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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita landed with a knee and fist to the ground and looked up at Katze, only to see that absolutely none of the attacks were able to do a thing. Kita gritted her teeth, "Fuckin' 'ell!" she yelled out. Ok. Special metal. What the hell could that be? And considering this guy's an alien, is it even a metal anyone can access on earth? Kita glanced at Emmett when he stated that whatever the metal is should be found; an obvious objective. Thing is, where to start? Kita wanted to think fast, so she did. "I'm gonna start a process of elimination!" Kita shouted out. She crossed her arms in a wide X-position with her hands in a position like tiger claws as two blood red circles with stars in it appears in the air right in front of her hands to summon a bronze sword for her left hand and then an iron one for her right hand. Weak material swords, yes, but Kita was going somewhere with this. Since there's nowhere to start, she might as well start with the basic metals they know of. Kita totally had her doubts that these metals would even be anything close, but it wouldn't matter if it's not the right metal because they have to hold off Katze anyway; at least two things will sort of be in progress. Kita grinds the swords together while doing a scissor slash with the swords in the air in front of her before she flips the bronze sword in her left hand to hold it backhanded. Kita then straight out dashes at Katze, expecting him to attack first for her to dodge and counter. If Katze doesn't do that, for whatever reason, Kita will have to improvise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Tsk Tsk" Katze said as he wagged his finger at Kita. "It's no use trying to find it as it cannot be mined from any known planet or galaxy." He said "Even so I can't let you just keep doing what you want, it's very annoying!" Katze said as he poofed back into the smoke and formed behind Kita who was picked up and thrown at Nyra. "Here's a little present sweetheart!" Katze said as he threw Kita.

-Near Leon-

"Hey wake up! Wake up!" said a female voice as Leon began to regain consciousness. "S-Suzume?" He said as he thought he saw Suzume but he realizes that Suzume is still at the agency. "Who are you?..." Leon asked as he noticed the notebook near him "...and what is this?" he added "Sorry! No time to waste! We have to save your friends!" the girl says as she points to Kita, Emmett, and Nyra. "Emmett! Kita! Nyra! Why are they being overpowered?" Leon asked worrying about his friends "Your friends won't be able to touch Katze without they're NOTE being brought out!" She said. "Now follow my lead! she added as she pulled out a similar notebook but pink. "Bird...Go!" the girl says as two glowing rings one top and bottom as they meet in the middle and disperse now the girl has a pink armor with what looks like cat ears on top. The eyes on the helmet lit up as the girl sprints towards Katze and clotheslines him sending him flying into a tree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nyra yelped when she saw Kita in her path. She drew back her wings, trying to stop, but she had too much momentum. Nyra slammed into Kita, but moved so that she wouldn't land on top of her, but instead break her fall. She rolled to the ground, stopping on her back. She nudged Kita from her wings and stood back up. She turned, noticing Katze was hit into a tree. Nyra chuckled, seeing the all-mighty Katze hurt. She jumped over to him and growled
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Emmett teleported in front of Nyra and Kits and starred eyeing Katze with a really unfriendly glare. "I don't like you throwing a lady.... especially when that lady is a friend of mines..." Emmett's eyes were ignited almost as if it was a purple flame pooring out of his eyes. He was pretty angry. Not even logic stopped him in his tracks. His teeth became sharper and began to slotch over a bit. He was aiming to rip Katze to shreds if he ever gets his hands on the bastard. Not much can stop Emmett when he got like this so it would be best if someone knocked him unconscious to avoid being caught in his rampage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Atlas had made it through the door now, the hack was successful and the door opened, once inside he quickly found the core he was looking for, it wasn't much but it could power Toutasis. he locked the core onto his back and drew his rifles again as he made his way out of the facility and took off bound for his hideout

Meanwhile at Arrow park Atlas's ghost chassis continued to watch the fight, it seemed the fight was reaching it's peak with a new armored fighter appearing and the enderman throwing a tantrum. even though he'd gotten the core now ghost stayed to watch the fight, he wanted to get an idea of what these new faces could do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri whistled a low tune as he came to a large tree that hung slightly over one of the park's walls. By far this was definitely one of the more conspicuous entry ways to the park, however given what was currently taking place he didn't feel the need to use one of the more discrete exit points. The wendigo patted the tree's rough exterior and began to clamber up, however he paused when he heard a raspy sound like the hiss of a snake or the rustling of dry leaves somewhere behind him. Dimitri looked back and scanned the tree line, his eyes faintly glowed for a fraction of a second before he shrugged and continued his ascent.

Once he reached a point where he could jump over the walls Dimitri cautiously skittered across some of the thinner branches, pausing and hiding amongst the leaves whenever he saw someone pass by. After the coast was clear Dimitri jumped onto the lip of the fence before flipping onto the ground below. "Stuck the landing!" He joked to himself as he took the somewhat Y shaped stance of a gymnast who'd just preformed for the judges. A passerby gave Dimitri an odd look, however he paid no heed to it, rather he began his trek back home, moving at a leisurely pace as he imagined what sort of response his little gift would get later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kita narrowed her eyes into a glare as Katze sort of made it sound like she was an idiot. Kita saw it coming though so it didn't faze her. She mostly expected that the metals she picked out wouldn't be the one; it was a total long-shot. But that only helps complete the process of elimination now, doesn't it? When Katze poofed into smoke it took Kita awhile to realize what he was doing, but she didn't realize soon enough to counter. She attempted to swing a sword horizontally behind her but the swing didn't even make it halfway when she was grabbed and tossed towards Nyra. As she was spiraling in the air she threw her swords towards Katze at the right moment. Well, towards him yes but since it would really have no effect on him it's not like she tried to aim. She threw them more like a distraction; not like it would work. The two swords landed stabbed through the grass before they poof into tiny floating red particles, being 'un-summoned'. After slamming into Nyra and winding up on the ground, Kita gets up after being nudged by Nyra's wing just in time to see Katze get sent flying into a tree. Heh. Look who just got tossed now. Kita watched Nyra jump at Katze before she could ask her if she's alright. Welp, she looks alright. It wasn't that long until Kita noticed Emmett slouched over. Kita watched him for a few seconds before cussing under her breath; she almost knew where this was going. Kita rushed up to behind Emmett and stopped about a foot away from him, "Emmett!" she yelled out to him in an admonishing tone, the warning kind. She didn't want to get physical with Emmett, but considering that the only thing that can touch Katze is whatever just him and Nyra is right beside Katze where she can get caught up in the riot Kita was concerned that things might not go well. Kita stood there ready to make a move, keeping an eye on Emmett but watching Nyra and Katze at the same time back and forth between the three.
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