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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Damn what ever has the balls to ruin a party is about to get the living shit beat outta of it!" Emmett shouted from his office putting vest back on. Its not that he want to look formal its just he felt better kicking someone's ass in a suit. He ran out of his office. "Sorry I would bring you ladies along but there's an ass whooping in progress!" Emmett shouted vanishing into thin air. Teleporting the group with him would of been a smart idea but he was to busy getting hyped about kicking some butt.

Emmett appeared in Arrow Park. As if it was movie the villian introduced himself seconds before his arrival. "Hey Mr. Almighty Katze!" Emmett said in a little playful voice. "I'll be your chauffeur to prison.....or hell." He said bowing to Katze like a butler. "Choose wisely..." Emmett lightly said under his breathe before vanishing again. In the blink of an eye Emmett was gone and then just a few feet away from Katze pointing his index finger at him. "Oh and one more thing...welcome to Earth!" He shouted firing a pretty strong beam from his finger. It's strength was set to be a bit more fatal then a bullet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra sighed when Emmett left. Why couldn't he just teleport them with him. She walked outside and started to loosen up. Transforming took some time, but it would be the fastest way to get to the park. Nyra began the process. She didn't like to think about what was going on, but she had to. She listed it in her head; first the scales, then the bones and muscles, and so on. Once she was finished, she leaped into theair and flew to the park. Nyra circled above, taking in the scene below her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Dimitri moved seamlessly with a crowd of people that made their way towards Arrow Park. It seemed that even in the face of annihilation that human curiosity could not be overridden. There were a few police officers trying to cordon off the entrance to the park and usher people back to where ever they'd come from, however with the oblivious people in the back of the crowd trying to push forward as those in the front pushed back, all that happened was a bit of a stalemate, one that left more than a few people on the ground. Dimitri muscled his way through the group, using a bit of his true strength to knock anyone too slow out of the way. After a while, Dimitri managed to get up front, wherein he put his small stature and young features to work: "Michael? Michael!" He called out frantically whilst swiveling his head around frantically. One of the officers took notice of this and came over to investigate. Dimitri's pitched his voice a little higher, forcing it to crack like the voice of someone who was undergoing puberty would as he called out again. "Hey kid, you can't be here, it's too dangerous." The officer stated as he came to the edge of the cordon.

Dimitri looked to the officer and shook his head, "I can't go! My little brother's in there!", "In the park? We cleared everyone out son." "No no no no, I would've seen him in the crowd! He would've called out to me!". The officer shook his head and reached out to pat Dimitri on the shoulder, "Look kid I-" "Wait! Maybe he's at the nature center!". Before the officer could touch him, Dimitri wiggled underneath the cordon zone and took off into the park, taking a sharp left as he entered the front gate so as to avoid the commotion in the center. The police officer cursed and looked to his comrades for assistance, however as they all had their hands full with the crowd, he was forced to chase after Dimitri on his own. The wendigo darted into the woods, intending on keeping both himself and the policeman hidden from the public eye. ""Will you walk into my parlor?" Said the spider to the fly. " Dimitri muttered under his breath as he heard the officers stumble after him into the woods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Emmett appeared in Arrow Park. As if it was movie the villian introduced himself seconds before his arrival. "Hey Mr. Almighty Katze!" Emmett said in a little playful voice. "I'll be your chauffeur to prison.....or hell." He said bowing to Katze like a butler. "Choose wisely..." Emmett lightly said under his breathe before vanishing again. In the blink of an eye Emmett was gone and then just a few feet away from Katze pointing his index finger at him. "Oh and one more thing...welcome to Earth!" He shouted firing a pretty strong beam from his finger. It's strength was set to be a bit more fatal then a bullet.

As Katze noticed Emmett he smiled "Good a worthy prey!" He thought to himself "I'll be your chauffeur to prison.....or hell. Choose wisely" Emmett said "OMG like Kk I've always wanted to see an earth prison? I've wondered if one could hold someone such as myself?" Katze said as he saw Emmett vanish then appear directly in front of him. "Oh and one more thing...welcome to Earth!" Emmett said as he shot the purple beam at Katze who instantly turned to smoke. A sinister laugh was heard as the smoke flew behind Emmett and reformed into Katze who was holding Emmett's arm up and began to lick his neck seductively. "I like you! You'll provide a lot of fun for me." He whispered into Emmett's ear seductively.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra noticed the stranger by Emmett and swooped down, landing gently. She growled at the person, a warning. If he didn't get away from the enderman, she would attack. She flared her wings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Your pretty fast...." Emmett said as Katze vanished from his site. What disturbed Emmett was the fact that the gender of the creature was still unknown to him so him being lick instantly sent chills down his spine. Not even taking a second thought in the matter and teleported away from the mysterious gender monster. "Look.... I..don't swing...that way...or do...I..wait No! What the hell are you!?" Emmett asked pointing his finger at Katze. It tried to seduce him so it had to be a chick..right?

Emmett looked around and his eyes came across Myra. "Aha!" He shouted teleporting behind her and bending down to whisper in her ear. "Hey! Look help me and I'll do what ever you ask of me after this fight. I need you to ask that Katze person if its a chick. Okay!? You got this I'm right behind you!" Emmett said pushing her in the direction of Katze. He'd attack again but he didn't want to risk his sexuality being caught in the cross fire. I mean come on a dude wouldn't lick another guy unless...it wanted too. What the hell is it anyways for all Emmett know its saliva could be poison.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita took a slow deep breath while putting her drink and glass down before stretching her neck to the point where it cracks and then stretching her arms a bit, "Honestly, this is what I call a party." And with that Kita instantly dashed out into the streets. She skidded up to her motorcycle parked by the building and hopped on it with a flip, twisting the handlebar with no second to waste while accelerating like a dart down the street and maybe even zoom past Leon's car. Going over the speed limit she vroomed and swerved around corners, because it's not like she can get a speeding ticket if it's for work let alone an emergency. Within a matter of minutes Kita makes an arrival to the park that hosts the scene of the day. Emmett and Nyra made it there before her, and there was this weird looking guy getting way too close to Emmett. Kita twisted the handlebar slightly to speed up a little before skidding her motorcycle sideways to a stop behind the stranger at least three feet away from him. As Kita's motorcycle did come to a quick and harsh stop she thrusted her right arm with an open, loose but structured hand, towards the stranger as black lightning surged from her shoulder down her arm to her hand. No, she didn't shoot. But she was ready to if she had to. Kita figured that words didn't have to be said judging how Nyra's growling and wing flaring has said enough. Though, Emmett did just teleport away. But she still kept her arm up at the...whatever...or whoever...this person is. The blue-eyed demon internally readied herself to think fast and make quick movements if necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra chuckled and turned back into her human form. She stepped towards the thing. "Um, hello! I guess welcome! May I ask what are you?" She tried to be polite as possible, but this person started to weird her out. Still, Emmett would do anything she asked, so it was worth it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Like OMG, more people have come!" Katze said as he now see's Kita and Nyra ready to attack him as Emmett teleported away from him. Leon arrived as he exits his car and draws his sword. "Better get the Garo Armor right off the bat." He said as he raised his sword into the air drawing the circle. When Leon drew the circle nothing had happened and the Garo Armor did not appear. "What the hell? What's going on? Why can't I summon it?!" Leon said as he panicked "Sadly it is the end of Garo." said a voice. "What do you mean?" Leon asked looking around to find the person. "However, everyone has a power that is concealed deep within." said a voice behind Leon as he turned around to find a tall(maybe taller then Emmett) man in a kimoto and a red and black stripped scarf around his neck and a longer piece of fabric around his waist of the same color. "Who the heck are you?" Leon said panikced "Only those who realize that they possess this power will awaken to their greater purpose." The man said as he begun to reach towards Leon. ""Blue wing's that have yet to soar...Awaken!" He says as his hand goes straight through Leon's chest though not piercing the skin as Leon cries out in pain. "Spread your as-of-yet invisible wings... Thy name is, Gatchaman!" The man says as he pulls out a strange blue notebook Leon is left on the ground as the notebook is laying on his chest and the tall man no where in sight.

-Back near the middle of the park-

"Um, hello! I guess welcome!" Nyra said as Katze looked towards her "Yes yes hihi little earth ant." Katze said in a bored tone "May I ask what are you?" Nyra asked "Oh well lol omg! I am Katze Bergeoune and I'm an alien from the second galaxy next to yours. I've come here since I already destroyed all the good planets in my galaxy, gg me, and I've come to destroy earth and any other galaxy!" Katze said "Oh and to answer the main part of your little Q&A I'm a manly man lmfao! That tall one is a real cutey!" Katze said licking his lips.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra's eyes widened. She crossed her arms and glared at the alien. "First of all. That is not manly. Second. Emmett prefers women. Third. You can't destroy this galaxy. We won't let you." Nyra glowed a hot blue, turning back into her dragon form. She spread open her wings and roared at him, blue fire embers spraying out some.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"So.....it's a dude....." Emmett lifelessly said. He looked at the ground for a good moment and looked back up at Katze. His eyes were now purple and nearly inflamed. "T-this guy kised me!!!!! I did lots of weird shit while being drunk but this is not on the list!!!!" He shouted roughing up his hair a bit to try and wrap his head around the situation. "You have to die now!" Emmett continued opening his palm towards Katze. What he was about to do was dodgeable with the speed Katze has but if it does hit it'd hopefully hurt like hell. "Pulse!" Emmett shouted about a couple of times to summon forth a countless amount of beams aimed at Katze. The shots fired were really reckless so it would be best if his comrades stand clear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra jumped into the air when she saw Emmett pulsing. She hissed at him but then turned her focus on Katze. She roared again, sending a flume of blue fire at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita's glare slowly transitioned to a shocked but unamused look, even though there's really nothing to be unamused at, "Wait...that's a dude? That's...A DUDE? DUUUUUUUDE." Kita then recalled what Emmett just shouted, "And he did what?!" Well then, it's probably been a few seconds and Kita has already missed a bunch, hasn't she? Kita caught the glimpse of Emmett opening his palm and knew what that meant, so she turned her motorcycle a little to the side and dashed it away for a little distance before jumping off it into the air leaving the motorcycle running on it's own. Hopefully it doesn't crash. It better not crash. She twisted in the air to face the so-called alien when he was being blasted by Emmett's pulsing and Nyra's blue fire. Kita joined in the team attack by shooting a crackling strike of black lightning from her surging hand/arm while still in the air. This'll be something if Katze doesn't get hit by at least one if these attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris was just really confused at what was happening at the park, and I only made her uncomfortable when she heard that thing was a guy.... And he was planing to kill everyone on the planet. Eris opened the voice channels in to everyone's ear pieces and started talking in a slow deliberate voice "Ok I assume that everyone who's just heard that knows we need to either contain that bastard or kill him before he ends us all correct?". The screens lit up with different view points of the agents in the field, except Leon since Eris didn't get to give him his new one. The barrage of attacks surprized Eris especially coming from Emmett, "he must be pretty mad"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katze gave a sinister chuckle as Emmett reacted to him saying he was a dude. He looked at Emmett in confusion suddenly after "But, you already tried your pulse-thingy and it didn't work. Why try again?" Katze said as Emmett's pulse, Nyra's blue fire, and Kita's black lightning came into contact with him causing a huge explosion and a giant dust cloud to form. A sinister laugh filled the air as the dust began to twist into a tornado as it shrunk and formed back in to Katze. "Tada! Like omg that was some good attacking you three but it was no use! You see my body is made of a smoke-like substance that can't be harmed by anyone except a special metal! In other words I am invicible! GG me" Katze said as he giggled and stuck his tongue out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra growled, seeing that all three attacks didn't achieve anything. A special metal? What metal? Her eyes lit up with rage and she swooped down at Katze, fangs and claws out. They had to subdue him before the real chaos starts. If she has to keep fighting him, she will.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Atlas continued to watch as the agents immediately engaged the being upon arriving at the park, the dragon must be a new recruit.

meanwhile the Illyrian had arrived at the facility, it's name didn't matter that's not what atlas is after, he'd wanted to do this quietly but with Ghost watching the events at the park and without knowing how long the distraction would last he'd have to go quick. Illyrian broke through one of the side windows and headed toward the techlabs, it was going well until he rounded a corner into a security guard, he died quick but the one down the hall sounded the alarm, Illyrian took out his rifles and shot the guard before continuing through the corridor. he fought through a few more guard before coming to a door with a computer-lock. "suppose that was to be expected" he put one rifle away and started hacking the door panel.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ehhhhh it just had to be a dude." Emmett powered down and walked in the opposite direction. "I'm watching the rest of this cause I promise you if his tongue touch another part of my body I'm gonna turn into a drunk!" He shouted sitting in some grass. "Yay! Beat his ass Nyra!" Emmett cheered clapping. If this alien dude was right then they're fucked if they don't have the metal he's talking about. "Wait! We should try and find the metal this....ehhh is talking about!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri delved further and further into the park with his soon to be victim, making sure to give the alien being and the agency members that began to square off against it a wide berth. A few sounds that sounded a bit too much like explosions confirmed Dimitri's suspicions that he'd made the right move. "Kid, STOP! This isn't a safe place for you to be!" The officer called out somewhat exhaustedly behind him. Dimitri smirked as he obliged the policeman, coming to a full stop just a bit too abruptly to be considered normal before hunching over. The officer caught up, and paused to catch his breath before marching over to Dimitri and grabbing the wendigo by his shoulder. "We're going back right now! I already told you that your kid brother would be out of the park. I could arrest you for disobeying an order from an officer you know!" He grunted as he roughly spun Dimitri around. Dimitri snarled with glee as he shot back up and used the momentum to lash out at the officer, raking the man across the throat with the claws he'd sprouted from his finger tips.

The policeman's eyes widened, he released Dimitri and attempted to gasp, ending up with a throat full of blood for his troubles. The wendigo didn't stop there, he quickly removed his shirt and roughly pushed the human onto the ground, doing his best to avoid splattering blood too much as he ripped chunks out of the man's throat. Skin, trachea, vertebrae, all where ripped away and devoured by the ravenous wendigo until the head was messily severed from the rest of the body. The police officer's radio cracked to life as Dimitri rummaged through the pockets of the corpse, coming away with three things: The first was a small pen like tool, like the sorts used to break car windows in an emergency, the second, a pen, and the third, a receipt. Dimitri would've preferred a note pad, however so long as it was paper it would do. The officer's radio crackled to life as Dimitri carried the supplies and the officer's head to a nearby tree, and held the head up. "Let's see. If I recall he was about two feet shorter than my real body..." Dimitri said as he measured how high up he'd need to jump. It took a minute or two, but when Dimitri was confident he could leave his note at the right height the wendigo jumped up and jammed the window tool through the head and hard into the wood behind it. He nodded with approval before scribbling a note that read 'Agency officers must be this tall to ride' onto the reciept and shoving it into the head's mouth. His almost finished, Dimitri licked away the blood on his hands before donning his shirt and trotting back over to the corpse to finish his little set up. Dimitri pressed the call button on the radio with a claw, "If you're looking for your fellow officer i'm afraid he's not going to answer any time soon. You can find him in the east side of the park." he growled before releasing the button.

His work done, Dimitri stood and took off further into the woods. This was once his turf, and he still knew most of the secret entrances that dotted the park. It wouldn't be too hard to get out undetected, and with the alien intruder preoccupying the A.C.D.A. officers his little gift probably wouldn't catch their attention until he was long gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Khala looked through a vent grate at the park. She could see smoke and fire, hearing about some alien from the people passing by. Khala smirked, poking her fingers through the bars, feeling the sunshine. This is a perfect situation. The agency she has heard about wouldn't have time to hunt her. She could hunt as much as she liked now. She pulled her fingers back when she saw a person walk by, but they didn't notice. Khala hissed. Maybe she could hunt openly at night. Or should she stay hidden, like all of her hunts? Decisions, decisions...
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