Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Zero nodded at 13's request for clothing. It wouldn't be to hard to find a woman somewhere around the park. As he walked around searching for a suitable candidate a couple of sticks came in contact with his shoes. He stopped and read them. "Pedestrian...." He knew of only one person who was physical challenged and it would be easy to spot her out amongst a crowd. Zero stepped on the sticks getting rid of the message. Can't have no one reading it.

Zero wasn't having any luck and that angered him. Without a second thought he just walked up to a woman that looked to be in her middle twenties and picked her up putting his hand over her mouth. "He he you can't get away from me that easily honey!" Zero shouted as if he was the young woman's husband. He had to get rid of any suspicion. When he arrived back to the trees he hurdled the young woman against the tree.

"Take your clothes off." Zero stated in his normally cold voice. He didn't care if it seemed odd or crazy as hell 13 asked for clothes and she was gonna get what she wanted. By now the woman would be screaming her head off if she could only open her mouth. This was obviously Zero's doing. She tried to run but was forced up against the tree by an unknown pressure.

If she wasn't gonna take her clothes off then Zero will. Seeing her naked didn't bother him or peeked his interest the slightest. He was only focusing on getting 13 clothes to wear. "You can come out know." Zero said raising his palm to the young woman and closing it choking her slowly. She already played her part and now she is useless to the both of them.

"After this mission we can get pie and go one on of those dates that I've been hearing about." He said waiting on Anastasia to finish changing. The clothes he brought her might be a bit big but he hopes she'll by pass that and wear them. After all he did kidnap someone instead of killing them on the spot which was not his style of work.
XD Since our characters drink a lot we could just say we were to drunk to notice.
"Bravo Bravo!" Zero cheered walking towards 13. "You really know how to entertain your audience." He smiled looking around at the mayhem him and 13 were causing. Zero took a deep breath as if he was looking at a beautiful scenery. Well to him it was a work of art but to your average everyday person it was straight hell. The thought of raising more hell excited Zero signalling him to just go on a mindless rampage and kill civilians.

Before he could start his rain of horror he received a message from West a fellow and well trusted New Breed. Zero examined the text and images and closed his phone. "Ana! We have another mission and this time instead of finding money we have to actually kill someone to succeed in it. Follow me and we'll be on our way to the site to meet up with West." He stated retrieving his phone and responding to West's text. We're on our way.

He know he told 13 to follow him but he just always pocks her up and carries her so that's what he unconsciously did. Zero floated himself and her to the park and descended onto the ground so they wouldn't look too suspicious. Although him and 13 are well know for their chaos so its impossible to not recognize two shady characters. Plus 13 being painted in blood didn't help their cover so well. "West! We are here point out the targets from the photo and we'll get this party started!"

Awesome plot twist!
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.

:( Sowwie for holding u up I'll post sometime today.
After awhile of lingering in the back Zarr believed the souls of all the casualties should be reaped by now. He floated back to the roof of the cemetery building at a somewhat slow pace. It didn't matter if anyone sees him flying a good number of the people who attend the funerals were meta human anyways. Zarr grasped his scythe sheathing it onto his back. He looked back into the crowds of people noticing one of the heroes exiting the scene.

Zarr was thinking about following her but then that'd make him some sort of a stalker and being death isn't a great excuse to stalk someone. The hero is still mourning the lost of her friend so Zarr decided not to follow her. Well his decision changed quickly when he realized something. What if the thing responsible for one of the heroes death comes after her.

Zarr wasn't present at the fight to know what really happened so he had to just go with his hypothesis and believe the young hero might be targeted. Since he was guessing and it might not be true he was gonna keep his distance while he followed the young hero. Zarr flew in the direction Cinia went making sure to hide his presences. The last thing he needs is for the hero to be asking questions.

Zarr oddly followed the young hero for awhile. He was beginning to turn around and head back until he noticed her speed in movement increasing. Before he could catch back up with her she had already changed into her costume. "What was that...?" Zarr asked himself as he caught a quick glimpse of what Cinia was chasing. He sped up and tried his best to keep his distance as Cinia chased the mysterious creature.

Soon Zarr came upon a warehouse and the young hero disappeared. Instantly he heard sounds of....chickens....was he going insane. No! Again he heard chickens. Zarr ignored the clucks and slowly floated to a window of the warehouse to spectate what was going on. When he reached the window Zarr saw the young hero cornered by mountain lions. They're just mere animals how was it hard for a superhero to defeat a couple of lions. Well it didn't matter she was in danger and as a protector of mankind he had to step in. Zarr calmly levitated over to Cinia descending in front of her. "Bad! Stop! Why aren't you in the mountain biome anyways?!" Shouted Zarr as he swung his scythe sending heavy pressures of wind in the mountain lions direction.
"Rum!" Rie shouted as he ran to Simona to receive his lunchbox. "Sorry dude but our contest is gonna have to wait!" He shouted looking back in Angelo's direction. Rie would hands down would enjoy another drinking contest but instead of downing down the ships supply of rum why not drink the islands bars out of business instead. Rie laughed himself at the thought of that. There might even be some places he can train on this island. "Finally! Land! I can train and drink as much booze as I want to!"
I can be a bad guy but I don't know about being the Demon Lord unless the Demon Lord can be a silly person.
"Tell that to Frankenstein!" Rie shouted banding on Steadman's door again. He walked away from the door putting his hands into his pockets. "I'll get him when he comes out." Rie stated walking back to the deck. "Morning!" He greeted to anyone who heard him. Rie looked at the sky taking a deep breathe noticing...seagulls. "Hey Dawn isn't your job to tell us when land is in view?" He asked eyeing the girl. Knowing her she probably didn't say it loud enough for everyone on board to hear. "Maybe try to speak up okay...?" Rie asked in the nicest way he knew which still sounded almost like a demand. He examined the deck and found Angelo. "Hey! Angelo you feel like having a drink!?" Rie asked walking over to him. Angelo was like Rie's drinking buddy. Rie also liked to bring up drinking every time he runs into Angelo because of the little fiasco with him attempting to sneak into the ships rum stash.
Rie was in the middle of one of his regularly scheduled naps. He needed all the sleep he could get so could be at his best when someone challenges him to a fight. Well that might not happen due to a spontaneous boom that quickly awakenee Rie. "What the hell!" He shouted jumping to his feet and grabbing his sword sheathing it. Rie looker around seeing how calm his surroundings were. If they're not under attack this could only mean one thing.

"Steadman!" Rie shouted running to his quarters of the ship. When he reached Steadman's room he stopped knocking angrily on his door. "Steadman!! What in the hell are you doing in there!?" Rie banged on his door a little harder. He wasn't kill someone angry but more like why did you do this angry. It didn't matter when Rie gets his hands on Steadman there will be hell.
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