Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

"Ehhhhh it just had to be a dude." Emmett powered down and walked in the opposite direction. "I'm watching the rest of this cause I promise you if his tongue touch another part of my body I'm gonna turn into a drunk!" He shouted sitting in some grass. "Yay! Beat his ass Nyra!" Emmett cheered clapping. If this alien dude was right then they're fucked if they don't have the metal he's talking about. "Wait! We should try and find the metal this....ehhh is talking about!"
;^; Poor Emmett is probably scarred for the rest of his life.
"So.....it's a dude....." Emmett lifelessly said. He looked at the ground for a good moment and looked back up at Katze. His eyes were now purple and nearly inflamed. "T-this guy kised me!!!!! I did lots of weird shit while being drunk but this is not on the list!!!!" He shouted roughing up his hair a bit to try and wrap his head around the situation. "You have to die now!" Emmett continued opening his palm towards Katze. What he was about to do was dodgeable with the speed Katze has but if it does hit it'd hopefully hurt like hell. "Pulse!" Emmett shouted about a couple of times to summon forth a countless amount of beams aimed at Katze. The shots fired were really reckless so it would be best if his comrades stand clear.
"Your pretty fast...." Emmett said as Katze vanished from his site. What disturbed Emmett was the fact that the gender of the creature was still unknown to him so him being lick instantly sent chills down his spine. Not even taking a second thought in the matter and teleported away from the mysterious gender monster. "Look.... I..don't swing...that way...or do...I..wait No! What the hell are you!?" Emmett asked pointing his finger at Katze. It tried to seduce him so it had to be a chick..right?

Emmett looked around and his eyes came across Myra. "Aha!" He shouted teleporting behind her and bending down to whisper in her ear. "Hey! Look help me and I'll do what ever you ask of me after this fight. I need you to ask that Katze person if its a chick. Okay!? You got this I'm right behind you!" Emmett said pushing her in the direction of Katze. He'd attack again but he didn't want to risk his sexuality being caught in the cross fire. I mean come on a dude wouldn't lick another guy unless...it wanted too. What the hell is it anyways for all Emmett know its saliva could be poison.
"Damn what ever has the balls to ruin a party is about to get the living shit beat outta of it!" Emmett shouted from his office putting vest back on. Its not that he want to look formal its just he felt better kicking someone's ass in a suit. He ran out of his office. "Sorry I would bring you ladies along but there's an ass whooping in progress!" Emmett shouted vanishing into thin air. Teleporting the group with him would of been a smart idea but he was to busy getting hyped about kicking some butt.

Emmett appeared in Arrow Park. As if it was movie the villian introduced himself seconds before his arrival. "Hey Mr. Almighty Katze!" Emmett said in a little playful voice. "I'll be your chauffeur to prison.....or hell." He said bowing to Katze like a butler. "Choose wisely..." Emmett lightly said under his breathe before vanishing again. In the blink of an eye Emmett was gone and then just a few feet away from Katze pointing his index finger at him. "Oh and one more thing...welcome to Earth!" He shouted firing a pretty strong beam from his finger. It's strength was set to be a bit more fatal then a bullet.
Emmett laughed. "I won't forget but I guess it is best if I did tell you." He pulled up to his desk and pointed to the seat that faced his desk. "Sit it's a lot I have to tell you about this c-" He was interrupted by a familiar voice. "....really....if that's Leon I swear every recruit out there....." He stood walking to the door. "Well looks like the man of the hour is here you'll have to come back later for the information on the case I was on." He exited his office bending down to get pass the door as usual. "Hey! Leon! How's it going buddy!" Emmett happily greeted his old friend. When he got close enough he hugged Leon picking him up off the floor a couple of feet and then letting him go. " Like always I have drinks so go wild and you better hurry up before I get to them." Emmett laughed grabbing another beer and heading back to his office.
Before he headed back to the HQ he took a pit stop at a gas station and bout a couple of six back of beers. This was a party after all and what is a party with out a couple of boozes. Emmett knows there are a couple of workers at the agency that wasn't old enough to drink but he's positive they know right from wrong. Even if they did drink Emmett would look the other way or he might just even support the under age drinkers actions.

As Emmett thought of what the welcome back party will be like he drove to HQ. He's sure Leon wouldn't mind him drinking it was a party celebrating his return after all. Emmett parked his car and entered the HQ holding the two six pack of beers into the air. "Guess who's back!!!" He happily shouted placing the drinks down on a table. For now he'll have to hold off on what happened to the teenage girl and enjoy the welcoming party. "I'll be in my office tell me when the big guy get here." Emmett said grabbing a beer and walking into his office plopping down into his chair. He left his office door open so he could hear someone signal him of Leon's arrival.

Damian Stone



Original Rank:

Weapon before it was shattered:

Yin-Yang Gauntlets that gave Damian super strength.

Current Weapon:

Bladed brass knuckles that realses heat gusts of wind strong enough to rip through metal like paper.

Specialized Enhancement:

Damian was born into a family full of gifted close range fighters. Many knew he was gonna reach the top ranks in no time and he did. What shocked his family and supporters the most was when his weapons was shattered. He could reattain them but he had to reach his pervious level before the shattering of his weapon. It will be tough but lucky he was gifted with another weapon that excels in close combat.
I'll post mines up in a bit.
As Emmett walked back to his office his phone buzzed. His phone has been pretty active this week and it wasn't his none existing girl friend or wife worrying about him. It was the police. Emmett closed his office door and sat at his desk listening to what the cops had to say. The call needed and Emmett stood from his chair exiting his ofofe once again although this time he was wearing his suit. "There's been another suspicious disappearance give Leon my regards." Emmett said leaving the building and heading to his midnight black smart car.

Emmett drove to the home of the teenager who disappeared not to long ago. Usually the regular authorities would handle minor things like kidnappings but the kidnappings that's been happening the past weeks hadn't been normal. The police were having a serious hard time finding traces of the kidnapper at the scenes of the crimes. He arrived at the home instantly being surrounded by cops, cameras and some frightened locals. Emmett ignored most of then since he know why he was called. Has the same job like he did at every other crime scene. Use his abilities to uncover what the human eye can't.

Emmett entered the house in question and searched top to bottom. The cops told him that the last place the kidnapped teen's parents remembered her going was to the bathroom. Emmett closed the blinds and closed the bathroom door. He turned the lights off looking around the dark room.

His eyes began glow a bright purple as the foot prints in the bathroom were now visible to him. "What the hell!" Emmett shouted a bit. There were only on set of foot prints in the bathroom....but that isn't what got Emmett so freaked. The bathtub was decorated with what looked like the tracks of a over sized snake. The tracks led to outside which wouldn't be much help since Emmett's little ability only works in the dark

"This case is closed for now!" Emmett said exiting the building. The surrounding citizens weren't to happy to hear what he said but there wasn't much Emmett could do at the moment. If it was night time when the kodnapping took place then tracking down the suspect would of been much easier for him. Emmett hoped back into his car and drove back to head quarters keeping the disappearance of the teenage girl on his mind.
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