Avatar of Sol Grim


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The rest of the room became a blur in the background as the pirate focused on the one opponent before him, almost giving the man the full blame for everything that has just transpired. Dalious had already injured him during his first initial rage, though he quickly calmed down a beat and took a step back to display a fighting pose.

"You stand before the greatest pirate who's ever lived, Captain Dalious Durendail," he spoke, half swirling his blade while simultaneously half bowing. "Prepare to die!"

The assassin swung predictably as Dalious shifted quickly out of harm's way. Dalious then faked a lunge, side stepped, and stabbed his cutlass into the attacker's left ribcage. The assassin fell back momentarily in pain, pausing to check the wound. He was clearly in agony, yet still eager to fight on.

"I said, you stand before the greatest pirate of all the times!! Prepare to die!! On guard!!

They continued...
If there was one thing Dalious loved to see, it was a woman's breasts. However something felt different this time, whether it was the tone of the room or the out of place naked lady, something was off. It only fully hit Dalious when his companion shouted to get down, and if there was one thing he learned about Ashe it was that she didn't mess around for jokes or jests. Dalious hit the floor.

His ears rang as the blast destroyed everything around them, he could feel the potions in his satchel shatter on his hip as he hit the ground.

The room felt broken. The aroma from the broken potions fueled him to his feet, he felt invigorated. He felt...healthy again. And the first thing he noticed was his friends on the floor and a bunch of enemies closing in.

He quickly looked around the room, seeing everyone was split in half from the explosion, including his newly met friend Saben. Saben's guts had spilled out before the man, his corpse falling shortly near to the stage.

"Nooo!! Saben!" Dalious shouted in angst. The pirate rose to his feet in a rage. He looked towards the nearest assassin to him. "You!!....and me, right fucking now!". Dalious struck hard.

Dalious struck the assassin.
Dalious and Saben embraced once their set of music was over. Saben even squeezed Dalious' ass right before they parted, confusing the pirate. He just nodded with an uncomfortable smirk and then moved back to his crew who were back at the table.

Dalious flopped his coin purses down on the table, letting the crew see how well he has done. "Somebody stop me, I'm a coin making machine and.... don't deny how talented I am!!" he laughed as he spoke, pointing a finger at Ashe. Then he turned to Fyr. "...and seven hells that was impressive mate, you almost wooed me into buying you a drink!"

Dal grabbed the nearest pint and downed it in one go, plenty of the ale spilling to his collar and chest. When he looked back up to speak again he found himself speechless, as a bald woman had disrobed in front of him and everyone around. He was caught off guard by her nudity. He found himself frozen by her act as he could look at nothing more than her bare breasts. Boobs!!!!!!!!!

After Dalious and his new bard friend finished their collaboration the audience erupted in cheers and tossed bags of coins their way. The pirate felt like a famous musician for the moment, as to the likes of such of his heroes like Brogan the poet or Sambarg the sea shanty legend. The other bard noticed Ashe, who had stood amongst the crowd before them only to take one of their bag of coins. Before the bard could call at her like it seemed he was about to, Dalious stopped him.

"Apologies Saben, but that one is with me. She's just taking my share if you don't mind, forgive her rudeness, she wears the mask because she was burned and scarred in a fire of her own doing and has grown bitter for all things because of it. However her heart is true and she means well, she's just shy."

"Oh, the poor thing! She must have had a hard life...let me help you, you deserve it my new friend. Please, take half of these earnings. It's my pleasure."

Dalious bowed in appreciation as he gathered half the earnings and stuffed them into his pockets.

"Many thanks, say, shall we continue?"

Saben nodded, and started playing a new song. This time Dalious followed his leads and the music was of the local tone. They played and Dalious lost himself in the music, that was until a disruption seemed to occur within the tavern. It appeared Fyr had broken some guys arm in arm wrestling and the whole bar quieted in response including Saben and in turn himself. Everyone started chanting 'Griff'.

Dalious rose an eyebrow at the distraction as he paused playing the guitar. Fyr might be in trouble, the pirate put his hand on the sheath of his cutlass in the anticipation as the guy named Griff finally appeared. If anything he could dive in and murder at least this guy before they got to Fyr, but luckily Fyr seemed to talk his way out of the confrontation seamlessly. Afterward, Griff relaxed, as did everyone, and he even moved to the bar to buy Fyr a drink while tossing him and Saben more coin to continue playing. Dalious shrugged, and the music began again without issues.
Dalious ate his fair share of the roast beef, while drinking his ale in almost a single chug. It was damn good. He then sat back, full and content, listening to all Lapis had to say. He agreed with her and nodded to her when she was done speaking. "Fair is fair," he spoke. "I say yes to your proposals. However, though I am appreciative for this food and drink for my crew, I feel we must make it up to you on this very night. Therefore, let's make some coin...Ashe, there's a game of cards going on over there, let us....."

As he spoke and stood up, he found his focus and attention shifting to something completely different than was before. It was his ears and the sound of the room that had taken over him, the Bard's music was memorizing to the pirate. It zoned him in to where he couldn't hear his companions any longer even if they were talking to him. He didn't even realize that he left the group and shifted over to the musician.

The bard wore a long purple robe with a white turbon on his head. He played an acoustic guitar with his fingers only, his eyes closed as he finished a melody of perfection. The tone and sound was something Dalious had never heard before, however from watching his hands progress different chords on the instrument Dalious quickly learned how to play the song in his own head. When the bard finished he opened his eyes and saw Dalious standing before him.

"Scale of B, four timing, absolutely gold finger picking," Dalious said while applauding with the rest of the tavern.

"Indeed, do you play?" the musician asked, motioning toward another guitar set up against the wall nearby. "Please, join me my friend if you so desire."

"Oh no I couldn't possibly, we come from different cultures mate," Dalious was already walking toward the vacant guitar to pick it up.

"Then let us fool around and find out something new together," he started, while pulling up a chair for Dalious. "My name is Saben, welcome to the Sandy Oasis."

"Captain Dalious Durendail, a pleasure. Key of F sharp minor, watch me for the changes, up in pace and tone. I'll solo after your settled then I'll give it back on the next run. Let's jam."

Dalious finger strummed the first few chords, then started a fast clap to show Saben the tempo, which the expert musician got immediately as he showed by clapping along. Then they played together in perfect unison. It was on the spot, something no one from these parts had ever heard before.


Dalious choked when he heard that payment was needed. He just uncomfortably twitched and then passed the water jug on to Ashe. He assured himself it would all work out later, or they would quickly ditch these guys and run. Regardless, they needed to leave this place.

When Ashe stabbed him in his shoulder he raised his hands in a confused manner as if to say, the hell!??

"She's just that cranky sort...you look like a good lad," he spoke to Arthur. "Don't worry bout it, if you want it it's yours. For fun. Just don't become some psychopath reading it, oherwise I'll snatch it right back!". The boy reminded him of himself in a sense, as Dalious had started his journeys long ago as a ride along novice to a ship crew.


Dalious fell to sleep along the way and dreamt of horrible things. The faces of every single person he had killed were dominant in his nightmares, from the first person he killed to the latest.

He woke upon reaching the village they were travelling to and made a quick observation of his surroundings. The scenery was vastly different than he was used to, but more or less it all felt the same as every other place he had been.

"Lapis, we thank you for bringing us to safety," Dalious told her as he stretched. "Can I buy you a drink? Oh wait, that's right, I'm broke...and we owe you coin anyway. And also we're still covered in dry blood and guts. Damns we really should have planned all this out better on the way. Ashe, buy Lapis a drink for me...and then buy me a drink too...that mask you're wearing should sell for enough right? Right! Let's go."


Dalious' mouth dropped open in shock as Ashe yelled at him for not informing her of Cicero and Gwyns secret. After all, he had only just met the woman a very short time ago. He literally knew nothing about her other than the fact that she could kill well, which was oddly enough. Still, he had been with his fair share of women long enough to know which battles to avoid. If it wasn't clear this was one of them from the beginning, her holding out her blade made it clear as a crystal.

"Probably not the best time to tell her I'm wanted in three different kingdoms," Dalious whispered toward Fyr. "...possibly four."

Even with the short time span that he knew this company, it somehow felt like they all knew each other much longer. Killing together did that sort of thing sometimes, especially killing well together. This world was nothing more than just kings and killers anyway.

This was a new chapter's beginning in the pirates mind. Before he was just a survivor, a ruthless hooligan that did what was necessary for himself. Things were different now after seeing that demon lord try to enter this realm. The stakes were higher. They had to somehow bring Cicero and Gwyn back and stop this evil from coming. They were to be...heroes. The thought gave Dalious a smirk as he decided to obey Ashe's command.

He pulled out his metal spear and slowly made his way by Ashe, heading toward the rear of the incoming caravan. "I was going to give you this spear, but now I'm keeping it!" he said to her as he passed by.

There was just a woman, local to Roh by the look of her, and a kid in the back. Seemed to be a normal travelling caravan by all accounts. Dalious waved them in as he peered inside from the back.

"Hello friends, you've seemed to answer our prayers,"he spoke loudly for all to hear. "We are in dire need of assistance, as none of us are quite from these parts. A ride and some food, water if you can spare it? Perhaps you could take us to a safe place for a rest? We are heroes, you see, and we've just liberated that slave camp over there. It's what we do, save the innocents and what not. It's our journey, our quest...our duty. Unless of course you work with the slavers, then we'll have to kill you both and take all of your shit."

Dalious jumped in the back with the kid and started immediately rummaging through their things. "I'm just kidding lad, I'd only kill you 'cause I don't kill women...except Ashe might kill her so...nevermind. You look like a reader, you like books? Here, knock yourself out." Dalious tossed the ghastly man's journal in the boy's lap for him to keep. "Fyr!! Come on mate, get on the camel and lets go!"

Dalious walked side by side to Fyr as they followed Ashe out of the caves. They were both covered in blood and walking at a somewhat frantic pace.

"It is a fantastic looking axe, by the way," Dal said, admiring the design of Fyr's weapon as they walked. He observed the potions he took from the ghastly man's corpse not knowing what either of them were, then quickly skimmed through the dead man's journal briefly only seeing a bunch of nonsense in writings. "Hmmm, no pictures. The hell is the point then!?Dalious put it all away again back into his satchel.

When they approached Ashe, she had taken a pause and began asking the book Gwynaria had dropped a question. To Dalious' surprise, a magical avatar formed from the pages and started to answer her. Dalious raised a brow as he listened to the avatar of Gwenaria speak. It clearly explained the story of Cicero and Gwen's problems, but more importantly to the pirate it said that it could answer only things that the real Gwenaria knew.

"Ok we clearly need to ask it questions as if it were Gwenaria, and so forth it shall speak her truth!" Dal spoke. "So book, what truly does Gwyn think about my singing voice?? She's never answered me outright and honestly I think she's avoiding me when I ask her."

His gaze shifted as he spoke, noticing a caravan of travellers approaching them in the distance. He put his hand to his blade, using his free arm to nudge Fyr.
Dalious quickly grabbed the rest of his gear from the dead demonfolk guard that stole it. Everything seemed to be in order; his blue tunic, his boarding axe, crossbow and quiver of bolts, satchel with potions, bandolier with his throwing knives, belt and sheath, and his flask which was unfortunately emptied. Lastly he put on his sand colored hoodie and pulled the hood over his bloodied face.

"Right, let's go."

As he started out he saw the ghastly man's dead corpse under Ashevelen's blade, it reminded him that the man might have had something important. Dalious quickly searched the corpse to find some potions and a journal, putting them in his satchel for a later look.

He then ran up to catch up with the others as they were leaving.

Dalious had his back toward the portal for most of what happened. He was too busy defending off the demonfolk guards that swung and stabbed their weapons at him.

Everyone seemed to pause slightly as the smoke demon poured through the portal though, and he even looked back just momentarily to see that Gwyn was about to brighten the room with her magic once more. Dalious shielded his eyes briefly, then made his move once the guards fell for the blinding light yet again. Too easy.

The pirate rushed forward, almost simultaneously hacking the throats out of two parallel guards with quick slashes from his blade. He ran through and now positioned his back on the other side of everyone. He saw the book Gwynaria had dropped as the portal sucked them all in and then disappeared. 'What did she mean? Were they...dead?'. There wasn't much time to think further on the matter as they were still outnumbered seven to three.

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