Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dragon's locker room

"Man Jess, that was crazy. It was such a close match!" Luta said excitedly as she removed her gear. Even after a match she was filled with energy. "You have to admit, that was the closest we have ever come to winning." Dmetric said patting his friend on the back. Jess on the other hand wasn't to happy. Not that the lost but that she was out bended. "Just proved I have yet to master the art of earth bending. "I'll get there one day." Jess muttered kind of annoyed. Luta finished putting on her street clothes and smiled. "Don't start getting all grumpy now Jess, they invited us to the party. You have to have fun at parties, it's a party rule." She said rushing her teammates out of the locker room after they had changed. "Besides, we have to find out what's up with that girl who fell through the roof. Now go get ready!" Luta said pushing them outside. She waved to them as she ran toward her house. "If you don't show up I might just have to leave so that I can drag you there!" She yelled back, mostly directing this toward Jess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kailani let loose a small smile when the match was done. She had to admit, it did take skill to fight like that. As she stood to leave, she let out a soft sigh. At least people are learning to let loose their pent up anger in a healthy way instead of hurting people. Lani overheard one of the Fire Ferrets say something about a party. Maybe she could learn more about pro-bending.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Liang mumbled and grumbled to herself while making her way out of the arena. She was annoyed about the fact that the match had been disturbed so damn much by the suddenly falling girl - though the match had been an exciting one all the way down to it's conclusion. It may not have been quite as exciting as some of the matches she herself had participated in, but it had been a good match. Both teams had worked amiably well.

Still in Liang's opinion the Leaping Lion-Turtles had been the best team in the whole league - after all they had dominated the arena for what... four years? Outside the arena she paused to catch her breath and stare to the distance. Memories from eight years ago flooded back in - memories she preferred to keep well locked up in the darkest, tiniest little corner of her mind. The former firebender shook her head and punched the wall next to her in annoyance - atleast the little pain in her knuckles made the memories go away and allowed her to concentrate a bit better.

With a little sigh she leaned against the wall and adjusted the collar of her blue jacket that had a thin white fur lining on it's large hood. She smiled a bit as she remembered the goofy smile of the jacket's original owner and actually let out a little giggle "I wish that damn goofball would be here to fix my sore neck, but no, Shin's seeing the world and getting loads of money for being a healer..." Liang covered her mouth to hide the giggle as more memories about her more goofier teammate popped in to her mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The match had its moments and the Fire Ferrets came out on top in the end. Akito knew his father and uncle were gonna win but he didn't think they'd barely achieve their victory. As the chaotic crowd exited the stands cheering Fire Ferrets Akito made his way to the locker room to congrats his dad and uncle for there edgy win. The crowd was pretty crazy and Akito ended up getting seperated from his brother hut he was sure he'd fine his way to the locker room. He was taller then Akito after all and probably could hold his ground against a crowd of rampaging people.

Akito reached the locker room knocking on the door as he entered. "Hey! Congrats on your win guys! Mostly you uncle." Aki said pointing towards Bolin. He turned his attention back to his dad. " So what was this I heard about a party?" Akito asked knowing there was gonna be one. His younger brother was always right when it came to his uncle and dad. "You played a good game rookie!" Aki oldly complimented Sakura. Although it didn't sound much like a compliment coming from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"A good game?! That was amazing! I mean I was kinda bored at the start then things got interesting when that girl fell through the roof." Zakeo managed to get himself into the locker room too, the press outside was building up like a traffic jam.

"Party?! Ha knew it." Of all things to be eager about it was a party. However one thing had to be done, hiding Bolin's dreadful movies. The younger firebender would no doubt find his older brother later so they could do find a good hiding spot.

"Hey dad." Zakeo said, avoiding eye contract by looking at the floor. "I know it's been a while since I asked if you could teach me to firebend. I wasn't serious when I asked but after watching that match I just have to know how it's done. I mean you're really awesome at it." He said, this time trying to see his father's reaction.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well boys the party will be as soon as we get home as people will be arriving soon after." Mako said as he put his jacket on and grabbed his bag "Oh and don't worry boys I'll have plenty of movies of your amazing uncle to show!" Bolin said in excitement as he hurried out the door. Mako looked back at Li and Lei [b]"You two coming? We'll have an area set up for your demonstration." Mako said as Li and Lei got up and followed behind. "So how do you know Avatar Korra?" Lei asked Mako Well we were teammates, then we fought together against a lot of crazy enemies." Mako said "We fought against Amon the so called Non-Bender who could take peoples bending away, we found out he was a waterbender specifically a bloodbender. He took Korra's bending away for a while. Super scary" Bolin said "Then there was Unalaq, a waterbender who teamed up with the dark spirit, Vaatu and became the Dark Avatar." Mako added "Then Zaheer, an airbender, and his crew, a waterbender, a lavabender, and a combustionbender." Bolin said "Then finally there was Kuvira a power hungry earthbender. She was tough." He added "I see what happened after?" Li asked "Well after Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding Korra and Asami Sato, another member of the group went missing. No one knows where they could have gone." Mako said as they reached outside. Waiting outside huddled up in a ball was an armadillo lion and on its head a fire ferret. The fire ferret noticed Li and Lei and began to run towards Lei and jumped in her arms. "Raine! I missed you girl!" The armadillo lion peaked its eye over at Li, got up, jogged over, and nuzzled against his side. "Aumaro! Hey boy, sorry to worry you two like that!" Li said as he pet and hugged Aumaro. [b]"Cool you have a fire ferret too!" Bolin said "...and an Armadillo Lion" added Mako "Yeah this is Raine and Aumaro" Li said
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After what seemed like hours, the match was finally over, and the could finally get into the stadium to finish their job. The stadium was as quiet as it could be with all the people gone. You could hear a pin drop from the bottom of the arena all the way in the nosebleed seats. "Alright lets get this place cleaned up, and see if we can't get the ceiling fixed where that girl fell. Anything else that's broken or damaged, do your best to fix it, if you can't we'll take it back to the shop and do it there." She said. Everyone quickly gathered their tools, and got to work. Kushala walked through the building helping out where she could while making her way to the ceiling with some of the others to see how bad the damage was "Well it's not bad, but there's no way we can fix it right now" said one of the workers. The girl sighed as she closed her eyes and shook her head in frustration. "At least it can't get any worse" she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Luta found Len where she had left him. He was a polar leopard that she had, since she and it where young. He was large enough to ride and was her main source of transportation. Getting on she headed home to get dressed up for the party. Her formal clothes were not used often so she was surprised to find they still fit, which was a relief. She hadn't worn them in close to a year, not since she was living with her uncle in the Northern Water tribe. To find that she had stayed the same size since then was amazing to her. Not that she was expecting that she had grown or anything, she just thought she would be to small for them now. After all, with all the excersize she had been going she was sure she had lost some pounds. Guess not.

Regardless she bathed and then put on her clothes. Afterward she styled her hair, not to look super fancy, she wasn't to good with hair. It was a wonder she could even to her normal style. She avoided the makeup her aunt had given her like poison, and checked herself over, glad she didn't look like she had just ridden otter penguin all day. She knew where to go for the party but she didn't want to arrive to early so she waited around for a while, to make sure there was time for everyone to get home, change and arrive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Well if it ain't the li'll Xian gal." A rather gruff voice spoke from behind Liang - a voice she hadn't heard in nearly half a year. The short woman turned on her heels to stare at the tall man who's black hair had a thick reddish-brown lock on the left temple which he keept away from his eye with a silver hairpin. His strong jaw and at least twice broken nose was just as comically twisted as Liang remembered it to be. Despite that she had to remark that Gen had remained just as handsome as ever - and he looked real good in the uniform of the Metalbending Police. "Gen?" The former firebender managed to utter as she was pulled in to a friendly - if a bit painful - hug.

The tall earthbender smirked and pointed himself with the thumb of his right hand. "That's me alright." The two began exchanging friendly little insults as they walked away from the arena towards Liang's small apartment. The trip wasn't very long, but it felt much longer than it was - mostly because they ran out of funny insults and they really did not feel like talking about the past at the moment. "You know, Liang... Shin's back in town." Gen remarked with a slightly teasing tone which caused the former team captain's face to go rather red. "R-really?" Liang managed to ask while doing her best to regain her composure. "Yeah... and he'd like to see yoooou..." Gen's teasing, sing song tone was silenced by a quick jab to the side. "H-hey! No need to get hostile li'll missy." He smirked and lifted the dark haired woman to sit on her shoulder like she was a ferret of some kind.

"O-oi! Let me down you... YOU!" Liang squirmed a bit and just got a little smirk in response from Gen. He was actually going to say something when a stream of water hit his face. "The pretty lady wishes to be walking on her own two feet, ruffian!" The assailant was a quite broad shouldered fellow - he actually seemed a bit top heavy due to his thin arms and legs. His warm blue eyes were fixed at the two as two fingers adjusted the shoulder length hair that partially covered the left side of his face. "Shin!" Liang squeaked with excitement and managed to wrestle herself down from Gen's shoulder. The waterbender barely had enough time to fix his most charming smile to his lips as the former captain of the Lion-Turtles more or less gave him what was something between a tackle and a hug. He quickly moved his hands on Liang's waist and lifted her off her feet. "Yes, ma'am - it's me."

The black haired woman giggled as she was spun around twice by the silly waterbender. "Oi! Y-you can put me down now. I need to get to my place to change some clothes and..." Before she had time to continue Gen interjected with "We'll tag along!" Shin chuckled and added just a bit sheepish "I-if that's ok with you captain." The little sheepish comment got a dopeslap from Liang. "I'm not a captain any more, silly." The former firebender poked out her tongue and giggled "But since you boys asked so nicely I guess you can tag along - atleast to my place."

The trio arrived to Liang's apartment and with some help from the two goofballs - since Shin was just so polite that he'd offer his help and Gen was just too stubborn to take a no for an answer - Liang was wearing the prosthetic arm of hers and the long red coat. "So is there a party of some kind then?" Shin inquired after massaging Liang's sore neck - after all he just couldn't say no when the firebender stared at him like a lost puppy. "Well... I don't know what it's all about, but that... Bolin guy... You know, this tall, has been in movies..." Gen rolled his eyes "Oh right! I know the guy! His brother was in the MP with me... or is... Haven't paid attention to those who are still working and those who are not."

Liang shook her head "You'd probably forget if you'd be fired... You'd just show up to work as usual and all that... Well, anyways... they are having a party and I've been invited." She sounded quite excited and the way she was looking at her two friends made the two men glance at each other. They knew their old captain had just came up with a plan of some kind - and for some reason they weren't quite sure if it was a good one this time. Shin sighed "Ok, we both know that little glint in your eyes... What's the plan this time?"

Liang could barely hold her excitement at bay as she made a goofy little pose - even taking the time to move the prosthetic in to a better position "The Leaping Lion-Turtles are going partying! Together! Again!" She tilted her head a bit to the side and smiled. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

Shin shook his head a bit "I dunno... We kinda... uh..." Gen tried to hastily finish the pretty boy waterbender's sentence "...Have... things... Uh... Cabbages..." Liang tilted her head to the opposite direction "...Cabbages..?" She didn't quite sound convinced and could barely hold back a giggle. "Y-yes. Cabbages... a... night shipment of cabbages... Definately a night shipment of... yeah..." Shin nodded his head hastily. He had a noticeable difficulty to keep a straight face - admittedly Gen had the same problem. "Definately... an early night shipment... at this particular hour." The earthbender nodded.

The two both got playful little smacks on the backs of their heads and glanced at eachother like they had been sorely insulted. Shin fell on the floor like he had been hit with a hammer and the trio burst in to laughter as the waterbender collected himself from the floor. "We'll atleast walk you there - though only in one condition!" Liang blinked her eyes curiously and managed a puzzled "Whazzat?"

Shin and Gen took their places on both sides of Liang and smirked. Gen rolled his eyes and did his best to seem like he would have so much better things to do with is time, but Shin just smiled so annoyingly sweetly "Come on captain! Let's strike a pose!" Liang hesitated for a moment and shook her head while holding back laughter "I don't know if I can... W-we haven't done those in eight years and...." Gen patted the comparatively small woman on the head and smirked "You still got the hang of it." After a brief while the Leaping Lion-Turtles made one of their rather goofy victory poses.

Soon the trio was heading towards the agreed partying place. Gen had rather politely - and stubbornly - insisted that he'd carry Liang there, just like old times. The woman hadn't really gotten any choice on the matter as she was easily lifted from the ground and was now sitting on the tall earthbender's wide shoulder and pouting quite adorably.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kailani exited the arena building and eventually managed to flag down a cab back to her apartment. As she entered her home, she sighed. She did not like this city living. She was used to the open polar fields and ice caps. She smiled as she looked inside her closet to find a dress. She would love to explore the Earth Kingdom more. Or maybe the Fire kingdom. She had heard about forests and would love to see trees towering above her. Not like the smaller park trees she had seen. Lani shook the thoughts from her head and began to dress. She always had loved flowing, fancy dresses, ever since she was little. It reminded her of water; they flowed and bend like a water stream. Lani stood and looked at herself in the mirror, smiling slightly. Now to find out where this party will be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-At the home of Mako and Bolin-

"Well here we are. We have a spot over there for when people arrive." Mako said as he pointed to an open area in the middle. "Let's see now where are those movies of mine?" Bolin said as he looked through a pile of stuff. Li look at Lei as Lei nodded and approached Mako " Excuse us Mako we have to go meditate" Lei said "Ok I understand" Mako said as Lei and Li went to the middle and got in a meditation position and shut their eyes.

-In the spirit world-

"Huh? Where are we?" Lei said as she looked around to see her surroundings "Li! Where are you? Li!" Lei called out as she looked around. "Lei?" said Li's voice from behind Lei "Li?" Lei said as she looked behind her to see Li. She ran up and hugged Li as Li gently pat her head. "Where are we?" Lei asked "I think we're in the spirit world, sis" Li replied "But how? We've meditated before, but we've never been here!" Lei said in confusion "It's just like father said, things happen for a reason, much like when people meet. They meet for a reason." Li said "Your father is a very wise man" said the voice of a woman. "It's true he has alot of wisdom" said the voice of an older man. Li and Lei looked behind them suddenly to see an old man and a waterbender woman with another woman with long black hair. "Who are you three?" Lei asked "No way, impossible. Li said in confusion "Who are they, Li?" Lei asked as Li pointed to the old man [/b]"Genral Iroh..."[/b] Li said as he pointed at the girl with long black hair "...Asami Sato.." Li said as he finally pointed to the waterbender girl "...and Avatar Korra." Li finished as Korra bowed in respect "It's a pleasure to meet the first twin avatars." Korra said. "But Mako said you guys went missing, well you and Asami that is." Lei said Well to be honest when we were at the party that night we decided to live in the spirit world" Asami said "You have a very long journy ahead of you both." Iroh said "However, the journey of you two must not be made alone, for danger is in the journey ahead." Iroh added.

-Back at the party-

"Everyone should be arriving shortly" Mako said "I can't find my movies! Bolin yelled. "Akito, Zakeo go quickly get into something more formal before the guests arrive." Mako said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kailani quickly found the address of the pro-bending brothers and called a cab. She watched the buildings and roads pass by on the way there. The cab slowed to a halt, she perked up looking around. Lani quickly payed the driver and exited the vehicle. She approached the door, hesitating. She guessed she was nervous. Pushing those feelings aside she rang the doorbell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Luta sighed figuring she should probably leave. She hated being early for things, especially if she was traveling there alone. She walked out of her appartment and whistled. Len came quick enough and she got on. It was a little more difficult in a dress to ride Len since she had to ride side saddle, but he was cheaper than a cap. She arrived at the Ferrit brother's place shortly after Lani had and ended up standing there kind of awkwardly with the other female waiting for someone to open the door. Suprisingly enough Jess and Dmetric arrived shortly after her by cab and she loosened up as bit. She wasn't really a party person and she didn't really enjoy formal clothes. So she was already feeling strange, then add on the strange female that was very obviously from one of the water tribes herself, and she was more than uncomfortable. However when her friends arrived she felt much better waiting for the door to be opened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kailani turned and saw the team members of the Water Dragons. Nervous, Lani raised her hand and did a little wave.
"Hello... Um... Nice game." She sighed and slumped forward. "Sorry... I just moved here and you guys were my first pro-bending game." Lani smiled nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If being ignored wasn't the worst thing his father could do, it was these formal parties. Zakeo was a little bored, having thrown on hand-me downs that looked... ok at best. Yet as unhappy as they made him, he was elated to know those old videos were well hidden. His lips would remain sealed on their location, as if he'd never even heard up Nuktuk.

"So is that the chick who fell through the roof of the arena? And.. her brother? What's with the meditation?" Zakeo asked Akito, one of the few people in his family that would actually listen to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Yes Sir." Aki answered his father going to his old room when he lived here. He wondered hat type of people were gonna show up besides the Water Dragons. As he reached his old room he quickly opened his closet retrieving a very old fashioned fire nation formal attire. Aki actually liked the way it fitted him and how it looks formal but could be worn during combat.

After getting dressed Aki returned to a worried uncle in an easter egg hunt for his old tapes. Akito smirked whispering to himself. "I love you uncle but I won't allow you to torture our guess with those movies." Hiding them before leaving was the best idea he could ever think off. His quick planning saved generations of soon to come parties from his uncles movies.

After awhile Aki met up with his brother and noticed what looked like two earthbenders meditating. "Yeah I believe that is the chick who feel from the ceiling." He said looking closely at the girl. "She has a brother.....wait that's not the serious question that needs to be asked as of now what I need to be asking is why are they meditating...in the middle of the room no less?" Ski had a lot of questions which is odd cause he usually doesn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"We are nearly there, you can put me down now!" Liang exclaimed and tried to get down from Gen's shoulder. "Seriously! Puuuut me down already!" Gen just walked forwards like he didn't even hear her while continuing a little conversation with Shin. "Well after that I joined the MP and all that... Nice work, don't really like the whole filing reports stuff, but it gets the bills paid. So, how's the healing gig been treating you?" The earthbender tilted his head a bit.

Shin shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands in the pockets of his jacket - he had lent it back from Liang just so he'd have atleast something that looked a bit more formal. "Well... It's... I've traveled a lot - seen places, met new people... Made some money on the side." The waterbender smirked and glanced around. "It's that building over there, right?" He inquired while pointing at the right place.

Liang's face went beat red again - there were other people outside - most likely other guests - and there she was, being carried around on the shoulder of a goofy earthbender like some ferret! "Gen! Let me down at this instant or there will be consequences!" The tall earthbender just rolled his eyes and smirked. "Well, if you say so." He more or less tossed the former firebender off from his shoulder.

After gathering herself from the ground and getting most of the dust form her coat Liang straightened up. "Ok, I could have thought my choice of words a bit better there..." The trio approached the gathered people - atleast some of whom Liang recognized as the Water Dragons from earlier. "Heyyy! You guys had a nice match!" She exclaimed with notable excitement and glanced at both of her former team mates while whispering "Ok, one more pose for old time's sakes..."

Gen rolled his eyes and did his best again to remain very dis-interested looking, still he couldn't keep a small smile away from his lips. "Gen Gan-Jin" He bowed his head slightly and obviously mentally prepared himself for the pose. Shin was smiling his very open and charming smile as he swept his hair away from his face with his left hand in a notably over dramatic and well rehearsed manner. "Shin Yu." He lowered his hands to his side and gave a quick glance to Liang who quickly adjusted the prosthetic arm to rest on her hip. "Liang Xian." All three took quick deep breaths, stepped back and made a team pose that was rather goofy, but kinda awesome at the same time while exclaiming "We are the Leaping Lion-Turtles!" They held the pose until Shin lost his balance and fell on Liang - who in turn bumped against Gen... and the trio came crashing down to the ground. They all burst in laughter while Liang did her best to politely ask Shin to get off of her from between fits of laughter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-At the Ferret Brothers Home-

Mako perked up as he heard the doorbell being rung "People are here everyone finish getting ready!" Mako said as he began to walk to the door but was suddenly stopped by Bolin "But what about Li and Lei? They're still meditating" Bolin said [b]"Just give them time Bolin, they'll finish soon"[/b} Mako said as he walked over to open the door. Luta along with her team and an unknown girl(Lani) were standing in the doorway [b]"Welcome to the party, Water Dragons and..." Mako paused as he did not know the young girls name. Mako looked back as Akito and Zakeo asked why Li and Lei were meditating "They need to meditate in order to contact the spirit world." Mako said

-Meanwhile in the Spirit World-

"But we wont be alone, we have each other?" Lei said as Iroh slowly shook his head "Yeah I don't understand what you mean by what you said" Li said as Iroh sighed "A clouded mind is like clouded tea - both are bad for the stomach" Iroh said as Li and Lei both looked at each other confused. "Go back for now, you'll figure it out as time goes on" Korra said as her and Asami walked forward and hugged both of them "Say hi to Mako and Bolin for me Li" Asami said "Yeah tell Mako's kids as well as him and Bolin I said hi and that I wish I could have met them" Korra said to Li as they faded away and Li and Lei woke from their meditation.

-Back at the party(again)-

Li and Lei stood up as Mako was answering the door "Good thing we finished" Lei said as she nudged Li. Li walked up to Mako [b]"Mako I have a messege for you, Bolin and the kids"{/b} Li said as Mako turned around "Ok what's up?" Mako asked in confusion "Korra and Asami say hi and Korra says she wishes she could have met the kids" Li said as Mako smiled. Mako looked back as he saw Liang and the Leaping Lion-Turtles who had arrived. "Looks like we got some celebrities here. Alright let's get this party started!" Mako called out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

-Before The Door Was Opened-

Luta and her team smiled at the water bender girl. "Really, your first match? Well, that's cool. Oh um, I'm Luta, the male behind me is Dmetric and the female is Jess. No, that's not short for anything." Luta said with a polite smile. It wasn't long until the former Leaping Lion Turtles arrived introducing thenselves and striking an odd pose. Jess was the one to speak this time. "I would have recognized you guys anywhere, you were the best team for quite some time until, well you know..." She paused looking down, only to be nudged by Dmetric who continued talking. "Yea your team was the reason we decided to join pro-bending, though we ran through water benders like crazy. We have been a team for about three years now and each year brought with it a new water bender. Let's hope out current one is here to stay." Luta of course heard this and spun around to face them. "You guys really think I would leave such an awesome team willingly, nope you guys are stuck with me." She smiled at her team in the goofy hyperactive way. "Anyway, I'm Dmetric, the slightly gloomy earth bender is Jess and the hyper water bender it Luta. It is an honor to meet you guys." He said with a huge smile.

After the introductions the door was opened. Mako made a breif acknowledgment of everyone and they entered, ready to party.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kailani smiled at the Water dragons and the Leaping Lion Turtles. She strode into the room looking around, making little notes in her head. Lani took notice of the girl from before, who fell from the ceiling. She decided not to say anything, feeling out of place of sorts. She scolded herself. Why did she come to a pro-bending party. She knew no one and no one knew her.
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