Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Is it my turn to post? o3o
West contacted Zero and told him to meet him so we could help him fight Shift and Cuccoruler's rebel characters.
I feel sad now :( I totally forgot about VarionusNW post. I'll make it up to them in my next post.
Zero didn't want to admit it but he did enjoy the kiss on the cheek that was given to him. Well his facial expression didn't show much excitement but he was pretty happy. He decided to push his human feelings aside for now and continue on with the mission. Zero was gonna simply wipe out all the citizens near him and 13 but it looked like she was having fun and he didn't won't to ruin that.

He spectated her actions having a smile on his face the whole time the scene played out before him. Its like person after person was asking to be killed. The cops approaching the scene made the show even better. Its like the day played into his favor when Anastasia was shot and was attended to by another citizen planning to end their life. He knew there was only a few more seconds until 13 will be back so he decided to set the mood of her revival.

With another slight wave of his hand all the cop cars besides the one with the man who shot Anastasia combusted leaving a great amount of destruction in the streets. Some citizens ran while others tried there best to get Zero on tape. Zero looked at the cop. "She's gonna be back and when she comes to I want you to look handsome for her okay." Zero said smiling as a few more cars exploded due to the fires from the destroyed police vehicles spreading. The officer was safe inside the center of this destruction for now that is until Anastasia awakens.
"Yes Sir." Aki answered his father going to his old room when he lived here. He wondered hat type of people were gonna show up besides the Water Dragons. As he reached his old room he quickly opened his closet retrieving a very old fashioned fire nation formal attire. Aki actually liked the way it fitted him and how it looks formal but could be worn during combat.

After getting dressed Aki returned to a worried uncle in an easter egg hunt for his old tapes. Akito smirked whispering to himself. "I love you uncle but I won't allow you to torture our guess with those movies." Hiding them before leaving was the best idea he could ever think off. His quick planning saved generations of soon to come parties from his uncles movies.

After awhile Aki met up with his brother and noticed what looked like two earthbenders meditating. "Yeah I believe that is the chick who feel from the ceiling." He said looking closely at the girl. "She has a brother.....wait that's not the serious question that needs to be asked as of now what I need to be asking is why are they meditating...in the middle of the room no less?" Ski had a lot of questions which is odd cause he usually doesn't.
The match had its moments and the Fire Ferrets came out on top in the end. Akito knew his father and uncle were gonna win but he didn't think they'd barely achieve their victory. As the chaotic crowd exited the stands cheering Fire Ferrets Akito made his way to the locker room to congrats his dad and uncle for there edgy win. The crowd was pretty crazy and Akito ended up getting seperated from his brother hut he was sure he'd fine his way to the locker room. He was taller then Akito after all and probably could hold his ground against a crowd of rampaging people.

Akito reached the locker room knocking on the door as he entered. "Hey! Congrats on your win guys! Mostly you uncle." Aki said pointing towards Bolin. He turned his attention back to his dad. " So what was this I heard about a party?" Akito asked knowing there was gonna be one. His younger brother was always right when it came to his uncle and dad. "You played a good game rookie!" Aki oldly complimented Sakura. Although it didn't sound much like a compliment coming from him.
^-^ This got lively pretty fast.
Zero grinned as he watch Anastasia decapitate the foolish bystander. It was like he asked her to kill him. As he continued to watch 13 enjoy the sensation of blood decorating her face Zero opened the palm of his hands using his abilities to scan the two buildings next to him for any signs or valuables. His search was complete by the time Anastasia turned towards him and smiled a rare and gentle smile.

"Yes." He answered walking towards her balling his hands up into a fist. When his fingers reached his palms the two buildings that stood on both sides of the alley imploded killing any signs of life within side the buildings. "Search for anything that woupd be valuable in the Americas and the Eurasian countries." He stated to 13 while looking around the area. They was gonna have to pick up the speed on this mission.

Zero was positive the instant destruction of two buildings would draw quite the attention so he readied himself for the fight that's to come. "Ana if you can please leave the buildings intact I plan to go through them once we're done riding this place of life." Zero insisted while he lightly waved his hand in the air killing civilians with shrapnel from the imploded buildings.
o3o I'm in the middle of something so all I can do is read for the next few hours. Besides that DISRESPECT YOUR SURROUNDINGS!
:P Sorry it took so long parents kept needing me for something.

Edit: XD I didn't say Zero's name once.
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