Avatar of Sofaking Fancy
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 124 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Sofaking Fancy 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Phone tells me a joke: "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." I think I've been lied to about who is my real dad.
7 yrs ago
That awkward moment when you're playing Monster Hunter World, and you know that young you would have been sexually awoken by that Field Captain.
7 yrs ago
That awkward moment when you need a young person to explain a meme to you, and all you can do is shake your walker at them and scream "get off my lawn and stop explaining the I-TER-NETS to me!"
7 yrs ago
When you screw up a word so bad that even spell check is like: "I got nothing for yah, bro."


Hoot, hoot...
People words. People words. I'm definitely a person.

A person who roleplays bad boys with hearts made of cookie.
I also enjoy flying at night breathing.


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In all fairness, Stein had waited. He’d stood in that blasted courtyard longer than some of the others. First, he’d brushed his red hair from his brow, straightened up, and leaned his shoulders back to give the appearance of someone with a lot of self-worth. Yet, as time passed and snow started to accumulate on his “noble” form, he slouched. Slouching led to leaning on his staff, then just lead to him setting his pack down and using it as the lumpiest cushion one could imagine.

He probably would have not endured such rudeness on that part of the king or his court, but he really needed the money. Stein had forgotten what it had been like to be poor, to count his life worth’s in his palm. His life had been far too cushy in the Empire. So, when he fled, he kept living that life, and now he was broke. It didn’t hurt that he turned down jobs that he could handle—with ease—because of the lack of posterity surrounding them. He’d climbed up the cliff of riches and importance, and then hurled himself off of it, bouncing over every sharp rock or steep landing. He’d thought he’d found a handhold in the summons from the king. Yet, here he was, snow capping his head and sliding into the folds of his robe like some decrepit Father Winter.

“Alright,” he said, to himself. “My legs are numb, my feet sting, and I’ve been insulted for far too long.” He placed his hands on his knees and pushed himself up. It wasn’t as easy as it used to be. He was out of practice in most, if not all, physical endeavors. He readjusted himself, grabbing the pieces of fabric that crossed over his middle and pulling them up. They’d slid down the corpulent slope of his belly while he had sat. He drew in his coat, catching it on one of his scroll casings, and having to weasel it out of there. He then took to the task of brushing the snow from his shoulders and from his hair. No doubt it would melt and turn him into a soggy mess. More slight on his honor, he figured. He threw the pack over his shoulder and used his staff a bit like a walking stick—his legs aching after sitting for so long.

Finally defrosting enough to have a normal gait, Stein figured the best place for him was a tavern. If the king decided to pull his head from out of his ass to survey that he’d wasted much time rooting around in there, the easiest place to find his lost adventurers would be a tavern.

He slipped in to all sorts of people. Yet the voice that caught him most urgently was a one demanding a necromancer be removed. Stein hesitated. He approached the couple and turned his head towards the barkeep. “Do not evict her. I’ve hired her, and I have a bit of coin to spare to keep her around. We can both drink heavily.” He eyed the woman with a smile, sliding his own staff out of his pack. Magic users had to stick together, away from judgmental pricks that decided to call them out in the middle of a tavern. Even if they also displayed a paltry bit of magic themselves. He looked down at the necromancer, “I don’t have an endless funnel of money. So, I hope this works.”
I'm sorry, I've been overly busy. Work has escalated. I should have mentioned that before. But given the transition into the scene without my character, I'll just have them perish. Sorry, about the delay. Sorry about me not mentioning it. That's on me.
Right. The acceptance period was until the beginning of the next chapter, meaning I was leaving it open until then, because your character can't join until then. Though, you could have hit me up at any time about that. But, yeah, that's fine. I understand. Interest is withdrawn.

I'm moving this RP forward starting tomorrow, if you haven't posted--sorry, your character takes a hit. If you're waiting for someone to post, you shouldn't.

While I said there was a posting order, I guess I'll have to redefine those parameters so we don't have any stagnation moving forward.
Clyff pulled the exhausted clip from his gun and replaced it. His comms crackled as the turian leader asked for a call to action. “Ah, the ass to mouth maneuver. I can respect the surprise that one has.” He realized, belatedly, that that was very much an Alliance reference. He cleared his throat. “On it.” He stood out of his cover and saw the turian descend like an angel of terror and start to take Kett on with a calculated aggression. Clyff was very impressed.

He moved forward, hoping to assist in the turian’s death march up the back of the kett forces. Unfortunately, he was waylaid by a Chosen. He was able to avoid the creature’s blasts but was unable to pull his shotgun forward given that the creature was on him fast. He dropped the shotgun and quickly palmed his rifle—sending incendiary bullets into the other’s side.

It was then that Sabinus requested help. “On it,” he said, sheathing his rifle and picking his shotgun from the ground. It was then that he brought his omnitool to bear and ignited all his abilities—a flood of chemicals which led to a numbing, but powerful, focus shoot through him. He pushed forward. Four eyes was also helping their “ass to mouth” plan, and Clyff figured they’d be able to handle it. Unfortunately, Sabinus was using an Anointed as a meat shield. He fired his shotgun, and with the help of his abilities, the shots blasted through the midsection of a Chosen. The batarian then took the rest out, freeing Sabinus from his pinned position. The alien took to cover about the same time the last Anointed focused in on them. They were pinned.

Clyff, moving slower than the others, hadn’t been noticed by the Anointed yet. It angled its heavy weapon towards the turian and batarian. “Everyone stay down,” Clyff said through the comms, grabbing his proximity mine and hurling with all his augmented strength at the Anointed. Years of Frisbee golf apparently paid off as it stuck to the creature’s chest. He then brought his shotgun to bear and blasted it square in the chest—igniting the explosive. This knocked Clyff back, blowing through his shields. It was then that he felt an intense pressure in his left shoulder. The Anointed had managed to get a round off before blowing up into rather gruesome chunks of alien. With no shield, the bullets peppered his armor, but it found purchase in the less-armed shoulder joint. A vomit of blood shot out from the wound. Clyff couldn’t feel it, but he knew it was bad.

Fortunately, the explosion had unpinned the turian and the batarian, taking out the Anointed and any Chosen around him. Clyff dropped his shotgun as his wound started to pour blood. “How many points do I get for being the first one to get a rad-ass scar in Andromeda?”

It was then he was aware of the red of his blood weaving around the crevices of the red of his armor. “I can’t feel how bad this is. Stupid adrenaline. But fuck. I think I… fuck, fuck, fuck… he repeated ad nauseum.
*breathes deeply into the OOC*
*attempts not to die*

Morty sent me a message that Chapter 2 had opened up and that people were free to apply. So here I am. I also annoyed him for like two hours with character ideas. I'm a garbage person. I know.

Slowly constructing a CS. So, yes, my butt's going to be lurking around here for a while. Apologies.
A Bump for a Friend <3
This is not favoritism, she's a great RPer and makes fully fleshed out characters that are the furthest things from Mary Sues. 11/10
Discord is easier for me to access considering that RPG, for some weird reason, is blocked at my work (which I spend like 12 hours a day at).

Someone is super nerdy in IT and doesn't like to talk about it.
I’d actually be fine with you replacing it with a dispel sort of thing. The way I pictured it the Counter Spell would be used to just negate another’s spell entirely, and that didn’t gel with me super wel. But a dispel that dissipates negative magic effects would be perfectly fine in my book.

Oh yeah, that was on me then. The idea was negating negative magical effects as opposed to entirely nerfing someone's power is what I meant. But I noticed that it's already on Aeonumbera's character sheet, so no big! I don't want to replicate anything. Keep these mages as different and fresh as possible.

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