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I am going to make a former investigative journalist/self-proclaimed vox populi), whose main addition to the team will be perfect memory (with all its drawbacks) and ability to withstand a mixture of painkillers/adrenals that would kill a normal man. Am I stepping on someone toes?
Maybe its just because of that Nietzche citation or because this whole thing looks friggin awesome, but I am definitely interested.
The commissar carefully listened to every word that came out of his vox unit. It was a colonel of the 128th, translating commands from the lord general himself. His new orders didn´t pleased him, but they didn´t have. The colonel was a straight, honourable man and abandoning the 73rd wasn´t something would take lightly. But orders were orders. If the lord general want them to support Adeptus Astartes, they will do it without second thoughts.
The soldiers were already turning their way. Nobody seemed especially pleased that they were aiming directly into lion´s jaws, but it wasn´t their call to decide. "Some life into it!" the commissar shouted. "To help adeptus astartes is a honour!" He wasn´t really sure about his words. The 128th fought alongside space marines on two or three occasions and it always ended with terrifying causalities. Emperor´s chosen weren´t send just on any mission and if they required the help of mere men, the situation had to be exceptionally dire. Venetti longed for a way to show his regiment´s capabilities, but he didn´t want to lose all his man while doing it.
"Have you ever fought alongside the mighty warriors of astartes?" he asked his kasrkin companion.
Venetti was making his way through marching soldiers putting words of courage here and subtle warnings there. They will meet the enemy soon and soldiers knew it. Soon they will clash with crazy worshippers of foul powers and that was never an easy thing. The idea, that someone would willingly turn from the light of his immortal majesty Emperor, itself was filling Venneti with righteous hatred, but it was worse for his soldiers. Figthing xenos was easy. Primitive orks, treacherous eldars, insectoid tyranids... All of them were completely alien to the human and that made killing them easy.
But heretics were human like he was. They were workers from local manufactories, miners, accountants of adeptus administratum... They were people. And yet they willingly gave up their humanity, sold their souls to the arch-enemy. That was the thing that made fighting them so difficult, the distant possibility that soldiers could become the very same thing they fought. To Venetti was fear of becoming traitor completely incomprehensible, drill abbots at Schola took care of it, but he knew that some soldiers still saw human being even in heretics. He didn´t understand that, because what was a man without a light of Emperor guiding and protecting him, but he knew that some less zealous men feel it a little bit different. For this reason he was making especially sure that every man was ready to pull the trigger whenever they should engage the cultists.

Absorbed in his unpleasant thoughts, he almost didn´t notice the young woman in carapace armour approaching him. Venetti smiled encouragingly and greeted her with nod. She served in the 128th only a while, a couple of weeks at best, and most of the time was spend on the board of the spaceship, but Venetti already liked her. It wasn´t because she was a woman, although it was certainly a pleasant change of company in an exclusively male regiment. He liked because she was a soldier straight as nails, skilled and ambitious. At first, the commissar thought that a woman in regiment might cause some disciplinary problems, but so far nothing happened and even if something did, he was sure that she would easily took care of it.
"I don´t want to praise the day before evening, but so far, so good. Men are prepared and marching and morale is pleasantly high. I almost feel pity for any idiot who would dare to cross the 128th. How are you feeling? This will be your first fight in 128th if I am not mistaken. "
Venetti´s mind worked at full speed. The enemy was near and he could taste the battle in the air. Most of the Imperial Guard forces were already engaging an enemy and the hive resonated under massive artillery barrages. The 128th Cadian shock troops were marching through one of the already evacuated parts of the hive, trying to evade the bulk of enemy forces. Their march was a quiet one, every men silently preparing for the upcoming battle. The rest of the army was already shedding blood and soon it will be their turn to do same.
Although men of the 128th were all tough bastards, they were still a light infantry regiment and thus not very effective line soldiers. Ambushes and flanking attacks were their speciality, and now was just the time for an attack of this kind. 128th was tasked with flanking enemy positions and thus lifting some weight from the 73rd that was nearly overrun by the arch-enemy.

Commissar longed for this moment since first days on Kalvarstad and so were his men. Since their deployment on the planet, his regiment moved from one bloody skirmish with no strategic value to another and to Venetti , these skirmishes were just a waste of valuable manpower. The 128th was a renowned regiment and they surely deserved better than to die like a bunch of conscripts to slow the enemy down.
Now, they finally have their chance to participate in larger battle and even turn the tide of it. Commissar was more than just eager to show what is his regiment really made of. If they make it on time, of course.

The sector, they marched through now, was hit hard in the very beginning of the war and no stone has been left unturned. Half destroyed buildings and craters left by explosions were slowing their progress on each step. Soldiers were trying to march in a steady pace, but the rubble proved to be as sabotaging as any trap the enemy could set for them. The time was running out and the 73rd was waiting. They have to hurry up.
"Men of Cadia!" shouted the commissar to get an attention of soldiers. He was marching right in the middle of the army and thus sure he will be heard by the majority of regiment. He stopped and drew out his sword raising it above his head. It was a beautiful device, as much an art as a weapon, gifted to him after defeating an ork waaagh on the shrine world of Seefera and it somehow became a symbol of the 128th. Its energy field dimly glowed in the duskiness and soon, all the eyes were set on the commissar.
"Right now, in this very moment, your comrades are dying out there, while you are crawling through ruins like a bunch of cockroaches. You are their only hope, their only chance to beat the enemy forces and draw them back to their nests. And I am asking you, will you let them waiting?! Will you let their sacrifices to become pointless?! Will you let the heretics win?!" he asked them, his voice changing from calm to furious, and men soon responded in unisono. The thundering "No! No! No!" was their answer, and he could hear the anger and shame in their voices. A smile showed on Venetti´s lips. "Then prove it! Make your old commissar proud!"
His speech had a desirable effect and the regiment soon marched in renewed and much more sufficient speed. They still could move a little bit faster, but commissar was sure they will make it on time now. And when they do, The Emperor shows mercy, because they will have none.
We could use Chimera, it´s pretty common and it can carry up to six ogryns. I think it would be sufficient.
Thanks. When are we going to start? I can´t wait to shoot some heretics and I am bored by DoW.
Romance! I knew I have forgotten something... I quite like a romance between characters in RPs, it is a nice mean to add depth to them and their relationship.
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