Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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\o3o/ Hope I did okay Almighty GM's!
Kenneth(Kenny) Belle


"I'm like 007 reborn but even better!!!"




Note: Every projectile fired only harms the target magically. The most it can do is cause someone to go limp or collapse from lost of magical usuage. The size and fire rate depends on how much energy each projectile eats away at the targets magic. It is also somewhat similar in hand to hand. When struck by Kenney the opponent would suffer lost of magical energy not quickly though but everytime Kenney comes in contact with them.

Artillery Manipulation
Kenny has the ability to equip or unequip any firearm at will. Although depending on the weapons size there's a certain amount of time and magic he has reserved for each weapon. As of now he can dual wield pistols and a sniper. The sniper has recoil which effects him now but won't effect him much later on once he becomes more experienced. Due to inexperience after firing his sniper recoil kicks in and the sniper would automatically unequip. 15 minutes is the recoil time. As he become more experience he will be able to use more firearms.

Hand to hand combat
As of now Kenny has a medium grasp of hand to hand combat only mastering in karate, being above average in Muay Thai and beginning M.M.A. on some occasions he would use bras knuckles.

Kenney is physically fit and is flexible enough to do flips and other types of maneuvers, parkour mainly being one.

How you could work in a team:
Rearguard, support.

Kenney is a straight up comedian and loves to crack a joke once in awhile. He likes to see himself as a serious hitman even though the smallest of things can make him laugh. Besides being a bad ass hitman he's a bit protective of his friends so him unconsciously pointing a gun in someone's face will be common if a friend of his is spoken badly of.

No one really knows but if you were to ask Kenney he'd lie and say he's born in a family of assassins and mercenaries which he's not completely lying but would stretch the truth a bit.

Would try to give all his friends a nick name even without their consent.
Ken entered the waiting room shoving an unhealthy amount of sweets into his mouth. Hopefully his human form was close enough to the humans. He sat floating in a corner devouring two sticks of cotton candy like it was air. Again hopefully floating in mid air is normal...Ken could of sworn he seen humans float before so him doing so shouldn't be to weird. He made sure to keep his power level a serious low to not draw attention. Knowing Ken he might just slack off and let his level surpass the human limit. As he finished the rest of his heart stopping sweets he slowly examined his potential matches. "Mmm there's a lot of tough opponents here." Ken says to himself. He smiled at the thought of his opponents taking his small human body for granted. Even though he wasn't gonna full heartedly participate he still wanted to put on a good show.
\o3o/ Done @manapool1

"Maybe if you smiled your problems will go away."


Kekkei Kai


Supreme Kai


Ken is a somewhat old kai who trained for must of his life in the realm of the Kai's. Some even saying his base power level rivaling frieza's second to last form. Although he is very strong he's not a take action type of kai and often is lazy. After getting somewhat bored with the kai realm Ken constructed a human vessel and resided to earth to explore its fascinating and mysterious landforms and species.

He's wild and often finds everything to be a joke. Even going as far as laughing or holding punches during a serious fight.

Fights, sweets, foods, and anything that strikes joy in the heart of humans.

Watching people die(since he can't interfere in situations that result in said person death) Full hearted evil people.

An invisible blast fired from the palms to stun the opponent for a few moments

Renzoku Energy Distortion
Ken fires five energy spheres in five different directions

Kekkei Rath
A similar blast to a super kamehameha but with both of his palms open instead of cupped.

The Kai's Last
Is a massivly chargee implosion that doesn't hurt Ken but devistates his surroundings.


Elder Kai

His ki color is green
I enjoyed the original way the first one went with everyone having ranks and having to battle other students to increase their ranks. I believe for the third revival of this rp we can put a limit on how many people can be apart of the council maybe 3-4 and everyone else can be ranks 11+ . ^-^ But then again @Eklispe had something planned, so I won't try to intrude.
*Crys* ;-; out of any super hero it was one of the most funniest and awesome teen titan ever bb.
I didn't notice. v.v but I bet when you do tell me I'm gonna hate myself for not knowing.
Seconds before Max reached the the descending pilot and chair he noticed a wave of energy sending the chair quickly back into the deeps of the water. "Woah..." He flew a bit faster towards to floating glowing sphere and stopped when he came in what you can call communication range. Max was quickly greeted by the mysterious woman and strangly enough he understood what she said. "Well..." Max wasn't sure if he was gonna tell her his identity or his hero name. "The name's Screw!" He happily shouted hopefully making her forget his long previous pause. "So what do I call you...Ms yellow lanteren?" Max asked hoping she was good and he didn't just save a villain. Its not that she looks evil its just yellow is not a friendly lanteren color thanks to Sinestro.
This has definitely caught my attention.
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