Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts


Month One

Lysakr, Alfheimr
"I guess you can introduce me to this Hexblood after we complete this quest." Belle replied with a wide smile across his face. Scott putting out the campfire was a sign as its time to go again. He stood dusting himself off and awaited for Scoot to leave the way. Belle followed him having a full on conversation with Arai who decied to show himself after a close week of silence. "So this is a city within Alfheimr. I believed this place to be a wondrous site to behold." Belle looked at Arai and then back forward in the direction he was looking before. "It is, this is the beautiful cause of a war against the Merged and a reason why humans should remain on their good side.

Soon Scott led him to a path leading to a small settlement unscathed by the harsh effects of war. Belle nodded to Scott's warnings being more meticulous with his actions as they moved on. Not to shortly after his warnings Scotts movements became more slower and cautious. Belle couldn't see what he was seeing do to him being a few feet behind him. He walked closer to Scott trying his best to keep his movements silent. Seeing the unidentified object decorated with flames stumped Belle. He never seen something like that in his life. "What is it...?" Belle questioned Scott in a tone of a whisper. Even without a answer Belle could still tell that the creature would be some type of threat. Just in case escape wasn't possible Belle readied himself for a fight.

You did type a lot and DX stop your killing me with these cliffhangers ;~; keep saying thing.... Also if the humans are planning to rebel soon o3o would an android be one of their ways of achieving their rebellion?
@Slendy there was a picnic and crazy dude showed up and turned the bread into rabbits. Now Cia is totes jealous of Rhona for getting a lot of attention because she's weak. It's getting scurry mang at least it is for me XD

XD It sounds like the gods had a picnic and got drunk half way through it and started hallucinating.

D': My fingers how did u manage to type so much!

BTW What are the gods up to o3o have to get Reese back into the rp.
Month One

Lysakr, Alfheimr

It seems Scott was persuasive enough to get Belle to form some sort of partnership with him. He wouldn't mention it but he did enjoy the company that wasn't evil spirits repeatedly attempting to steal your soul. Awhile into his study of the tomes he recieved from Scott it seems his new companion stumbled across the books secret. Something Belle didn't want to worry about until at least one chapter was nearly complete. Scott has came this far and Belle wasn't gonna just leave him in the dark on the true intentions of the book. He briefly explained the books true purpose and promised him that he'd go into more detail when the time calls for him to.

Unable to get Scott's mind off the power source that could active the hidden abilities of the book Belle decided to help him. Assisting for finding an Earhtly power source and accompanying him on an expedition to find another way. Surprisingly the search lead them to Russia which was the most questionable moment between the two. After they left Russia and began packing for Lysakr, Alfheimr. Belle couldn't stop thinking about how in the hell did he get information about a realm related to The Yggdrasil Tree in Russia. He decided to hold off on the questions and be grateful to Scott. For he was about to venture into one of the cities that was rumored to taken one of the most devastating attacks of the War.

Belle was legit excited. His book about the Merged verses the Patheons would be more complete. Soon they arrived in Lysakr to find the Alfsteinn. The view was beautiful, the destruction, wondering constructs, the warn out and abandoned city was a breathe taking site in Belle's eyes. He over heard Scott speaking of the war and he blankly stared at the city before them. "I believe the screams and defeat of the weak that was once here would be pleasurable." Belle said emotionlessly searching for any signs of a temple or something resembling sacred ground. "They where afraid weren't they, so to avoid someone like an army to rush in and break it on mistake would only be possible if it wasn't hidden. So maybe the temple in under ground." Belle replied to Scott. Oddly he let out a small laugh and a smile to compliment it when Scott cause their things to roll down the ridge and him having to recover it with magic.
:'D You're a terrible person Archean-kun.
Nvm I didn't miss much! XD thought I did got scared there for little bit.
:D I know a summary is much but what's happening as of now? ^-^ If I don't deserve one I'll just start reading and hopefully figure out what's happening.
:D School started back up so I won't be able to post until later in the day.
:D Come on guys you all can procreate if you go to the outing! Hopefully banana-san meant it.
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