Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fire, Air, Water, Earth. After the defeat of Kuvira, Avatar Korra and Asami Sato vanished and were nowhere to be found. Time passed as the people of Republic City went back to their normal lives. Now, like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the avatar starts anew, and brings to the world not one Avatar...but two. Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth. They, like the Avatars before them, will save the world.

Book 1: Encounters

-In the Republic City Pro Bending Arena-
Around the arena people are gathering as a match is soon to be starting between the new Fire Ferrets and the Water Dragons. "Welcome ladies and gentleman to one of the most anticipated matches in all of pro bending!" said the announcer. "Here we have the Water Dragons who have been kicking all kinds of butt in their matches this season! They are facing the famous Fire Ferrets for the title of pro bending champions!" He added as the crowd cheers in excitement.

-Inside the Fire Ferrets locker room-
in the locker room Mako, the captain of the Fire Ferrets is getting his last pieces of gear on. "Alright that should do it. You ready you guys?" Mako said as he looked towards his little brother, Bolin and a waterbender( Sakura ) "Yeah I know I'm ready! What about you Sakura?" Bolin said as he wrapped his arm around Sakura, "Y-Yeah I think so." Sakura said nervously as Mako put his hand on her shoulder "No need to be so nervous. Trust me when I was your age I was nervous too." Mako said trying to comfort her "Really?" she replied "Yeah, I got knocked out a couple times in the first round but in he end we made it through the match and I was over my nervousness and became the pro bender I am today." He said giving off a few punches in the air "I'm just not as skilled as you guys. I don't feel like I belong on such an amazing team." she said as she hung her head. "We picked you as our waterbender because we saw potential in you, we saw a butt load of skill and talent in you. So in our books you belong on this team." Bolin said in his usual goofy tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So now that Dad and uncle Bolin have this new water bender on the team, do you think they'll win it? Cause lets face it they're getting pretty old now." Zakeo said to his brother Akito. Front row seats made it easier to spot the pro-benders in the middle of a match but with safety an important issue, the huge gap between the seats and stage made it hard to see details. The young man wondered what it would be like to witness the match close up but then realize how dangerous it would be, especially with a firebender on both teams.

I could be up there one day... wait, no I don't There's no way I'm getting blasted off the stage. How can I fight off a waterbender or earthbender when I'm not even good at firebending. I'll light up a room at night but it's not like we're fighting in the dark. Hmm I bet Akito could pro-bend though, I bet he wants to win the championship right from under Dad's smelly feet. Zakeo looked over at his older brother who was just an inch shorter. If there was something Zakeo was gunna be better at it would be with height.

"Ever think you'll take his place?" Zakeo prompted. Maybe they'd introduce lightning bending to make it interesting for you. He laughed a little at the thought of shocking a waterbender out of the arena, maybe a little dangerous but also thrilling to watch from the sidelines.

Eager fans around them, well behind them, were talking pretty loudly. Zakeo's quieter tone wouldn't be so easy to hear. But the young man didn't doubt his brother could pick up on every word.

"If they win then we'll have nothing short of a three day party at uncle's place. Unclin Bolin will probably drag out his old movies though. That or make a new one."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

-The Water Dragons Locker room-

Luta jumped up excitedly after putting on her gear. "Guy we are going up against the Fire Ferrets. This is awesome!" She danced around a little. "If you don't calm down you are going to waste your energy Luta." Jess, the oldest of the group and the Earthbender stated standing up. "Oh come on, you know her, she had more energy in her then the two of us combined. If she doesn't burn some of it she might go overboard." Dmetric stated. He was the same age as Luta and had been friends with Jess for ages. "You guys are talking about me like I'm not here." Luta pouted. The other two shook their heads. "Come on, all in." Jess stated putting her hand out after she had finished putting on her gear. Dmetric stood up and put his hand over Jess' which left Luta to put her hand over his. "Dragons!" The three shouted as they raised their hands in the air. It was a childish prematch ritual but one they did anyway. They felt naked if they didn't do it.

The three then headed to the arena and took there positions for the start, waiting for the Fire Ferrits to arrive. They didn't need to talk strategy. They were a well oiled team that could read eachother's actions like books. It was how they had gotten so far. The team didn't believe in strategizing. It meant that the game had a set outcome, which it in fact didn't. "Give them a good match guys!" Jess said to the other two with a smile. This was all just a game to them. They didn't take it seriously at all. If they lost, they lost. If they won, they won. Simple as that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kailani sat in the second row, watching the arena. She leaned forward, placing her head in her hands. She had heard much about this sport back in the north from travelers and radios. Lani sat back up in her chair and started to re-braid her hair, waiting for the teams to begin the fight. And why fight like this anyways? Isn't bending suppose to be spiritual? Lani let out a sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Such a odd event." The lanky fellow with the Wolfbat pup curled up on his shoulder spoke seemingly to himself as he looked over the roaring crowed from his spot in the building's rafters. The young man looked completely at ease despite his dangerous height far above the ground. "I still don't understand why I am here." He spoke again, the Wolfbat on his shoulder beginning to stir awake. "It is good for you to become more in touch with the physical world and the things its inhabitants find entertaining." A soothing voice escaped from the unmoving lips of the pup, the young man only nodding as a response. "Though this does seem like a strange activity." The voice said after the announcer began to hype up the crowd for the match.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
Avatar of NekoJordan

NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[center]-Fire Ferrets Locker Room-

"Alright Ferrets time to start the match" said the man who came to let the team know. "Alright shall we get going?" said Mako "Of course! You gonna be okay Sakura?" Bolin asked as he looked towards Sakura "Yeah I'm ready!" Sakura replied as the team left the locker room and got to the arena floor "I can do this! I don't have to be scared! I'm a Fire Ferret now!" she thought to herself as the ref climbed up on the stand near the side of the arena. "Alright I want a good clean match any bad hit is a red flag and only the standard bending, no lightning or lava bending! If all is understood..." The ref started to say as the fire ferrets got into their bending stances. "...then let the match begin!" the ref said as the bell rung. Bolin shot a stone disc at the other teams earthbender(Jess) while Mako targeted Luta and Sakura targeted Dmetric.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hey! Am I the only one working around here?!" Kushala yelled at her co-workers. They had been listening to that big pro-bending match that was going on on the radio. It was also the the reason she had to work late, and could not be home with her sister. The company she works for had been hired to set up for it and take it down when it was finished, however she was not happy about it. "Anyone who's not on their brake get back to work" She said with a stern, loud voice, to be honest she never understood the allure of it, or the people who played it "Aw come on Kushala, this is the big match we're talking about, you have to let us listen" even though she wasn't in a managing position, she had earned herself a the title of dragon lady with her diligent work ethic, and her strict attitude, although the workers would never say it to her face. "I don't care! Get back to work!, Why do you people listen junk anyway, it's just people throwing stuff at each other!"

"Please! just let us listen to the first half, and we'll get right back to work, I promise" She couldn't understand why people liked that pro-bending stuff so much, and to be honest she did not care. She just wanted to finish and get home to her sister, but she couldn't stand to see a grown man beg. Seeing this was something that was important to them she conceded "Ugh! Fine!" she said rolling her eyes "but then you guys better get back to work. We've still got a lot of work to do before the night ends!" With that she turned around in a huff and left to resume
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Its obvious dad and Bolin are gonna win." Akito answered wearing his usual bored expression. Father and uncle may be older but that means they're more experienced then the new guys are when it came to the Bending arena. Aki listened to his brother ramble on about how he wants to become a pro-bender but isn't skilled enough and that he might want to take in fathers footsteps and even become a better bender then their father.

"No you'll get stronger and I'll make sure you do so you can follow your dreams and beat dad." Aki liked fighting but pro-bending wasn't his cup of tea. Although he had to admit what Zakeo said about them introducing lightining bending to make it interesting for him was kinda funny. "If they do then I might consider taking dad's place." Aki chuckled. The crowd was pretty hectic probably even louder then any previous match the audience ever cheered for.

"Well if they do win we cent expect sleep for the next couple of days that's for sure." A chill went down Akito's spine at the thought of watching uncles Bolin's movies for the a thousandth time. "If I see him pull out a single one I'm either leaving or burning them." He said eyeing Bolin down. He did enjoy his uncles movies but he watched them so many times he could probably quote every word from most of them.

"Hey bro you come here more than me do they sell snacks or something here." Aki asked keeping his eyes forward not fully looking at Zakeo. He'd love to see the full fight but his stomach was seriously bothering him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kailani perked up when she saw the fighters come out.
She rearranged herself in her chair to be more comfortable and crossed her arms. Lani already had bad feelings for this sport. Growing up, she was taught that bending is an art and should be held higher than this... this mockery. Kailani let out a sigh. Maybe it was more than she thought it was. people around here seem to like it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

It would seem Dragons would be on the defensive. Though they intended to change that. One thing they all knew was a new member was a weak link in a team. They had learned that first hand when Luta joined the team. For a while they couldn't win anything, or barely won. So what they were all thinking was simple. Go after the weak link first. Though they knew better than to forget about the other two after all Bolin and Mako had more experiance then the three of them combined.

Jess stepped back slightly to allow Luta to redirect the water Sakura had intended to hit her with into the fire that was headed toward Dmetric. Effectively eliminating the threat. The water bender then shot s blast of water toward Mako. At the same time Dmetric targeted Sakura and Jess shot a disc at the one headed toward her. She then shot a disc toward Sakura. Two on one wasn't very fair but she had skilled teammates odds are one or both of the attacks would be blocked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Popcorn. Sweet, buttery, and salty popcorn." Word for word he quoted the vender. But as much as he knew they were there he couldn't see anyone around him, perhaps the biggest disadvantage of front row seats were the lack of view behind them. "I think that's a vendor over there." He pointed to Aki's right a few meters. in the fifth row. Now catching the sight of the popcorn, he could smell it.

"I'm hungry too. I'll get us some.". The young man got up from his seat to zig zag around people only to get closer to the vendor. Taking out a couple coins, he paid for two bags. Scooting back to his seat he gave one to Aki.

"Needs more butter." He started stuffing his face with a couple hand-fulls.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The lack of butter doesn't seem to bother you little bro." Aki said slowly eating his popcorn. The fight was starting to bore Aki but that's not a new. He at least tried his best to look excited while watching the fight. "Hey Zakeo what if dad and uncle were to lose you think they'd still throw a party?" Aki asked tossing some popcorn in the air and catching it in his mouth. He knows that was a random question but in order to not be bored he had to do something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
Avatar of NekoJordan

NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

as the match continued the people in the audience were hooked on the hits being made. The counter that the Water Dragons made was incredible, they were truly a match for the Fire Ferrets. As the two attacks came at Sakura her reflexes kicked in as she brought two water streams up and used the first stream to block the fire and the second to block the stone disc. "Good work Sakura you got this!" Mako said. A small rumble was felt in the arena as the windows of the arena roof were smashed through as an earthbender girl came falling through screaming as she hit the water. The audience sat there in shock at the girl that fell through. "Hey bro that scream sounded really familiar." Bolin said as the team was also in shock. Mako put up the timeout symbol to the ref as the ref blew his whistle signaling a timeout. "Let's go check it out Bolin" Mako said as he jumped down onto the spot near the water as Bolin followed. [b][color=red]"So who did you think you heard Bolin?"[/color[/b]] Mako asked "Well I thought I heard Korra?" Bolin said uncertainly "You sure about this? She's been gone for a long time." Mako asked in response "Yes?...Yes." Bolin said as he smirked and gave a sly look to Mako as Mako sighed "Let's just hope your right." Mako said as they went to check "You see her Bolin?" Mako asked from one side "No luck here." Bolin replied as the girl who fell came up from under water and grabbed onto the ledge. "Stupid Li what does he know anyways?" the girl said as she lifted herself up onto the platform That's not Korra." Bolin said as Mako looked at him in confusion "Thank you Mr. obvious" Mako said sarcastically "Who are you?" Mako asked the girl as she looked up finally noticing Mako and Bolin "Huh? Oh sorry to drop in like that! My names Lei Xiao-Long and I'm the avatar!" Lei said as she grinned and pointed at herself with her thumb. Mako and Bolin stare at her in shock at her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The Dragons were about to send another attack toward the Ferrits when a person came falling through the roof. The Ferrits signaled for a time out. The match was on hold. Jess, Dmetric, and Luta watched the two older members of the Ferrits slightly confused as to what was going on. Luta headed to the ledge of the arena to watch Bolin and Mako. Watched as the strange female pulled herself onto the ledge and managed to catch the conversation they were having. She blinked a little when the girl said she was the avatar. "Okay so if you don't mind my asking, what were you doing on the roof of the arena and how did you fall through?" Luta called to the female claiming she was the avatar. She was quickly joined on the ledge by Jess and Dmetric, who wanted to hear the answer, though Jess didn't care quite as much as the other two. "Hey Ferrits, we kind of have a match to finish. I don't want to win by default, that's no fun. Wrap it up and let's go!" She said before heading back to her former position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SiliconColt
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SiliconColt Best summon in the game

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"What would they celebrate? The end of a season and second place?" Zakeo looked up to see someone falling from the roof. Landing in the water timeout was called.

"What the heck? Do you see that chick who just landed in the water? There she is at the ledge." he pointed to the women in green. It was impossible to hear them speak from the stands since everyone was being noisy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kailani jumped when the girl came crashing through. she had initially closed her eyes when she heard the sound, but now opened them. She sighed, seeing that the girl seemed to be fine. Lani leaned forward to try to get a better look at this strange girl. How could she have managed to fall through the roof? Why was she up there anyways?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Stupid sport" Kushala said in anger as she walked by the equipment. While the match was going on there wasn't much to do, which meant doing small trivial tasks to pass the time until the match was over. Rather than sit around she had decided to take inventory on all the equipment they were using to make sure nothing was missing. The boss would have their heads otherwise, at least she could take solace in the fact the she had the next two days off. As she finished recording the last of the tools, she heard a loud crash come from the ceiling, and rushed back to the other workers. "What was that" she said reaching the others. "Some girl crashed through the ceiling, and apparently she's on the arena." The girl huffed and buried her face in her hands. Great just what she needed for something to go wrong, and the worst part of it was that now there was property damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well that's one way to destroy Akito's boredom. "What the hell was that?!" He asked no one in particular. The chick falling from the ceiling quickly changed the mood of the crowd...which didn't surprise Aki. He barely heard what his little brother was saying over all the unnecessary noise. "I see her." He responded trying to get a better view of the girl. "Why was she on the roof of all places?" Aki didn't attend to ask someone but said it loud enough for Zakeo to hear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Liang had seen many things during her time in and out of the Pro-bending ring, a girl falling from out of nowhere was admittedly a new thing to her. She was silently annoyed that the match had been interrupted by this mystery girl - who did she think she was, huh? Just disturbing a perfectly good Pro-bending match like that. A little, quite cute pout adorned the one armed woman's face as she stood and leaned closer towards the ring to get a better look at the annoying disturber - who had disturbed her nice entertainment and also had caused her to drop her popcorn. "There goes my salty delight..." Liang mumbled and adjusted the empty sleeve that was tucked in to one of her pockets. "Seriously..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
Avatar of NekoJordan

NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mako and Bolin looked in shock at the girl who claimed to be the Avatar. "Hey Ferrits, we kind of have a match to finish. I don't want to win by default, that's no fun. Wrap it up and let's go!" Mako looked up at Jess as he nodded then looked back at Lei Wait in the fire ferrets locker room. We have a match to finish. Mako said as him and Bolin climbed up and Lei walked up some stone pillars that collapsed behind her to the locker room window.

-Skip to the end of the match-

"And the winners of the Pro Bending Championship Match are...the Fire Ferrets!" The announcer said as the crowd cheered in happiness "Fire Ferrets! Fire Ferrets!" the crowd cheered as the announcer handed the trophy to Mako
"Dang Bolin that was a crazy final stand off you and their earthbender hardly took a single step back!"[/b] Mako said as they started walking back to the locker room. [color=lightgreen]"Hey you guys are invited to the party later! It's formal!"[color] Bolin called back to the Water Dragons. Bolin then quickly leaned back to whisper into Mako's ear [color=lightgreen]"So what are we gonna do about, her?" Bolin said as he pointed up at the locker room "Well let's go and find out."

-Fire Ferrets Locker Room-

"So let me get this straight, you're an earthbender who so happens to be the avatar?" Mako asked Lei [color=lightgreen]"That's right! We are the avatars![color] Lei said in response "I see." Mako said as Bolin suddenly bolted forward "Wait wait wait! You said "We"? What do you mean We?" Bolin said in confusion "We as in me and my brother." As Lei says that a boy in earthbender attire kicks the door open, off its hinges actually. "Lei there you are! I was looking everywhere for you! Are you ok?" the boy said as he held Lei in his arms [color=lightgreen]"Stupid Li I could have been seriously hurt!" Lei said as she crossed her arms and pouted "I know and I'm sorry!" said Li as he hung his head in shame [color=lightgreen]"You better buy me 10 Sweet Pork Buns when we're done here!" said Lei. "This is your brother?" Mako said "Yep this is my brother, Li Xiao-Long!" Lei said "It's hard to believe but you both do have very similar personalities to 'her' " Mako said "You mean your old teammate?" Sakura said as Li and Lei looked at each other confused. [b]"You both resemble our old waterbender teammate, Korra, she was the avatar before you two. Though it's hard to believe both of you are the avatar?"/b] Mako said as Bolin instantly lit up [color=lightgreen]"I know what about having them show off a second style of bending at the party tonight!" Bolin said "Great idea Bolin, What do you two say? Wanna come to a party tonight? It;s formal but you two dont have to dress up if you don't want to." Mako said as Li and Lei both lit up "You sold me on the fact we dont have to dress up if we dont want to!" "Great then we'll see you later tonight!" Mako said as they all smiled.
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