "I will distract her and try to absorb her fire attacks for a while, no doubt it will prove ineffective after a few seconds to make it count." The fire body spoke as it caught the log which transformed into a sword of fire in her hand before Liz vanished from the area.

Appearing behind Chase Liz was sure this would not surprise the mage but she lunged forward with the sword hoping her secondary plan would work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan sighed and breathed in deeply. "Grimoire Art: The Magician." The Roman Numeral for 1 appeared behind him and everyone besides Chase would feel a sudden influx of power. He was essentially drawing in magic from the air and whatever was wasted from everyone else and redirecting it to everyone else and himself. He stayed completely still as he drew in more and more energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon & @Dash375 & @BranchOfSin & @Slendy & @Eklispe

Chase shot upwards with a sudden burst of speed, giving neither Marcus nor Liz a chance to touch her. Once she was about twenty-five meters into the air, the golden mage shook her head.

"You're all acting a bit hasty now aren't you?" she said almost sardonically. Chase gave a few sparing glances to Ryan and Deus, but it looked like her interest lay mostly in Liz and Marcus. "Hm~ How nice - magic nullification and another who dares challenge me with my most beloved element. Very well, I candidly accept."

Meruin arrived at around the same time as Liz did, and grabbed Marcus hurriedly. "Get away!" she shouted.

Chase lifted two fingers to point to the sky, and quite suddenly, it exploded. No, that was no exaggeration. The sky turned a searing bright red for a moment before it erupted - all of it - into a bright flame. The heat all around them went up by several degrees, and the heat distorted objects in the distance, giving them a vaguely illusory quality.

Chase grinned. "As of now, your oxygen supply is slowly disappearing, and any magic that you throw around won't leave a trace once it's destroyed. I recognize that tactic boy, it's one of Reina's trademarks," said Chase looking at Ryan. "Don't think I'll let you have it so easy. Now, as for the firebrand-girl . . ."

Chase pointed a single finger at her from the sky, and a whirling mass of energy and heat gathered around her finger, while the area around Liz suddenly began snowing, and ice began frosting over around Liz.

"I'll give you a warning shot."

A thin beam of red shot out from her finger, right towards Liz. It didn't hit her, and it landed quite far from her actually, but the massive explosions shock waves could certainly be felt from that distance.

By massive explosion, we would like to put an emphasis on 'MASSIVE' and 'EXPLOSION', by the way. The ground where Liz once stood near by has now become unusable. The explosion has died, but the oppressive flame still remains. Going through there without protection insures acute pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus smirked. Right now he only had two options. Either using his new technique to attempt to land a hit on Chase, or just Heal the rest of them. Of course he was getting a bit angry that Chase was ignoring him like a piece of dirt, Deus then sighed. He chose the latter seeing that it might be almost incredibly hard to land a hit.

Deus then used his Aura to send a wave of healing to heal his teammates and then proceeded to use Banishing Shift [Event Negation] to Negate what Chase just did. For now, Deus would focus on Being support, but since he had already placed some of his Aura on his teammates, he could now speak with them Telepathically. He then began to fire some Aura Blasts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan smirked. "It doesn't matter. I've absorbed enough." Ryan pointed at the sky himself and began laughing. "Cancel. Grimoire Art: The Temperance! With all things comes balance!" Ryan would suddenly begin glowing as everyone would start to feel stronger. Meanwhile Chase would become slightly weaker. Chase could still easily wipe the floor with them, but it was a small advantage nonetheless. "You're so lucky I've never used this! Otherwise we would be equal!" Ryan strained his mind as he felt all of Chase's power she was using. It was insane, trying to act as a conduit for all of her power. But every small advantage counts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol frowned, this was far worse than he was expecting. That she was holding back this much and still had enough power to burn the very oxygen... perhaps this wasn't such a good idea. Oh well, it was far to late for second guessing. Dues had negated the effects of Chase's first salvo but there was no way he could keep it up for long. It was time for him try for an offensive, of course Chase moving anywhere had brought her within range of several runes. One flickered into exsistense and hurled hundreds of needles made of condensed air at Chase from below, deciding to take a bit of a gambit Sol savagly ripped at the air around Marcus and Meruin replacing it with air from several meters above Chase.

Meruin might not appreciate it but it put her in a good position anyway and Marcus could take this oppertunity to attempt to land a crushing blow from above. Attacks from above and below, hidden runes to the side waited, if Chase ran into them trying to escape she would loop back to where she was; inbetween Marcus, Meruin and the needles of air. Sol began gathering magic hoping that his efforts would be of some use. Powerful winds began swirling around Sol obscuring his figure, the quicker they could finish this the better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Thanks 3." Marcus said reverting his attention back to Chase. From what he witnessed so far was vital to remember when he follows up with his plan. Marcus raise his palm towards Chase and shouted. "Taijitu mode: Zero!" Again he vanished and reappeared above Chase. Thanks to Sol's help he might be able to continue with his attack. Marcus brung his elbow down powerfully even causing gusts of wind to travel behind the attack. The attack was aimed for Chase's head. If it didn't connect that was acceptable. He'd just vanish and reappear again on either side of Chase planning to hit her with a powerful punch. This was called zero for a reason he was silent when attacking and relocating to the target. If she dodge he'd instantly reappear in that vicinity aiming to attack her. Hopefully this technique would give his friends enough time to think of a quick plan. If he got in over his head he'd just relocate his target to one of his friends and vansih and reappear next to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz looked a bit shocked when the energy from the explosion rushed against her flame like form, so even holding back she could not overpower the fire mage with her fire elemental powers. Rethinking her situation Liz vanished and reappeared by Sol and Deus and planned to be a more defensive role "How many more of those attacks can you negate?" She asked Deus "I can probably absorb the heat energy from at least 2 of those blasts to stop them being as effective." Liz explained "Though after that her fire would be too much and would probably burn me from the inside." The fire elemental explained "But first! Attack up!" She casted a spell quickly that caused light painless flames to appear around everyone's body which imbued them with more strength in both physically and spells
"Next, quick change Air! Speed up!" Liz's flame body quickly turned to one made out of ripples of wind as each individual member of her team gained a tailwind effect to make them faster."
"Quick change, Earth! Defense up" This time her body turned to stone and summoned a green aura around everyone which upgraded their defense
"Quick change, Water! Clones!" She summoned water from the area and made multiple clones of each of the team members that would mimic their movements to help act as decoys.
"Quick change, Fire!" Liz finally returned to her fire form though it had been obvious that the spells and quick transformation has drained away a lot of his energy but she hoped it would of been worth it to buff all her team members.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon & @Dash375 & @Slendy & @Eklispe & @BranchOfSin

Chase gave a lopsided grin as everyone worked around her. Her appraisal of that Deus boy also went up a few notches, if only because of his event negation. Other than that, however, he wasn't as impressive as the others. Let's see if that would change.

What really caught her attention, however was Ryan. She looked at him with a longing, heavily nostalgic look. "Wow~ Has anyone ever told you that you fight much like Reina did when she was little? I mean, Meruin's her apprentice but that Little One has her own style - you, however, are almost a mirror of Reina back then!"

She said all this while looking at the incoming barrage of attacks. Chase clenched both her hands and brought them back as they a yellow light shone around her.

"Explosion Barrier!" A barrier made literally of explosive fire and energy, that used overwhelming force to counter any and all attacks approaching her from whatever direction. Normally, no one would consider using this kind of technique seeing as if you did one thing wrong you'd be blowing yourself up too, but this was Chase, a witch who practically lived to defy common sense.

The projectiles around her flew or broke, but that didn't mean she was out of danger yet. Getting close to her was Marcus. She knew about his abilities well enough that hitting him directly with magic was pointless. It would simply fade out. If so, however, the way to resolve that problem was fairly simple.

Explosions from magic and explosions caused by magic were two different things. Difference mainly being that Marcus could cancel the former, but not the latter, seeing as the latter was simply a natural, if devastating result of whatever magic caused it.

"Bomber Flak~!" said Chase, flicking her wrist lazily, her voice sounding painfully playful. If it wasn't obvious then, it should have been obvious now that she wasn't even close to considering this a serious match.

The result of her spell was hundreds of the compressed, globe shaped flames. They shot around randomly - a good number of them near Marcus - then exploded, before the explosions of the first globes shot out smaller globes, which exploded and sent out even smaller globes which also exploded. The field was basically bathed in the light of Chase's flames as explosions chained across the grounds, seemingly alive and eager to destroy Chase's opponents.

Meruin had long put distance between Lady Chase and herself. Of course, that meant that she had left her comrades alone, but she assumed that this would be were she would be most useful. The small mage steeled her eyes and began chanting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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-snip, ignore please-
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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To say Ryan was stunned was an understatement. He was so shocked his concentration was almost completely broken and he stopped his spells. A good thing considering all of the intense explosions heading his way. "Grimoire Art: The Emperor: Lightning Shield!" Ryan formed a shield of pure lightning in front of him and partly in front of Meruin as well. Meanwhile his mind was racing from the revelation Chase had told him. He lowered his shield and dashed in front of Meruin when he saw several flames heading towards her. "Grimoire Art: The Hierophant!" Ryan spread his arms to his side's and watched the fireballs go towards him. As they got closer they began to get slower and slower, until eventually they stopped. Then they began to go backwards right back at Chase. Meanwhile Ryan was sweating from both heat and exerting force on time itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Slick climbed out of the hole and felt a small rumble across the floor. "What the hell our those guys doing now?" Slick said, standing up and brushing himself down. His eyes turned yellow, "Wow that's a lot of magic power being exhausted..." Slick's eyes returned to their normal shade of blue. He looked up to see the dwindling light as yellow merged into orange and the sun's mirror rose in the purple sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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The battle ensuing in the courtyard was epic to say the least, yet somehow, in the bushes, not far from the courtyard, a lazy fellow slimbered through the heat and explosions. He was a tan young man with a wild mane of hair upon his head. He was commonly known as Mutt. Mutt, was snuggled happily in a burberry bush under the shade of a tree o unoknown identity.

Here, in his little bubble, there was no battle or fire, or high exerts of magical energy, and thus Mutt was simply laying and wagging his tail in his sleep. The breeze suddenly picked up though, and thats when Mutt noticed the heat. He poke his head sleepily from the bush and saw the battle. He would have ignored it and gone back to bed if he didnt sniff the air first.

SNIFF! SNIFF! was that... Could it be??? SNIIIIIIFFFF!!! Suddenly Mutt was on all fours, with his eyes glazing the scene for his long lost friends. A spout of joy overcame him, then...

AAAAAARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Mutt called longingly for his missed friends, which he swore he could smell cooking in the flames.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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-snip Double post-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol nodded, as he expected the most logic response to an attack from all sides was a defense from all sides. He frowned as Chase quickly found and attempted to exploit Marcus's only weakness. He should be fine on his own though, Marcus was fast enough that he should be able to dodge the attacks. He continued gathering energy the swirling winds intensifying around him, he also sensed Meruin preparing a spell of her own, just a little more time until he was ready, hopefully Meruin could say the same. Sol turned his head curiously when he heard a long loud howl from somewhere far off. What the heck was that, what kind of animal was stupid enough to hand around here? No matter right now he had to focus on whatever Chase was doing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Second before the chain of explosions that Chase sent his way Marcus opened his palm towards Sol and shouted. "Taijitu mode: Zero!" Marcus was now behind Sol his back against his new partner. He made it out of the blast but his cloak was mostly destroyed. All that remains was the part of the cloak that was above his torso. "We have to- Marcus was interrupted by a random howl. "....What the fuck was that....nevermind that we have to find a way to slow down her chanting abilities so I can get close enough to strike her. If that doesn't work then I'll have to keep my distance and honestly I'm positive that I'm the most shittist at long rang combat out of all of us here." Marcus started focusing his strength in his limbs to farther increase his strength and speed. This woman is very powerful and deserve all the skill Marcus posses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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BGM: Filament

Deus was pissed off now. Not the kind were he would be able to brush it off, no. He was pissed off because Chase thought or made him look like the weakest out of all of them. Therefore, he decided to stop being support and show Chase some raw power.

The Dark Orb that Deus took out began to float in front of Deus and he looked at everyone and began to speak to them telepathically.
Everyone, I suggest you put up your strongest Defense spell or get back.

Deus began chanting some words in ancient Latin. While he was chanting, A miniature Black Hole could be seen growing in the sky. Also, during the time that he was chanting he had to take Chase's attacks head on, Using his Aura as his defense.

"Void Arts: Black Hole Creation!"
The black hole has grown in size to cover most of the sky, as it began to suck in everything and anything. At the Same time, Deus was using Aura manipulation to drain Chase's aura which meant draining her of her powers, memories and a tiny little bit of her life-force. This is how pissed Deus was. The only reason he was able to control the Black Hole was because of his anger, which is complicated to explain.


Cornelia got up from her bed. She decided that it was time for her to join in on the fun, but instead of fighting with them, she would fight that woman's companion, which her name was supposedly Reina. Cornelia walked out of the room with her book on hand.

Once she was near her, Cornelia looked around, checking for any traps. And once she decided it was safe to go, Cornelia just disappeared.

Cornelia reappealed on top of Reina, while hiding her presence and making it seem like Reina was the only one there. Cornelia then turned herself invisible use Meta-Ability Create and began to sneak up behind her.

Once she was close enough, Cornelia summoned Muramasa and Slashed at Reina's back silently. If the slash landed, then Reina was in danger, because the sword was covered in poison.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@BranchOfSin & @floodtalon

Reina was watching the battle with a mix of exasperation and disappointment. Those kids were talented, for sure, but their ability to asses the situation was only about average for their age. They had very little experience with the world, she fathomed, and also had little experience when facing against an overwhelming power. They were too used to either being on the same level or the stronger one, so their ability to cope with facing a higher magnitude of opponent was minimal.

The silver witch sighed and turned her head slightly to look at Cornelia. She had long since felt her presence but was wondering what she was doing here. Obviously, the answer would be 'to attack her' but she was sincerely hoping she wasn't that foolish . . .

Those hopes were dashed when the blade of Muramasa fell on Reina. It cut her deeply before stopping. Blood flowed and dripped into the ground. Eerily, Reina's only response was to sigh in resignation.

"Really, what was the point of that now?" she asked aloud, ignoring Cornelia and the blade lodged in her body. She took a few steps forwards, letting the sword slide out and called towards Chase.

"Chase! It appears that there is interference. If I do battle, will you complain?" she called towards her rival.

"No complaints so long as you keep your battle to yourself!" replied Chase merrily as she watched the light of her explosions. She grabbed the fireballs Ryan sent back to her and they disappeared in her closed hands, dissolving into golden dust. She gave an approving nod as Deus's Black Hole absorbed her flames, preventing the explosions from reaching their peak. Chase then began frowning as she felt her memories, life and abilities being drained away. She clicked her tongue as she stared at Deus. Despite what she was doing, the golden witch did nothing, and merely watched Deus as if expecting something.

What happened next was terrifying to behold. Cracks began appearing across Deus's body, and through them, golden light began shining. For Deus, it would feel as if his whole body was melting burning exploding breaking destroyed cracked shattered break break break break break - !!!

"It would have been fine were it simply my life you had tried to absorb, but you also tried for my abilities and worse, my memories. I am holding back right now, child, but don't forget you are talking to one who has walked the Path of Destruction far more than anyone else has! My memories are secrets that contain knowledge of how everything in this world can be destroyed, and my abilities reflect that knowledge! To try and absorb them is folly of the highest order! Not even Reina can do so!"

Chase watched as Deus's body began glowing golden. If he kept absorbing any more of Chase, then the inevitable result would be the complete destruction of everything that he was. This was not simple 'death' either, it was 'destruction' in a very literal term. Even the memories that anyone had of him would become fractured - existing but unrecognizable and vague. As it was, it was only his physical presence that was being affected.

As for Reina, after receiving Chase's response, she turned around fully to face Cornelia. The Silver Witch looked unaffected, despite her grievous wound and the poison coursing through her body. Calmly pulling out an azure book, she looked at Cornelia levelly.

"So . . . would you care to introduce yourself now, child, as your surprise attack is over and done with? Afterwards, state your purpose for doing so, and if I find it acceptable, I will spare you punishment most grievous. Make haste, for my patience has run short with you," said Reina empirically.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mutt never recieved a call back from his friends, which dissapointed him some. "I could've sworn i had the right number." Mutt muttered to himself. He decided to take it upon himself to find them. After all, his old school was aflame and knowing them, he was sure they had everything to do with it.

And so an epic journey began. Mutt in his human form walked around on all fours wearing only gym shorts, with his nose to the ground. He followed the scent of bacon quite literally through the middle of the fight with chase, and momenta later, again past Reina. He sniffed his way to the cafeteria, which wa unguarded.

The doors slammed open and Mutt's dark silhouette hung in the doorway. The bacon in the back of the room quivered in fear behind the suasage. " Meats: WHO ARE YOU! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?! We have no money, leave us!"


" Whats that to do with us?"

"WHERE ARE THEY!?!" Mutt slammed his hand into a table which sent a shockwave about the room that flung tables left and right. The apple juice in the corner squealed in fear.

[color=grey]"We don't know what your talking of!"[/color] the black pepper interjected, comforting the baby carrots who had awoken from their naps and were now crying. [color=grey]"Please leave us and take your quarell outside! Can you not smell your friends aren't here?"[/color]

Suddenly Mutt was next to the sausages. "But I can fight on an empty stomache." Mutt grinned, exposing his razorlike teeth. Suddenly the only sounds escaping the cafeteria were those of a werewolf going to funky town on his breakfast, and the screams of various breakfast meats as a werewolf went to funky town upon them.

"Whew!" Mutt wiped his face with his forearm and propped his weight onto a wall. Slowly he slunked down, dropping his fork to observe the battle scene before him. Fallen foods laytossed around everywhere.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Hell to it. Hold still Sol." Liz said getting rather annoyed at this situation of how Chase constantly looked down on them, it was just the same as 10 years ago. Turning back into her human form she took the box placed in Sol's pocket from before and opened it up above her mouth to start swallowing at least 10 pills that came out of the package all at one.
Liz found it difficult to balance for a second after taking the pills while the water elemtnals voice rang in her head ""You really want to do this Liz? Its not gonna be gentle on your body." Euhpie spoke showing strange concern for the girl she had grown quite attached too.
Its too late now anyway Euphie, after taking that many she made up her mind. Just do your part in this like she orders". A different voice responded arrogantly to Euphie's concern.
"Oh shut up both of you, Get ready and hope this works while Deus is sapping away some of her strength." Liz finally responded to the elemental's inside her as her balance restored itself "Prepare yourself arrogant mage!" Liz pointed at Chase the irony being lost on her as all 4 seals on her back started to glow their respected elemental colour.
"First, Gaia!" She took a stance low to the ground for a second before quickly manipulating the earth around Chase to form a sphere encapsulating the mage with earth made to withstand even extreme heat.
"Second, Airel!" Liz slammed her hands together and the sphere was lifted high into the air with a layer of visible air surrounding it.
"Third, Euphie!" She moved her arms and a layer of shinning water surrounded the already two elements that surrounded and trapped the mage.

"Finall..." Liz paused mid spell and coughed falling to her knees for a second her face covered heavy in sweat and looking drained, it would normally be impossible for her to even move after doing all this but that's what the pills were aimed at holding off. Staggering back to her feet quick as she could "Ignis!" The girl pulled all the fire from Chase's stray attacks as well as adding her own to fire she supplied around the sphere "Almost there, just a bit more, please!" Liz begged in her mind as she took a step back "Burn in hell" She clicked her fingers and the elements started to fuse together around Chase the sphere turning into a shining ball of light which instantaneously exploded though the explosion was internal so no extra defense was needed for her team mates.

Falling onto her back and looking up at the orb which was now breaking back up into the lifeless elements Liz wondered if the attack she gathered all the elemental's for and trained and pushed her body to such length over the 10 years would of been enough.

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