Avatar of Solace


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I love sixteen hour flights
8 yrs ago
Birthday, officially twenty years old today! yikes
8 yrs ago
Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy the time with your families, and stay safe on your travels!
9 yrs ago
It's my birthday! Another year towards twenty, woooooo
9 yrs ago
For whoever comes to read this, continue being awesome. I'm rooting for you.


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Most Recent Posts

TwilightDragon said And I love Le even though he rips my heart out of my chest every time a new plot arises. ;w;

I'm the victim here. What a liar.

Everyone that's here and now is cool. About like, I'd say, 98% of the rest of the site's membership is what makes up for a good bit of my distaste for the general public.
I'll have a post up tonight. If not, tomorrow. I'm a little preoccupied at the moment, and I have to watch the President's speech at 9PM later for homework.
It's safe to say that I basically hate everyone else on this site other than you guys

Okay I sleep now bye
I like to toy with emotions.

I guess I'm up to post
I will do that tomorrow
I have to sleep for school
I hate life
I mean, it's not extremely bad, but it personally irks me a bit when it's done in my thread. It just makes me paranoid that there is no interest here since that's how it always was every other time that it happened back on Old Guild.
I'm just gonna be that person and ask for no advertisement of another roleplay in my OOC. It's like a smack in the face to me as the GM ._.


Don't ask when but this is supposedly part of the RP playlist and will be played for somethings.

I am cool.
I'm out of school now haha

Hajime is an asshat
Hajime was not sure on how to feel about Tsuna's mediation on the incident last night. He had made an emergency return to the Iron Fort upon the severity of the urgent news delivered by the desperate Storm candidate, and after spending the night in his personal quarters, he had sought an improptu audience with whoever was available from the tenth generation.

In attendance had been Stupidera, Lambo, Hibari, and of course, Tsuna himself -- it was an understatement to say when Hajime saw that all of them were not in the best condition to meet. The unknown sickness, which was sweeping through the tenth generation guardians, was truly disturbing; ever since the mysterious diagnosis not too long ago, all of them had already appeared as if they had aged significantly, their youthful appearances already deteriorating. It broke his heart to watch all of his childhood friends slowly rot because of it, and he wished that he could simply rid of the candidate selection process so that he could search for a remedy to save their lives.

"Damn it," Hajime sighed frustratingly as he balled up a fist at his side, infuriated about the situation as he walked down the street with his face underneath his iconic hat. He raised his hand slightly up to his eyes to read the glowing screen of his 'watch', which he had decided to replace his old phone from his teenage years with. It was one of those 'smart' devices that 'revolutionized' the world, but the man saw the 'innovation' as unconventional and unecessary. Watches had been invented for, well, reading the time, not to act as a phone, and those 'smart' phones were even more ridiculous. Cell phones are used to contact people, not for playing games. The world was filled with technology these days, but too much - someday, those machines would be turned against them. He just knew it.

Hajime glared down at the screen of the odd watch, attempting to understand its awkward processes. An experiment from the Bovino Famiglia, it was the only unit of its current existence - according to Tsuna, it had been developed much further than that of the 'smart watch' which was readily available to the public, and it was made specifically for his use. Now, if it can actually work... He used his finger to swipe around the numerous available options on the watch, passing through an application which was a database of all the mafioso in the world, and was finally able to locate Sonya. This would have been much simpler if I had my old phone. He quickly typed a message telling her to gather the candidates and head to his residence in Trespiano, citing the importance of the meeting and her presence.


Moments after, Daisuke burst out of the bathroom and, upon smelling the cooking of the waffles, sprinted past Cyril and started down the stairs. Halfway down, he tripped over a rogue slipper and screamed as he crashed towards the bottom of the steps, landing atop of the sleeping Artemis. "I'M SO HUNGRY!" he cried out as he rolled over to the side and gently hit the wall head-on, rubbing his stomach. "C'mon friend," his arm rose as if it were a zombie's hand splitting the earth to free itself from its grave, patting Artemis without moving. "We gotta get the big cakes, mannnn..." As he kept urging her to wake up, he rolled onto his back and froze upon seeing where his hand had been.

Daisuke's face went through multiple shades of red as he screamed and quickly got back up to his feet, running away frantically. "I touched her butt!" he shouted rather loudly and entered the kitchen with his arms over his head. Though, the knob on the entrance began to turn, and the door swung open.

"Hi Dad."

Daisuke's moment of hyperactivity suddenly came to a stop as his arms quickly returned to his sides and he stared blankly at his father, who had returned home. Hajime took off his hat and threw it onto the couch, removing his shoes and stopping as he saw Artemis on the ground. Not saying a word, he blinked past the sleeping girl as he walked into the kitchen and yawned, smiling.

"You sleep well?" Hajime asked as he stopped in front of Daisuke.

The boy appeared surprised as he refrained from looking his father in the eye, looking off to the side. "I- yeah, I-"

"Of course," Ottavio's voice said from behind Daisuke as he looked back and at his caretaker, who returned his father's smile. It was then that Daisuke realized that Hajime had asked her, not him. "How'd it go?"

Walking past Daisuke, Hajime took a seat at the head of the table, and sighed. "I've called for Sonya to bring the rest of the candidates here so I can explain the situation. I'll speak of it when they arrive, but it's important..."
Ohayou gozaimasu~

not even morning

I'll post today. Now is when things can really pick up. :D
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