Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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Black Bear



Hair Color:

Eye Color:
A Really Dark Blue


If there's a brief moment of free time you can find Ozzy sleeping or just laying around. He does get enough sleep but he loves it so much that he sleep when he gets the chance to. While he's nearing the closing his eyes phase and then dosing off he often grabs the nearest thing and clings to it as if it were a teddy bear. This doesn't exclude people he'll reach out and if he gets ahold of you it's probably to late. The person he grabs might as well act like the best stuff animal they can be.

Ozzy comes from a type of bear that first thoughts on when met by a threat is to retreat unless there's a cub then they maul the enemy. Unlike his species Ozzy is very friendly and loves all his friends dearly. He doesn't often resort to violence but if he does it's most likely for an agreeable good reason. His friends sometimes turns out to be people he mistakenly grab and hold onto when he's sleeping. Yes that's an odd way to make friends but you can't get angry at a big soft guy.

When Ozzy was a cub he must of sleep when his pack started to move and was left behind. He wasn't aware that he was stranded so he went on in the complete opposite direction his pack went in. Soon he cane upon a small town that often had bears and forest animals pass through. Ozzy didn't know what possessed a human to raise a bear cub that's what happened when he crossed paths with a young married couple. The couple raised Ozzy as a human boy even though he had bear ears and a puffy sphere like tail. He grew up loving his human parents and siblings even if the rest of the town didn't like what was going on within their household.

To avoid the continues protests and small riots outside their home Ozzy decided that it would best if he leaved so the family could live in peace. Of course his human parents didn't like the thought of this but had no choice in the matter. Before he left his parents gifted him with a large teddy bear to remind him that he is dangerous but can still be the most nicest and softest animal he can be. With his loving memories of his human family Ozzy planned to go to school to become a veterinarian so he can help other animals like his parents did for him.

O: I was gonna say how but then you'd have to reveal a part of the movie and I haven't seen it yet! AHHH!!! I WANT TO BE HELPFUL!!!!
:P Thank You!




Black Bear



Hair Color:

Eye Color:
A Really Dark Blue


If there's a brief moment of free time you can find Ozzy sleeping or just laying around. He does get enough sleep but he loves it so much that he sleep when he gets the chance to. While he's nearing the closing his eyes phase and then dosing off he often grabs the nearest thing and clings to it as if it were a teddy bear. This doesn't exclude people he'll reach out and if he gets ahold of you it's probably to late. The person he grabs might as well act like the best stuff animal they can be.

Ozzy comes from a type of bear that first thoughts on when met by a threat is to retreat unless there's a cub then they maul the enemy. Unlike his species Ozzy is very friendly and loves all his friends dearly. He doesn't often resort to violence but if he does it's most likely for an agreeable good reason. His friends sometimes turns out to be people he mistakenly grab and hold onto when he's sleeping. Yes that's an odd way to make friends but you can't get angry at a big soft guy.

When Ozzy was a cub he must of sleep when his pack started to move and was left behind. He wasn't aware that he was stranded so he went on in the complete opposite direction his pack went in. Soon he cane upon a small town that often had bears and forest animals pass through. Ozzy didn't know what possessed a human to raise a bear cub that's what happened when he crossed paths with a young married couple. The couple raised Ozzy as a human boy even though he had bear ears and a puffy sphere like tail. He grew up loving his human parents and siblings even if the rest of the town didn't like what was going on within their household.

To avoid the continues protests and small riots outside their home Ozzy decided that it would best if he leaved so the family could live in peace. Of course his human parents didn't like the thought of this but had no choice in the matter. Before he left his parents gifted him with a large teddy bear to remind him that he is dangerous but can still be the most nicest and softest animal he can be. With his loving memories of his human family Ozzy planned to go to school to become a veterinarian so he can help other animals like his parents did for him.

This Fairy was putting up a good fight even if the odds seem to be stacked against her. Although she was probably trained in combat while Don just killed people and fought in a ruthless and careless matter. Which lead to the paper cut sized cut on his cheek. Instead of depending on his Reaper form to gain the upper hand Don went on the defensive and waited the Fairies next attack. "You're a pretty good fighter! I don't like how you're destroying my human shell though!" He shouted referring to his human like skin that was basically wrapped around his true form. Finding the Fairies locations wasn't challenging at all for Don and he even knew what he should block. Like just know light radiated from her as the distance between him and her was closed. Don quickly spun his scythe clock wise either to blow the fairy off track of attacking him or at least deflecting he attack in some way. He really didn't want to revert to using his ugly non tralala having form, but if she harms his human like skin again he's gonna have to use it without a choice.
:3 Is there a little room for one more?
XD Don is a picky Reaper who hasn't done it since he died! And his first attempt at Happy fun time will not be with a hooker! Its like you was put in the corner before getting a piece a candy and when you got off punishment a piece of candy that everyone licked was offered to you. v.v in the words of Don "Are you trying to get decapitated!?"
:D Don could be everyone's psychotic friend that helps them cheat death in exchange for dry humping! (。・ω・。) He doesn't have to fundle them of course but something equal of exchange! His tralala must be entertained!
I just honestly wanted a friend in the after life for Don :D he could of saved or something being a reaper and all.
:D *wears a sign that says 'I'm a reaper'* One day! Maybe I will be able to be helpful!
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