Avatar of Solace


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Current I love sixteen hour flights
8 yrs ago
Birthday, officially twenty years old today! yikes
8 yrs ago
Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy the time with your families, and stay safe on your travels!
9 yrs ago
It's my birthday! Another year towards twenty, woooooo
9 yrs ago
For whoever comes to read this, continue being awesome. I'm rooting for you.


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It'll happen when it happens.
and there ya go
Sonya Dmitriev... so that's who their tutor is, huh.

Michael had eyed the redhead woman with interest momentarily as she began to split up the candidates into their search parties, warning them about the consequences of failing to find the crowd that the Mist kid warped. He admired the way that she seemed to dictate with an iron fist, though the praise fell short as it failed to phase him to say the least. Being under this fake identity and guise started to make him feel embarrassed since he had to portray emotions and say things that he would otherwise never display, and it was an agonizing feeling.

Michael trembled slightly as Sonya finished, gripping the side of his shorts. "Did she just jump down from a rooftop?" his finger pointed towards one of the buildings and trailed down to the woman's feet, blinking in surprise. Though, before anyone could answer him, she dismissed the candidates to their task while entrusting two of them to guide him and the other girl to wherever they were going. Whatever, at least I know where these runts are located, now.

"Wait!" Daisuke rang out in English just as Michael began to step towards Artemis and Prospero, stopping him. The boy dug into his pockets and reached for something, sighing as he pulled out a handful of nothing. "Okay, I don't have a pen or anything, but..." he scratched his head, pointing towards a seemingly random direction. Michael nodded in understanding as the boy gave him his address out loud, seeing Daisuke scuttle off towards Cyril and Abigail with a hand waving in front of him.

Well, speak of the devil. If these people live really close to one another, this will be one hell of an easy job.

"Sorry, I had to talk to him for a second," Michael referred to Daisuke as he trotted up to the pair that was to guide them throughout the town or city, give or take. "A little too energetic, but he's pretty cool and friendly," he lied, a bright smile on his face. "Where to, now?"
"I'm coming!" Daisuke shouted as he ran after Cyril and Abby, who were already a ways down the street. He loved meeting new people and enjoying new experiences, but challenges like the one that the scary woman had just tasked them with made him a bit daunted and frustrated. He was never one for complicated puzzles, but this should have been relatively straightforward; just like a simple game of hide and go find the Italian people, right?

"Hmm, to start off..." Daisuke mumbled when he finally joined up with the two, putting on the look of a detective as he scanned their surroundings carefully. Easily one of the most serious expressions that anyone could have seen on his face, the mind of the Japanese boy began to process a million thoughts as all of the tactical deductions and theoretical explanations pieced together, finalizing the production of a viable solution as Daisuke delivered it to his brothers in arms. "I don't know."
I've got all of today, so I'll be able to do something. I got dis mayne
Granted we're on the first arc, there really isn't much to do other than set things in motion for the things to come. I mean, I'm glad we didn't rush through everything since the time I've had to think about stuff has been pretty beneficial in making things (hopefully) interesting, but there just really isn't much to the first arc because like the anime it's just slow and there to establish things (as well as random shenanigans), which is still important to some extent. It'll end soon, though. It's just taking too long at this rate, because five months for this type of arc is not how it should be.

As for the dedicated players part, yeah I guess. I'm glad to know that you and Rain are Nala's friends and therefore are reliable enough.

I used to play DOTA a lot two years back, but I got extremely bored and tired of angry Russians yelling at me on DOTA 2. I only started playing League again because my cousin wanted someone with MOBA experience on his team, and so far it's been.. bleh. The community is still garbage as always.
Whatever you want, it's up to you how Sonya will tutor them. :p
I just know that Daisuke will deliberately make it his life goal to hang out with everyone, regardless.
I mean, granted that the Vongola are inclined towards helping the people, and that nobody should be suspecting anything of Michael because nobody is a gypsy, getting rid of him shouldn't necessarily be in the minds of anyone since all he really is, is an average person in the eyes of everyone right now. Just to let everyone know, metagaming is not allowed here.

I have emphasized the fact that he arrived after Prospero made everyone except for those involved in the mafia disappear multiple times. With that knowledge in mind, trying to make him disappear and discovering that he is a mafioso because he didn't disappear after doing it the first initial time should not happen. The same goes with the whole suspicion factor in place already. Should not be present.

The only characters who knows exactly who Michael is, is Hajime, and maybe Cyril. Sonya might have an idea since she is actually involved with the mafia, but I won't spill the beans myself.

As of right now, we just need to move forward. We're moving at a speed comparable to that of a turtle racing against a rabbit, and it's been nearly five months and we're still doing stuff in the first arc when I've got like ten times more planned out. That's how slow we're going; I've been able to come up with ten times more stuff. That's not good, to say the least, and I'm not keen on continuing if that's how it stays.

I don't really think I've been serious enough to be a GM so I've got to step up a little in that area in being more serious.
Other than that, I hate League of Legends.
Since his country of origin is America, there is a high chance that he would know English.
"Okay, what the fu-" Michael began to freak out in English over the appearance of the midget and other kid, both of whom he recognized. Though the Sky candidate did not truly grab too much of his attention due to the fact that the soccer head was painfully average and nothing special, seeing the magician kid after his father kicked the bucket was about just as much excitement as watching paint dry. He always hated illusionists and their cheap tricks; then again, weaklings who didn't know how to truly fight resorted to said cheap tricks. They lacked the strength to fight with their own hands.

Michael fell back and pointed to Prospero, gasping as he exclaimed in Italian, "What are you talking about didn't work?! You and him just appeared out of nowhere!" Both of his hands ran through his hair, now messy from the previous acts of ruffling. "Does that mean you're an actual assassin?! I thought it was some game!"
Daisuke had been about to hop off of the stage when Jak stopped him and said that they would have each others' backs, followed by the offer of a pinky promise. "Sure!" His face lit up and he extended his own to seal the deal, though his response fell short when Naoto and the magician returned. He was happy, though, and it was able to at least restore his smile. He raced off the stage and his eyes trailed up and down the body of the boss, checking to see if he was injured.

"I'm so glad you're safe!" Daisuke said, his arms wrapping around Naoto for a quick hug before he walked over to Michael, who was paralyzed in disbelief on the floor. The boy grabbed Michael's pointed finger and tried to pull him back to his feet, though Michael was much heavier than he thought. Jeez, does this guy lift pineapples?! he thought as he continued to try with as much strength as he could muster, to no avail. His hands soon slipped from around Michael's finger, and he stumbled back.

Daisuke was quick to answer Michael's allegations and the magician's confusion about Michael. "No, no, no!" he waved his hands up and down, a nervous smile on his face. "This is my American friend, Michael! He came here a few minutes after you poofed everyone and he's lost right now!"

"Who are they, then?" Michael replied, tilting his head.

"He's the boss of the game we're playing," Daisuke pointed to Naoto, with Michael seemingly unconvinced. "Then, this is the magician that poofed everyone..." he slowly turned towards Prospero, his expression now filled with enthusiasm as his explanation quickly changed to the plea of a diehard fan. "And I am your biggest fan! Can I have your autograph?"

This kid is really annoying...

Michael sighed, standing back up. And I have to stay at one of their houses, as well... and this kid seems to be the only one with the least amount of suspicion... just fucking great. "I'm so lost on this whole ordeal," he shook his head and spoke in English towards Artemis and Abby, frowning as they were the only other two who seemed to understand English around these parts. Damn that Vongola rat for making me stick to his plan and having to wait it out until the 'time is right' - I could've killed them all right here where they're all gathered together. "At this rate, I don't think I'll ever find my way through this town."
I'll have a post up eventually tonight, or sometime tomorrow. Internet is wonky here at my cousin's house, and I've already lost two drafts because of it ._.
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