Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Belle was surprise that he was discovered that easily even with Arai's cloak. There's no wonder the elder gods fell to their offspring. Belle was about to release the cloak but felt his body relocate. It was an unusual feeling for a slight moment. As if he moved across the Earth at a speed he couldn't comprehend. He opened his eyes and his scenery was completely different. It didn't take him or his spirits long to notice that he was summoned, but how? This was the first he's ever seen a being similar to himself being summoned that wasn't from another dimension or Realm.

Belle would of quickly opened his books and began writing but the person that summoned him also grasps his attention. "You there how were you able to summon me for I must know so my book can receive this marvelous breakthrough!" Belle shouted walking towards Scott. Even if it turned out to be a regular summoning technique Belle still had something to write in his book. Ask him why are we here!

Nobu demanded which instantly snapped Belle out of his enthusiastic mode and quickly wen to his serious and emotionless mode. "Why am I here and please choose your words carefully." Belle spoke with a hint of threat in his words. "Belle don't drop your guard he's no ordinary user of magic." Arai warned Belle. He knew this plus he had the book on him so the stakes of the situation escalated way higher in Belle's case.

XD You Monster you kinaped him! Well they say if you want something so badly use a spell to kidnap it.
O: Why is everyone running. Get it dashing fellows.....*sits in a corner* v.v I'll be silent now.
:D Someone that's 8 feet! Reese has to meet him his reaction is gonna be the best.
"Damn." Belle cursed as he stopped lumps of meat soaked in blood laid slowly rottening. He chopped and ripped the undead child to the bone even snapping the bones to get different perspectives. "What type of disease is this?" Belle questioned sitting in a seat that was near the operation table. Arai looks at what was left of the child and shook his head. "And we're the ones that are insane." Belle ignored Arai and left to go clean himself up. Nobu still sat in a corner pissed about Belle's previous false claim. Sadly she had a small feeling that told her it was true. Anubis is dead and Nobu will never get to see her ancestor again.

Her thoughts where interrupted by Belle walking back into the room wearing his usual Egyptian getup. "Nobu I need your Alchemy Manipulation...." There was a brief silence before she vanished and Belle's eyes glowed a light purple. "You're a mistake to the chemical make up and must revert back to prim! He shouted causing the disassembled, mangled body parts to reattach until the the child's boy was completely restored. To Belle's disappointment the child was still a zombie. He killed the child as a zombie and wasn't able to restore it to human even in death.

"Not even Alchemy.....what have....they done...." Belle covered the body and began to pack putting his book in a backpack and throwing it over his back. Exiting through a hole and walking onto the sand Belle looked back the exit he took to leave his 'base' closed. His environment was pure desert probably the Sahara. "Belle I sense an enormously amount of Aether coming from one location." Arai stated looking in the direction he mentioned. Thanks to Nobu Belle noticed it as well. "Then that's where we're headed if I'm to get more information for my book we must go into the heart of this storm." With that Arai used his Dark manipulative abilities made Belle vanish with the deserts harsh winds transportering Belle to the location.

Zelo-kun :D Just make a flashy entrance and hop into the portal to confront Sven in a non lethal way or don't go in the portal :P and watch the mortals slowly die but wait there's more, you could probably work on a side plot if you can't get into the zombies but I'm just your friendly Creepypasta Guy you'll have to talk to the GM's on the side plots.
@Ace of flames01

My bad Ace-chan XD I'll notice your character the next time the gods have free time or something. :P I should have Belle talk to some of the mortal characters.
I just noticed that I flipped up! >~<
Oh well I made a serious mistake ignore my post!!!!!!
Reese was having second thoughts on going. He honestly had no choice but to help the mortals. But he couldn't bring anything to the table but his muscles and war tactics, which isn't that useful at the time being. Shaking off the excuses he entered the portal arriving on the first floor of Sven's laboratory. "Damn...its been awhile since I've been on Earth but I didn't expect them to progress so rapidly." Reese whispered to himself looking for a way up to the second floor. When he reached Sven's lab he notoced he wasn't the first to arrive which konda obviously by how many times he got lost. Hopefully he doesnt get stuck in a maze cause he does hes honestly dying in that maze. Reese waited near the door allowing hinself to be seen by Sven. He didnt say anyting though he did just leaned against the exit starring at the man who's succeeded in bringing the mortals to their knees.
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