Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

Reese finally reached the site of the Supernatural Inn. It wasn't like he was tired it just took him a good minute to find the place. As he closed the gap between himself and the inn his bandana blew in the nonexistent wind. That would be impossible if he was just a mere mortal. Anyways Reese purposely caused his bandana to blow in the nonexistent wind. In his opinion it added a more godly effect to his humanish image. Soon reaching the entrance Reese came to a short hault literally stopping his hand inches away from the door. "Should I...?" He questioned himself. The last thing he wanted was for supernaturals to start bickering because of his uncontrollable negative influence. He stood in the same position for a good moment and decided to take the chance. For all he knows there could be beings inside the in that could counter his ability or not be effected by it at all. He knocked lightly hopefully getting the attention of someone. After all gods aren't allowed inside a home without permission from it's owner. Its an old law but being a Demi-God, Reese still played it safe. Not knowing he wore a cold stare aimed at who ever opened the door. Reese didn't intentionally do what he did. That was what you may call his relaxed face. Though a 5'7" person who looks like a hobo isn't very intimidating to begin with.
...I don't think I'm older than you....

Though it is three weeks until my birthday :)

EDIT: My profile photo defeats all other profile photos.

(。・ω・。) Unless someone comes to the rp with a One punch man profile pick.
I'll have Reese make his way there! (/^▽^)/ I'll post when I can Book-sensei or sama or senpai, or what ever you prefer!
:P Would I need a summary of what's going on or it's not that deep and I can just jump right in?
"Life...it shows you how cruel it can be so in return you should show it how corrupt you can become."

Gin Tattori

None, you must have friends to have a nickname in the first place.



Straight, rumors are often passed that would question his sexuality but he's straight.

Quiet, shy type of person. On first impressions he would come off as a cold hearted bastard but in all honesty he just isn't a people person or is to shy to reply. He doesn't put himself on a peddle stool and says he's better than others he'd rather be a commoner or someone that isn't special and is as normal as the next guy. But he isn't, his imagination gets the best of him every single moment boredom kicks in. That's his only chance to enjoy the true happiness of loneliness. If you were to some up his personality he'd be a lost puppy slowly giving up on the harsh world he roams in. Luckily this beautiful cookie isn't as lifeless as his first impression gives off. If your luckily enough you could befriend him and maybe even cause a smile to appear on his face.

Gin being from Japanese descent didn't give him a great start in the school life. To make matters worst the school he went to was even more terrible. Stereotyping and racial slurs was just the icing of the cake. At first every simple abusive word hurted Gin's feelings. He'd often cry or just skip classes that he knew would not end well for him. After a good four years of bullying in middle school Gin decided to just not care anymore. After that bullying and all the pervious problems he had before weren't so troubling. He didn't care to the point to were people stopped bothering him. A point to were people walked passed him as of he wasn't real or even there to begin with. In reality Gin seen this as a pro instead of a con and plans on continuing the rest of his highschool year like this.

Theme Song (Optional):
Last Resort by Papa Roach

Side Notes: (Optional):
Gin is 5'7" and dyed his bangs green. Secretly green is his favorite color. A easy way to become friends with Gin is through music. He likes Rock, Pop and the Metal genre.

"I just decided that he would be the best choice being older and maybe having more experience in the field than both of us. I'm not saying he's the perfect candidate but if someone would had to choose a leader for our little group he'd be more of a safer choice." Sean replied looking up at the ceiling. This chick they're doing this mission for better be somewhat attractive or Sean was seriously gonna be off his rocker.
Could I join! O(≧∇≦)O Hope you like emo type of characters!
First Name:

Last Name (Optional):

L.R. (a self given nickname that's short for Lord Reese, something that he hopes others would call him)

If asked he'd state he's 20 years old though that his truely super far from the truth. Reese won't reveal his true age but it is hinted to be at least 300.



Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time):
War Manipulation
Unlike his uncle, Ares, Reese only inherited the ability to be naturally, extremely skilled in all form of fighting, weapons and both strategy and tactics. Sadly he didn't inherit the skill of weappnary of this aspect. Though being a Demi-God he automatically receives inhuman strength, speed, etc.

Flight & Advanced healing

Not many gods have weaknesses but being the offspring of a lesser God rewards you with more of these defaults. One of them can cause Reese to go completely numb or unconscious if spoken.
Simple say....The spear and swan of the Goddess's image has disowned its offspring and their privilege.

Having ties to someone, like friend ship or loving another can cause him to become weaker by the second. Hurting said people or someone will have a serious opposite effect and will fuel Reese with more power.

Backstory (Optional):
Born the illegitimate child of Enyo, the lesser Goddess of War, Reese faced many problems. Not because he had to occasionally live up to his grandfathers name(Zues) but had to over come the harsh powers of his inherited power. He'd often cause people to fight or kill each other without him even trying. This caused him to be a nomadic god and roam until his abilities couldn't effect anyone anymore. His human blood and mortal body bound him to earth so unable to go to heaven he searched for a place to call home and came across the Supernatural inn.

Personality (Optional):
Prideful and gives off a serious attitude. He's a nice guy but has a hard time opening up to people since he could either cause them to gain hate for someone or weakening him by forming a bond with another. On some occasions he'll give someone an unconscious cold stare without him knowing. Reese tries his best to avoid any situations that causes him to revert to combat. This doesn't mean he'll turn down a challenge though doing this is probably the most effective way of getting Reese to agree to use his abilities in combat. That and to defend who he believes needs his defensive skills.

Outfit (Optional):
Wears baggy clothes that look like they was torn from a garbage bag and shaped to look like clothes. He usually wears shorts and shirtsleeve outfits. No matter what he wears he always wears his helmet. The way he dresses is a reference to his mother. How she goes into battle wearing only a helmet and her weapon by her side.

Theme Song (Optional):
Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab

Reese is 5'7", close to a century ago his left arm was ripped of by a beast of the heavens. Even though he reattached his limb scars for heavenly beast can't become completely undone. Thus the bite marks off said beast still remains on his arm.
To be safe ^^ I'm just gonna drop out.

O: Sure! I'll have the cs up when I get the chance to!
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